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1、MBA(英语)阅读理解练习试卷 7 及答案与解析一、Section III Reading ComprehensionDirections: Read the following four passages. Answer the questions below each passage by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.0 In spite of rising concern in the Northeast and Canada, Administration spokesmen have repea

2、tedly insisted that nothing could really be done about acid rain and the industry-produced sulfur emissions until all the scientific facts were in. Suddenly last week, however, facts came raining down, in effect making further scientific debate on what mainly causes the problem all but irrelevant. W

3、hat brought about the downpour was a study commissioned by Presidential Science Adviser. The spokesmen plainly called for remedial action even if some technical questions about acid rain were still unanswered. “If we take the conservative point of view that we must wait until the scientific knowledg

4、e is definitive,“ said the spokesman, “The accumulated deposition and damaged environment may reach the point of irreversibility.“ When it rains, it pours. Next came a study from the National Research Council. Its definitive conclusion: reducing emissions of sulfur dioxide from coal-burning power pl

5、ants and factories, such as these in the Midwest, would in fact significantly reduce the acidity in rain, snow and other precipitation that is widely believed to be worsening the life from fresh-water lakes and forests in the Northeast and Canada. The spokesman did not recommend any specific action.

6、 A pair of remedial measures are already taken before Congress. A Senate committee recently approved a bill that would require reduction over the next decade of sulfur-dioxide emissions by 10 million tons in the States bordering on the east of the Mississippi. A tougher measure was introduced in the

7、 House ordering the 50 largest sulfur polluters in the U.S. to cut emissions substantially. To ease the Eastern coal mining industry, which fears a switch to low-sulfur Western coal, the bill requires the installation of expensive “scrubbers“, devices for removing sulfur from the smoke, rather than

8、an order that forbids high-sulfur fuel. Still, the legislation is being vigorously opposed by the coal industry and utilities, especially in the Mid-west, where heavy industries are battling to survive. In a survey also released last week, the Edison Electric Institute, an industry group, gravely pr

9、edicted that electricity rates could rise as much as 50% if the emission-control legislation passed. Government studies dispute these figures, but Congress has been suspended on acid-rain measures. Now, as a result of the academy study, supporters of the bills are more optimistic. Nevertheless, a ma

10、jor political battle is shaping up.1 The first paragraph shows that(A)the Administration has ignored the public anxiety about acid rain.(B) the industrial sulfur emissions need further scientific verification.(C) the spokesmen have denied the presence of proofs of acid rain.(D)scientific evidence ha

11、s made the cause of acid rain undebatable. 2 The word “downpour“ (Para. 2) most likely refers to(A)a heavy fall of acid rain.(B) a sudden thunderstorm.(C) a series of criticism.(D)a succession of evidence. 3 The two studies mentioned in the text clearly stated that(A)there is no time to lose in poll

12、ution control.(B) the scientific explanation of acid rain remains unclear.(C) environmental restoration defies scientific endeavors.(D)factories should be banned from burning coal. 4 From the description of the efforts in the House, we can see that(A)the members of the House really speak for the gen

13、eral public.(B) the Congressmen are tough to the sulfur polluters in the U.S.(C) the statesmen try to please the public without enraging the bosses.(D)the politicians worry about the effect of emission-control legislation. 5 This article most probably appeared in(A)a government document.(B) a news m

14、agazine.(C) a scientific research paper.(D)a textbook of environmental science. 5 International airlines have rediscovered the business traveler. This does not necessarily mean that airlines ever abandoned their business travelers, but many airlines were accused of concentrating too heavily in the r

15、ecent past on attracting passengers by volume, often at the expense of the business traveler. Operating a major airline is essentially a matter of finding the right mix of passengers. The airlines need to fill up the back end of their wide-bodied jets with low fare passengers without forgetting that

16、 the front end should be filled with people who pay substantially more for their tickets. It is no coincidence that the recent two major airlines bankruptcies were among the companies specializing in cheap flights. But low fares require consistently full aircraft to make flights economically viable;

17、 and in the recent recession the volume of traffic has reduced. Equally the large number of airliners jostling for the available passengers has created a huge excess of capacity; the net result of excess capacity and cut-throat competition driving down fares has been to push some airlines into colla

18、pse and leave many others hovering on the brink. Against this grim background, it is no surprise that airlines are turning increasingly towards the business travelers to improve their rates of return; they have invested much time and effort to establish exactly the executives demands for sitting apa

19、rt from the tourists. High on the list of priorities is punctuality. In-flight service is another area where the airlines are jostling for the executives attention. The free drinks and headsets and better food are other parts of the attention. First-class passengers are now offered sleeperette seats

20、. The airlines are also trying to improve things on the ground. Executive lounges are intended to make the inevitable waiting between flights a little more bearable. Luggage handling is being improved. Regrettably, there is little that the airlines can do to speed up the boring immigration and Custo

21、ms process, which upsets and frustrates passengers of all classes. Although it is the airlines intention to attract executive passengers from their rivals, the airlines themselves would do nothing to change one bad habit of this kind of traveler-the habit of booking a flight and then failing to turn

22、 up. The practice is particularly widespread in Europe, where businessmen frequently book return journeys home on one of several flights. As a result, the airlines throw away empty seats, which cannot be resold. Some airlines have attempted to prevent the practice by offering discounts to passengers

23、 who travel on their booked flight. But this inevitably means that the structure of air fares, already highly complex, becomes even more baffling.6 One criticism against many international airlines is that they have, in the recent past,(A)abandoned their business travelers.(B) contended with each ot

24、her for the available passengers.(C) given preferential treatment to executive passengers.(D)marketed their services with masses in mind. 7 The main reason why two major airlines went bankrupt recently was that(A)the recession had reduced the overall number of air passengers.(B) the companies failed

25、 to attract an adequate number of passengers.(C) competitions from other airliners took away all their trade.(D)they introduced cheap flights for all categories of passengers. 8 What does the phrase “leave many others hovering on the brink“ (Para. 3) mean?(A)Make many other airlines prosperous.(B) F

26、orce many other airlines to revive.(C) Make many other airlines close to bankruptcy.(D)Lead many other airlines to bankruptcy. 9 To attract executive passengers, the airlines have now begun to concentrate on(A)ensuring that the services offered to executive passengers are indeed superior.(B) satisfy

27、ing the demands of all executive passengers.(C) proving first-class service on all the flights.(D)offering discounts to those who book their return flights. 10 From the last paragraph, we can reasonably conclude that offering discounts will(A)inevitably attract more people to travel on their booked

28、flights.(B) provoke a new “price battle“ among airliners.(C) ultimately change the habit of booking a flight and then failing to turn up.(D)most probably pose a new problem on air fares. MBA(英语)阅读理解练习试卷 7 答案与解析一、Section III Reading ComprehensionDirections: Read the following four passages. Answer th

29、e questions below each passage by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.【知识模块】 阅读理解1 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 主旨题。文章第一段指出:突然降临的大量证据使得有关“是什么导致了这个问题”的进一步科学争论变得无关紧要。这说明,科学证据说明了导致酸雨的原因。这与 D 的意思相符。文中是说“虽然人们对东北部地区和加拿大情况的关注增加,但当局发言人仍然反复强调,确实没有办法解决酸雨和工业硫化物的排放问题”,并不是说当局不理睬人们的担忧,所以 A 不对;文中是说“当局发言人仍

30、然反复强调,在找到所有的科学证据之前,确实没有办法解决酸雨和工业硫化物的排放问题”,但后面的句子否定了这种说法,所以 B 不对;文中说“在找到所有的科学证据之前”,并不是说否认有科学证据,所以 C 不对。【知识模块】 阅读理解2 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 词义题。文章第一段最后一句话指出,突然降临的大量证据使得有关“是什么导致了这个问题”的进一步科学争论变得无关紧要。第二段接着指出,导致这些证据纷至沓来的是由总统的科学顾问委托进行的一项研究。根据 facts came raining down (突然降临的大量证据 )可知,该词可能指的是 “大量的证据”。这与 D的意思相符。A 和 C 明

31、显与文章的意思不符;B 只是该词的字面意思。【知识模块】 阅读理解3 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 细节题。文章第二、三段指出:发言人说,如果我们持保守观点,认为在科学知识确定之前必须等待,那么累积的沉积物和受到破坏的环境将达到“不可逆转”的地步;降低燃烧煤炭的发电厂和工厂的二氧化硫的排放量,实际上会大大降低雨、雪和其他降水中的酸性。这说明,研究显示,应该立即采取措施减少排放。这与 A 的意思相符。文中是说“发言人坦率地呼吁采取补救措施,即使有关酸雨的一些技术问题仍然没有解决”,说明 B 不对;C 和 D 文中没有提到。【知识模块】 阅读理解4 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 细节题。文章第四段

32、指出:众议院则采取了更严厉的措施,要求美国 50 家最大的硫化物污染厂大幅度降低排放量;为了安抚东部的煤矿产业,法案要求它们安装昂贵的气体净化器,而不是禁止使用高硫含量燃料。这说明,众议院既想取悦大众,又不想触怒矿主。这与 C 的意思相符。 A 和 B 都比较片面;文中没有提到 D。【知识模块】 阅读理解5 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 推论题。文中提到了具体的问题、时间、地点以及面临的困难,但只是客观地叙述了这些问题,并没有分析其中的原因,也没有提出解决的方法。这说明,本文应该是报导性文章。这与 B 的意思相符。文中虽然提到了政府,但使用的语言并不是政府文件的模式,所以 A 不对;本文虽然提

33、到了科学证据,但并没有从科学的角度探讨存在的问题,所以 C 和 D 不对。 【知识模块】 阅读理解【知识模块】 阅读理解6 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 细节题。文章第一段第三句话指出,不久前,许多航空公司被指控太注重以量吸引旅客,这种做法通常使商务旅行者蒙受损失。这说明,对国际航空公司的指责是以量吸引旅客。这与 D 的意思相符。文章第一段第二句话指出,这并不一定意味着航空公司曾经放弃了商务旅行者,这说明 A 不是受到的指责。文章第三段第三句话是说“大量班机在争夺现有旅客,这已导致航运能力严重过剩”,但并没有说这是航空公司受指责的原因,所以 B 也不是受到的指责。为高级管理人员提供优惠是为了吸

34、引他们搭乘班机,也不是受指责的原因,所以 C 也不对。【知识模块】 阅读理解7 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 细节题。文章第三段指出,近期破产的两家大型航空公司是专门从事廉价航运的公司;低票价通常需要大量的飞机来使航运在经济上切实可行;而在最近的经济萧条中,航运量已经减少;同样,大量班机在争夺现有旅客,这已导致航运能力严重过剩;航运能力过剩的最终结果以及降低费用的残酷竞争已经使一些航空公司破产,使许多其他航空公司在破产的边缘挣扎。这说明,航空公司破产的主要原因是航运能力严重过剩,也就是航空公司吸收的旅客不够。这与 B 的意思相符。文中只是说经济萧条减少了航运量,并没有说减少了乘飞机的总人数,所

35、以A 不对;文中没有提到 C;D 明显与文章的意思不符。【知识模块】 阅读理解8 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 词义题。文章第三段最后一句话指出,大量班机在争夺现有旅客,这已导致航运能力严重过剩;航运能力过剩的最终结果以及降低费用的残酷竞争已经使一些航空公司破产,使许多其他航空公司在破产的边缘挣扎。这说明,该短语的意思应该是“导致许多其他的航空公司将要破产”。这与 C 项的意思相符。A 、B和 D 都与文章的意思不符。【知识模块】 阅读理解9 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 细节题。文章第四、五、六段指出,航空公司已经花费了大量的时间和精力来完全满足高级管理人员乘客希望同其他乘客分开坐的要求;优

36、先考虑的事项中首要的是严守时刻;飞行中的服务是航空公司吸引高级管理人员乘客注意的另一个方面;免费饮料、头戴式话机以及更好的食物是他们注意的其他方面;现在,航空公司为头等乘客提供卧铺座位,它们也在尽力改进地面服务水平;管理行李的水平也在提高。这说明,航空公司开始关注为高级管理人员乘客提供优质服务。这与 A 项的意思相符。B 显然与文章的意思不符;文中只是说在提高服务水平,并没有说所有的服务都是一流的,所以 C 不对;给旅客打折只是为了防止预订回程票的人不搭乘班机,并不是航空公司关注的重点,所以 D 也不对。【知识模块】 阅读理解10 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 归纳题。文章最后一段指出,航空公司对改变这类乘客的一个坏习惯却束手无策预订了班机却不搭乘的习惯;结果航空公司浪费了空余座位,而这些座位不可能被再出售;一些航空公司试图通过给那些乘坐预订航班的乘客打折来杜绝这种坏习惯;但这不可避免地意味着航空费用的结构将变得更令人莫名其妙。这说明,提供打折将有可能改变预订了班机却不搭乘的坏习惯。这与 C 项的意思相符。文中没有提到 A;文中只是说这种做法将意味着本来已经很复杂的飞机票价结构会更令人难以理解,并没有说会引发票价大战,引发新的票价问题,所以B、D 项不对。【知识模块】 阅读理解

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