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本文([考研类试卷]2012年南开大学英语专业(基础英语)真题试卷(无答案).doc)为本站会员(eventdump275)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2012 年南开大学英语专业(基础英语)真题试卷(无答案)一、选词填空0 Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary. Each word can be used only once. 1 Her parents left her nothing but a_old farmhouse.2 Police are keeping the area under constant_.3 The administration is still_over the Health Care issue

2、.4 _sometimes occurs in politics.5 A man was_around outside the shop.6 Lucy had always_after a place of her own.7 Nothing could_the indignity of being publicly criticized.8 We_all products tested on animals.9 Scientists are hoping to find_evidence to confirm their theories.10 What he enjoys most in

3、life is delicious food, and he is regarded as a_.11 When colors are_, they become affected in hue.12 The old man was_passers-by for money.13 His ambition was_when he won the first prize.14 The love of poetry was_in him by her teaching.15 You need_ to be a long-distance runner.16 The money was given

4、to us by deed of_.17 The House Judiciary Committee voted that the President should be_.18 They_their pocket-money away on sweets.19 Students should know the_of our country, including the system of rivers, mountains, etc.20 A dealer came to_the furniture.二、完形填空20 Culture is activity of thought and re

5、ceptiveness to beauty and humane feeling. 【C1】 _of information have nothing to do with it. A merely well-informed man is the most useless 【C2】_on Gods earth. What we should aim at producing is men who possess both culture and expert knowledge in some special direction. Their expert knowledge will gi

6、ve them the ground to start【C3 】_, and their culture will lead them as deep as philosophy and as high as 【C4】_. We have to remember that the valuable intellectual development is self-development, and that it【C5】_takes place between that ages of sixteen and thirty. As to training, the most important

7、part is given by mothers before the age of twelve.In training a child to activity of thought, above all things we must beware of what I will call “inert ideas“that is to say, ideas that are merely【C6】_into the mind without being utilized, or tested , or thrown into fresh combinations. In the history

8、 of education, the most【C7 】 _phenomenon is that schools of learning, which at one epoch are alive with a craze for genius, in a succeeding generation exhibit merely pedantry and routine. The reason is that they are overladen with inert ideas. Except at【C8】_intervals of intellectual motivation, educ

9、ation in the past has been radically【C9】_with inert ideas. That is the reason why uneducated clever women, who have seen much of the world, are in middle life so much the most cultured part of the community. They have been saved from this horrible burden of inert ideas. Every intellectual revolution

10、 which has ever stirred humanity【C10】_greatness has been a passionate protest against inert ideas.21 【C1 】(A)Chips(B) Scraps(C) Fractions(D)Plates22 【C2 】(A)bore(B) irony(C) snob(D)gut23 【C3 】(A)with(B) from(C) into(D)beyond24 【C4 】(A)zoom(B) art(C) rap(D)poll25 【C5 】(A)mostly(B) randomly(C) seldom(

11、D)regularly26 【C6 】(A)contained(B) received(C) squeezed(D)embedded27 【C7 】(A)integral(B) classical(C) obscure(D)striking28 【C8 】(A)rare(B) minor(C) scarce(D)regular29 【C9 】(A)infected(B) influenced(C) instructed(D)endowed30 【C10 】(A)off(B) on(C) into(D)with三、阅读理解30 The computer industry must overcom

12、e a variety of economic, technical, and organizational challenges before green design can become commonplace. For example, Compaqs Rosenberg said, his company has learned that green engineering is a management issue, as well as a technical issue, and that environmental goals must be supported by a c

13、ompanys entire culture to be effective. Often, he said, that isnt the case, but market conditions may force many companies to change. Meanwhile, manufacturers will have to spend time and money to retrain designers, engineers, and assembly workers to perform environmentally friendly computer design a

14、nd manufacturing. However, the impact might be mitigated somewhat because computer companies generally provide employees with regular retraining anyway to keep up with other new design and manufacturing practices.Since some production processes would have to change to accommodate environmentally fri

15、endly computer design, manufacturers who are not already building new plants would have to spend time and money retooling their existing facilities. However, companies could recover their expenses in a few years from reduced expenditures on materials, energy and waste disposal, said Amory Lovins, fo

16、under and director of the Rocky Mountain Institute, an environmental think tank. One of the most promising “green“ techniques, demanufacturing, currently faces a variety of problems that make it impractical on a large scale in many cases. For example, the cost of labor required to disassemble, sort,

17、 and transport recovered components can exceed the price of simple purchasing new components. Researchers are looking for ways to overcome this problem.Finally, to address environmental concerns effectively, manufacturers will need new design processes. Several companies have begun unveiling the typ

18、e of software tools that could meet this need. For example, EcoBoardjointly developed by Mentor Graphics and Science Applications Internationallets designers of printed circuit boards address cost, performance, and environmental requirements when deciding which materials, parts, and processes to use

19、. In addition, Apple Computer is developing a database management tool, the Apple Product Environmental Specification, which helps its staff design, buy, and manage products based on the companys environmental policies.Dataquests Reynolds doesnt see strong demand for environmentally friendly compute

20、rs from individual or business consumers yet. He said the biggest demand at first will be from manufacturers who decide that green design will provide them with economic, marketing, or regulatory advantages. He expected that green design will gradually and quietly become common over the next five ye

21、ars. The Giga Information Groups Enderle said, “ As the customers who specify green PCs become a larger market segment, companies that dont make them will find themselves at a growing strategic disadvantage. “ Therefore, he predicted, environmentally friendly computer design will “permeate the indus

22、try over the next two years. “31 It can be inferred in the text that “demanufacturing“ includes_.(A)disassembling recovered components(B) sorting recovered components(C) transporting recovered components(D)all of the above32 According to Amory Lovins, the benefit for manufacturers from the changes i

23、n some production process is_.(A)reducing expenditure on material, energy and waste disposal in a few years(B) accommodating environmentally friendly computer design(C) spending money retooling their existing facilities(D)not to build new plants33 The word “ them“ in the sentence “ As the customers

24、who specify green PCs become a larger market segment, companies that dont make them will find themselves at a growing strategic disadvantage“ refers to_.(A)green PCs(B) companies(C) market segments(D)customers34 Which of the following is NOT true?(A)Manufacturers will invest in changing some product

25、ion processes.(B) Manufacturers will need environmentally friendly computers badly.(C) Environmentally friendly computers will go into different parts of the industry.(D)Some manufacturers hesitate to invest in green design because their expenditure on material will be increased.35 The text can be t

26、itled_.(A)Environmental Production(B) Benefit from Green Design(C) Obstacles to Green Design(D)Production Process with Green Design35 Editors of the worlds leading scientific journals announced Saturday they would delete details from published studies that might help terrorists make biological weapo

27、ns. The editors, joined by several prominent scientists, said they would not censor scientific data or adopt a top-secret classification system similar to that used by the military and government intelligence agencies. But they said scientists working in the post-Sept. 11 world must face the dismayi

28、ng paradox that many of their impressive breakthroughs can be used for sinister purposes.The new editing methods will be voluntary and will differ among the 32 publications and scientific associations that agreed to the effort. Those include the journals Science, Nature, Proceedings of the National

29、Academies of Science, The New England Journal of Medicine and The Lancet. Most major advancementsfrom decoding the human genome to the cloning of Dolly the sheepare revealed to the world through those journals.The new policy emerged from a Jan. 9 meeting at the National Academy of Sciences where res

30、earchers and journal editors reviewed potentially sensitive studies. They unveiled their agreement at the national meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Proponents acknowledged they are walking a “ very fine line“ in trying to protect the public without chilling researc

31、h. Few, if any, of the thousands of research papers reviewed annually for publication would be rejected outright, they said. Papers would still contain sufficient details to allow other scientists to independently duplicate experimentsa vital step in validation discoveries.“ We do live in different

32、times now, “ said Ronald Atlas, president of the American Society of Microbiology and a leader of the biosecurity review movement. “The information we possess has the potential for misuse. We will take the appropriate steps to protect the public. “ Indeed, it has never been easier to tweak a microbe

33、s genes to create a deadlier, drug-resistant superbug for a germ bomb or hijack aerosol technology meant for convenient spray vaccines to make anthrax spores float through the air. Journal editors said they were establishing their own expert panels to review papers that contain alarming information,

34、 and would work with the authors to make specific changes and “tone them down. “Most journals rarely face such questions. Atlas said journals published by the microbiology association found only two research papers in that past year that raised eyebrows, and both were published after the authors agr

35、eed to changes.One of the excised details demonstrated how a microbe could be modified so it could kill 1 million people instead of 10, 000. “It was something that was best not told, “ Atlas said. He declined to identify the microbe.36 Science journals editors decide to revise some research papers b

36、efore publication because_.(A)some achievements in science can be used for ill purposes(B) these papers are not qualified(C) there are some unacceptable beliefs in these papers(D)they are required to do so by the public37 According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned?(A)Many publ

37、ications and scientific associations will take new measures in editing.(B) It is not easy to both protect the public and encourage scientific research.(C) Journal editors are trying to prevent the information in research papers from being misused.(D)Most research papers have to be changed and reduce

38、 the potential dangers, especially before publication.38 It can be inferred that journal editors are trying to_.(A)publish advancements in biology(B) protect the information in scientific publications(C) alarm their readers(D)warn readers of the danger of biological weapons39 The phrase “raised eyeb

39、rows“ in Paragraph 5 most probably means_.(A)caused worries(B) caused annoyance(C) caused surprise(D)caused disappointment40 The major concern of this text is_.(A)Science Journals to Withhold Bio-terror Data(B) Advancements in Biological Research(C) Threats from Biological Weapons(D)Editing Methods

40、of World-leading Journals40 When successful corporate executives are asked how they got where they are, a common answer is, “I was luckyI was in the right place at the right time“ or, “I was working with someone who took me under his wing. “No question, luck always plays a role. But “ fortune favors

41、 the prepared mind. “ Corporate climbers most likely to succeed make the best use of their brains and personality.For most of the 20th century, intelligence meant IQ, measured by tests that focused on memory, logic, and analysis. However, the work of some psychologists describes other kinds of intel

42、ligence. Goleman popularized the concept of emotional intelligence as having to do with self-control, self understanding and empathy. Sternberg contrasted analytic intelligence with practical intelligence or street smarts and creative intelligence which includes imagination and aesthetic sensibility

43、.Analytic intelligencethe kind that gets you high scores on the SAT or graduate record exam used to be the major ticket to higher education and the academic credentials essential to getting hired and moving up in a company. Of course, street smarts were always useful for knowing who to trust and who

44、m to follow.But as companies put a higher value on teamwork and customer relationships, interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence become more important. As the market demands continual innovation, creative intelligenceimagination and design capabilitymakes a difference.Besides, you need to hav

45、e the brains that make you an effective leader: strategic intelligence. Strategic intelligence combines aspects of analytic, practical and creative intelligence. It includes the ability to see future trends, the ability of systems thinking, to view parts in relation to the whole, focusing on how par

46、ts interact and evaluating them in relation to how well they serve the systems purpose, the ability to design an organization as a social system, and the ability to motivate people to power that organization. Strategic intelligence, especially systems thinking, is in much shorter supply than the oth

47、er kinds of intelligence.Good leadership today requires all of these intellectual capabilities. But it is one thing to know whats right, its another to take risks or do what is right even when there is no guarantee of success.41 What would be the best title for the passage?(A)The Elements of Intelli

48、gence.(B) Strategic Intelligence Counts.(C) Only the Brainiest Succeed.(D)Systems Thinking Is in Shorter Supply.42 What does “took me under his wing“(Para. 1)probably mean?(A)Advised me to follow his way.(B) Gave me help, support and protection.(C) Asked me wait for the most appropriate opportunity.

49、(D)Offered me a good position.43 Which of the following statement is TRUE?(A)Analytic intelligence is not necessary in ones success any more.(B) Systems thinking means to foresee the trends by viewing factors in the present.(C) Emotional intelligence involves elements like imagination and design capability.(D)Evaluating the value of the parts in relation to how well they s

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