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本文([考研类试卷]在职艺术硕士(MFA)全国联考(十月联考)入学资格考试模拟试卷2及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(proposalcash356)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、在职艺术硕士(MFA)全国联考(十月联考)入学资格考试模拟试卷 2及答案与解析一、单项选择填空题1 长篇连续广播始于 1954 年 5 月连阔如说的( )评书。(A)西游记(B) 三国演义(C) 红楼梦(D)封神演义2 音乐可分为( ) 两大类。(A)吹打和说唱(B)弦乐和管乐(C)声乐与器乐(D)声乐和弦乐3 ( )是蒙古族音乐风格的典型代表,气息宽广,句幅较长,并带有颤音等装饰音。(A)长调(B)飞歌(C)箭歌(D)抒情谣4 ( )始建于秦朝,在汉武帝时得到极大发展,拥有司马相如、李延年等一大批优秀艺术家,发展成为我国历史上第二个规模较大的音乐机构。(A)乐府(B)春官(C)乐师(D)乐工

2、5 ( )是集音乐、舞蹈、戏剧为一体的现代舞台剧,往往具有强烈的现代都市时代气息和鲜明的通俗性,音乐大量吸收当代通俗音乐的音乐语言风格。(A)室内乐(B)意大利歌剧(C)康塔塔(D)音乐剧6 ( )是阿根廷最具代表性的歌舞体裁。19 世纪产生,男女对舞,突出顿步,即兴性强。(A)伦(B)探戈(C)恰恰(D)桑巴7 艺术歌曲教我如何不想他的曲作者是( )。(A)肖友梅(B)赵元任(C)沈心兰(D)黎锦辉8 中国木刻版画约有( ) 年以上的历史,最早可能产生于隋唐之际。(A)1000(B) 2000(C) 3000 (D)40009 洛可可艺术在绘画上以( )、布歇和弗拉戈纳尔为代表。(A)荷加斯

3、(B)米勒(C)华托(D)安格尔10 在( ) 审美特征的前提下,导致戏剧产生了假定性和戏剧性的前提。(A)物理空间的直观性(B)心理空间的无限性(C)剧场性(D)写意性11 ( )是法国浪漫主义的先驱,其作品梅杜萨之伐被誉为浪漫主义的宣言。(A)吕德(B)卡尔波(C)德拉克罗瓦(D)籍里柯12 美术的社会功能不包括( )。(A)认识功能(B)教育功能(C)审美功能(D)娱乐功能13 彩绘陶是( ) 时期出现的一种陶器。(A)秦朝(B)汉朝(C)战国(D)唐朝14 设计方法的核心是( ),它贯穿于整个设计活动的全过程,美国心理学家麦金农在 1962 年曾对其有比较全面的定义。(A)求异思维(B

4、)创造性思维(C)直觉思维(D)论证型思维15 风格对于艺术设计是( )。(A)附属性条件(B)偶发性特征(C)必备条件(D)技术性追求16 “装潢”一词在汉语中最早始于 ( )。(A)现代平面设计(B)古代书画装裱(C)现代书籍装帧(D)图案装饰17 包豪斯的创始人是( )。(A)沃尔特.格罗皮乌斯(B)贝伦斯(C)爱歇 .舒尔(D)米斯.凡.德.罗18 设计了巴塞罗那世界博览会德国馆的是( )。(A)沃尔特.格罗皮乌斯(B)马尔多那多(C)爱歇 .舒尔(D)米斯.凡.德.罗19 “悲剧是对一个有一定长度的动作的模仿,模仿的手段是动作。” 这个论断的提出者是( ) 。(A)黑格尔(B)希区柯

5、克(C)伏尔泰(D)亚里士多德20 ( )是对戏剧中矛盾的人物关系及其作用的一种概括性描述。(A)动作(B)冲突(C)戏剧情境(D)矛盾21 以下不属于古典主义剧作家的是( )。(A)博马舍(B)拉辛(C)高乃依(D)莫里哀22 莫里哀的喜剧( ) 中的主人公是阿巴贡。(A)伪君子(B) 女店主(C) 一仆二主(D)悭吝人23 火焰驹属于( ) 。(A)昆剧(B)京剧(C)豫剧(D)秦腔24 汉堡剧评的作者是( )。(A)拉辛(B)莱辛(C)歌德(D)席勒25 俄罗斯安德烈耶夫的代表作是( )。(A)樱桃园(B) 教育的果实(C) 人的一生(D)大雷雨26 高则诚的( ) 的出现,标志着南戏创

6、作基本走出了以往鄙俚粗糙的阶段。(A)琵琶记(B) 荆钗记(C) 倩女离魂(D)西厢记27 完整的宋杂剧包括三部分:( )。(A)歌舞、说白、杂技(B)艳段、说白、杂技(C)歌舞、说白、杂扮(D)艳段、正杂剧、杂扮28 北宋末年南宋初年,在南方( )一带产生了一种成熟的戏曲形式南戏。(A)江苏昆山(B)浙江杭州(C)浙江温州(D)江苏永嘉29 梨园是指( ) 时在宫廷中所设专门训练乐工的机构。当时不少的乐舞精英出身于梨园,“梨园弟子 ”遂成为乐工的代称。(A)汉武帝(B)唐太宗(C)乾隆帝(D)唐玄宗30 嘉靖、隆庆年间,昆山腔经过( )等专家的成功改良,成为很受欢迎的“昆曲” 。(A)魏良辅

7、(B)孔尚任(C)汤显祖(D)洪升31 电影的物质基础包括透视成像、视觉暂留、( )。(A)视觉感光(B)视听融合(C)视听成型(D)反馈刺激32 最早成功运用特写镜头的是美国导演( )。(A)卢米埃尔兄弟(B)乔治 .梅里爱(C)埃德温.鲍特(D)格里菲斯33 蒙太奇是法语“montage” 的音译,原意为“( )”。(A)构成、装配(B)交叉(C)特技(D)独特的思维34 中国 20 世 40 年代战后“人文派” 电影有不了情 、假凤虚凰、夜店、艳阳天、( ) 等。(A)八千里路云和月(B) 一江春水向东流(C) 小城之春(D)丽人行35 无线电广播诞生于( )年。(A)1904(B) 1

8、905(C) 1906 (D)190736 电视诞生于( ) 年。(A)1906(B) 1916(C) 1926 (D)193637 声音的三要素是音色、( )、音调。(A)音高(B)响度(C)语言(D)音域38 利用画面景深的( ) ,可以突出主体、表现纵深感、创造形式美。(A)虚实关系(B)深度关系(C)对比关系(D)空间关系39 中央电视台摄制的第一部系列纪录片是( )。(A)丝绸之路(B) 话说长江(C) 望长城(D)沙与海40 唐代歌舞戏剧( ) 已具备了舞蹈、音乐、表演、歌唱、说白等表演手段,由演员装扮人物,表现故事情节。(A)东海黄公(B) 大武(C) 大夏(D)踏摇娘41 “跳

9、月”“跳烟盒”是我国( )的民间舞蹈。(A)汉族(B)维吾尔族(C)彝族(D)藏族42 浪漫芭蕾处女作仙女中( )第一次在巴黎歌剧院大舞台用脚尖技术将仙女的形象塑造得惟妙惟肖。(A)奥杰塔(B)塔里奥妮(C)玛莎 .格雷姆(D)圣.丹尼斯43 中国古典舞蹈的转折期是( )。(A)战国(B)唐朝(C)汉朝(D)宋朝44 中国唐代著名舞蹈家杨玉环最擅长表演的是( )。(A)霓裳羽衣舞(B) 春江花月夜(C) 掌上舞(D)响屐舞二、多项选择填空题45 不属于巴洛克时期的作曲家有( )。(A)约斯堪(B)亨德尔(C)海顿(D)马勒(E)莫扎特46 以下不属于正剧的特点的是( )。(A)通常只表现身份高

10、贵的帝王将相(B)更贴近普通人的生活(C)表现更为复杂丰富的性格与情感(D)根据狄德罗的看法,正剧应该更具道德目的(E)是对一个严肃、完整、有一定长度的行动的模仿47 戏曲改革的主要内容是( )。(A)改戏(B)改唱(C)改人(D)改妆(E)改制48 1978 年成龙主演的影片( )使武侠功夫片喜剧化,打破了传统武侠功夫片的模式,奠定了此后功夫喜剧片在香港商业电影创作中的主流地位。(A)蛇形刁手(B) 龙争虎斗(C) 醉拳(D)猛龙过江(E)唐山大兄49 电影电视具备( ) 的艺术特性。(A)客观再现(B)客观真实(C)主观想象(D)艺术加工(E)主观表现50 舒巧在舞剧编导方面成绩突出,她的

11、舞剧代表作有( )。(A)画皮(B) 玉卿嫂(C) 长恨歌(D)岳飞(E)黄土地51 下列选项正确的是( )。(A)艺术风格具有多样化与同一性的特征(B)汉语的“美术” 是 20 世纪初出现的(C)审美功能是美术的最本质而又最普遍的功能(D)艺术构思在本质上是一种审美认识活动(E)艺术体验是艺术构思的结果52 室内设计是建筑内部空间的环境设计,其内容包括( )。(A)室内空间设计(B)室内建筑构件装修设计(C)室内陈设与装饰设计(D)景观设计(E)服装设计三、英文阅读理解题52 A recent US best seller declared that men and women are so

12、 difierent that we must be from different planets!Men,it was said ,cant talk about their feelingsThus,the author suggested that when a man is upset,a woman should just go shoppingWell,speaking for the one man I know best,I can say that I feel insulted,underestimated andstereotyped by such misleading

13、 generalizationsNot only do I believe the authors premise to befalse but I believe it contributes to the problem by perpetuating a dysfunctional mythIn my experience,men,like women ,can talk about their feelings if they are given the words to do soThis myth that men are insensitive is also reinforce

14、d through the socialization processBoys are not supposed to cry,and if they do,they are denigrated with labels, such as sissy,pansy ,or much worse,all of which are designed to shame them into acting“manly”In the mans wodd one 0f the things boys learn is that the expression of any so-called feminine

15、feelings will quickly bring ridicule,rejection and other forms of social disapprovalBoys are taught to play with injuries and are admired when they endure pain Men have long been taught to blindly obey in areas as law enforcement,the military and even in some corporationsA man who is trained to kill

16、 animals for trophies,to fight bulls for entertainment and t0 kill other humans in battle is a man who has been conditioned to alienate himself from his feelings And now it seems that women are becoming more like men,rather than vice versa Research shows that women,in general,are by nature more empa

17、thetic sensitive and attuned to their own and othersfeelings But I have known some men who are more emotioally sensitive than some womenThe preliminary scores on EQ tests also show that there is only a small difference in the composite EQ score From personal experience,Ive found it easy to teach men

18、 to identify and express their feelingsAnd finally,I am living proof that not all men are from Mars 153 In this passage the author might think that_(A)men are from Mars and women Venus(B) men are taught from early age to behave in a masculine manner to meet social approval(C) more and more men are b

19、ecoming sissy(D)in EQ tests the two genders score tremendously differentlv54 What does the last sentence of the first paragraph imply?_(A)The woman must leave for a while because the man is angry(B) When the man is upset,the woman is upset,tooThus she is advised to go shopping to please herself(C) M

20、an neednt to be consoled by being talked to,so just leave them alone(D)The man is upset because the woman spends too much money in shopping55 According to the research,women are by nature more attuned to their own and othersfeelings,it means that_(A)women agree to their own and othersfeelings easily

21、(B) women change their own and othersfeelings easily(C) women keep their own and othersfeelings easily(D)women forget their own and othersfeelings easily56 Which of the following is in agreement with the authors point of view?(A)Men and women are completely different as far as emotions are concemed(

22、B) Women are talkative,while men are not(C) Women are born to be able to identify and express their feelingswhile men are not(D)The gender image described in the best seller is too over-generalized57 The word“stereotyped”in paragraph 2 means_(A)characterized by one model(B) made dull(C) given a pers

23、onality (D)a kind of sound effect57 In the 90speople went crazy about wirelessElectronic communications once thought bound pennanently to the world of cables and hard wired connections suddenly were sprung free,and the possibilities seemed endlessEntrenched monopolies would fall,and a new uncabled e

24、ra would usher in a level of intimate contact that would not only transform business but change human behavior Such was the view by the end of that groundbreaking decade-the 1 890sTo be sure the wild publicity of those days wasnt all hot airMarconis“magic box”and its contemDoraneous inventions kicke

25、d off an era of profound changes, not the least of which was the advent of broadcastingSo it does seem strange that a century later,the debate once more is about how wireless will change everythingAnd once again,the noisy confusion is justified Changes are on the way that are arguably as earth shatt

26、ering as the worlds first wireless transformationCertainlv a huge part of this revolution comes from introducing the most powerful communication tools of our time Between our mobile phones,our BlackBerries and Treos,and our WiFi(Wireless Fidelitv)computers,were always on and always connected and soo

27、n our cars and our appliances will be tooWhile there has been considerable planning for how people will use these tools and how they,U pay for them,the wonderful reality is that,as with theInternet,much of the action in the wireless worid will uhimatelv emerge from the imaginative twists and turns t

28、hat are possible when digital technology trumps the analog mindset of telecom companies and government regulatorsWi-Fi is itseIf a shining exampie of how wireless innovation can shed the tethers of conventional wisdom At one point, it was assumed that when people wanted to use wireless devices for t

29、hings other than convrsationtheyd have to rely on the painstakingly drawn,investment-heavy standards adopted by the giant corporations that earn a lot through your monthly phone bill But then some researchers came up with a new communications standard exploiting an unlicensed part of the spectrumIt

30、was called 8021 1and only later sexed up with the name WiFiThough the range of signal was only some dozens of meters Wi-Fi turned out to be a great way to wirelessly extend an Intemet connection in the home or office A new class of activist was born:the bandwidth liberatorwith a goal of extending fr

31、ee wireless Internet to anyone ventunng within the range of a free hotspot Meanwhile,Apple Computer seized on the idea as a consumer solution,others foilowed and now Wi-Fi is as common as the modem once was58 Wireless technology is introduced as_(A)an important fruit in daily life(B) a supplement to

32、 cable communications(C) the opening of a new uncabled era(D)a new type of monopoly59 The assumption of the future is not all hot air because_(A)Marconi made a profound change in the past(B) the wireless technology will change everything,(C) the possibility of wireless technology is justified(D)the

33、wireless technology is already sophisticated60 By mentioning Internetthe author means that_(A)we are always online and always connected(B) the wireless technology will be popularized as the Internet(C) the Internet will be wireless soon(D)the wireless technology will become a monopoly61 According to

34、 the passage,the WiFi standard_(A)is based on the conventional wisdom(B) adopted an unlicensed part of the spectrum(C) relies on the standards by the giant corporations(D)is created solely by some geeks62 From the authors point of view,the WiFi technology will_(A)be replaced soon(B) be controlled by

35、 giant corporations like Apple(C) extend to every home and office(D)become a necessity as a modem62 In our society the unwritten rules of communication discourage the direct expression of most emotionsCount the number of genuine emotional expressions you hear over a twoorthreeday period and you11 di

36、scover that emotional expressions are rare People are generally comfortable making statements of fact and often delight in expressing their opinions,but they rarely disclose how they feelNot surprisingly,the emotions that people do share directly are usually positive For example,one study of married

37、 couples revealed that the partners shared flattering feelings of facesaving onesThey also willingly disclosed both positive and negative feelings about absent third partiesOn the other hand,the husbands and wives rarely expressed facethreatening feelings of hostilitySurprisingly,sociarule:discourge

38、 too much of feelingsA hug andrprlslnglY social rules even discourage too much expression of positive fedings A hug and kiss for Mother is all fight,though a young man should shake hands with Dad Affection toward friends becomes less and less frequent as we grow olderso that even a simple statement

39、such as“I like you”is seldom heard between adultsA review of research on emotional expression supports the cultural stereotype of the nonemotional male and the more emotional female As a group,women are more likely than men to express their emotionsThey are better at distinguishing between related f

40、eelings such as liking and loving,and they are more likely to have more affectionate relationships than menOf course,these gender differences are statistical average,and there are many men and women who do not fall these types63 Why do people rarely express their feelings?_(A)Because they would not

41、feel comfortable doing so(B) Because they like facts better(C) Because they think personal feeling would distort facts(D)Because they seldom have positive feelings64 Which of the following utters a facethreatening feeling?_(A)You are not doing well this time,but you will be OK(B) Jane always phones

42、her boyfriend at work(C) You seldom have time even talking to me(D)You look pretty todayWhere did you get the smelter?65 The traditional view holds that_(A)people become more silent when they grow old(B) people even seldom express positive feelings to others(C) men are better at expressing their fee

43、lings than women(D)women are better at expressing their feelings than men66 Which of the following is true according to the passage?_(A)All women are better at recognizing feelings than men(B) All men are better at recognizing feelings than women(C) The average men do not like women(D)Some men are b

44、etter at expressing themselves than women67 When people grow older,_(A)they are better at expressing their feelings(B) they express positive feelings only to their spouses(C) they often try to stay away from friends(D)they hide their feeling better四、论述题68 举例说明艺术形象的作用与特征。69 谈谈对艺术发展规律的理解。70 论述艺术意境的审美特

45、征。71 论述艺术与经济的关系。72 试述西方音乐中常见的主要曲式。73 简述戏剧与其他艺术的区别。74 简论中国戏曲艺术的民间性特点。75 试述电影艺术的多元文化性。76 试述电视艺术的思维方式。77 结合你的专业论述舞蹈艺术与音乐艺术的异同。78 谈谈你对“ 有意味的形式 ”的看法。79 简述艺术设计风格的形成。在职艺术硕士(MFA)全国联考(十月联考)入学资格考试模拟试卷 2答案与解析一、单项选择填空题1 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 长篇连续广播是中央人民广播电台的长篇文学、评书连续广播节目。始于 1954 年 5 月连阔如说的三国演义评书。1958 年开办长篇小说连续广播节目,兼播评

46、书。1964 年改名小说连续广播。1965 年 11 月改为说新书。“文革”期问一度停办。1974 年小说连续广播节目恢复播出。1987 年1 月改名长篇连续广播。2 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 音乐可分为声乐与器乐两大类,也可按体裁分为歌曲、合唱、协奏曲、交响曲以及丝竹、吹打、说唱音乐等。3 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 长调是蒙古族音乐风格的典型代表,具有草原牧歌的特征,气息宽广、句幅较长常伴有颤音和装饰音,给人以历史沧桑感。B 项,飞歌是苗族的一种山歌,在山间或田野歌唱,音调高亢,气息悠长,节奏自由,常有滑音,句尾惯用甩音;C 项,箭歌多流行于西藏东南部,是猎手夸耀箭术时所唱的。歌唱时

47、伴有简单的舞蹈动作,广泛流行的藏族民歌北京的金山上就是一首箭歌;D 项,抒情谣的表现题材广泛,其中表现爱情者居多数,旋律流畅,多采用该民族特有的三拍子节奏,著名的抒情谣有阿里郎、道拉基等。4 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 乐府始建于秦朝,在汉武帝时得到极大发展,是我国历史上自周代设春官以后第二个规模较大的音乐机构。春官是我国历史上第一个礼乐机构。5 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 音乐剧是集音乐、舞蹈、戏剧为一体的现代舞台剧,包括以下特点:综合了音乐、舞蹈、舞台表演,并把传统歌剧、轻歌剧以及近代的流行音乐整合在一起;往往具有强烈的现代都市的时代气息,无论表现什么题材,总能感到热闹非凡,使仿佛人置

48、身于喧嚣繁忙的都市生活之中;具有鲜明的通俗性,其音乐大量吸取了当代通俗音乐的音乐语言风格。6 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 探戈在 19 世纪末产生于阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯市郊的贫民区,是阿根廷最具代表性并在世界享有盛誉的歌舞体裁。现代的探戈特点是男女对舞、突出顿步、即兴性强。7 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 教我如何不想他属于独唱歌曲,刘半农作词、赵元任作曲,创作于 1926 年,反映了当时青年挣脱封建束缚、追求个性解放的思想感情。赵元任是国际著名的语言学家,曾获多门学科的博士学位,从事音乐创作,1915 年发表了我国第一部钢琴作品和平进行曲。8 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 现存我国最早的版画,有款刻年月的,是举世闻名的“咸通”本金刚般若波罗密经卷首图,根据题记,作于公元 868 年。四川成都唐墓出土的“至德”本版画,据估计比“咸通”本早约百年。唐、代时期的版画,在我国西北和吴越等地都有发现的作品。由此可推断我国的木刻版画约有 1000 年以上的历史,产生于隋唐之际。9 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 洛可可艺术在绘画上以华托、

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