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1、MBA(英语)阅读理解练习试卷 6 及答案与解析一、Section III Reading ComprehensionDirections: Read the following four passages. Answer the questions below each passage by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.0 The evolution of the social sciences has reached a crucial point that might be called a pha

2、se change in which old, atomistic, and impressionistic ways of doing research are superseded by a far more systematic and united methodology. To bring social sciences to the level of rigor already achieved by some of the physical sciences, a new type of facility will be needed. This will be a trans-

3、disciplinary, Internet-based collaboratory that will provide social and behavioral scientists with the databases, software and hardware tools, and other resources to conduct worldwide research that integrates experimental, survey, geographic, and economic methodologies on a much larger scale than wa

4、s possible previously. This facility will enable advanced research and professional education in economics, sociology, political science, social geography, and related fields. In many branches of social sciences, a new emphasis on the rigor of formal laboratory experimentation has driven researchers

5、 to develop procedure and software to conduct online interaction experiment using computer terminals attached to local area networks. The opportunity to open these laboratories to the Internet will reduce the cost per research participant and increase greatly the number of institutions, researchers,

6、 students, and research participants who can take part. The scale of social sciences experimentation can increase by an order of magnitude or more, examining a much wider range of phenomena and ensuring great confidence in results through multiple replication of crucial studies. Technology for admin

7、istering questionnaires to very large numbers of respondents over the Internet will revolutionize survey research. Data from past questionnaire surveys can be the springboard for new surveys with vastly larger numbers of respondents at lower cost than by traditional methods. Integrated researches ca

8、n combine modules using both questionnaire and experimental methods.Results can be linked via geographic analysis to other sources of data including census information, economic statistics, and data from other experiments and surveys. Longitudinal studies will conduct time-series comparisons across

9、data sets to chart social and economic trends. Each new study will be designed so that the data automatically and instantly becomes part of the archives, and scientific publications will be linked to the data sets on which they are based so that the network becomes a universal knowledge system.1 A “

10、phase change“ (Para. 1) is one in which(A)an old period ends and a new period begins.(B) a gradual invisible transition takes place.(C) fragments are united into a whole.(D)social sciences come to be united with physical sciences. 2 It is implied in the first paragraph that(A)there should be no diff

11、erence in methodology between physical and social sciences.(B) social sciences lag far behind physical science in terms of methodology.(C) social sciences have achieved little due to limited data.(D)the Internet can never advance scientific research unless it is properly used. 3 Why do researchers b

12、egin to show interest in online interaction experiment?(A)To reduce the cost per research participant.(B) To upgrade the level of rigor of research in social sciences.(C) To conduct worldwide research that was unfeasible before.(D)To take full advantage of achievements made by physical sciences. 4 T

13、he greatest advantage with the Internet-based collaboratory may lie in(A)the greater cost reduction and availability of data in research.(B) its promptness in putting research results into practice.(C) its capability to reexamine the validity of traditional research.(D)its potentiality in integratin

14、g social sciences into physical sciences. 5 All of the following are defeats with the traditional survey in the form of questionnaires EXCEPT(A)a restricted range of investigation.(B) greater cost in administering them.(C) lack of precision compared with experiments.(D)difficulty in being confirmed

15、by other kinds of research. 5 Is it possible that the ideas we have today about ownership and property rights have been so universal in the human mind that it is truly as if they had sprung from the mind of God? By no means. The idea of owning and property emerged in the mists of unrecorded history.

16、 The ancient Jews, for one, had a very different outlook on property and ownership, viewing it as something much more temporary and tentative than we do. The ideas we have in America about the private ownership of productive property as a natural and universal right of mankind, perhaps of divine ori

17、gin, are by no means universal and must be viewed as an invention of man rather than an order of God. Of course, we are completely trained to accept the idea of ownership of the earth and its products, raw and transformed. It seems not at all strange; in fact, it is quite difficult to imagine a soci

18、ety without such arrangements. If someone, some individual, didnt own that plot of land, that house, that factory, that machine, that tower of wheat, how would we function? What would the rules be? Whom would we buy from and how would we sell? It is important to acknowledge a significant difference

19、between achieving ownership simply by taking or claiming property and owning what we tend to call the “fruit of labor“. If I, alone or together with my family, work on the land and raise crops, or if I make something useful out of natural material, it seems reasonable and fair to claim that the crop

20、s or the objects belong to me or my family, are my property, at least in the sense that I have first claim on them. Hardly anyone would dispute that. In fact, some of the early radical workingmens movements made (an ownership) claim on those very grounds. As industrial organization became more compl

21、ex, however, such issues became vastly more intricate. It must be clear that in modern society the social heritage of knowledge and technology and the social organization of manufacture and exchange account for far more of the productivity of industry and the value of what is produced than can be ac

22、counted for by the labor of any number of individuals. Hardly any person can now point and say, “That-that right there-is the fruit of my labor.“ We can say, as a society, as a nation-as a world, really-that what is produced is the fruit of our labor, the product of the whole society as a collectivi

23、ty. We have to recognize that the right of private individual ownership of property is man-made and constantly dependent on the extent to which those without property believe that the owner can make his claim stick.6 According to the text, the concept of ownership probably(A)resulted from the unreco

24、gnized ancient history.(B) stemmed from the remote prehistoric times.(C) arose from the generous blessing of the Creator.(D)originated from the undetected distant periods. 7 The author deems private ownership to be(A)a necessary invention of mankind.(B) an inherent right of a human being.(C) a perma

25、nent arrangement for society.(D)an explicit idea of some individuals. 8 We learn by inference that private property may(A)be viewed as a design of inventive powers.(B) be treated as a discovery of our ancestors.(C) serve as the universal rule of transactions.(D)function as the basis of market econom

26、y. 9 One deserves to claim on some product only when(A)his labor accounts for the product and its value.(B) he has the priority to lay claim on the product.(C) his labor is widely recognized and respected.(D)he has the grounds for making claims first. 10 Private ownership of property is finally desc

27、ribed as(A)a production of early mans manual work.(B) a demand for greater productivity in industry.(C) varying with the shift in public approval.(D)denied by socialized production and exchange. MBA(英语)阅读理解练习试卷 6 答案与解析一、Section III Reading ComprehensionDirections: Read the following four passages. A

28、nswer the questions below each passage by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.【知识模块】 阅读理解1 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 细节题。phase change 是一个物理学领域的术语,指“变相”,而“相”指 其各组成部分。文章第一段指出:社会科学的发展已经到达了一个可以被称作“阶段性 变化”的关键时期,在这个时期,过时的、原子论的、根据主观印象的研究方法被一种 更系统、更统一的研究方法所取代。根据“are superseded by(被所取代)”可知,该短语的意思

29、应该是 “旧阶段结束,新阶段开始”。这与 A 的意思相符。B 不准确;C 为该短语在物理学领域的意思,在此不合适;文中没有提到 D。【知识模块】 阅读理解2 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 推论题。文章第一段指出:社会科学的发展已经到达了一个可以被称作“阶段性变化”的关键时期,在这个时期,过时的、原子论的、根据主观印象的研究方法被 一种更系统、更统一的研究方法所取代;为了使社会科学的研究达到某些自然科学已经达到的精确程度,我们需要一种新设备。由此可以推知,社会科学的研究方法落后于自然科学。这与 B 的意思相符。文中没有提到 A;文中说的是社会科学的研究方法落后,并没有说其数据有限,所以 C 不对

30、;文中是说“这将是一个跨学科的、以互联网为基础的公共实验室,这种实验室将使他们能够在比以往更大的规模上,将实验、调查、地理学以及经济学的方法结合起来,进行全球范围的研究”,说明 D 不对。【知识模块】 阅读理解3 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 细节题。文章第二段指出:在许多社会科学分支领域里,对正规实验室实验方法的精确性的重新重视,促使了研究人员研究研发实验程序和软件,以便利用与局域网络连接的计算机终端进行网络互动式实验;通过一个或多个数量级可以扩大社会科学的实验规模,从而可以研究更广泛的现象,并通过多次重复关键性研究确保研究结果的可信度。这说明,原因是为了提高精确度。这与 B 的意思相符。文

31、中是说“向互联网开放这些实验室,将会降低每个研究参与者的研究成本,大幅度增加能够参与研究的机构、研究人员、学者以及其他研究参与者的人数”,这是开放网络互动式实验可能带来的好处,不是研究人员开始对网络互动式实验感兴趣的原因,所以 A 不对;文中没有提到 C 和 D。 【知识模块】 阅读理解4 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 细节题。文章第二段指出:向互联网开放这些实验室将会降低每个研究参与者的研究成本,大幅度增加能够参与研究的机构、研究人员、学者以及其他研究参与者的人数;通过一个或多个数量级可以将社会科学的实验规模提高,从而可以研究更广泛的现象,并通过多次重复关键性研究确保研究结果的可信度;第三段

32、指出:过去的问卷调查得到的数据可以用作新调查的依据,使得新调查比利用传统方法进行调查的成本更低,被调查的人数也多得多;还可以把地域分析和其他来源的数据结合起来得出结论。这说明,这种方法最大的优势是降低成本与提高精确度。这与 A 的意思相符。文中是说“纵向研究将对各类数据进行历时比较,以便绘制出社会和经济的发展趋势”,而文中并没有说这是以互联网为基础的“公共实验室”的好处,所以 B 不对;文中没有提到 C;文中是说 “综合性研究可以联合使用问卷和实验方法的模式”,说明 D 不对。 【知识模块】 阅读理解5 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 细节题。文章第三段指出:过去的问卷调查得到的数据可以用作新调

33、查的依据,使得新调查比利用传统方法进行调查的成本更低,被调查的人数也多得多;综合性研究可以联合使用问卷和实验方法的模式,还可以把地域分析和其他来源的数据结合起来得出结论。这说明,A、B 和 D 都是以问卷进行的传统调查的缺陷。只有 C 文中没有提到。 【知识模块】 阅读理解【知识模块】 阅读理解6 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 细节题。文章第一段指出:所有权和财产的概念出现于没有记载的遥远时期。这说明 B 正确。A 和 D 不准确;文中没有提到 C。 【知识模块】 阅读理解7 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 细节题。文章第二段指出:我们美国人把生产资料的私有权看作是人类正常的、普遍的权力,也许是

34、神授予的,这种观念并没有被普遍接受,私有权应该被看成是人类的发明,而不是上帝的旨意。这说明,作者认为,私有权是人类的发明。这与 A 的意思相符。B 是美国人的观点;文中没有提到 C;D 与该段“这种观念并不是被普遍接受的”这句话的意思不符合。 【知识模块】 阅读理解8 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 推论题。文章第二段后半部分指出:很难设想没有所有权概念的社会是什么样;如果某个人不享有土地、房屋、工厂、机器、粮仓,我们如何行使职权?社会规则又会是怎样呢?我们从谁那里购物,又如何销售呢?由此可以推知,私有权是交易的基础。这与 D 的意思相符。文中是说 “它应该被看成是人类的发明”,这是明确指出的,

35、所以 A 和 B 不对;C 不合逻辑,私有财产不可能充当法则。【知识模块】 阅读理解9 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 细节题。文章第三段指出:只是通过占有或要求获得财产而取得所有权,与拥有我们往往称之为“劳动果实”这两者之间存在巨大差别;如果我在地里干活,种植庄稼,或者如果我利用自然资源收获了有用的东西,那么,我声称这些作物或物品应该属于我,它们是我的财产,至少我是第一个对其声称所有权的,这是合理、公平的。这说明,只有一个人创造了某个产品及其价值,他才能拥有该产品。这与 A 的意思相符。B 和 D 与文章的意思明显不符;C 不准确。【知识模块】 阅读理解10 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 细节题。文章最后一段指出:我们必须承认,财产的私人所有权是人造的,它通常依赖于没有所有权的人对所有权声称者的认可程度。这说明 C 正确。A、B 和 D 没有提到。【知识模块】 阅读理解

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