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本文([考研类试卷]在职艺术硕士(MFA)全国联考(十月联考)入学资格考试模拟试卷3及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(proposalcash356)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、在职艺术硕士(MFA)全国联考(十月联考)入学资格考试模拟试卷 3及答案与解析一、单项选择填空题1 战国琴曲( ) 可谓中国音乐史上的千古绝唱。(A)九韶(B) 高山流水(C) 大武(D)云门2 西方歌剧独唱的最大特点是它分为( )。(A)朗诵化的叙述调和歌唱化的咏叹调(B)朗诵化的咏叹调和歌唱化的宣叙调(C)歌唱化的宣叙调和朗诵化的咏叹调(D)朗诵化的宣叙调和歌唱化的咏叹调3 ( )是我国最早的音乐管理及教育机构。(A)司乐(B)乐师(C)乐工(D)春官4 “装潢”一词来源于( ) 。(A)书籍印刷装订(B)古代书画装裱(C)古代药物配方(D)印染工艺5 下列说法不正确的是( )。(A)风格

2、是艺术设计中追求的一种格调和作风。(B)设计的风格主要指产品的艺术特点和反映的内在风貌。(C)艺术设计既是物质生产,又是精神文化的创造。(D)材料和技术不是形成产品风格的因素。6 巴洛克艺术在绘画方面的代表是( )。(A)鲁本斯(B)贝尼尼(C)哈尔斯(D)维米尔7 春柳社在日本为江苏水灾赈灾而演出的( ),是由中国人用汉语演出的第一个话剧。(A)加茵小传(B) 茶花女(C) 英雄与美人(D)原野8 田汉的( )是 20 世纪 20 年代中国最优秀的话剧作品,是田汉探索话剧民族化的一次非常成功的尝试。(A)上海屋檐下(B) 屈原(C) 日出(D)名优之死9 下列作品不属于梅兰芳代表剧目的是(

3、)。(A)宇宙锋(B) 贵妃醉酒(C) 霸王别姬(D)双阳公主10 京剧的前身是( ) 。(A)徽调(B)西皮调(C)楚调(D)皮黄戏11 诸宫调是由北宋时期的民间艺人( )创立的一种大型说唱形式,因其运用多种宫调的曲子联递歌唱而得名。(A)刘知远(B)马致远(C)孔三传(D)董解元12 1951 年,中国戏曲研究院成立时,毛泽东提出“( )” ,对戏曲改革运动产生重大影响。(A)百花齐放,推陈出新(B)百花齐放,百家争鸣(C)百家争鸣,推陈出新(D)服务人民,改人改制13 影视艺术语言主要指的是画面、声音和( )。(A)景别(B)焦距(C)镜头运动(D)蒙太奇14 “中国有声电影声画结合的划

4、时代之作” 是电通公司 1934 年出品的( )。(A)歌女红牡丹(B) 虞美人(C) 渔光曲(D)桃李劫15 把镜头作为电影语言的基本构成单位,从而奠定了电影作为一门独立艺术的基础的是( ) 。(A)大卫.格里菲斯(B)麦克斯.林戴(C)埃德温.鲍特(D)梅里爱16 1915 年,卓别林以他第一部重要影片( )奠定了他喜剧明星的地位。(A)淘金记(B) 流浪汉(C) 马戏团(D)城市之光17 仰覆莲花瓷尊是( ) 类型的优秀作品。(A)唐三彩(B)青瓷(C)白瓷(D)釉下彩18 装饰艺术运动的发起国家是( )。(A)英国(B)法国(C)意大利(D)美国19 广播文艺分为文学广播、音乐广播、(

5、 )。(A)音效广播(B)语言广播(C)综艺广播(D)戏曲曲艺广播20 在广播电视中,音响包括( )、环境声、人声。(A)音色(B)音乐声(C)自然声(D)合成声21 电影红色娘子军的导演是( )。(A)谢晋(B)凌子风(C)水华(D)武兆堤22 没有人物出现的镜头叫( )。(A)主观镜头(B)空镜头(C)客观镜头(D)中性镜头23 音乐的社会功能不包括( )。(A)认识功能(B)教育功能(C)审美功能(D)历史功能24 世界上第一座电视台是( )广播公司建立的。(A)英国(B)美国(C)俄罗斯(D)中国25 代表作有游击队的故事、思乡曲、和平鸽、荷花舞、飞天的是( )。(A)戴爱莲(B)吴晓

6、邦(C)曹诚渊(D)王玫26 电影诞生的心理学基础是( )和视觉暂留。(A)节奏感(B)运动感(C)视知觉(D)透视27 1981 年 4 月,由中央电视台创办,全国进行优秀电视剧的评选活动,此后每年评选一次,从 1983 年 3 月第三届更名为( )。(A)金鹰奖(B)百花奖(C)金鸡奖(D)飞天奖28 ( )是电影、电视共有的艺术技巧。(A)声音(B)画面(C)声音与画面(D)声画结合的叙事抒情手段29 被称为中国的第一只“白天鹅” 的是( )。(A)戴爱莲(B)王玫(C)崔美善(D)白淑湘30 唐玄宗时期,皇家所设专门训练乐工的机构叫( )。(A)梨园(B)戏房(C)氍毹(D)勾栏31

7、在中国传统人物画画法中,以刻画工细勾勒着色者称( )。(A)减笔人物(B)吴装人物(C)工笔人物(D)泼墨人物32 享誉世界的卢浮宫是( )的艺术博物馆。(A)美国(B)英国(C)法国(D)德国33 音乐电视(MTV) 源于 20 世纪 80 年代初,( ) 国音像商推销音乐唱片磁带的电视广告,不久在欧美风行,并建立了 MTV 电视频道。(A)英(B)法(C)美(D)德34 中国复制木刻版画最早可追溯至( )时期。(A)汉代(B)先秦(C)唐代(D)明代35 汉语中“美术 ”一词,是在 ( )时期出现的。(A)19 世纪末(B)先秦(C)五四运动(D)汉代36 艺术起源于游戏的“ 游戏说 ”也

8、称为( )。(A)席勒理论(B)斯宾塞理论(C)审美自由理论(D)席勒一斯宾塞理论37 穆特修斯属于( ) 。(A)新艺术运动(B)工艺美术运动(C)芝加哥学派(D)德意志制造联盟38 “赛乃姆”是我国( ) 的民间舞蹈。(A)汉族(B)维吾尔族(C)彝族(D)藏族39 吴门画派的领袖( ) 和他的学生文征明、唐寅,再加上仇英,合称“吴门四家”或“明四家”。(A)沈周(B)吴伟(C)蓝瑛(D)徐渭40 费森登是( ) 人。(A)加拿大(B)美国(C)英国(D)法国41 文人画又称“ 士大夫画 ”,唐代( )是文人画的始创者。(A)张萱(B)薛稷(C)欧阳询(D)王维42 李逵负荆的作者是( )

9、。(A)石君保(B)纪君祥(C)康进之(D)高文秀43 秦腔三滴血是由( )演出的。(A)三庆会(B)易俗社(C)奎德社(D)警世戏社44 和赵孟頫并称为“ 南赵北高 ”的是( )。(A)高克恭(B)米芾(C)文同(D)赵子昂二、多项选择填空题45 电影中的人声主要有( )三种样式。(A)自白(B)对话(C)旁白(D)独白(E)歌唱46 人物画画家顾闳中为五代南唐时的画院待诏,其传世作品为韩熙载夜宴图,以长卷的形式记录了韩熙载居家夜宴的( )场面。(A)听乐(B)观舞(C)演乐(D)休息(E)宾客酬应47 对于设计美的文化性的理解,下列说法正确的是( )。(A)艺术设计是一种文化创造(B)艺术

10、设计是社会历史文化积淀到一定程度后的产物(C)优秀的艺术设计是对人类文化的新贡献,并构成文化的一部分(D)设计美的审美主体与审美客体是社会文化积淀的产物(E)设计美的文化性是促成人类文化不断生成、发展的动因48 中国民间舞的特色包括( )。(A)载歌载舞,自由生动(B)巧用道具,技艺结合(C)形象鲜明,情节生动(D)自娱性(E)科班性49 1516 世纪这两百年在西方音乐史上属于文艺复兴时期,音乐中文艺复兴的起点是( )。(A)意大利(B)英国(C)希腊(D)欧洲大陆偏北地区(E)美国50 田汉(18981968) ,剧作家、作家、戏剧活动家。写作改编的戏曲剧本有( )。(A)江汉渔歌(B)

11、西厢记(C) 白蛇传(D)金鳞记(E)谢瑶环51 中世纪的戏剧相继出现过( )。(A)奇迹剧(B)神秘剧(C)道德剧(D)笑剧(E)社会问题剧52 下列电视剧作品为电视单本剧的是( )。(A)凡人小事(B) 蹉跎岁月(C) 今夜有暴风雪(D)希波克拉底誓言(E)周总理的一天三、英文阅读理解题52 The book Love and Its Place in Nature observed that without love,children tend to die And Ashley Montagu, noted Britishborn anthropologist,went so far

12、as to say:The child who has not been loved is biochemically,physiologically ,and psychologically very different from the one who has been loved The former even grows differently from the latterThe Toronto Star reported on a study that reached similar conclusionsIt said:“Children raised without being

13、 regularly hugged,cared or strokedhave abnormally high levels of stress hormones”Indeed ,physical neglect during infancy“can have serious longrange effects on learning and memory”These findings emphasize the need for the physical presence of parentsOtherwise,how can strong ties develop between paren

14、ts and child?But sorry to say,even in affluent parts of the world,the tendency now is to try to supply a childs needs apart from his or her parentsChildren are sent away to school,sent away to work, sent away to summer camp,and given money and sent away to places of recreationThrust out of the famil

15、y nucleus,circling in orbit at a distance,as it were,rail lions of children naturally come to feelif only subconsciously-neglected,unwanted,and un loved ,surrounded by a hostile world of grownupsSuch a prevailing feeling among children may be one reason why there are so many street childrenTypical i

16、s young Micha,who said:“No one wanted me anymore”A nineyearold boy similarly complained:“1 would rather be our dog”Child neglect is a form of mistreatment and it can lead to more sinister forms of mistreatment such as the physical mistreatment and sexual abuse of childrenRegardless of the form mistr

17、eatment takes,it sends children the message that they are unloved and unwanted According to the German newspaper Die Welt“more and more children are growing up to be social cripples”It adds:“Children lack the warmth of the nestThe emotional bonding between children and parents is becoming weaker,or

18、it is never established in the first place Such children feel neglected,and their desire for security goes unfulfilled”Children who are denied their right to be wanted and loved may become bitter,taking out their frustrations off those who have neglected them or possibly Otlsociety as a whole Fully

19、a decade ago,a Canadian taskforce report signaled the need for immediate action lest a whole generation“who think society doesnt care about them”be lostUnloved and unwanted youngsters may be tempted to run away from home to escape their problems,only to find bigger ones in cities plagued with crime,

20、drugs,and immorality In fact,police have estimated that 20,000 runaways under 1 6 were living in one USmetropolitan area alone They were described as“the products of broken homes and brutalityoften inflicted by alcoholic ordrug 。addicted parentsThey take to the streets,use their bodies for survival

21、and then,beaten by pimps and bereft of self-esteem,live in fear of reprisal if they attempt to escape the racket”Sad to say,despite honest efforts to change this deplorable situation,it still existsChildren growing up in the circumstances described above develop into unbalanced adults,of ten being u

22、nable to rear children of their own properlyBeing unwanted and unloved themselves,they later produce more of their own kind53 The main idea of the passage is that_(A)children need to be loved biochemically(B) children tend to die without love(C) 1ack of love can have serious effects on the growingup

23、 of a child(D)neglected children will grow up into unbalanced adults54 It is implied in the passage that_(A)parents can establish close ties with their children by letting them be(B) children should receive education from their parents,not from schools(C) children should not be forced to stay away f

24、rom the family nucleus(D)children should circle their parents in orbit at a distance55 The reason why so many children have grown up to be social cripples is that_(A)some parents could only get warmth from other street children(B) many children could only get warmth from other street children(C) man

25、y children wanted to revenge their parents in this way(D)many children wanted to break the bind between them and their parents56 Children take to the streets_(A)to seek ways of survival(B) to save their self-esteem(C) to attempt to escape the racket(D)to escape from their miserable condition and par

26、ent abuse57 Which of the following best defines the meaning of the word“bereft”in paragraph 7?_(A)destroyed(B) deprived(C) weakened (D)threw away57 Anthropologists commonly distinguish three forms of marriage:monogamy ,the marriage of one man to one woman,polygyny,the marriage of one man to two or m

27、ore women,and polyandry,the marriage of one woman to two or more menPolygyny and polyandry are often linked under the single term“polygamy”,a marriage of one individual to two or more spousesThough there are many societies which permit,or even encourage,polygamous marriages,it does not follow,in suc

28、h societies ,that every married individual,or even that a majority of them,has more than one spouse Quite the contrary is true,for in most,if not all,of socalled polygamous societies monogamy is statistically the prevailing formThe reason for this is clear:the proportion of male to female births in

29、any human society is roughly the same,and if this proportion is maintained among the sexually mature,a preponderance of plural marriages means that a considerable number of either men or women must remain unmarried No society can maintain itseIf under such conditions;the emotional stresses would be

30、too great to be survived Accordingly, even where the cultural ideals do not prohibit plural marriages,these may occur on any notable scale only societies where for one reason or another,one sex markedly outnumbers the otherIn short,monogamy not only prevails in most of the worlds societieseither as

31、the only approved form of marriage or as the only feasible form,but it may also prevail within a polygamous society where,very often,only a minority of the population can actually secure more than one spouse In a polygynous household,the husband must supply a house and garden for each of his wivesTh

32、e wives live with him in turn,cooking and serving for him during the period of his visitThe first wife takes precedence over the othersPolyandry is much rarer than polygynyIt is often the result of a disproportion in the ratio of men to womenIn sum,polygamy is not,as so frequently indicated universa

33、lly a result of human immorality It is simply not true,in this aspect of culture as in many others,that people who follow patterns of culture deemed immoral in our society are thereby lacking in morality Our ideal and compulsorypattern of marriage,which holds that monogamy is the only appropriate fo

34、rm of marriage,is not shared by all peoples,even by some of those who regularly practice monogamyIn a great many societies,monogamy is only one possible form of marriage,with polygyny or polyandry as perfectly possible,though less frequent,alternatives 58 A marriage between several men and women sho

35、uld be called_(A)polygyny(B) polyandry(C) monogamy (D)not mentioned59 According to the second paragraph,in societies that encourage polygamous marriages_(A)polygamy is the predominant form of marriages(B) most of the individuals usually have multiple spouses(C) there are usually a greater of proport

36、ion of men than women(D)people are not necessarily married to multiple partners60 The author believes that plural marriages occur on substantial scales only in societies in which_(A)polygyny is not prohibited(B) one sex greatly outnumbers the other(C) most people are undereducated(D)a minority of pe

37、ople are very rich and powerful61 According to the third paragraph,polyandry_ (A)means the husband must provide for the livelihood of his wives(B) is a marriage tradition in which the first husband takes precedence over the others(C) is much rarer than other marriage forms(D)is often the result of w

38、omen outnumbering men62 We can infer from the last paragraph that_(A)many people believe that plural marriages denote immorality of other societies(B) those societies that do not uphold monogamy as the dominant marriage form aye immoral(C) polygyny or polyandry are possible alternative marriage form

39、s in most societies(D)the author lives in a society where plural marriages are sociallY accepted62 Until a few years ago most experts believed that young children couldnt lie The late developmental psychologist Jean Piaget believed that children under 7 had trouble distinguishing between fantasy and

40、 reality and couldnt be held accountable for untruthsBut recent research indicates that children as young as 4 are quite capable of telling a deliberate lie to get out of trouble Researchers believe the fear of a parents disapproval discourages a very young child from lyingBut by the age of 8,disapp

41、roval is not enoughA child should understand the consequences of the lie and the ways in which it destroys trustA child who lies a lot may be asking for helpRecent research suggests that kids who are being treated for psychological problems lie almost three times as much as welladjusted kidsA study

42、in England in the early 1 970s showed that one third of the children identified as chronic liars by their parents ended up being convicted of theft later onOther studies indicate that children who have manipulative personalities are skilled at telling lies to get what they wantTwo decades ago resear

43、chers devised a morality test called a Mach scale They found that kids who scored high in Mach chayacteristicscynicism,often lied to achieve their goalsHow should honesty be taught?It seems that harsh punishment,thought by many parents to discourage lying,may actually increase it“It creates a fear o

44、f punishment,rather than an internalized belief in moral behavior,”psychologist Paul Ekman saysTo help a child realize the damage lying doesa parent might use tales like“The Boy Who Cried Wolf”for younger children and draw object lessons from the news, as the kids grow olderJust because parents lear

45、n why lies Occur doesnt mean they should accept themPsychologistsencourage parents to expect their children to be truthfulEkman counsels parents to set a good example,avoiding even white lies as much as possible,and to stress the familyS bond of trustHe also reminds parents that they must remain com

46、passionate“A terrible act,a desperate lie to concealit,needs to be punished,”he writes“But it also needs to be forgiven”63 Until a few years ago most experts believe that young children couldnt lie because they are_(A)unconscious of the wrong or right(B) slightly influenced by surrounding people(C)

47、unable to difierentiate illusion freIm truth(D)ignorant of the idea of honesty and dishonesty64 Recent research indicates that children as young as 4 are quite capable of telling a deliberate lie because they want to_(A)ask for permission to do something(B) get out of some difficulties(C) get someth

48、ing to eat or play (D)be given love by the parents65 The lying of children by the age of 8 should be discouraged by_(A)simple disagreement(B) physical punishment(C) showing disgust for them(D)making them know the consequences of lying in addition to disagreement66 For children,harsh punishment can_ (A)effectively discourage lying(B) discourage lying to a certain extent(C) discourage lying only in vain (D)actually strengthen lying67 The article gives one an impression that childrenS bad habits of telling lies can be effectively overcome_(A)by f

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