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本文([考研类试卷]2014年对外经济贸易大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(orderah291)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2014 年对外经济贸易大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析英译汉1 Anti-Dumping Duty Order2 counter trade3 holding company4 working capital5 contingency fund6 par value7 law of diminishing marginal utility8 treasury bills9 zero sum game10 niche market11 MOOC12 TPP13 CAFTA14 CFR15 GSP16 ICC17 ITC18 SBA19 UNCTAD20 USAID汉译英21 即期汇票22

2、资本流动性23 抵押贷款24 指令经济25 机会成本26 远期汇率27 最低限价28 金融租赁公司29 微信30 雾霾英译汉31 Global financial stability has improved over the past six months, bolstered by better macroeconomic performance and continued accommodative macroeconomic policies, but fragilities remain. The two-speed recovery ?modest in advanced econ

3、omies and robust in emerging market economies has posed different policy challenges for countries. In advanced economies hit hardest by the crisis, governments and households remain heavily indebted, to varying degrees, and the health of financial institutions has not recovered in tandem with the ov

4、erall economy. Emerging market economies are facing new challenges associated with strong domestic demand, rapid credit growth, relatively accommodative macroeconomic policies, and large capital inflows. Geopolitical risks could also threaten the economic and financial outlook, with oil prices incre

5、asing sharply amid fears of supply disruptions in the Middle East and North Africa.The main task facing policymakers in advanced economies is to shift the balance of policies away from reliance on macroeconomic and liquidity support to more structural policies ?less “leaning“ and more “ cleaning“ of

6、 the financial system. This will entail reducing leverage and restoring market discipline , while avoiding financial or economic disruption during the transition. Thus, ongoing policy efforts to withdraw(implicit)public guarantees and ensure bondholder liability for future losses must build on more

7、rapid progress toward stronger bank balance sheets, ensuring medium-term fiscal sustainability and addressing excessive debt burdens in the private sector.For policymakers in emerging market economies, the task is to limit overheating and a buildup of vulnerabilities ?to avoid “ cleaning“ later. Eme

8、rging market economies have continued to benefit from strong growth relative to that in advanced economies, accompanied by increasing portfolio capital inflows. This is putting pressure on some financial markets, contributing to higher leverage, potential asset price bubbles, and inflationary pressu

9、res. Policymakers will have to pay increasing attention to containing the buildup of macro-financial risks to avoid future problems that could inhibit their growth and damage financial stability.汉译英32 中意两国都是拥有悠久历史和灿烂文化的文明古国。2 000 多年前,古罗马正处于文明鼎盛时期,中华文明也达到了历史的巅峰,一条“丝绸之路” 将两大文明联结在一起。威尼斯商人马可波罗、利玛窦、郎世宁等是

10、为中西文化交流做出贡献的意大利人,更为中国人民所熟知。过去意大利援助过中国,现在意大利希望中国企业家去那里投资。20 年前单向的“丝绸之路 ”已不能适应现在中国发展的形势,我们需要再开放第二条“丝绸之路”。为此,意大利驻华大使馆做了许多工作,通过简化签证等程序,方便更多中国人去意大利投资、旅游。就个人爱好而言,骑自行车去月坛的邮票市场搜集邮票是我的最爱。我还喜欢听中国的京剧,乐于搜集中国古老的服装及京剧服饰。我的夫人也喜欢中国的生活,认为这里很适合她。我和夫人了解中国。但我认为大多数西方人包括意大利人对中国认识不够。如果现在把北京三里屯或上海浦东照片带回意大利,没人相信这就是中国。此外,中国的

11、城市化也已进入快速发展期。我去过中国的部分城市,如桂林、苏州、杭州、西安、上海、天津,这些城市建设发展得都很好。桂林是世界著名的旅游胜地和历史文化名城,桂林山水是典型的喀斯特地形,且别具一格,我真正感受到了“桂林山水甲天下 ”的美景。 “上有天堂,下有苏杭”,苏州和杭州之行也给我留下了深刻的印象。2014 年对外经济贸易大学英语翻译基础真题试卷答案与解析英译汉1 【正确答案】 反倾销税令2 【正确答案】 补偿贸易;对销贸易3 【正确答案】 控股公司;股权公司4 【正确答案】 流动资产,营运资产;周转资金5 【正确答案】 应急费用6 【正确答案】 票面价值7 【正确答案】 边际效用递减法则8 【

12、正确答案】 国库券,财政短期证券9 【正确答案】 零和博弈10 【正确答案】 利基市场11 【正确答案】 massive open online courses 大型开放式网络课程12 【正确答案】 Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement 跨太平洋伙伴关系协议13 【正确答案】 China-ASEAN Free Trade Area 中国 -东盟自由贸易区14 【正确答案】 cost and freight 成本加运费15 【正确答案】 Good Supply Practice药品经营质量管理规范 16 【正确答案】 The International Cham

13、ber of Commerce 国际商会17 【正确答案】 International Trade Center 国际贸易中心18 【正确答案】 Small Business Administration 小企业管理局19 【正确答案】 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 联合国贸易和发展会议20 【正确答案】 United States Agency for International Development 美国国际开发署汉译英21 【正确答案】 sight draft22 【正确答案】 capital mobility23

14、 【正确答案】 loan against collateral24 【正确答案】 command economy25 【正确答案】 opportunity cost26 【正确答案】 forward exchange rate27 【正确答案】 floor price28 【正确答案】 financial leasing firms29 【正确答案】 Wechat30 【正确答案】 haze英译汉31 【正确答案】 六个月来,在宏观经济业绩改善和宏观经济政策持续宽松的条件下,全球金融稳定形势有所好转,但全球金融系统的脆弱性仍然存在。世界经济“双速”复苏先进国家的经济增长速度较慢而新兴市场经济体

15、增长强劲给各国带来了政策上的挑战。在受危机影响最严重的发达经济体,政府和民众不同程度地面临债务过高的问题,金融机构未能随总体经济的复苏而“恢复健康” 。新兴市场经济体正面临各种新挑战,这些挑战与国内需求强劲、信贷增长迅速、宏观经济政策相对宽松以及大量资本流人等因素有关。由于人们担心中东和北非的石油供应量减少,油价正在迅速攀升,因此地缘政治风险也可能威胁到经济和金融前景。发达经济体决策者面临的主要任务是将政策重心从依赖宏观经济刺激和流动性支持转向更多地依赖结构性政策,即减少“依赖” 和加强对金融体系的 “清理”。这要求降低杠杆率,恢复市场纪律,同时避免在过渡期间发生金融和经济混乱。因此,为促进当

16、前旨在撤销政府(隐性)担保、确保债券持有人对未来损失承担责任的政策努力,首先必须迅速恢复银行资产负债表的健康,保障中期财政的可持续性,并解决私人部门债务负担过重的问题。对新兴市场经济体决策者而言,其任务是限制经济过热和脆弱性积累,以避免以后进行“清理 ”。新兴市场经济体的增长继续强于先进经济体,证券资本流人量增加。这种状况给一些金融市场带来压力,使杠杆率升高,形成潜在的资产价格泡沫,并增加通货膨胀的压力。决策者还需集中更多注意力来控制宏观金融风险的积累,以避免未来出现可能阻碍增长和破坏金融稳定的问题。汉译英32 【正确答案】 Both China and Italy are ancient c

17、ivilizations that boast a long history and splendid cultures. More than 2, 000 years ago, when the ancient Roman civilization was in its heyday and the Chinese civilization also reached a historical peak, the “ Silk Road“ was built linking these two great civilizations. Those Italians who had made c

18、onsiderable contributions to the cultural exchange between Italy and China like the merchants of Venice Marco Polo, Matteo Ricci and Giuseppe Castiglione have all become well-known to the Chinese.The Italian used to aid the Chinese in the past, and now they hope that more Chinese entrepreneurs can g

19、o and invest in Italy. The one-way “Silk Road“ 20 years ago can no longer meet the demand of Chinas current development, so a second “Silk Road“ needs to be built. To this end, the Italian Embassy has put in a lot of efforts, such as simplifying visa procedures to facilitate more Chinese people to i

20、nvest and travel in Italy.Riding a bike to the stamp market around the Altar of the Moon to collect stamps is my favorite. I also take delight in listening to Chinese opera and collecting ancient Chinese clothing and opera costumes. My wife also enjoys the life in China, considering it suitable for

21、her. Although my wife and I understand China, I believe most Westerners including most Italians lack the knowledge of this country. If we bring the photos of Beijing Sanlitun Village or Shanghai Pudong New Area back to Italy and show them, no one will believe that the photos are taken in China.Besid

22、es, Chinas urbanization is also enjoying a rapid development. Ive been to some cities of China, such as Guilin, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Xian, Shanghai and Tianjin, where the development and construction are quite sound. Guilin is a world-famous tourist destination and historical and cultural city, where t

23、he landscape is typical of karst land feature, being very unique. There, I truly understand the saying that “ East or west, Guilin landscape is the best. “ As another Chinese saying goes, “Up above there is heaven; down below there are Suzhou and Hangzhou,“ the journey in these two cities also has left a deep impression on me.

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