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本文([考研类试卷]2016年中国海洋大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(diecharacter305)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2016 年中国海洋大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析英译汉1 ASEAN2 IS3 NATO4 AIIB5 TPP6 IMF7 Ramadan8 genetic mutation9 Straits Exchange Foundation10 dead account11 marginal return12 offshore fishery13 Paris Bourse14 paternity test15 prenuptial agreement汉译英16 和而不同17 功崇惟志,业广惟勤18 位卑未敢忘忧国19 注重教育公平20 区域全面经济伙伴关系21 打造中国经济的升级版22 前瞻性

2、战略性产业23 易经24 杜绝浪费现象25 联合国教科文组织26 天网恢恢,疏而不漏27 全方位外交28 命运共同体29 有腐必惩,有贪必肃30 “一带一路 ”建设英译汉31 In the appreciation of a work of art or an art form, consideration of the receiver never proves fruitful. Not only was any reference to a certain public or its representatives misleading, but even the concept of

3、an “ideal“ receiver is detrimental in the theoretical consideration of art, since all it posits is the existence and nature of man as such. Art, in the same way, posits mans physical and spiritual existence, but in none of its works is it concerned with his response. No poem is intended for the read

4、er, no picture for the beholder, no symphony for listener.Is a translation meant for readers who do not understand the original? This would seem to explain adequately the divergence of their standing in the realm of art. Moreover, it seems to be the only conceivable reason for saying “the same thing

5、“ repeatedly. For what does a literary work “say“? What does it communicate? It “tells“ very little to those who understand it. Its essential quality is not statement or the imparting of information. Yet any translation which intends to perform a transmitting function cannot transmit anything but in

6、formationhence, something inessential. This is the hallmark of bad translations. But do we not generally regard as the essential substance of a literary work what it contains in addition to informationas even a poor translator will admitthe unfathomable, the mysterious, the “poetic“, something that

7、a translator can reproduce only if he is also a poet? This, actually, is the cause of another characteristic of inferior translation. This will be true whenever a translation undertakes to serve the reader. However, if it were intended for the reader, the same would have to apply to the original. If

8、 the original does not exist for the readers sake, how could the translation he understood on the basis of this premise? (309 words)汉译英32 所谓茶马古道,并非指唯一的某一条大道,而是指以藏滇川交界处的“三角地带”为中心,跨越横断山脉和喜马拉雅山脉的诸多道路,其中有两条主要大道:“ 滇藏道”与“川藏道”。虽然在清雍正十三年(1735),官营茶马交易被终止,但茶马古道依然繁荣,而在茶马古道上将茶叶、马匹、皮毛、藏药往来运输的,就是脚夫和大大小小的马帮。抗日战争期间

9、,尤其是在缅甸沦陷,滇缅公路被切断后,滇藏线的茶马古道成为唯一的国际通道。许多国外援华物资,内地运往滇西前线的抗战物资,以及当时在滇缅边境参加抗战的 16 万多中国军人的日常供给和枪支弹药,大都是由滇西各族马帮经过茶马古道运送的。在中华民族生死存亡之际,茶马古道这条古老的贸易通道发挥了重要的作用,留下了它在历史上最后的光彩的一笔,其国际意义堪比丝绸之路,至今已可称之为重要的人类历史文化遗产。(351 字)2016 年中国海洋大学英语翻译基础真题试卷答案与解析英译汉1 【正确答案】 东南亚国家联盟(东盟)(Association of Southeast Asian Nations)2 【正确答

10、案】 “ 伊斯兰国 ”(Islamic State)3 【正确答案】 北大西洋公约组织(Noah Atlantic Treaty Organization)4 【正确答案】 亚洲基础设施投资银行(Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank)5 【正确答案】 跨太平洋伙伴关系(TransPacific Partnership)6 【正确答案】 国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund)7 【正确答案】 斋月(伊斯兰教历的九月)8 【正确答案】 基因突变9 【正确答案】 海峡交流基金会10 【正确答案】 坏账,呆账11 【正确答案】 边

11、际报酬12 【正确答案】 近海渔业13 【正确答案】 巴黎证券交易所14 【正确答案】 亲子鉴定15 【正确答案】 婚前协议汉译英16 【正确答案】 harmony in diversity17 【正确答案】 Great accomplishments require ambition and tireless effort18 【正确答案】 Whatever my status,I will never lay aside my concern for the nation19 【正确答案】 emphasize equality in education20 【正确答案】 Regional

12、Comprehensive Economic Partnership(RCEP)21 【正确答案】 upgrade Chinas economic development model22 【正确答案】 forward-looking strategic industry23 【正确答案】 the Book of Changes24 【正确答案】 put an end to waste25 【正确答案】 UNESCO(United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization)26 【正确答案】 Justice has long

13、 arms 27 【正确答案】 all-round diplomacy28 【正确答案】 a community of shared future29 【正确答案】 Theres absolutely no tolerance for corruption and graft30 【正确答案】 the Belt and Road initiative英译汉31 【正确答案】 欣赏艺术作品或艺术形式时,顾及受众从来都没有什么益处。不仅谈及特定公众或其代表人物会对人产生误导,甚至连“理想” 受众这一概念在艺术的理论探讨中也是有害无益,因为这需要以这样的人存在且具有如此本质的假设为前提。同样,艺术也

14、以人的肉体和精神存在为前提,然而在任何一件艺术品中,艺术从未关心过人对它有何反应。诗并非为读者而赋,画绝非为观者而作,交响乐也非为听众而谱。那么,译作是为那些不懂原作的人存在的吗?这个问题似乎充分解释了关于读者在艺术领域的地位分歧。此外,这也成为“同样的话” 重复说的唯一可以理解的原因。一部文学作品在“ 说” 什么 ?它在传达什么?对那些领会它的人而言,它几乎什么也没“说”。文学作品的本质特征并非陈述事实或传递信息。任何旨在执行传播功能的译作除了信息外并未传达任何本质的东西。这也是拙劣译文的特征。然而,就连拙劣的译者也承认,信息之外,文学作品中的那种深不可测、神秘和“诗意” 才是我们普遍认为的

15、文学作品的本质。而只有译者本身也是诗人,才能再现这样的本质。而这事实上又引出了拙劣译作的另一个特征。只要译作意在迎合读者,这个特征便成立。倘若原作为读者而作,那么这样的评断对于原作同样适用。而如果原作并非为读者而作,那我们又怎么理解不为读者而存在的译作呢?【试题解析】 本文选自犹太学者本雅明的译者的任务一文。本雅明全名为瓦尔特.本迪克斯.舍恩弗里斯.本雅明(Walter Bendix Schoenflies Benjamin),他是德国犹太学者、作家、哲学家,被一些人称为“欧洲最后一位文人”。其代表作有单向街发达资本主义时代的抒情诗人等。在这篇文章中,作者充分展示了哲学家的思维,从辩证的角度分

16、析了翻译是否应为读者存在,探讨了译者在文学领域的位置,对于翻译人员而言有很大的学习价值。汉译英32 【正确答案】 The Ancient Tea and Horse Caravan Road, or Chamagudao, is not a specific well-defined route, but a net-work of routes winding through the Hengduan Mountains and the Himalayas, centering round the triangular border areas of Tibet, Sichuan and Y

17、unnan. There are two major routes: The Yunnan-Tibet Route and the Sichuan-Tibet Route. Although the trade run by government was terminated in the 13 th year of Emperor Yongzhengs reign in the Qing Dynasty (1735), trade on Chamagudao was still prosperous. It was porters and large or small horse carav

18、ans that brought back and force goods including tea, horses, fur and traditional Tibetan medicine along the Road.During the Chinese Peoples War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, especially after Myanmars fall and the blocking of Burma Road, the Ancient Tea and Horse Caravan Road along the Y

19、unnan-Tibet Route became the only passable international route. Most of the assistance kits from overseas, military supplies transferred from inland to southern Yunnan frontline, and the daily supplies and firearms and ammunition for more than 160 thousand Chinese soldiers fighting along Yunnan-Burm

20、a border are transported mainly by the caravans of all ethic groups in Southern Yunnan through the Ancient Tea and Horse Caravan Road. When Chinas very existence is at stake, the Ancient Tea and Horse Caravan Road played a significant role, writing a splendid final chapter of its own in the history. With as much international significance as the Silk Road, the Ancient Tea and Horse Caravan Road now can be listed as an important human cultural heritage.【试题解析】 本文从地理位置和历史意义这两个方面对茶马古道做了简要的介绍。在介绍地理位置时,涉及许多地名;而在介绍历史意义时,则是涉及一些历史知识,这些都需要考生在平时的阅读和训练中积累。

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