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本文([考研类试卷]2014年国际关系学院英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(registerpick115)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2014 年国际关系学院英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析英译汉1 web-addiction2 position available3 unilateral provocation4 anchorwoman5 tertiary industry6 optimize entrepreneurial ecology7 stock option8 gender-biased9 credit crisis10 weak investment11 NAACP12 FIFA13 FRB14 MG15 ILO汉译英16 国有资产监督管理委员会17 治理环境污染18 信访制度19 黄牛党20 事业单位21 恶

2、性通货膨胀22 吃空饷23 流行歌曲排行榜24 新农合补助25 月球探测器26 喊破嗓子不如甩开膀子27 拿回扣28 房产税征收29 中签率30 居住证英译汉31 Since 1976, the US dollars role as an international currency has been slowly waning. International use of the dollar to hold foreign-exchange reserves, denominate financial transactions, invoice trade, and as a vehicle

3、 in currency markets is below its level during the heyday of the Bretton Woods era, from 1945 to 1971. But most people would be surprised by what the most recent numbers show.There is an abundance of explanations for the downward trend. Since the Vietnam War, US budget deficits, money creation, and

4、current-account deficits have often been high. Presumably as a result, the dollar has lost value relative to other major currencies or in terms of purchasing power. Meanwhile, the US share of global output has declined. And, most recently, the disturbing willingness of some members of the US Congres

5、s to pursue a strategy that would cause the Treasury to default on legal obligations has undermined global confidence in the dollars privileged status.Moreover, some emerging-market currencies are joining the club of international currencies for the first time. Indeed, some analysts have suggested t

6、hat the Chinese renminbi may rival the dollar as the leading international currency by the end of the decade. But the dollars status as an international currency has not fallen uniformly. Interestingly, the periods when the public is most concerned about the issue do not coincide with the periods wh

7、en the dollars share in international transactions is in fact falling. It is not an eternal law of nature that the dollar shall always be number one. The pound sterling had the top spot in the nineteenth century, only to be surpassed by the dollar in the first half of the twentieth century. The day

8、may come when the dollar, too, succumbs to a rival. But today is not that day.汉译英32 面对当前错综复杂的国际形势,中国将一如既往坚持走和平发展道路,坚持与邻为善、以邻为伴的周边外交方针,与各国一道促进地区和平与繁荣。今年以来,我们坚持稳中求进、稳中有为,通过深化改革、调整结构,使中国经济呈现稳中向好的走势,市场和社会对未来发展的预期稳定向上。我们不仅有能力完成今年经济社会发展预期目标,而且有条件实现今后经济持续健康发展,这将为泰国等东南亚国家提供更多的发展机遇。中泰合作进入发展快车道,中泰友谊已溶进两国人民的血脉

9、,深人民间交往的各个方面。我相信,随着两国交往更加紧密,中泰睦邻友好将像长江和湄南河一样川流不息、奔腾向前,中泰全面互利合作必将奏响更加美好动人的新华章!中泰两国一定会“亲上加亲 ”。2014 年国际关系学院英语翻译基础真题试卷答案与解析英译汉1 【正确答案】 沉迷网络,上网成瘾2 【正确答案】 空缺职位3 【正确答案】 单方面挑衅4 【正确答案】 女主播;广播新闻的女主持人5 【正确答案】 第三产业6 【正确答案】 优化创业生态7 【正确答案】 优先认股权8 【正确答案】 性别歧视的9 【正确答案】 信用危机10 【正确答案】 投资疲软11 【正确答案】 (美国) 全国有色人种协进会(Nat

10、ional Association for the Advancement of Colored People)12 【正确答案】 国际足联(International Federation of Association Football)13 【正确答案】 美国联邦储备委员会(简称:美联储,英文为 Federal Reserve Board)14 【正确答案】 军政府(Military Government)15 【正确答案】 国际劳工组织(International Labor Organization)汉译英16 【正确答案】 State-owned Assets Supervision

11、 and Administration Commission(SASAC)17 【正确答案】 to curb environmental pollution18 【正确答案】 petitioning system19 【正确答案】 scalper20 【正确答案】 public institution21 【正确答案】 hyperinflation22 【正确答案】 freeloading23 【正确答案】 pop chart24 【正确答案】 subsides of new rural cooperative25 【正确答案】 lunar probe26 【正确答案】 Talking the

12、 talk is not as good as walking the walk.27 【正确答案】 take kickbacks28 【正确答案】 realty tax levy29 【正确答案】 odds of winning/odds of success30 【正确答案】 residence card英译汉31 【正确答案】 1976 年以来,美元作为国际货币的作用一直在缓慢减弱。国际上用美元作为外汇储备、为金融交易计价、结算贸易以及货币市场载体的程度还不如 19451971 年布雷顿森林时代的鼎盛期。但大部分人会对最新数字所揭示的内容感到震惊。对于这一衰落趋势,解释层出不穷。自越战以

13、来,美国的预算赤字、货币创造和经常项目赤字总是非常高。美元相对其他主要货币的价值或者美元的购买力有所损失也不足为奇。与此同时,美国在全球产出中所占的份额也有所下降。而在最近,美国国会的一些议员中存在令人不安的意图,即采取一种可能导致财政部对其法定债务违约的战略,这影响了全球对美元特权地位的信心。此外,一些新兴市场的货币正在首次进入国际货币俱乐部。事实上,一些分析师指出,到这个十年结束时,人民币可能挑战美元作为领先国际货币的地位。但美元作为国际货币的地位并没有一路下降。有趣的是,公众最担心这一问题的时期却并非美元在国际交易中份额下降的时期。美元将永葆其第一的位置,这绝非永恒的自然法则。19 世纪

14、处于顶级位置的是英镑,但在 20 世纪上半叶就被美元超越。美元也有被后浪拍死在沙滩上的一天,但肯定不是今天。汉译英32 【正确答案】 In the face of the complex international situation, China will keep to the path of peaceful development, adhere to the foreign policy of building friendships and partnerships with our neighbors and work with other countries for regio

15、nal peace and prosperity. This year, China has worked vigorously for economic progress while maintaining stability and achieved steady growth through reform and structural adjustment, shoring up market and public expectations about Chinas future development. We have not only the ability to meet our

16、economic and social development goals for this year, but also the conditions to achieve sustained and sound economic growth. This will create even more opportunities for the development of Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries.China-Thailand cooperation has entered a fast lane, and China-Thai

17、land friendship has taken deep roots in the hearts of our people and is reflected in every aspect of their exchanges. I am confident that with even closer exchanges, China-Thailand good-neighborliness and friendship will continue to move ahead like the Yangtze River and the Chao Phraya River. Our all-round and mutually beneficial cooperation will embrace an even brighter future. And our two countries will become even closer to each other.

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