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本文([考研类试卷]2015年北京航空航天大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(feelhesitate105)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2015 年北京航空航天大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析英译汉1 back-translation2 compensation3 competence4 cultural substitution5 CAT6 Descriptive Translation Studies7 Documentary Translation8 F. I. T9 Logos10 patronage11 resistancy12 sight translation13 target language14 terminology15 undertranslation汉译英16 翻译方向17 翻译体18 语内翻译19

2、 多语语料库20 选译21 配字幕22 注音23 翻译单位24 可译性25 耳语传译26 借用27 信息型文本28 译前编辑29 逐词翻译30 动态对等英译汉31 Since 1989 Mayor Richard Daley has presided over the planting of more than 300, 000 trees, which he says not only please the eye but “ reduce noise, air pollution and summer heat. “ Twenty-one underutilized acres aroun

3、d the city have been turned into 72 community gardens and parks. The renovation of Soldier Field on the lakefront will include 17 acres of new parkland. The largest park project, the Calumet Open Space Reserve on the far Southeast Side, is 4, 000 acres of prairies, wetlands and forests.The city cont

4、racts with an organization called the Christian Industrial League, which hires many down-and-out persons to wash stress and water plants. And the organization is building a greenhouse that will sell flowers in winter.32 Bhagwati says “Unions in poor countries face a lose-lose situation. “ Higher sta

5、ndards are apt to raise the poorer nationscosts of production, crippling those nationscompetitiveness. If the standards are not implemented, those nationsexports are punished with sanctions. So for the unions in rich countries, the moralization of trade is win-win.Time was, protectionists were mostl

6、y on the right, protecting corporations in the name of nationalism. Now most are on the left, where the vocabulary of victimization prevails. The lefts agendaexpanding government at the expense of markets in the allocation of wealth and opportunitymakes economic autarky a temptation. The same mind-s

7、et also opposes challenges to government monopolies such as public education and Social Security.33 Man adapted physically as well as culturally to the new surroundings into which he moved. Those who stayed in or moved to equatorial climates developed dark skin to protect them from the rays of the s

8、un. Those who moved to colder climates developed light skin to take advantage of the sunlight for the synthesis of vitamin D. People in cold dry climates became stocky, to conserve heat. People in hot dry climates tended to become tall and thin, to dissipate heat.汉译英34 一些国际环境组织近年来已改变了保护策略。他们努力拯救整个自然

9、环境,而不是在一段时间内只力图拯救一个物种。许多专家感到在过去 15 年中,最成功的是世界上几乎所有国家都有了国家动植物保护区和保护公园。这意味着天然的野生生物区将继续供养着许多种相互依存的野生动植物。35 有一个谚语:直到我们失去了某件东西,我们才会彻底认识到它的价值。当朋友已经死去时我们常常才能珍惜朋友的爱,甚至比他生前更加珍惜。直至我们离开学校或大学,才开始了解教育给我们的无穷机会,而学校教育也已不再了。同样的,只有当人身体虚弱或生病时才会了解健康的可贵。36 2013 年,习近平主席提出了建设“丝绸之路经济带” 和“21 世纪海上丝绸之路”,简称“一带一路 ”的战略构想。他指出, “一

10、带一路”连接亚太、中亚和欧洲经济圈。无论是发展经济、改善民生,还是应对危机,许多沿线国家同我国都有着共同利益。如今,“一带一路 ”已成为中国努力推进地区互联互通、经贸合作的基石。2015 年北京航空航天大学英语翻译基础真题试卷答案与解析英译汉1 【正确答案】 回译2 【正确答案】 补偿3 【正确答案】 能力4 【正确答案】 文化替换5 【正确答案】 计算机辅助翻译(Computer Aided Translation)6 【正确答案】 描述翻译学7 【正确答案】 纪实翻译8 【正确答案】 国际翻译工作者联合会(International Federation of Translators)9

11、【正确答案】 本体10 【正确答案】 赞助人11 【正确答案】 阻抗12 【正确答案】 视译13 【正确答案】 目标语言14 【正确答案】 术语15 【正确答案】 欠额翻译汉译英16 【正确答案】 direction of translation17 【正确答案】 translationese18 【正确答案】 intralingual translation19 【正确答案】 multilingual corpus20 【正确答案】 selective translation21 【正确答案】 subtitling/to give subtitles22 【正确答案】 transcripti

12、on23 【正确答案】 unit of translation24 【正确答案】 translatability25 【正确答案】 whispered interpreting26 【正确答案】 borrowing27 【正确答案】 informative text28 【正确答案】 pre-editing29 【正确答案】 word-for-word translation30 【正确答案】 dynamic equivalence英译汉31 【正确答案】 自 1989 年以来,在理查德-戴利市长的主持下,该市已经种植了 30 多万棵树。市长称,这些树木不但赏心悦目,而且有效地“降低噪声,减少

13、大气污染,降低夏季高温” 。市区周围 21 英亩尚未充分利用的土地逐步被改造为 72个社区花园和公园。位于湖畔的(芝加哥)军人球场在翻新后将会包含 17 英亩的新绿地。卡拉麦特开放空间保护项目是远东南地区最大的公园项目,该空间涵盖了 4 000 英亩的大草原、湿地以及森林。该市与一个名为基督教工业联盟的组织签订合约,雇用大量生活艰难的人清洗街道,照料水生植物。该机构正在修建温室,未来在冬天也将有鲜花出售。32 【正确答案】 巴格瓦蒂说“贫穷国家的联盟面临着两败俱伤的困境” 。更高的标准很容易使贫穷国家的生产成本增加,从而减弱这些国家的竞争力。如果没有推行这些标准,这些国家的出口产品又会遭受制裁

14、。对于富裕国家的联盟而言,贸易的道德化能够双赢。过去,贸易保护主义者的观点大多倾向右翼,乐衷于以国家主义的名义保护企业利益。现在,大多又转向左翼,关于欺诈的言论甚嚣尘上。左翼派的目标在分配财富与机会的过程中,以损害市场的代价,加强政府的调控作用让经济自给自足成为一种诱惑。这种观念给政府垄断部门,如公共教育和社会保险,也带来了挑战。33 【正确答案】 人类在身体和文化方面都适应于他们迁入的新环境。为保护自己免受太阳辐射的伤害,居住或迁入赤道气候带的人形成了深色皮肤。为了利用阳光合成维生素 D,迁移到气候寒冷地带的人形成了浅色皮肤。为保存热量,寒冷而干燥地区的人长得矮壮;而为了散热,住在干燥而炎热

15、地区的人倾向于长得又高又瘦。汉译英34 【正确答案】 A number of international environmental organizations have changed their conservation policies in recent years. Instead of attempting to save one specific species at a time, they are trying to save a complete natural environment. Many experts feel that the greatest success

16、 in the past 15 years have been in creating national animal and plant reserves and conservation parks in almost every country in the world, which means that natural wildlife areas will remain to support wild animals and plants that depend on each other.35 【正确答案】 It is a common saying that we do not

17、fully learn the value of a thing until we lose it. We often treasure the love offered by our friend when he has been taken from us by death, more than when he was with us in the flesh; it is only when we have left school or college that we understand the greatness of our opportunity of education, wh

18、ich has gone forever; and it is the weak and the sick who realize the value of good health.36 【正确答案】 In 2013, President Xi Jinping put forward the strategic initiatives of building “ One Belt and One Road,“ namely “Silk Road Economic Belt“ and “21st-century Maritime Silk Road. “ He pointed out that

19、“One Belt and One Road“ would connect Asia-Pacific, Central Asian and European economic circles. Many of the countries along the routes share common interests with China, whether it is economic development and improving the well-being of their people or dealing with crises. At present, “One Belt and One Road“ has laid the foundation for China in its regional interconnection and economic and trade cooperation promotion.

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