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本文([考研类试卷]2014年西安外国语大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(cleanass300)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2014 年西安外国语大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析英译汉1 The assessment of gross national happiness was designed in an attempt to define an indicator that measures quality of life or social progress in more holistic and psychological terms than only the economic indicator of gross domestic product.2 Britain has announced

2、plans to simplify its visa application process for Chinese visitors. The announcement comes as British Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, is in China for trade talks.3 Biodiversity conservation provides substantial benefits to meet immediate human needs, such as those for clean, consistent

3、 water flows; protection from floods and storms; and a stable climate.4 Boxing Day is traditionally the day following Christmas Day, when servants and tradesmen would receive gifts from their bosses or employers, known as a “ Christmas box.5 Crowdsourcing is the practice of obtaining needed services

4、, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of people, and especially from an online community, rather than from traditional employees or suppliers.6 The U. S. Mission to ASEAN works with ASEAN and all of its member states to advance the development of a strong and integrated

5、Southeast Asian community that is secure, prosperous, and democratic.7 Political correctness is a term that refers to language, ideas, or policies that address perceived or actual discrimination against or alienation of politically, socially or economically disadvantaged groups.8 Secretary-General B

6、an Ki-moon has welcomed the appointment of Roberto Carvalho de Azevedo of Brazil as the next Director-General of the World Trade Organization(WTO).9 The hiring intentions index of the property and construction industry is the highest among all monitored industries, reaching 77. 1 for the third quart

7、er.10 Corporate governance refers to the system by which corporations are directed and controlled. The governance structure specifies the distribution of rights and responsibilities among different participants in the corporation.11 Bitcoin is a cybercurrency that is relatively anonymous and is crea

8、ted and exchanged independently of any government or bank.12 The Bank of England said Friday it was close to signing a three-year renminbi-pound swap agreement with Chinas central bank.13 The film received the CICAE Art House Prize at the Cannes Film Festival, the Jury Prize at the Deauville Interna

9、tional Film Festival, and Special Mention for Excellence in Filmmaking from the National Board of Review.14 Telecom service providers allege that WeChat and other over-the-top(OTT)content service providers should pay for generating excessive data flows, sometimes leading to traffic jams in signaling

10、 channels.15 Tencent, Chinas largest instant messaging service provider, was accused of abusing its dominant market position in the case filed by Qihoo 360, an anti-virus software company.汉译英16 中国(上海) 自由贸易试验区,是中国政府设立在上海的区域性自由贸易园区,属中国自由贸易区范畴。17 国务院常务会议指出,将把分散在多个部门的不动产登记职责整合由一个部门承担,减少办证环节,并建立不动产信息共享平台

11、。18 “创意欧洲 ”是欧盟委员会于 2011 年提出的一个新项目,旨在为欧洲的电影等文化创意产业 提供资金支持,提高其对就业和经济增长的贡献。19 国土资源部 有关负责人表示,党的十八届三中全会精神对以依法持续推进国土资源管理改革提出了更高要求。20 在“键盘时代 ”,不少人得了 “失写症”,提笔忘字,十分尴尬。央视近日播出的“汉字听写大会”在全球华人中掀起了一股汉字书写的热潮。21 2013 年入夏以来,持续的高温天气导致以青菜为主的绿叶菜播种难、出苗难、成活难,单位面积产量明显减少。22 中国医师协会正式启动了执业医师定期考核工作,将对医生的医德医风进行较专业的评估,这方面有问题者会被列

12、入“黑名单” 。23 中印日前签署的边防合作协议重申双方不将其军事能力用于针对对方,承诺继续保持中印边境实控线地区的和平、稳定与安宁。24 依据载人登月的三个可能时间表,我国载人登月最早可能在 2020 年实现。25 中华人民共和国国防部发表声明,宣布划设中国东海防空识别区。对在此区域不配合或不服从命令的航空器,中国武装力量将采取防御性处置措施。26 我国将推进社会化、市场化公务用车制度,取消一般公务用车,普通公务出行实行社会化提供,适度发放公务交通补贴。27 种种迹象表明,我国互联网正在进入 20 阶段,其标志之一是网民结构发生重大变化,互联网普及率提高。28 公共租赁房 由政府或公共机构所

13、有,用低于市场价或者承租者承受得起的价格,向新就业职工等群体出租。29 中国推出了一个更加以市场为导向的成品油定价机制,以便能更好地反映产品成本并适应全球油价波动。30 李克强总理近日在黑龙江视察时谈到,中国将推广规模化耕作,这将有利于农民在耕作中采用先进技术。英译汉31 As foreseen in last years issue of this report, the world economy weakened considerably. A growing number of developed economies, especially in Europe, have alread

14、y fallen into a double-dip recession, while those facing sovereign debt distress moved even deeper into recession. Many developed economies are caught in downward spiralling dynamics from high unemployment, weak aggregate demand compounded by fiscal austerity, high public debt burdens, and financial

15、 fragility.The economic woes of the developed countries are spilling over to developing countries and economies in transition through weaker demand for their exports and heightened volatility in capital flows and commodity prices. The larger developing economies also face home-grown problems, howeve

16、r, with some(including China)facing much weakened investment demand because of financing constraints in some sectors of the economy and excess production capacity elsewhere. Most low-income countries have held up relatively well so far, but are now also facing intensified adverse spillover effects f

17、rom the slowdown in both developed and major middle-income countries. The prospects for the next two years continue to be challenging, fraught with major uncertainties and risks slanted towards the downside.(182 words)32 China will launch two new pilot carbon trading schemes this week in Beijing and

18、 Shanghai as it strives to cut soaring rates of greenhouse gas, reduce choking smog and determine the best system for a nationwide roll-out. China has pledged to cut the 2005 rate of CO2 emissions per unit of GDP growth by 40 -45 percent by 2020. As UN-led climate talks stumbled in Warsaw last week,

19、 the countrys chief negotiator Xie Zhenhua was keen to push the countrys CO2 cutting credentials, challenging developed nations to match the efforts being made by China to tackle global warming. The new platforms, which will force industrial firms to buy credits to cover any CO2 they emit above allo

20、cated quotas, also underscore Beijings commitment to “ market mechanisms“ to slow emissions growth, in line with an ambitious raft of reforms outlined earlier this month. Trading is likely to start slowly as the government treads cautiously and tries to learn lessons from Europe, where an excess of

21、credits has left carbon prices in the doldrums.(170 words)汉译英33 在联合国教科文组织公布的 2013 年人类非物质文化遗产代表作备选名单中,中国珠算榜上有名。该名单介绍说,珠算是中国古代的重大发明,伴随着中国人经历了 1 800 多年的漫长岁月,它以简便的计算工具和独特的数理内涵,被誉为“世界上最古老的计算器”。截至目前,中国人选“ 非遗 ”项目总数已达 37 项,成为世界上人选项目最多的国家。其中昆曲、中医针灸、皮影戏等 29 项列入人类非物质文化遗产目录,活字印刷术等 7 项列入急需保护非遗名录。联合国教科文组织认为,非物质文化

22、遗产给拥有者群体带来认同感和历史感,是确保文化多样性与人类创造性的关键。(253 words)34 中国及欧盟领导人就加强全方位合作达成重要共识:第一,以投资协定谈判带动中欧经贸合作迈上新台阶。启动并推进谈判进程,力争到 2020 年双边贸易额达到 1 万亿美元。坚持市场开放,加强金融合作,通过平等对话和友好协商妥善处理分歧。采取有效措施扩大双边高技术贸易。第二,加强在国际和地区事务中的合作。就气候变化、网络安全、军控和防扩散等重大全球性问题上加强交流,在联合国、二十国集团、亚欧会议等多边框架内加强协调,推动国际政治、经济秩序向着更加公正、合理、有效的方向发展,维护世界和平与稳定。(236wo

23、rds)2014 年西安外国语大学英语翻译基础真题试卷答案与解析英译汉1 【正确答案】 国民幸福指数2 【正确答案】 英国财政大臣3 【正确答案】 保护生物多样性4 【正确答案】 节礼日5 【正确答案】 众包6 【正确答案】 美国驻东盟使团7 【正确答案】 政治上的正确性8 【正确答案】 世界贸易组织总干事9 【正确答案】 招聘意愿指数10 【正确答案】 公司治理11 【正确答案】 比特币12 【正确答案】 人民币英镑互换协议13 【正确答案】 戛纳电影节14 【正确答案】 互联网企业越过运营商,发展基于开放互联网的各种视频和数据服务业务的内容服务商15 【正确答案】 滥用其市场支配地位汉译英

24、16 【正确答案】 free trade zone17 【正确答案】 information sharing platform18 【正确答案】 Cultural and Creative Industry19 【正确答案】 Ministry of Land and Resources20 【正确答案】 Chinese characters dictation competition21 【正确答案】 unit area yield22 【正确答案】 practicing physician/licensed doctors23 【正确答案】 Agreement on Border Defen

25、se Cooperation24 【正确答案】 manned lunar landing25 【正确答案】 Air Defense Identification Zone in the East China Sea26 【正确答案】 official cars for general use27 【正确答案】 Internet Penetration28 【正确答案】 public rental houses29 【正确答案】 fuel pricing system30 【正确答案】 large-scale farming英译汉31 【正确答案】 正如去年的报告所预测的那样,世界经济明显衰退。


27、充满挑战,存在较大的不确定性和经济下行风险。32 【正确答案】 本周,中国将在北京、上海两城市启动两项新的试点碳交易计划。中国正致力于降低急剧增长的温室气体排放率,减少令人窒息的烟雾,并确定全国试点项目的最佳机制。中国承诺,到 2020 年,单位 GDP 的二氧化碳排放率与 2005 年相比下降4045。上周,由联合国主导的华沙气候谈判进展不顺,中国首席谈判代表谢振华积极推进中国的二氧化碳减排认证认可制度,呼吁发达国家与中国一道努力,应对全球变暖问题。新平台要求,工业企业要为超出配额的二氧化碳排放量购买信用,突显了中国通过“市场机制 ”减缓排放量增长的决心,与本月早些时候提出的一系列大刀阔斧的

28、改革纲要相符。欧洲由于碳信用泛滥而造成碳价低迷,中国自然要吸取欧洲的教训,谨慎地推动改革,因此交易机制的启动可能较为缓慢。汉译英33 【正确答案】 The Zhusuan, otherwise known as the Chinese abacus has successfully made its way onto the shortlist of the 2013 UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritages.According to the shortlist, Chinese abacus is one of the most important inven

29、tions in ancient China, with a history of over 1,800 years. As a convenient counting tool with unique mathematical connotations, Chinese abacus is considered as “the worlds oldest computer. “Up to now, China has successfully applied for thirty-seven items to be listed as World Intangible Cultural He

30、ritages , becoming the country with the highest number of intangible cultural items listed by UNESCO. Twenty-nine items, including Kunqu opera, acupuncture and shadow play, are listed as Intangible cultural Heritage of Humanity, while another seven items, including the wooden movable-type printing a

31、re on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding.UNESCO believes the Intangible Cultural Heritages can bring a sense of identity and history to the communities that own them, and that it is the key to ensuring cultural diversity and human creativity.34 【正确答案】 Chinese and

32、 EU leaders reached important consensuses on strengthening all-around cooperation.First, we further promote China-EU economic and trade cooperation through investment treaty negotiations. We initiate and facilitate the negotiation process, and strive to reach the goal of $1 trillion in bilateral tra

33、de by 2020. We continue to pursue the policy of opening up market, strengthen financial cooperation and properly settle disputes through dialogues on an equal footing and friendly negotiations. Effective measures should also be taken to expand bilateral trade of high-tech products.Second, we will in

34、crease China-EU cooperation in international and regional affairs. We will enhance communication on major international issues such as climate change, network security, arms control and non-proliferation. We will strengthen Strengthen coordination in multilateral frameworks including the UN, G20, and ASEN to drive global politics and economy to a fairer, more reasonable and more effective direction, and safeguard the peace and stability of the world.

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