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本文([考研类试卷]2014年北京航空航天大学翻译硕士英语真题试卷及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(sofeeling205)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2014 年北京航空航天大学翻译硕士英语真题试卷及答案与解析一、Vocabulary1 The audience disliked the film thoroughly and were_by whistling and stamping their feet.(A)protecting(B) protesting(C) projecting(D)proposing2 In our society, a wedding invitation is also an_invitation for a gift.(A)ingenious(B) intelligible(C) implicit(D)

2、inclusive3 After taking office, Chinas Prime Minister, Zhu Rongji, tried his best to promote the new _policies.(A)economic(B) economical(C) economy(D)economics4 I called on him the morning after our arrival, and was_with his gay, precise manner and obvious power of decision.(A)inclined(B) implied(C)

3、 impressed(D)illustrated5 She has a small machine for_coffee beans.(A)breaking(B) grinding(C) splitting(D)crashing6 Mr. John had given no_that he was intending to resign.(A)direction(B) symptom(C) information(D)indication7 The members in the testing team were quite _ and could change schedule upon r

4、equest.(A)flexible(B) gentle(C) sophisticated(D)shrewd8 The tourists _ through the fog, trying to read what was engraved on the gravestone Shakespeare had chosen for himself.(A)peered(B) peeped(C) glanced(D)glimpsed9 The noise was so faint that you had to_your ears to hear it.(A)stir(B) strengthen(C

5、) strain(D)stride10 You should_to one or more weekly magazines such as Time, or People.(A)subscribe(B) order(C) prescribe(D)reclaim11 Fred doesnt like white coffee, nor does he like to put cream on his strawberries, because he prefers them_.(A)plain(B) simple(C) natural(D)ordinary12 Ive got a big co

6、ffee_on the front of my dress.(A)pore(B) patch(C) stain(D)grease13 Can you take the day off tomorrow? Well, Ill have to get_from my boss.(A)permission(B) permit(C) allowance(D)possession14 While the population of the United States includes a great variety of racial and ethnic backgrounds, Japans pop

7、ulation is_.(A)autonomous(B) homogeneous(C) ambitious(D)anonymous15 The manager gave her his_that her complaint would be investigated.(A)consent(B) conception(C) assurance(D)insurance16 We expect Mr. White will_Class One when Miss Jane retires.(A)take over(B) take up(C) take off(D)take to17 She reso

8、rted to_when she had no money to buy food for her children.(A)have stolen(B) steal(C) stole(D)stealing18 _a fine day, we decided to go for a picnic.(A)Having been(B) Being(C) What(D)It being19 In computer programming, this model is_to any of the others we have ever had.(A)more superior(B) the more s

9、uperior(C) the most superior(D)superior20 No sooner_than he realized that he should have remained silent.(A)the words had spoken(B) had the words spoken(C) the words had been spoken(D)had the words been spoken21 The factory manager and secretary_our party.(A)is to attend(B) are to attend(C) were to

10、attend(D)is attended22 We can make an exception_.(A)in any case of John(B) in case of John(C) in case of Johns(D)in the case of John23 If only I_what you wanted!(A)knew(B) know(C) had known(D)have known24 _the building did he realize that there was danger everywhere in it.(A)Upon entering(B) When he

11、 entered(C) Only after entering(D)After he had entered25 The Brownings have not_yet and I doubt whether they will come.(A)turned in(B) turned out(C) turned up(D)turned to26 While driving along the treacherous road, _.(A)my right rear tyre blew out(B) my right rear tyre had a blowout(C) I had a blowo

12、ut on my right rear tyre(D)I had my right rear tyre blowout27 I have given up trying to convince him, there is no point_with him.(A)by arguing(B) with arguing(C) for arguing(D)in arguing28 If he hadnt stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell, you_here now.(A)wouldnt be smiling(B) wont smile

13、(C) couldnt have smiled(D)didnt smile29 Hes 26. Its high time he_a trade to make a living.(A)learn(B) learns(C) must learn(D)learned30 The prices of TV sets are about 20% _. The manufacturers are almost selling their products _cost.(A)off, at(B) down, at(C) less, for(D)lower, on二、Reading Comprehensi

14、on30 Computer programmers often remark that computing machines, with a perfect lack of discrimination, will do any foolish thing they are told to do. The reason for this lies, of course, in the narrow fixation of the computing machines “intelligence“ on the details of its own perceptionsits inabilit

15、y to be guided by any large context. In a psychological description of the computer intelligence, three related adjectives come to mind: single-minded, literal-minded, and simple-minded. Recognizing this, we should at the same time recognize that this single-mindedness, literal-mindedness, and simpl

16、emindedness also characterizes theoretical mathematics, though to a lesser extent.Since science tries to deal with reality, even the most precise sciences normally work with more or less imperfectly understood approximations toward which scientists must maintain an appropriate skepticism. Thus, for

17、instance, it may come as a shock to mathematicians to learn that the Schrod-inger equation(薛定谔方程)for the hydrogen atom is not a literally correct description of this atom, but only an approximation to a somewhat more correct equation taking account of spin, magnetic di-pole, and relativistic effects

18、; and that this corrected equation is itself only an imperfect approximation to an infinite set of quantum field, theoretical equations. Physicists, looking at the original Schrodinger equation, learn to sense in it the presence of many invisible terms in addition to the differential terms visible,

19、and this sense inspires an entirely appropriate disregard for the purely technical features of the equation. This very healthy skepticism is foreign to the mathematical approach.Mathematics must deal with well-defined situations. Thus, mathematicians depend on an intellectual effort outside of mathe

20、matics for the crucial specification of the approximation that mathematics is to take literally. Give mathematicians a situation that is the least bit ill-defined, and they will make it well-defined, perhaps appropriately, but perhaps inappropriately. In some cases, the mathematicians literal-minded

21、ness may have unfortunate consequences. The mathematicians turn the scientists theoretical assumptions, that is, their convenient points of analytical emphasis, into axioms, and then take these axioms literally. This brings the danger that they may also persuade the scientists to take these axioms l

22、iterally. The question, central to the scientific investigation but intensely disturbing in the mathematical contextwhat happens if the axioms are relaxed? is thereby ignored.The physicist rightly dreads precise argument, since an argument that is convincing only if it is precise loses all its force

23、 if the assumptions on which it is based are slightly changed, whereas an argument that is convincing though imprecise may well be stable under small perturbations of its underlying assumptions.31 The author discusses computing machines in the first paragraph primarily in order to do which of the fo

24、llowing?(A)Indicate the dangers inherent in relying to a great extent on machines.(B) Illustrate his views about the approach of mathematicians to problem solving.(C) Compare the work of mathematicians with that of computer programmers.(D)Provide one definition of intelligence.32 According to the pa

25、ssage, mathematicians present a danger to scientists for which of the following reasons?(A)Mathematicians may provide theories that are incompatible with those already developed by scientists.(B) Mathematicians may define situation in a way that is incomprehensible to scientists.(C) Mathematicians m

26、ay convince scientists that theoretical assumptions are facts.(D)Scientists may begin to provide arguments that are convincing but imprecise.33 The author suggests that the approach of physicists to solving scientific problems is which of the following?(A)Practical for scientific purposes.(B) Detrim

27、ental to scientific progress.(C) Unimportant in most situations.(D)Expedient, but of little long-term value.34 The author suggests that a mathematician asked to solve a problem in an ill-defined situation would first attempt to do which of the following?(A)Identify an analogous situation.(B) Simplif

28、y and define the situation.(C) Vary the underlying assumptions of a description of the situation.(D)Determine what use would be made of the solution provided.35 The author implies that scientists develop a healthy skepticism because they are aware that_.(A)some factors in most situations must remain

29、 unknown(B) changes in axiomatic propositions will inevitably undermine scientific arguments(C) well-defined situations are necessary for the design of reliable experiments(D)mathematical solutions can rarely be applied to real problems35 Traditionally, the study of history has had fixed boundaries

30、and focal points-periods, countries, dramatic events, and great leaders. It also has had clear and firm notions of scholarly procedure; how one inquires into a historical problem, how one presents and documents ones findings, what constitutes admissible and adequate proof.Anyone who has followed rec

31、ent historical literature can testify to the revolution that is taking place in historical studies. The currently fashionable subjects come directly from the sociology catalog: childhood, work, leisure. The new subjects are accompanied by new methods. Where history once was primarily narrative, it i

32、s now entirely analytic. The old questions “What happened?“ and “How did it happen?“ have given way to the question “Why did it happen?“. Prominent among the methods used to answer the question “Why“ is psychoanalysis, and its use has given rise to psy-chohistory.Psychohistory does not merely use ps

33、ychological explanations in historical contexts. Historians have always used such explanations when they were appropriate and when there was sufficient evidence for them. But this pragmatic use of psychology is not what psycho-historians intend. They are committed, not just to psychology in general,

34、 but to Freudian psychoanalysis. This commitment excludes a commitment to history as historians have always understood it. Psychohistory derives its “facts“ not from history, the detailed records of events and their consequences, but from psychoanalysis of the individuals who made history, and produ

35、ces its theories not from this or that instance in their lives, but from a view of human nature that transcends history. It denies the basic criterion of historical evidence; that evidence be publicly accessible to, and therefore assessable by, all historians. And it violates the basic principle of

36、historical methods; that historians be alert to the negative instances that would refute their views. Psycho-historians, convinced of the absolute rightness of their own theories are also convinced that theirs is the “deepest“ explanation of any event, that other explanations fall short of the truth

37、.Psychohistory is not content to violate the discipline of history(in the sense of the proper mode of studying and writing about the past); it also violates the past itself. It denies to the past an integrity and will of its own, in which people acted out of a variety of motives and in which events

38、had multiplicity of causes and effects. It imposes upon the past the same determinism that it imposes upon the present, thus robbing people and events of their individuality and of their complexity. Instead of respecting the particularity of the past, it assimilates all events, past and present, int

39、o a single deterministic schema that is presumed to be true at all times and in all circumstances.36 Which of the following best states the main point of the passage?(A)The approach of psycho-historians to historical study is currently in vogue even though it lacks the rigor and verifiability of tra

40、ditional historical method.(B) Traditional historians can benefit from studying the techniques and findings of psycho-historians.(C) History is composed of unique and non-repeating events that must be individually analyzed on the basis of publicly verifiable evidence.(D)The psychological assessment

41、of an individuals behavior and attitudes is more informative than the details of his or her daily life.37 It can be inferred from the passage that one way in which traditional history can be distinguished from psychohistory is that traditionally history usually_.(A)views past events as complex and h

42、aving their own individuality(B) relies on a single interpretation of human behavior to explain historical events(C) interprets historical events in such a way that their specific nature is transcended(D)turns to psychological explanations in historical contexts to account for events38 The passage s

43、upplies information for answering which of the following questions?(A)What are some specific examples of the use of psychohistory in historical interpretation?(B) What is the basic criterion of historical evidence required by traditional historians?(C) When do traditional historians consider psychol

44、ogical explanations of historical developments appropriate?(D)What sort of historical figure is best suited for psycho-historical analysis?39 The author mentions which of the following as a characteristic of the practice of psycho-historians?(A)The lives of historical figures are presented in episod

45、ic rather than narrative form.(B) Archives used by psycho-historians to gather material are not accessible to other scholars.(C) Past and current events are all placed within the same deterministic schema.(D)Events in the adult life of a historical figure are seen to be more consequential than are t

46、hose in the childhood of the figure.40 The author of the passage puts the word “deepest“ in quotation marks most probably in order to(A)signal her reservations about the accuracy of psycho-historians claims for their work(B) draw attention to a contradiction in the psycho-historians method(C) emphas

47、ize the major difference between the traditional historians claims from her opinion of their method(D)disassociate her opinion of the psycho-historians claims from her opinion of their method40 Many literary detectives have pored over a great puzzle concerning the writer Marcel Proust: what happened

48、 in 1909? How did Contre Saint-Beuve, an essay attacking the methods of the critic Saint Beuve, turn into the start of the novel Remembrance of Things Pasty A recently published letter from Proust to the editor Vallette confirms that Fallois, the editor of the 1954 edition of Contre Saint-Beuve, mad

49、e an essentially correct guess about the relationship of the essay to the novel. Fallois proposed that Proust had tried to begin a novel in 1908, abandoned it for what was to be a long demonstration of Saint-Beuves blindness to the real nature of great writing, found the essay giving rise to personal memories and fictional developments, and allowed these to take over in a steadily developing novel.

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