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本文([考研类试卷]2014年北京航空航天大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(sofeeling205)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2014 年北京航空航天大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析英译汉1 appeal-focused text2 class shift3 commission4 transeme5 restricted translation6 low countries group7 minimax principle8 translation universals9 verbal consistence10 concordance11 caique12 controlled language13 prototype14 modification15 covert translation汉译英16 自动翻译

2、17 中枢语言18 连贯19 子语言20 可修正性21 形式对应22 地道翻译23 规范24 语料库25 异国情调26 重写27 法庭传译28 巴别塔29 内罗毕宣言30 释译英译汉31 “War is a mere continuation of politics by other means, “ Prussian theorist Karl Von Clausewitz wrote. Today, bankingbroadly defined as lending and borrowing money through institutions and bond marketsis a

3、continuation of politics, or war, by other means. In the 20th century, Germany wielded power over European neighbors through brute military force. In the 21st century, Germany, abetted by France, uses its influence with the European Central Bank and the European Union to dictate terms to Greece and

4、other weak nations. And the effort to halt Irans march to nuclear prominence relies as much on the international banking systems willingness and ability to enforce financial sanctions as it does on the threat of bombs.32 Its foreign policy is becoming not so much Islamic as Ottoman, reestablishing a

5、 sphere of influence it had for 400 years. Abdullah Guel, Turkeys sophisticated president, explains that while Turkey remains resolutely a part of the West, it is increasingly influential in the Middle East, Central Asia, and beyond. “Turkey is becoming a source of inspiration for other countries in

6、 the region, “ he said to me while in New York last week.33 It is impossible to emphasize too strongly the necessity for forming correct habits in flying straight and level. All other flight maneuvers are in essence a deviation from this fundamental flight maneuver. Many flight instructors and stude

7、nts are prone to believe that perfection in straight-and-level flight will come of itself, but such is not the case. It is not uncommon to find a pilot whose basic flying ability consistently falls just short of minimum expected standards, and upon analyzing the reasons for the shortcomings to disco

8、ver that the cause is the inability to fly straight and level properly. Straight-and-level flight is flight in which a constant heading and altitude are maintained. It is accomplished by making immediate and measured corrections for deviations in direction and altitude from unintentional slight turn

9、s, descents, and climbs.汉译英34 中国载人航天工程新闻发言人武平表示,载人航天工程实施以来,中国先后与世界上多个国家、地区和国际组织开展了广泛的合作与交流,在航天医学、空间科学实验、航天员选拔训练等领域均开展过务实合作。她说,中国愿与各国一起,共同推动世界载人航天技术发展,为和平利用太空、造福全人类做出更加积极的贡献。35 随着致青春票房告捷,人们再次怀念起青春那个载满激情与痛苦,希望与心碎交织的年代。人们之所以对青春情有独钟,是因为它难以捉摸,直到逝去之后才看清它的真面目。大家普遍认为,我们的选择成就了现在的我们。一个人选此非彼,人们总是认为“ 总会有更好的道路 ”

10、。所以他们回首过去,微笑着叹息。36 中国时髦热词“tuhao”( 土豪) 明年有望被收入牛津英语词典。在中文中,“ 土”意为粗野,“ 豪” 意为富有,习惯上常用来指那些在中国农村权势欺人的人。近年来,动漫作品和游戏玩家借用该词来形容那些大手大脚、挥霍钱财的人。现在网络社区也常用该词来指那些财大气粗却缺乏相应品味的人。2014 年北京航空航天大学英语翻译基础真题试卷答案与解析英译汉1 【正确答案】 呼吁型文本2 【正确答案】 词类转换3 【正确答案】 委托4 【正确答案】 译素5 【正确答案】 受限翻译6 【正确答案】 低地国家学派7 【正确答案】 最小最大原则8 【正确答案】 翻译共性9 【

11、正确答案】 词语一致10 【正确答案】 一致性11 【正确答案】 伪造12 【正确答案】 受控语言13 【正确答案】 原型14 【正确答案】 调整15 【正确答案】 隐形翻译汉译英16 【正确答案】 automatic translation17 【正确答案】 pivot language18 【正确答案】 coherence19 【正确答案】 sublanguage20 【正确答案】 correctability21 【正确答案】 formal correspondence22 【正确答案】 idiomatic translation23 【正确答案】 norm24 【正确答案】 corpo

12、ra25 【正确答案】 exoticism26 【正确答案】 rewriting27 【正确答案】 court interpreting28 【正确答案】 Tower of Babel29 【正确答案】 Nairobi Declaration30 【正确答案】 paraphrase英译汉31 【正确答案】 普鲁士理论家卡尔冯克劳塞维茨写道:“战争不过是政治通过其他方式的延续” 。今天,银行业 广义上是通过政府机构和债券市场进行借贷的机构,是政治或战争通过其他方式的延续。20 世纪,德国粗暴地使用武力对欧洲邻国耀武扬威。21 世纪,德国在法国的煽动下利用它在欧洲央行和欧盟的影响力给希腊和其他弱国

13、发号施令。要阻止伊朗走向一个核大国,很大程度上要看国际银行系统是否乐意并有能力对其实施财政制裁,就像对待实施核爆炸一样。32 【正确答案】 它的外交政策并没有土耳其人那么多的伊斯兰色彩,而且还恢复了过去 400 年间的影响力。土耳其精明的总统阿卜杜拉居尔解释称,土耳其固然是西方的一部分,但它在中东、中亚以及以外地区的影响力与日俱增。上周他在纽约时对我说:“ 土耳其正在成为该区域其他国家受以鼓舞的榜样。”33 【正确答案】 飞行员要养成直线平稳飞行的习惯再怎么强调都不为过。所有的机动飞行科目根本上来说都与这个最基础的飞行动作有偏差。许多飞行教员和学生都更容易认为达到完美的直线平稳飞行是水到渠成的

14、事情,不能强求,但实际情况并不是这样。有的飞行员就是因为没有制定最低期望标准,基本的飞行能力持续下降,这种情况并不少见。然后一分析毛病的原因,就会发现是因为没有能力正确地直线平稳飞行。直线平稳飞行是飞行员应当坚持的努力方向和高度,通过对飞行员在方向和高度上的偏差进行及时和慎重的纠正,以防无意识地让飞机轻微转向,下降以及爬升。汉译英34 【正确答案】 Wuping, spokesman of Chinas manned space flight engineering, said that since the engineering was launched, China has conduct

15、ed broad cooperation and exchanges with many countries, regions and international organizations worldwide. We have made practical cooperation in fields like aerospace medicine, space scientific experiment, the selection and training of astronauts. She said, China would like, together with other coun

16、tries, to promote the development of world manned space technology and to make positive contributions to promote the peaceful use of space for the wellbeing of the whole mankind.35 【正确答案】 As the film, For Youth, hits the success in the box office, people again feel quite nostalgic for the youth, the

17、 year filled with passion and distress, hope and heartbreak. The reason why people show heartfelt love to the youth is that it is so elusive that people can not truly grasp until it fades away. People generally agree that it is our choice which makes who we are now. You can choose either this way or

18、 that one. They choose this way over that one and people always think that there will be a better one in the future. So, they look back the past, sign and smile.36 【正确答案】 Chinas buzzword “tuhao“ is expected to become part of next years Oxford English Dictionary. In Chinese, “tu“ means “uncouth“ and

19、“hao“ means “rich“. It is traditionally referred to those who throw their weight around in Chinas countryside. In recent years, people in the ACG(animation, comic and game)circle have borrowed the term to describe those whod like to squander money. The word is now often used by the online community to refer to those who have deep pockets but lack the accompanying taste.

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