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本文([考研类试卷]2012年在职艺术硕士(MFA)全国联考真题试卷及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(王申宇)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2012 年在职艺术硕士(MFA )全国联考真题试卷及答案与解析一、单项选择填空题1 包豪斯设计思想的影响始于( )。(A)19 世纪 20 年代(B) 19 世纪 50 F 代(C) 20 世纪 20 F 代(D)20 世纪 50 F 代2 设计就是一种( ) 的设计。(A)评价方式(B)理解方式(C)感受方式(D)生活方式3 产品造型设计应注重( )。(A)形态练习(B)形式意味(C)外部起伏(D)表面形式4 仰韶文化与龙山文化的典型代表是( )。(A)彩陶与黑陶(B)灰陶与印纹陶(C)釉陶与红陶(D)土陶与白陶5 设计程序是指产品设计的( )。(A)过程与次序(B)程度与方式(C)周期与

2、阶段(D)法则与限制6 ( )年欧阳予倩等人在日本东京成立了戏剧团体春柳社。(A)1906(B) 1907(C) 1908 (D)19097 ( )是一部充满象征诗意和内在戏剧张力的现实主义戏剧杰作。(A)雷雨(B) 日出(C) 北京人(D)袁野8 王利发是老舍戏剧作品( )中的主人公。(A)茶馆(B) 龙须沟(C) 方珍珠(D)女店员9 戴爱莲是我国著名的舞蹈表演艺术家、教育家,( )是其代表作。(A)梅花操(B) 思乡曲(C) 丹凤朝阳(D)潇湘水云10 “盅碗舞”是具有( ) 民族风格的舞蹈。(A)藏族(B)维吾尔族(C)土家族(D)蒙古族11 早期由吴晓邦先生从日本引进中国的现代舞,被

3、称为( )。(A)“当代舞蹈 ”(B) “新舞蹈”(C) “新概念舞蹈”(D)“创新舞蹈 ”12 话剧屈原是( ) 的戏剧作品。(A)陈白尘(B)郭沫若(C)阳翰笙(D)夏衍13 夏衍的( ) 揭示了日寇占领上海后“ 孤岛”上小市民的生活状况。(A)赛金花(B) 秋瑾传(C) 上海屋檐下(D)法西斯细菌14 ( )是田汉 名优之死剧中的人物。(A)左宝奎(B)鲁贵(C)宋玉(D)仇虎15 一般公认的新中国电影诞生的标志影片是( )。(A)林家铺子(B) 我这一辈子(C) 定军山(D)桥16 1913 年出现的第一部中国故事短片是( )。(A)难夫难妻(B) 神女(C) 孤儿救主记(D)劳工之爱

4、情17 故事影片金陵十三钗的导演是( )。(A)陈凯歌(B)冯小刚(C)张艺谋(D)宁浩18 20 世纪 40 年代中国史诗风格的代表影片是( )。(A)白毛女(B) 一江春水向东流(C) 城南旧事(D)甲方乙方19 芭蕾舞剧春之祭、火鸟的曲作者是俄罗斯作曲家( )。(A)格林卡(B)柴可夫斯基(C)拉赫玛尼诺夫(D)斯特拉文斯基20 儿童歌舞可怜的秋香的作者是( )。(A)刘天华(B)聂耳(C)黎锦晖(D)马思臆21 刘宝全、骆玉笙是( )的名家。(A)苏州弹词(B)京韵大鼓(C)越剧(D)婺剧22 协奏曲产生于( ) ,18 世纪前后常见的协奏曲有大协奏曲和独奏协奏曲。(A)德国(B)英国

5、(C)奥地利(D)意大利23 歌剧尼伯龙根指环的作者是( )。(A)李斯特(B)肖邦(C)瓦格纳(D)巴赫24 由( ) 表演的作品 水,表现了傣族舞蹈的风格和清澈、清纯之美。(A)刀美兰(B)杨丽萍(C)赵湘(D)杨桂珍25 玛丽.塔利奥尼于 19 世纪第一次在巴黎歌剧院用脚尖技术表演了( )的芭蕾舞作品,为芭蕾艺术注人了新的生命。(A)小夜曲(B) 希尔薇娅(C) 仙女(D)仲夏夜之梦26 电视是艺术与现代科学技术相结合的产物。数字化多媒体制作始于( )年代。(A)2010(B) 2000(C) 1990 (D)198027 ( )属于重大革命历史题材的电视连续剧。(A)闯关东(B) 大宅

6、门(C) 渴望(D)长征28 电视纪录片也可以采用( )手法。(A)人物夸张(B)情景再现(C)情节虚构(D)程式表演29 ( )属于戏曲电视剧。(A)梅兰芳(B) 戏比天大(C) 武则天(D)孔乙己30 电视节目有诸多环节,其中( )不属于创作流程。(A)广告(B)拍摄(C)合成(D)策划31 “电视空间 ”所表现的是屏幕制造的空间图像,实际上属于( )。(A)抽象空间(B)三度空间(C)现实空间(D)二度空间32 李三娘是( ) 中的人物。(A)荆钗记(B) 白兔记(C) 杀狗记(D)拜月记33 下列剧目中,取材于佛教题材的是( )。(A)掘地见母(B) 李逵探母(C) 目连救母(D)四郎

7、探母34 下列行头中,属于习武之人穿着的是( )。(A)官衣(B)箭衣(C)茶衣(D)富贵衣35 下列剧目中,以剧中出现的物品为剧名的是( )。(A)红灯记(B) 铁笼山(C) 铡美记(D)一箭仇36 下列剧目中,又名庆顶珠的是( )。(A)画龙点睛(B) 打渔杀家(C) 虹桥赠珠(D)磨合罗37 在电影中的推镜头是指( )。(A)摄影机沿着光轴防线向后移拍摄(B)摄影机沿着水平方向运动拍摄(C)摄影机向被摄体逐渐靠近(D)摄影机在空间中上下运动拍摄38 人物雕塑有头像、胸像、半身像和( )之分。(A)浮雕头像(B)半身带手像(C)圆雕头像(D)全身像39 初唐的“青绿山水 ”以( )为代表。

8、(A)李思训(B)王维(C)吴道子(D)阎立本40 梅、兰、竹、( )“四君子”成为文人画的特殊题材。(A)荷(B)水仙(C)菊(D)牡丹41 欧洲文化史上继古希腊、古罗马后的第二个高峰期是( )。(A)洛可可时期(B)巴洛克时期(C)古典主义与浪漫主义时期(D)文艺复兴时期42 磁州窑是中国历史上( )性质的窑口。(A)官府(B)官搭民烧(C)民间(D)南方民间43 著名当代舞蹈艺术家杨丽萍表演的( ),其惟妙惟肖的表演深受人们喜爱并获得中华名族 20 世纪舞蹈经典作品奖。(A)孔雀舞(B) 孔雀开屏(C) 雀之灵(D)林中雀44 ( )创立了 “叙事体戏剧”理论。(A)布莱希特(B)萨特(

9、C)格洛托夫斯基(D)贝克特二、多项选择填空题45 电视的移动媒体包括( )。(A)报刊(B)手机电视(C)互联网(D)电子邮箱(E)公共交通电视46 ( )是法国雕塑艺术家罗丹的代表作。(A)思想者(B) 吻(C) 打石者(D)加莱义民(E)播种者47 下列戏曲剧目,创作或改编于 20 世纪 50 年代以后的是( )。(A)李慧娘(B) 将相和(C) 朝阳沟(D)刘巧儿(E)李二嫂改嫁48 意大利新现实主义电影的导演主要有( )。(A)德吕克(B)雷诺阿(C)罗西里尼(D)德.西卡(E)普多夫金49 唐代工艺美术具有( )的特点。(A)质朴简洁(B)清秀细腻(C)华丽丰满(D)清新大气(E)

10、自由舒展50 音乐的社会功能包括( )。(A)认识功能(B)教育功能(C)实用功能(D)运动功能(E)美育功能51 中国古典舞的动作讲求( )的审美特征。(A)拧(B)圆(C)曲(D)直(E)绷52 莎士比亚的四大悲剧是( )。(A)奥赛罗(B) 李尔王(C) 麦克白(D)哈姆莱特(E)维罗纳二绅士三、英文阅读理解题52 BluesStarting my own section of blues recommendations fills me with a creeping sense of guilt andcomplicityWhy?Because Im a white guy writ

11、ing about an almost completely black genreblack, at least in its origins and in the artists that brought the blues to its zenith in the 50s and60s Unlike,say jazz or soul,white performers played little or no positive role in the development of the bluesWhat positive effect whites had been far outwei

12、ghed by the commercial exploitation and social exclusion blues pioneers met at every crossroadsFurther,there have been absolutely no significant white blues performers A few are only imitatorsMost cant even properly be called blues musician:they played rock,folk,or pop music influenced by the blues,

13、and much of it was unabashedly horrible,Mostly,though,writing about the blues makes me feel complicit in the unseemly,modern“blues revival”,a movement almost completely white and unoriginal,a popular uprising of middleclass ,middle aged(usually drunk)white guys pretending that they know something ab

14、out oppression,depravity,rebellion,and the contradictory celebration of life arises from those conditionsThese things are the essence of the blues,and,being a middle classmiddle-aged white guy I can vouch that we know nearly nothing about themSo why am I here?Well,I can also youth that the blues,lik

15、e all music,is a universal language and I have come to understand it academically,if not experientiallyEventually,I came tolove blues music if only for its influence on music more akin to my worldrhythm and blues,soul,rockbut in its own fight tooIn a general way, the blues speak to things we all hav

16、e in common love,betrayal,anger ,death-and,from that perspective,I,too,got a right to sing the blues-just,well ,not in public.On the other hand,as mentioned above,the blues world is now dominated by while folksTherecords are made by while performers,many of them talented and certainly wellmeaning bu

17、t oftensanitized and uninspired in ways anathema to the bluesWhite blues musicians frequently teeter on the precipice of caricature.Like Amos NAndy they trade in grossly rendered black mannerisms;that they do it out of love for the form rather than derision of the race seems a poor excuse.Sadly,thou

18、gh most modern blues recordsthe good ones as well as the badare sold almost exclusively to white folks,tooThe black audience for blues music has dwindled down to an older,mainly southern crowd of diehard.Solets be honest I come to praise that original style.Indeed,in my research and writing,I hope t

19、o increase my own understanding and appreciation for itAnd I hold no particular grudge against modern blues,though modern players will be few Hiid far between among my recommendations MainlyI cannot ignore the fact that modern blues fans made rich men out of John Lee Hooker,B,B,King,Buddy Guy ,and o

20、ther deserving old mastersBut,also,there are modern artists who have made great blues recordsMany of these artists are from my home state of Texas,so it seems unpatriotic,if not dishonest,not to acknowledge this fact53 According to the author,the blues actually originated from_(A)the whites(B) the b

21、lacks(C) the Europeans (D)the African people54 According to the author,the essence of the blues is something about_(A)the whites(B) the blacks(C) imitation,development and celebration(D)oppression,depravity and rebellion55 In the sentence“I can also vouch that the blues,like all music,is a universal

22、 language”(Pal agraph 3),the word“Vouch”means_(A)appreciate(B) promise(C) testify (D)gossip56 Which of the following is not implied in the passage?(A)The blues world is now dominated by white folks(B) Most modern blues records are sold almost only to black folks(C) Most modern blues records are sold

23、 almost only to white folks(D)The black audience for blues music has decreased57 In the last paragraph,the last sentence ,tim word“unpatriotic”means_ (A)loving for honesty(B) not loving for honesty(C) loving for his country (D)not loving for his country57 Gardens of Claude Monet in GivernyFlowers,co

24、lor,and light are essential elements in interior decoratingAnd nowhere are these more evident than in the home and gardens of Claude Monet in Giverny,France.Filled with the bright,clear colors of nature,this home is a mustsee for anyone who loves art,flowers ,color ,or decoratingIt is especially rem

25、arkable because the usual decorating of the day included heavy curtains,large velvet upholstered pieces,and dark,somber interiorsMonet broke from that tradition when he moved here in 1 883,enchanted by the quiet village of Vernon ,rolling country hills,pretty trees and fields all laid out gracefully

26、 along the banks of the Este RiverMonet was still a struggling artist when he arrived in GivernyIt was one of his paintings that had given this new arts movement its name 一“Impressionism”一 for the use of dabs of color on canvasrather than sweeping brushstrokes or more classic painstaking detailWhile

27、 at first reviled by critics impressionism began to grow in popularity and buy 1 890 Monets art was selling well enough that he could afford to purchase his rented home for the price of 22,000 francs ,equal to the price of just two or three of his paintingsHe stayed in this home for the rest of his

28、life,until 1926Monets love of pure color is fully expressed in the decoration of his home.Outside,bright pink stucco walls contrast with forest green shuttersInside ,brilliant yellow hues brighten the dining room while lovely watery blues and greens grace the entryIn the kitchen two tones of blue bu

29、rst into a riot of color,highlighted with copper pots and blue and white tiles from RouenOn display in the dining room is the matching yellow china wares filled with a collection of blue and white china pieces as well as the yellow and blue banded dinnerware he had commissioned in his own designIn t

30、he center,a large table is set for the family and guestsA pretty fireplace at the end of the room shows Off blue and white tiles under a mantle decorated simply with an arrangement of bottle green vasesJapanese prints cover the walls The home is one room deep and about five rooms wide,each with wind

31、ows overlooking the magnificent gardens where great care was taken in the planning and plantingMonet eventually expanded his land to include a small stream,pond,and water, lily gardens on an adjacent properlyAt one point he employed a staff of six gardeners to care for the grounds and keep the garde

32、ns supplied with flowering bloomsIt is the gardens that seem to be the focal point of the home Laid out in neatrows,with paths,archways,and color ,Monet oversaw every detailStrolling through them,one almost expects to come upon the scene of Monet paining,his wife and a child in front of his magnific

33、ent rose gardenJoin us for a beautiful photo tour of Monets gardens58 According to the author,the gardens of Claude Monet in Giverny are_(A)decorated with quiet and dark designs(B) decorated with heavy curtains,large velvet upholstered pieces,and dark,somber interiors(C) decorated with traditional d

34、esigns(D)filled with the bright,clear colors of nature59 In the sentence“Monet was still a struggling artist when he arrived in Giverny”(Paragraph 2), the underlined word“struggling”means_(A)brave(B) both poor and unknown(C) famous (D)rich60 In paragraph 4,the first line,the phrase“china wares”means

35、_(A)wares made of China(B) wares made in China(C) wares made by Chinese people (D)wares made in Chinese designs61 Which of the following is not implied in the passage?(A)Many Japanese paintings hang over the walls(B) There is a pretty fireplace in the sitting room(C) It was one of his paintings that

36、 had given his new art called“Impressionism”(D)Claude Monet bought his rented home at last with the money by selling his paintings62 In the last paragraphthe sentence“It is the gardens that seem to be the focal point of the nome means_(A)The garden is very small ,but beautiful(B) The garden is very

37、big and beautiful(C) When people visit his home,they like to visit the garden most(D)People like to take pictures in his garden62 Oscar NightOscar Night is one of the most awaited events int,entire entertainment industry of the world The award ceremony has become an inseparable come flent of the lif

38、e of all the people associatedwith Hollywood.One cannot simply escape the charm of this wonderful nightThe Scheduled time of the glitzy evening of Academy Award is usually late February or early MarchIt is time when the a wards are presented for the yearbest achievements in the Motion Picture Indust

39、ryThe Oscar statuette,presented during the Awards nightIs regarded to be the most prestigious honor for Hollywood artistsOscar ceremony was started with the intention of acknowledging the excellence in Hollywood It was also an approach,made along time back,to encourage the spirit of the people conne

40、cted with the Motion picture industryThe various categories of award try to honor people involved in all the facets of filmmakingAcademy Awards Night comprises of that point of time when the talented artists of the film fraternity get the apt recognitionIt is the best way of honoring the efforts and

41、 dedication that go into the making of a movie.Oscars are organized in a grand manner,with an alluring appealThis mega event takes place at the Kodak Theatre,in Los Angeles ,annuallyOscar Night is the muchawaited moment,when all the stars of Hollywood gather at a single venue,The Red Carpet is rolle

42、d out for the dignitaries of the functionThe air is filled with the gusto and zeal of the celebrities,who are invited to witness this ceremonyThe atmosphere of Oscar Night is ruled by an element of surprise. It is the night when the mystery unfolds with each passing moment,with the announcement of w

43、inners in variouscategories63 According to the author_(A)The award ceremony is an inseparable part of the life of all the people who are working in film industry(B) The award ceremony is an inseparable part of the life of all the people who are associated with Los Angeles(C) The award ceremony is an

44、 inseparable part of the life of all those who are living in Hollywood(D)The award ceremony is an inseparable part of the life of all those who are related to Hollywood64 The Oscar statuette,presented during the Awards night,is regarded to be the most prestigioushonor for Hollywood artists_(A)The un

45、derlined word“prestigious”in the sentence means“respective”(B) The underlined word“prestigious”in the sentence means“notorious”(C) The underlined word“prestigious”in the sentence means“respectable”(D)The underlined word“prestigious”in the sentence means“disastrous”65 In the last paragraphthe sentenc

46、e“The Red Carpet is rolled out for the dignitaries of the func tion”means_(A)The Red Carpet is rolled out for the people to walk on(B) The Red Carpet is used to help those celebrities walk slowly(C) The Red Carpet is used to make the atmosphere more appealing(D)The Red Carpet is used to express warn

47、 welcome to those celebrities66 Which of the following is not implied in the passage?_.(A)The approach of Oscar ceremony arIns to encourage the spirit of the people connected with the Motion picture industry(B) Oscar ceremony takes place at the Kodak Theatre in Los Angles every two years(C) The Osca

48、r Night is always full of an element of surprise(D)Oscar ceremony takes place with an attractive appeal67 In the last paragraph,the last word“categories”means_(A)varieties(B) territories(C) celebrities (D)vocabularies四、论述题68 简论艺术对人文素养的影响和作用。69 简论如何创造艺术的生命质感。70 简论中国文化艺术如何实现“走出去” 战略。71 简论艺术在文化发展与繁荣中的作用。72 简述欧洲古典主义音乐的主要特征。73 简述现实主义戏剧的基本特征。74 简述戏曲剧目中的“ 清官戏 ”。75 简述中国民族电影艺术如何适应市场进而走向世界。76 简述电视工作者“ 三贴近 ”的意义。77 简述“气息 ”在舞蹈表现中的作用。78 简述“六法 ”在中国绘画中的应用。79 简述设计中的“ 造型寓意 ”。2012 年在职艺术硕士(MF

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