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本文([考研类试卷]2013年中国石油大学(华东)英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(priceawful190)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2013 年中国石油大学(华东)英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析英译汉1 UNESCO2 competitive election3 bailout plan4 greenhouse gas emission5 local area network6 currency appreciation7 a good momentum of development8 professional ethics9 oriental culture10 collectively-owned enterprises11 well drilling engineering12 retail price index

2、13 tropical depression14 sovereign debt crisis15 manned spacecraft汉译英16 汇率操纵17 个人所得税18 市场经济地位19 双边论坛20 第三产业21 大会组委会22 综合国力23 电子商务24 医保改革25 航空母舰26 全面协调可持续发展27 外汇储备28 市场准入机制29 社会主义民主30 财政政策与货币政策的配合英译汉31 What induces you, O man, to depart from your home in town, to leave parents and friends, and go to

3、the countryside over mountains and valleys, if it is not the beauty of the world of nature which, if your consider well, you can only enjoy through the sense of sight? And since the poet claims to descriptions of such landscapes, would that not be more expedient and less fatiguing, since you could s

4、tay at home without exposing yourself to the excessive heat of the sun, stay in a cool place without moving about and exposing yourself to illness? But your soul could not enjoy the pleasures that come to it through the eyes, the windows of its habitation, it could not receive the reflections of bri

5、ght places, it could not see the shady valleys watered by the play of meandering rivers, it could not see the many flowers which with their various colours compose harmonies for the eye, nor all the other things which may present themselves to the eye. But if a painter on a cold and severe winters d

6、ay shows you his paintings of these or other countryside where you once enjoyed yourself beside some fountain, and where you can see yourself again in flowery meadows as a lover by the side of your beloved under the cool, soft shadows of green trees, will it not give you much greater pleasure than l

7、istening to the poets description of such a scene? (245 words)汉译英32 一个时期以来,随着我国经济的持续高速发展,西方一些不太友好的政客,眼睛总是盯着中国经济发展找茬发难。首先他们把原油涨价归结为中国进口原油所致,说中国人把石油价格买了上去。他们 2 亿人消耗了 8 亿吨原油不说什么,我们13 亿人用了不到 4 亿吨他们倒说三道四了。然后又拿单位 GDP 能耗说事,说我国的 GDP 只占全世界的 55,却用掉了全世界 54的水泥、30的钢铁、31的煤炭等等。当然我们自己也跟着说。我们自己说的目的是为了找差距看问题,如何节约能耗。而

8、他们喋喋不休地说这事,可不是要帮我们节能降耗,其意思是说:中国使用那么多能源、资源,排放那么多二氧化碳,却只创造那么点 GDP,那简直就是糟蹋世界资源。其目的就是后面要提到的,即是为把减排二氧化碳的责任强加到我们头上而做舆论准备。第一我相信这些数据是对的:第二我要说对这些数据应该具体分析。如果只看这些表面数据,那我们也太无能了,改革开放 30 年等于白干了。就拿能耗来说,我们再不好,能耗再高也不至于是人家的七八倍吧。有人曾经做过统计研究,发现我们进口的石油所带来的能源基本上与我们以纺织品、玩具等出口的石油制品所出去的能源相当,也就是说进入统计的近一半的石油并不是我们消耗了,而是都转化成产品供应

9、全世界人民穿衣戴帽、供应全世界的儿童玩具了。再比如我们 13 亿人口,大家就是一点 GDP 也不创造,只是保证其日常生存生活也要消耗大量能源。所以要辩证地看这些数据。2013 年中国石油大学(华东)英语翻译基础真题试卷答案与解析英译汉1 【正确答案】 联合国教科文组织2 【正确答案】 差额选举3 【正确答案】 援助计划4 【正确答案】 温室气体排放5 【正确答案】 局域网6 【正确答案】 货币升值7 【正确答案】 发展势头良好8 【正确答案】 职业道德9 【正确答案】 东方文化10 【正确答案】 集体企业11 【正确答案】 凿井工程12 【正确答案】 零售价格指数13 【正确答案】 热带低气压

10、14 【正确答案】 主权债务危机15 【正确答案】 载入飞船汉译英16 【正确答案】 currency manipulation17 【正确答案】 individual income tax18 【正确答案】 market economy status19 【正确答案】 bilateral forum20 【正确答案】 tertiary industry21 【正确答案】 organization committee22 【正确答案】 comprehensive national strength23 【正确答案】 e-commerce24 【正确答案】 the reform of medic

11、al insurance25 【正确答案】 aircraft carrier26 【正确答案】 comprehensive, balanced and sustainable development27 【正确答案】 foreign exchange reserve28 【正确答案】 market access mechanism29 【正确答案】 socialist democracy30 【正确答案】 coordination of fiscal and monetary policy英译汉31 【正确答案】 哦,人们!是什么吸引你离开城镇的家乡、离开双亲和朋友,来到山岳和溪谷的乡间? 如

12、若不是自然界的美好,你又怎会思虑周全,仅凭视觉的享受做出出走的决定? 既然诗人宣称将地理风貌渲染于纸上即可,难道这不是更好的权宜之计和更省力的方法吗?因为你可以待在家中,无须将自己暴露在炎热的日光下,也无须走出去让自己处于严寒中,遭受疾病的侵袭。然而,这样你的灵魂就无法感受双眼灵魂栖息的窗口带来的愉悦,无法受到生机之地的洗礼,无法看到蜿蜒河水流淌着的绿树成荫的山谷,无法观赏颜色各异的繁花为视觉交织出的和谐,也无法领略展现于眼前的一切事物。但是,假设一名画家在一个严寒的冬日为你展示他的画作,画中描绘了所有这些事物,或是其他的乡村景象,你曾在那里的泉水旁享受过欢乐,并且在画中,你能够再次看到你和心

13、爱的人在凉爽而又舒适的绿荫下行走在百花绽放的草地上,比起聆听诗人对这一景象的描绘,难道这不会让你更加感到快乐吗? 汉译英32 【正确答案】 In a period of years, along with the rapid economic development of our country, some western hostile politicians are keeping their eyes on Chinas economic development. To begin with, they attribute the rise of oil price to Chinas

14、import, stating that it is Chinese purchase that pushes oil price up. They keep silent on their 200 million peoples consumption on 800 million tons of crude oil, but make irresponsible remarks on the 400 million tons consumed by 1.3 billion Chinese. And they also turn their eyes to energy usage per

15、unit of GDP, criticizing that Chinese GDP only takes up 5.5% of the whole world whereas its consumptions on energies like concrete, steels and coals reach up to 54%, 30% and 31% respectively. Of course, we hold the similar words, too. We aim to find out where we have lagged behind and how to save en

16、ergy consumption. However, their endless talk about it is not to help us conserve energy and reduce the cost. It implies that China is wasting the world resources for it has used up high quantities of energies and resources and emitted a great deal of CO2 but only to produce low GDP. Their purpose i

17、s what were going to mention in the following words, that is to impose the duty of lowering the emission of CO2 on us, which prepares for the further public opinions. On the one hand, I trust all these data are correct; on the other hand, I think we should analyze them concretely. If we only treat t

18、hem on the surface, what it shows are we are incapable and our 30-years policy of reform and opening-up are in vain. Lets take energy consumption for instance. It is impossible that our consumption is seven or eight times higher than other countries, no matter how bad we are and how much energy we u

19、se up. There is a statistics research, finding out that the energy which our imported oil brings is basically equal to the ones that our textiles, toys and other exported goods do. That is to say nearly a half of oil which is calculated into the research is not consumed by us. It has been turned into the products used by the world people like costumes, hats and toys. Another example is that our 1.3 billion people would consume a great deal of energy to guarantee their daily life even if no GDP is produced. Therefore, these data should be seen critically.

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