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本文([考研类试卷]2013年重庆大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(livefirmly316)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2013 年重庆大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析英译汉1 OPEC2 GNP3 SOHO4 CBD5 non-governmental organization6 air pollution index7 European debt crisis8 fiscal cliff9 middle income trap10 cultural deficit11 market entry12 spot trade13 international litigation14 source language15 domesticating translation汉译英16 文化市场17 创新型国家18

2、环保产业19 私营经济20 综合国力21 存款准备金率22 反倾销23 法律援助24 微博25 高铁26 农民工27 诗经28 编钟29 针灸30 当地派出所英译汉31 Last week, the Pew Research Center released a report called “The Rise of Asian Americans, “ offering a portrait seemingly full of good news. Asian Americans, Pew said, are on the whole more educated, affluent and ha

3、ppier than other Americans. They hew more strongly to family values and an ethic of hard work. And, quietly, these 17 million Asian Americans have surpassed Hispanics as the largest and fastest-growing cohort of immigrants to the U. S.The report made headlines everywhere: “Asian Top of the Immigrati

4、on Class“ was a typical one. The leading advocacy groups for Asian Americans were silent for a beat. Then they decried the report. It was “disparaging, “ “shallow, “ “disturbing“. It perpetuated a patronizing stereotype of Asians as dutiful nerds, a “model minority“. It overlooked the true cultural

5、diversity of the Asian population and obscured the struggles and pain of countless Asians.Rarely in either the Pew report or in the advocates responses was this possibility raised: both the good and the bad could be true at the same time.Welcome to race in America. It may be 2012, and we may have a

6、black President, but public discussion of race remains inexorably, insanely binary. American race talk used to be literally black-and-white, leaving no room for other colors. Now the problem is its figuratively black-and-white. For all our rainbow multiculturalism, there are still basically two choi

7、cesin or out, mainstream or opposition, powerful or powerless. Sometimes the labels white and black are used, but they signify more than hue or actual demographythey signify polarity and any cognitive dissonance must be resolved to one or the other.This is why those Asian-American advocates felt the

8、y had to blast the Pew report. When forced by the media to choose between telling an achievement story or an injustice storyIs yellow white or black?they felt compelled to choose the latter. Thats understandable. There is privation and injustice in Asian Americafrom high poverty among Hmong(苗族)refug

9、ees to forgotten elders in Chinatown to the health struggles of Pacific Islandersand if activists privileged enough to have a voice use it to express complacency or self-congratulation, then they arent doing their job.汉译英32 经济发展必须与环境保护相协调。经济发展是人类自身生存和进步所必需,也是保护和改善地球环境的物质保证。对许多发展中国家来说,发展经济、消除贫困是当前的首要

10、任务。在解决全球环境问题时,应充分考虑发展中国家的这种合理的迫切的需要。国际社会应该作出切实努力,改善发展中国家在债务、贸易、资金等领域面临的困难处境,促进其经济发展。同时,各国的经济发展不能脱离环境的承受能力,应该实行保持生态系统良性循环的发展战略,实现经济建设和环境保护的协调发展。保护环境和发展离不开世界的和平与稳定。在推进世界环境保护和发展事业的同时,各国应致力于本国的稳定,维护地区与世界的和平,通过谈判和平解决一切争端,反对诉诸武力或以武力相威胁。2013 年重庆大学英语翻译基础真题试卷答案与解析英译汉1 【正确答案】 石油输出国组织2 【正确答案】 国民生产总值3 【正确答案】 在家

11、上班族4 【正确答案】 中央商务区5 【正确答案】 非政府组织6 【正确答案】 空气污染指数7 【正确答案】 欧洲债务危机8 【正确答案】 财政悬崖9 【正确答案】 中等收入陷阱10 【正确答案】 文化逆差11 【正确答案】 市场准入12 【正确答案】 现货贸易13 【正确答案】 国际诉讼14 【正确答案】 源语言15 【正确答案】 归化翻译汉译英16 【正确答案】 cultural market17 【正确答案】 innovationoriented country18 【正确答案】 environmental protection industry19 【正确答案】 private eco

12、nomy20 【正确答案】 comprehensive national strength21 【正确答案】 deposit-reserve ratio22 【正确答案】 antidumping23 【正确答案】 legal aid24 【正确答案】 microblog25 【正确答案】 highspeed rail26 【正确答案】 rural migrant worker27 【正确答案】 the Book of Songs28 【正确答案】 chime29 【正确答案】 acupunture30 【正确答案】 local police station英译汉31 【正确答案】 上周,皮尤研

13、究中心发布了一篇报道名为亚裔美国人的崛起,写得貌似还是好消息。该中心称:“亚裔美国人总体上比其他美国人接受教育程度高、更富裕而且更幸福。他们更注重家庭观念以及努力工作的道德规范。而且这1 700 万亚裔美国人悄无声息地超过了拉丁裔美国人,成为美国人数最多、增长最快的移民群体。”这篇报道成为各地的头条,其中一个典型的标题就是:“亚裔雄踞移民阶层榜首” 。亚裔美国人的主要维权团体一开始都隐忍不发,接着他们谴责这篇报道,称它“诽谤”、“肤浅”、“令人不安”。它仍然持有一种高高在上的态度,刻板地把亚裔看作是本分的书呆子,称之为“模范少数族裔” ,它忽视了亚洲人群的文化多样性,掩盖了无数亚洲人的辛劳与痛

14、苦。不管是皮尤报告还是维权团体的反应中很少出现这样的可能性:好的坏的可能同时都会有。这就是美国的种族问题。现在或许是 2012 年,我们还可以有一位黑人总统,但是公众对于种族的讨论仍然冷酷而又无可救药,坚持非黑即白。美国过去都是在字面上讨论黑与白,毫无其他颜色种族的余地。现在的问题是象征性地在谈论黑与白。尽管我们有丰富多彩的多元文化,但基本上还是两种选择流行或过时,主流或非主流,强势或弱势。有时也会用上黑白的标签,但代表的不仅仅是肤色或是人口划分,而是表示两种对立,必须解决认知上的误区,不是属于这一极就是属于那一极。所以亚裔的维权团体认为必须批评皮尤的报道。媒体强迫他们讲述成功的故事或不公的故

15、事也就是回答黄色、白色还是黑色的时候他们不得已要选择后者。这是可以理解的。在亚裔美国人中也有穷困和不公在唐人街有极端贫困的苗族难民,也有被人遗忘的老人,还有为健康而挣扎的太平洋岛国的人们,如果享有特权的活动分子借此发表意见,表达自己的自满以及沾沾自喜,那么他们就是在其位,不谋其职。汉译英32 【正确答案】 Economic development must coordinate with environmental protection. It is a must for humans existence and progress and also provides material supp

16、ort for the protection and improvement of global environment. The primary task of developing countries is to develop economy and eliminate poverty. Thus when solving the environmental problem in the world, we should take adequate consideration to the reasonable and urgent need of developing countrie

17、s. The international society should make practical efforts to help those countries out of the trap in debt, trade and fund thus promoting their economic development. Meantime, we can not be blind to the environmental bearing capacity when developing economy. We should adopt the development strategy

18、of maintaining virtuous cycle of ecosystem and achieve a coordinated development between economic progress and environmental protection.Environmental protection and development can not be separated from the worlds peace and stability. When promoting environmental protection and development, we should devote to the nations stability and safeguard regional and international peace. Countries should resolve their conflicts peacefully through consultations and not resort to the use or threat of force.

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