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本文([考研类试卷]2014年中南大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(hopesteam270)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2014 年中南大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析英译汉1 IMO2 CPI3 UNCF4 OECD5 ASEAN6 OAU7 APEC8 AFTA9 GPS10 to ramp up diplomatic engagement11 100,000 strong Initiative12 a public-private partnership13 to foster new bright spots of Asian cooperation14 to increase strategic trust15 bilateral trade deficit汉译英16 加强政府间的磋商合作17 坚

2、持“政府引导、企业主体、市场运作、互利共赢” 的方针18 减少可吸入颗粒19 原油价飙升20 传销21 虚拟经济22 法定准备金率23 上市子公司24 土豪25 养老保险26 中国创业板27 社会媒体和大数据迁移研究28 主要经济指标29 产权多元化30 建立定制的信息提取和过滤系统英译汉31 BEAUTY, the saying has it, is only skin deep. Not true. Skin is important(the cosmetics industry proves that). But so is what lies under it. In particul

3、ar, the shape of peoples faces, determined by their bone structure, contributes enormously to how beautiful they are. And, since the ultimate point of beauty is to signal who is a good prospect as a mate, what makes a face beautiful is not only an aesthetic matter but also a biological one. How thos

4、e bone structures arise, and how they communicate desirable traits, are big evolutionary questions.Until now, experiments to try to determine the biological basis of beauty have been of the please-look-at-these-photographs-and-answer-some-questions variety. Some useful and not necessarily obvious re

5、sults have emerged, such as that one determinant of beauty is facial symmetry.But what would really help is a breeding experiment which allowed the shapes of faces to be followed across the generations to see how those shapes relate to variations in things that might be desirable in a mate. These mi

6、ght include fertility, fecundity, social status, present health, and likely resistance to future infection and infestation.Correlations between many of these phenomena and attributes of the body-beautiful have, indeed, been established. But in a pair-forming, highly social species such as Homo sapie

7、ns, you also have to live with your co-child-raiser or, at least, collaborate with him or her. So other things may be important in a mate, too, such as an even temper and a friendly outlook.It would be impossible to do such a breeding experiment on people, of course. But as Irene Elia, a biological

8、anthropologist at Cambridge, realised, it has in fact been done, for the past five decades, on a different species of animal. Dr Elia has published her analysis of this experiment in the Quarterly Review of Biology. The animals in question are foxes.(317 words)Key words fecundity 繁殖力 Homo sapiens 智人

9、汉译英32 中国将继续高举和平、发展、合作、共赢的旗帜,坚定不移致力于维护世界和平、促进共同发展。中国将始终不渝走和平发展道路,坚定奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,坚决维护国家主权、安全、发展利益,绝不会屈服于任何外来压力。中国将始终不渝奉行互利共赢的开放战略,通过深化合作促进世界经济强劲、可持续、平衡增长。中国人民热爱和平、渴望发展,愿同各国人民一道为人类和平与发展的崇高事业而不懈努力。中国的发展有力带动了周边国家的共同发展。过去 10 年,中国与周边国家贸易额由 1 700 多亿美元增加到 1 万多亿美元,对周边国家投资以两位数快速增长。中国成为众多周边国家的最大贸易伙伴、投资来源地和游客来源

10、地,给中国和周边国家都带来实实在在的利益,有力地促进了亚洲的和平、稳定与繁荣。展望未来,中国的发展将释放出更大的市场潜力,为周边国家带来更多机遇。“十二五” 期间,中国将有 8 万亿美元的进口总规模。马来西亚也在努力实现“2020 宏愿” 。中国与周边国家在实现各自国家发展战略的进程中,会释放出更大合作潜力和能量。我们希望同亚洲国家人民一道,共同为实现亚洲的发展繁荣而努力奋斗!(465 字)2014 年中南大学英语翻译基础真题试卷答案与解析英译汉1 【正确答案】 国际海事组织2 【正确答案】 消费者物价指数3 【正确答案】 联合国儿童基金4 【正确答案】 经济合作发展组织5 【正确答案】 东南

11、亚国家联盟6 【正确答案】 非洲统一组织7 【正确答案】 亚太经贸合作组织8 【正确答案】 大西洋自由贸易区9 【正确答案】 全球定位系统10 【正确答案】 加强外交接触11 【正确答案】 十万人留学中国计划(奥巴马总统于 2009 年访华时宣布该计划,目标是到 2014 年争取让 10 万美国青年人到中国留学)12 【正确答案】 公私合营13 【正确答案】 培育亚洲合作新亮点14 【正确答案】 增进战略互信15 【正确答案】 双边贸易逆差汉译英16 【正确答案】 strengthen inter-governmental consultation and cooperation17 【正确答

12、案】 a governmentguided,business-led and market-driven approach for win-win progress18 【正确答案】 reduce inhalable particles19 【正确答案】 crude oil prices surge20 【正确答案】 pyramid selling21 【正确答案】 virtual economy22 【正确答案】 required reserve ratio23 【正确答案】 listed subsidiary24 【正确答案】 nouveau riche25 【正确答案】 endowmen

13、t insurance26 【正确答案】 China Growth Enterprise Market27 【正确答案】 research in social media and big data transfer28 【正确答案】 major economic indicator29 【正确答案】 diversification of property rights30 【正确答案】 establishing a customised information extraction and filtering system英译汉31 【正确答案】 俗话说,美貌只是虚有其表而已。其实不然,皮肤是

14、很重要的(化妆品行业就是证据) ,但是皮肤下的器官也很重要,尤其是人的脸型,脸型是由骨骼结构决定的,对美貌有很大程度的影响。美貌的最终目的是表明自己是一个绝佳的伴侣,长出一张漂亮的脸不仅仅是一个审美问题还是一个生物学问题。骨骼的构成以及它们构造美丽容颜的方式都是与进化相关的大问题。直到现在,要判断美貌的生理基础的实验一直都离不开“请看这些照片”“回答几个问题”之类的办法。也有一些研究结果很有效但并不是很明显,比如其中一个决定美丽的因素就是面部的匀称。但人类的繁殖实验意义重大,繁殖使人的脸型在代与代之间传承下去,从而可以看出脸型的变化传承配偶美貌的成因。其中包括生育力、繁殖力、社会地位、当前健康

15、状况以及未来的对传染病的抵抗能力。许多现象和特性的确也都与美貌相关。但人类是成对的高度社会化的物种,需要和配偶共同生活以抚养孩子,或者至少一方抚养,另一方配合。所以一些其他的因素对配偶来说也很重要,比如性情温和以及长相和善。当然,不可能在人身上做这种繁殖试验。但剑桥大学的生物人类学家艾琳-伊利亚经过 50 年终于完成了在一种不同的物种上的繁殖实验。艾琳博士已经把她的实验分析发表在了生物学评论季刊,实验使用的动物都是狐狸。汉译英32 【正确答案】 China will continue to hold high the banner of peace, development, cooperat

16、ion and mutual benefit and strive to uphold world peace and common development. China will unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development and firmly pursue an independent foreign policy of peace. We are firm in our resolve to uphold Chinas sovereignty, security and development interests and wi

17、ll never yield to any outside pressure. China will unwaveringly follow a win-win strategy of opening up and promote robust, sustainable and balanced growth of the global economy through increased cooperation. The Chinese people love peace and yearn for development. We are ready to work with the peop

18、le of other countries to unremittingly promote the noble cause of peace and development for mankind.Chinas development has given a strong boost to the development of the neighboring countries. Over the past 10 years, the trade between China and its neighbours has grown from over $ 170 billion to ove

19、r $ 1 trillion. Chinas investment in these countries has also seen double digit growth annually. China has become the largest trading partner and source of investment and tourists for many of its neighbors. This has truly benefited both China and countries in this region and contributed enormously t

20、o peace, stability and prosperity in Asia. As it moves forward, China will prove a bigger market and present more opportunities to the neighboring countries. Chinas import is expected to reach $ 8 trillion during its 12 th Five-Year Plan period, Malaysia, on its part, is working to realize Vision 2020. As China and its neighbours work hard to meet their respective development goals, greater potential and energy of cooperation will be unleashed. We hope to work with other people in the region for a more prosperous Asia.

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