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1、MBA(英语)阅读理解练习试卷 17 及答案与解析一、Section III Reading ComprehensionDirections: Read the following four passages. Answer the questions below each passage by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.0 A We try our best to develop a vaccine. B The cause of the flu epidemics arising so often

2、in Asia. C The general introduction of “BIRD FLU“. D The reason of the new strain of flu arising. E The diseases caused by viruses threat human-beings. F The connections between bird and viruses are complex. 1. _ Human beings have known the diseases caused by viruses since thousands of years ago; an

3、d were fearful of them. The diseases are infectious hepatitis, polio, rabies, and AIDS. Now we can find easily that why the late Sir Peter Medawar, Nobel laureate in physiology or medicine, wrote “A virus is a piece of bad news wrapped in protein.“ Perhaps the most lethal virus in human history has

4、been the influenza virus. About 21 million Americans and Europeans died of flu within 18 months in 1918 and 1919. It was an astonishing number. The outbreak in Hong Kong in 2003 of a potentially deadly strain of flu has attracted the worlds attention once again on flu. Flu viruses we call are RNA an

5、imal viruses. An individual flu virus resembles a rod studded with spikes composed of two kinds of protein. There are three “types“ of flu virus, distinguished by their capsid protein, which is different for each type: Type A flu virus causes most of the serious flu epidemics in humans, and also occ

6、urs in mammals and birds. Type B and Type C viruses are only in to humans and rarely cause serious health problems. 2. _ The new strain of flu arises not by mutation, but recombination. Viral genes are readily reassorted by genetic recombination, sometimes putting together novel combinations of H an

7、d N spikes unrecognizable by human antibodies specific for the old configuration. Viral recombination of this kind seems to have been responsible for the three major flu pandemics (that is, world wide epidemics) that have occurred in this century, by producing drastic shifts in Hand N combinations.

8、The “Killer flu“ of 1918, A (HIN1), killed 21 million people. The Asian flu of 1957, A (H2N2), killed over 100,000 Americans. The Hong Kong flu of 1968, A (H3N2), infected 50 million people in the United States alone, of which 70,000 died. 3. _ It is proved that the new strains of flu usually start

9、to develop in the far east. The most common hosts for influenza virus are ducks, chickens, and pigs, which in Asia often live in close proximity to each other and to humans. Pigs are subject to infection by both bird and human strains of the virus, and individual animals are often simultaneously inf

10、ected with multiple strains. This creates conditions favoring genetic recombination between strains, producing new combinations of H and N subtypes. The Hong Kong flu, for example, arose from recombination between A (H3N8) from ducks and A (H2N2) from humans. The new strain of influenza, in this cas

11、e A (H3N2), then passed back to humans, creating an epidemic. 4. _ A potentially deadly new strain of flu virus, A (H5N1), has appeared in 2003, again in Hong Kong. Scientists paid great attention to this virus for two reasons. First, A (H5N1) represents a novel combination of H and N spikes, the so

12、rt of new combination that has in the past been associated with major flu epidemics. Second, unlike all previous instances of new flu strains, A (H5N1) passed to humans directly from birds, in this case chickens. Fortunately the bird flu virus does not appear to spread easily from person to person.

13、5. _ A vaccine directed against the bird flu virus has not been developed. Such a vaccine will not be easy to produce. Public health scientists have injected the duck virus into laboratory ferrets, often used as test animals in flue research because they develop classic respiratory symptoms. Is the

14、duck virus enough like bird flu that the ferrets develop antibodies that protect against A (H5N1)? The result will be known after months.5 A Healing power from the young. B A harmful practice out of human weakness. C Who should take the burden of looking after our old people? D A cure to loneliness

15、found in kids. E Comfort typical of a multigenerational family. F Benefit of extended age groups. Until late in 20th century, most Americans spent time with people of all generations. Now baby boomers may not have much contact with old people until theyre relatively old themselves. 1. _ Thats becaus

16、e we group people by age. We put our three-year-olds together in day-care centers, our 13-year-olds in schools and sports activities, and our 80-year-olds in senior-citizen homes. Why? We segregate the old for many reasons: prejudice, ignorance, a lack of good alternatives. Younger people sometimes

17、avoid the old to evade fears of aging and dying. Death is easier to bear in the abstract. Its much harder to watch someone we love fade before our eyes. Sometimes its so hard that we stay away from the people who need us the most. 2. _ But there are problems with this age-segregation experiment. Ten

18、 14-year-olds grouped together will form a Lord of the Flies culture-competitive and mean. But ten people ages two to 80 grouped together will fall into a natural age hierarchy that nurtures and teaches them all. For our own mental and social health, we need to reconnect the age groups. Fortunately,

19、 some of us have found our way to the old. And we have discovered that they often save the young. 3. _ A reporter moved her family onto a block filled with old people. At first her children were disappointed. But the reporter baked banana bread for the neighbors and had her children deliver it and v

20、isit. Soon the children had many new friends, with whom they shared food, stories and projects. “My children have never been less lonely,“ the reporter said. 4. _ The young, in turn, save the old. Once I was in a rest home when a visitor showed up with a baby. She was immediately surrounded. People

21、who hadnt gotten out of bed in a week suddenly were ringing for a wheelchair. Even those who had seemed comatose woke up to watch the child. Babies have an amazing power to comfort and heal. 5. _ Grandparents are a special case. They give grandchildren a feeling of security and continuity. As my hus

22、band put it, “My grandparents gave me a deep sense that things would turn out right in the end.“ Grandchildren speak of attention they dont get from harried parents. “My parents were always telling me to hurry up, and my grandparents told me to slow down,“ one friend said. A teacher told me she can

23、tell which kids have relationships with grandparents: they are quieter, calmer, more trusting.MBA(英语)阅读理解练习试卷 17 答案与解析一、Section III Reading ComprehensionDirections: Read the following four passages. Answer the questions below each passage by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1

24、.【知识模块】 阅读理解1 【正确答案】 E【试题解析】 空格后面的段落说“在几千年前,人类就了解到了疾病是由病毒引起的,并且对它们很恐惧;也许人类历史上最致命的病毒还是流行性感冒病毒;1918 年至 1919 年之间的 18 个月里,大约 2100 万美国人和欧洲人死于流感;2003年香港爆发的潜在致命流感又一次引起世人的注意”,这说明,该段讲的是病毒引起的疾病对人类造成的危害。E 说“病毒引发的疾病威胁人类”,这可以表达该段的主题。 【知识模块】 阅读理解2 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 空格后面的段落说“新病毒不是通过突变,而是通过再结合产生的;病毒基因由于基因重组再次匹配,有时会出现

25、H 型、 N 型的异常结合;这些病毒的结合可能导致了本世纪的 3 次全国性流感(也可以说世界性流感),原因就是 H 型、N 型病毒组合的大幅度变化”,这说明,该段是在分析新流感爆发的原因。 D 说“新型流感爆发的原因”,这可以表达该段的主题。 【知识模块】 阅读理解3 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 空格后面的段落说“已证实,新的流感病毒源于远东;绝大多数流行性病毒的寄主是鸭子、鸡和猪;在亚洲,它们经常生活在同一个圈里,而且它们离人类生活的地方很近;猪很容易受鸟和人体内的病毒感染,而且同一种动物经常同时受到多种病毒的感染,由此产生的环境很适合基因重组,产生新的 H 型和 N型病毒的组合”,这说明

26、,该段是在分析亚洲经常爆发流感的原因。B 说“亚洲经常爆发流感病的原因”,这可以表达该段的主题。 【知识模块】 阅读理解4 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 空格后面的段落说“一种潜在的致命新流感病毒 A(H5N1)已在 2003年出现;这次,科学家非常重视这个病毒,原因之一是,A(H5N1)是 H 型和 N 型的异常组合,这种组合与以前发生的流感有关联;原因之二是,与以往的所有病例不同,A(H5N1) 病毒直接从鸟类身上传染给人类;幸运的是,禽流感病毒没有出现人与人之间轻易传播的现象”,这说明,该段是在介绍禽流感。C 说“禽流感的一般性介绍”,这可以表达该段的主题。 【知识模块】 阅读理解5 【

27、正确答案】 A【试题解析】 空格后面的段落说“抗禽流感疫苗现在还没有研制出来,研制出这样的疫苗不是一件容易的事;公共健康科学家已经把鸭子身上的病毒注射到了实验室里的雪貂身上,雪貂经常用来做流感实验,因为它们有较典型的呼吸症状”,这说明,该段讲的是研制抗禽流感的疫苗。A 说“我们尽力研发疫苗 ”,这可以表达该段的主题。文中并没有分析鸟类和病毒之间的联系,所以 F 不能选用。 【知识模块】 阅读理解【知识模块】 阅读理解6 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 后面的段落指出“我们是根据年龄把人分为不同群体的;我们隔离老人有许多原因,如偏见、无知以及没有合适的选择”。这说明,该段主要讲的是“隔离老人的缘由

28、”。B 说“一种源于人类弱点的有害做法”,这可以表达该段落的主题。 【知识模块】 阅读理解7 【正确答案】 F【试题解析】 后面的段落指出“10 个 14 岁的儿童聚在一起会形成一种“蝇王”文化你争我斗、自私刻薄;但是,10 个年龄在 2 岁至 80 岁的人聚在一起就会形成一种自然的年龄等级体系,这种体系对他们每个人都起着培养与教育的作用“。这说明,该段主要讲的是“不同群体的人结合带来的好处”。F 说“不同年龄段组成的群体的好处”,这可以表达该段落的主题。 【知识模块】 阅读理解8 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 后面的段落指出“一位记者举家迁到一个住满老人的街区,起初,她的孩子感到失望;很快,

29、孩子们结交了许多新朋友,他们和这些朋友共享食物,相互讲故事,一同开展活动,孩子从来都没有感到孤独”。这说明,该段主要讲的是“孩子不感到孤独的方法”。D 说“在孩子身上发现的一种治疗孤独的方法 ”,这可以表达该段落的主题。 【知识模块】 阅读理解9 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 后面的段落指出“年轻人也能挽救老年人;孩子具有安慰人、治愈人的惊人力量”。这说明,该段主要讲的是“年轻人安慰人、治愈人的力量”。A 说“来自于年轻人的治愈力”,这可以表达该段落的主题。 【知识模块】 阅读理解10 【正确答案】 E【试题解析】 后面的段落指出“祖父母给孙儿们一种安全感和延续感,任何事情到最后都会变得好起来”。这说明,该段主要讲的是“几代同堂的和谐”。E 说“几代同堂家庭所见的典型慰藉”,这可以表达该段落的主题。 【知识模块】 阅读理解

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