1、在职艺术硕士(MFA)全国联考(十月联考)入学资格考试模拟试卷 4及答案与解析一、单项选择填空题1 视听语言的最小单位是( )。(A)构图(B)镜头(C)框架(D)图示2 光线风格确定整部影片的视觉基调,这种基调分为亮调、暗调、( )。(A)中问调(B)高调(C)低调(D)混合调3 柏林国际电影节“ 金熊奖 ”授予( )。(A)最佳影片(B)最佳导演(C)最佳演员(D)最佳编剧4 香港第一部短故事片是黎民伟以华美影片公司名义拍摄的短片( )。(A)庄子试妻(B) 难夫难妻(C) 洞房花烛(D)劳工之爱情5 中国民族故事片的最初尝试是( )。(A)定军山(B) 难夫难妻(C) 海誓(D)阎瑞生6
2、 以下电影属于 30 年代中国电影代表的是( )。(A)春蚕、林家铺子(B) 十字街头、艳阳天(C) 春蚕、十字街头(D)林家铺子、艳阳天7 魏晋时期,相和歌更为成熟,并与南方民间音乐融合,发展出一种被称为“( )”的新型歌曲形式。(A)散乐(B)打击乐(C)清商乐(D)鼓吹乐8 宋元时期( ) 的确立和发展,标志着我国民族传统音乐进入一个新的阶段。(A)宫廷歌舞大曲(B)说唱艺术(C)戏曲艺术(D)昆曲9 舒伯特被称为歌曲之王,( )是他的代表作之一。(A)爱情的喜悦(B) 魔王(C) 献辞(D)暮春10 奏鸣曲是一种重奏类型的器乐体裁,以弦乐为主体,最早产生在( )。(A)法国(B)巴西(
3、C)古巴(D)意大利11 美声唱法是 17 世纪产生于( )的一种演唱风格。(A)美国(B)英国(C)意大利(D)法国12 1978 年在湖北随县出土的曾侯乙墓编钟展现了( )时期中国的音乐成就。(A)先秦(B)西汉(C)东汉(D)三国13 所谓“四折一楔子 ”的这种规范的杂剧结构样式,是( )人整理的结果。(A)元代(B)清代(C)明代(D)唐代14 ( )于 1902 年创作了三部传奇劫灰梦、新罗马、侠情记,正式拉开了戏曲改革的序幕。(A)梁启超(B)柳亚子(C)汪笑侬(D)陈去病15 ( )四人被称为 “元曲四大家”。(A)关汉卿、白朴、马致远、郑光祖(B)关汉卿、白朴、王实甫、郑光祖(
4、C)王实甫、郑光祖、纪君祥、白朴(D)王实甫、郑光祖、关汉卿、石君宝16 李渔晚年创作的( ) 是中国古代戏曲理论的集大成之作。(A)太和正音谱(B) 诚斋乐府(C) 闲情偶寄(D)狂鼓史17 京剧唱腔以( ) 为主,分别适于表现不同的情感。(A)昆曲、秦腔(B)海盐腔、余姚腔(C)西皮、二黄(D)梆子、大鼓18 1916 年戏剧家( ) 在北京大学开设“ 欧洲戏剧”课,这是在中国高等学校开设话剧课程的开端。(A)田汉(B)宋春舫(C)曹禺(D)郭沫若19 1934 年,曹禺的( ) 问世,被公认为是“ 中国年轻的话剧艺术成熟的标志” 。(A)上海屋檐下(B) 原野(C) 日出(D)雷雨20
5、在古希腊戏剧演出中首先使用了第二演员的是( )。(A)埃斯库罗斯(B)索福克勒斯(C)欧里庇得斯(D)阿里斯托芬21 西班牙剧作家德.维迦的剧作( )取材于 1476 年西班牙历史上的一次农民反抗封建主的暴动。(A)狗占马槽(B) 忍耐的堡垒(C) 羊泉村(D)今日新的编剧艺术22 戏剧中的“ 正剧” 又称( )。(A)活泼的悲剧(B)严肃的喜剧(C)第三种戏剧体裁(D)奇迹剧23 以下剧作不属于“ 莎士比亚四大悲剧 ”的是( )。(A)李尔王(B) 麦克白(C) 哈姆雷特(D)罗密欧与朱丽叶24 喜剧的起源是( ) 。(A)中世纪的笑剧(B) 诗学对喜剧人物的界定(C)古希腊祭祀酒神狄奥尼索
6、斯时表演的狂欢歌舞和民间滑稽戏(D)阿里斯托芬政治讽刺喜剧鸟的诞生25 丁托列托属于( ) 画派。(A)枫丹白露(B)样式主义(C)威尼斯(D)佛罗伦萨26 在中国美术史上,以“减笔” 之法著称的是( )。(A)张择端(B)武宗元(C)梁楷(D)赵佶27 “游戏论”是 18 世纪( )国的艺术理论家( )提出的艺术起源的理论。(A)德;席勒(B)德;康德(C)英;泰勒(D)法;斯宾塞28 “巫术论”是现代西方最流行的一种艺术起源的理论。他的提出者为( )。(A)德;席勒(B)俄;托尔斯泰(C)法;斯宾塞(D)英;泰勒29 ( )提出的 “外师造化,中得心源”至今仍是画学的名言。(A)张璨(B)
7、王维(C)王微(D)李思训30 苏轼、黄庭坚、米芾、( )合称“ 宋四家”,他们都是画家,还是书法家和诗人。(A)蔡襄(B)崔白(C)李公麟(D)文同31 被誉为“中国白 ”的是( )的白瓷。(A)河北曲阳(B)河南宝丰(C)陕西铜川(D)福建德化32 商四羊方尊属于( ) 。(A)酒器(B)食器(C)装饰用品(D)烹饪器具33 艺术设计中,( ) 是具有普遍意义的基本规律。(A)设计原则(B)设计风格(C)设计美学(D)设计思维34 著名漆器漆双凤鼓是( )的作品。(A)西汉(B)春秋战国时期(C)南北朝时期(D)唐朝35 国际工业设计学会联合会(ICSID)成立于( )。(A)1957 年
8、(B) 1919 年(C) 1907 年(D)1851 年36 建立“天马舞蹈工作室” 的是( )。(A)戴爱莲(B)吴晓邦(C)曹诚渊(D)王玫37 系统地为现代舞派建立起一套较为完整的理论与训练体系的是( )。(A)鲁道夫.拉班(B)圣 .丹尼斯(C)玛莎 .格雷姆(D)伊莎多拉.邓肯38 美国现代舞训练体系影响最大的是( )体系,它大大提高了动作表现力,适于表现强烈的内心矛盾。(A)玛莎.格雷厄姆(B)默斯 .坎宁汉(C)保罗 .泰勒(D)霍塞.林蒙39 广播,是( ) 的简称。(A)广播电视(B)电声广播(C)广播电台(D)无线电广播40 ( ),延安新华广播电台开始播音,标志着新中国
9、人民广播事业的诞生。(A)1937 年 12 月 30 日(B) 1940 年 7 月 1 日(C) 1940 年 12 月 30 日 (D)1945 年 7 月 1 日41 被称为“ 舞中之冠” 的是 ( )。(A)国际标准交谊舞(B)华尔兹(C)探戈(D)伦巴42 擅长表演响屐舞的是中国古代的( )。(A)赵飞燕(B)西施(C)杨贵妃(D)宜主43 电视中的美术元素称为( )。(A)电视视觉(B)电视视图(C)电视美术(D)电视绘画艺术44 电视文艺晚会是舞台文艺晚会的( )。(A)电视化表现(B)栏目化表现(C)电视化再现(D)文艺化表现二、多项选择填空题45 属于古琴曲的是( ) 。(
10、A)梅花三弄(B) 流水(C) 光明行(D)广陵散(E)二泉映月46 戏剧的审美特征有( )。(A)剧场性(B)假定性(C)戏剧性(D)综合性(E)产业性47 明清两代,传奇四大声腔有( )。(A)弋阳腔(B)海盐腔(C)余姚腔(D)昆山腔(E)二黄腔48 属于欧洲现代主义电影作品的是( )。(A)野草莓(B) 四百下(C) 筋疲力尽(D)广岛之恋(E)八部半49 下面属于表现蒙太奇的是( )。(A)“积累蒙太奇 ”(B) “重复蒙太奇”(C) “隐喻蒙太奇”(D)“交叉蒙太奇 ”(E)“杂耍蒙太奇”50 中国民间舞的主要特色有( )。(A)载歌载舞(B)运用道具(C)角色形象与情节表现(D)
11、自娱自乐(E)教化功能51 美术的社会功能主要有( )。(A)认识功能(B)教育功能(C)审美功能(D)娱乐功能(E)实用功能52 隋唐的佛教建筑遍布全国,留存至今的仅两座木构架殿堂建筑均在山西五台山,即_和_。( )(A)南禅寺大殿(B)少林寺千佛大殿(C)佛光寺大殿(D)白马寺印度佛殿(E)白居寺措钦大殿三、英文阅读理解题52 Weve known for a long time a highfat diet,obesity and lack of exercise can increase the risk of developing heart disease and type 2 d
12、iabetes,two conditions affecting millions of AmericansWhat we are finding out now is those same lifestyle factors also play an important role in cancer Thats the bad news The good news is you can do something about your lifestyle If we grew thin ner,exercised regularly,avoided diets rich in red meat
13、 and ate diets rich in fruits and vegetablesand stopped using tobacco,we would prevent 70 percent of aU cancersThe strongest evidence of the importance of lifestyle in cancer is most common cancers arise at dramatically different rates in different parts of the globe Several cancers that are extreme
14、lv common in the United Statescolon,prostate and breast cancer-are relatively rare in other parts of theworld,occurring only 110th or 120th as oftenEqually striking,when people migrate from other parts of the world to the United States,with in a generation their cancer rates approach those of US who
15、se families have lived in this country for a long time Even if people in other parts of the world stay put,but adopt a US 1ifestyle ,their risk of cancer rise;as Japanese have embraced Western habits,their rates of colon,breast and prostate cancer have skyrocketed What is it about our lifestyle that
16、 raises the risk of many types of cancer?The main culpritsseem to be the Western diet,obesity and physical inactivityWhile weve known about the importance of tobacco and cancer for more than 50 years,we are just beginning to understand how diet,ahealthy body weight and regular exercise can protect U
17、S against cancerA striking example of the profound influence of diet was reported last summer in The Journal of the American Medical AssociationDoctors determined the eating habits of patients with colon cancer in the years following surgical removal of the cancerOver the next five years,those who a
18、te a traditional Western diet had a threefold greater likelihood of developing a recurrence of the disease than did those who ate a“prudent”diet rich in fruits and vegetables and including only small amounts of red meatHow had diet affected these patients?The surgery clearly had not removed all thei
19、r colon cancer cells:prior to the surgery,some cells had already spread from the primary tumorThe West erR diet had somehow stimulated the growth of these small deposits of residual cancer cellsObesity is the second most important factor in causing cancer in Western populations after to baccoThere i
20、s evidence that maintaining a healthy weight is protective against the disease A studyby the American Cancer Society in 2003 found the heaviest people,in comparison with the leanest,had a significantly increased risk of death from 1 0 different kinds of cancer in men,and 12 different kinds in womenT
21、he most extreme examples were liver cancer in men and uterine cancer in women53 According to paragraph 2,which of the following statements is true?_(A)Different rates of common cancers in different regions result from different lifestyles(B) The rate of several extremely common cancers in the USis h
22、igher by 11 0 or 120 (C) People who migrate to the United States have high cancer rates after a generation(D)If people out of the western world stay at home,their risk of cancer wont rise54 The striking example in The Journal of the American Medical Association aims to prove_(A)the five years follow
23、ing surgery is dangerous in that there is much likelihood to have recurrence(B) surgical removal is not reliable because it could not eliminate all cancer cells of colon cancer(C) The Journal of the American Medical Association often reports the latest discovery in science(D)Western diet,in some unc
24、ertain way,excites the growth of cancer cells after the surgery55 Which of the following statement is true as to paragraph 5?_(A)Tobacco is the most important factor in causing cancer in Western populations(B) Scientists predict that the heaviest people are more likely to die of cancers(C) The heavi
25、est men are likely to die of more kinds of cancers than the heaviest women(D)According to a study,the heaviest people are most likely to die of liver cancer56 According to the passage which one has the highest probability in resulting in cancer?_(A)Obesity,western diet and habitat(B) Western diet1ac
26、k of exercises and heart disease(C) Obesity,lack of exercises and type 2 diabetes(D)Obesity,lack of exercises and western diet57 Which of the following is the best title for the passage?_(A)Diet and Cancer(B) Obesity and Cancer(C) Lifestyle and Cancer (D)How to Cure Cancer57 Back in the 1 870 s,Char
27、les Darwins cousin Francis Gahon wanted to define the face of a criminalHe assembled photographs of men convicted of heinous crimes and made a composite by lining them up on a single photographic plae The surprise:everybody liked the villain ,including GahonhimselfHe reasoned that the villainous irr
28、egularities he supposed belonged to criminal faces had disappeared in the averaging processIn the next century,scientists began to show reliably thatfaces combined digitally on computers were likable-more so than the individual faces from which they were composed Although people clearly admire the l
29、ong legs of Brazilian model Ana Hickmann or Dolly Partons breasts,in general humans like averagesResearchers confirmed that humans judge real faces by their differences or similarities from anorm But they also found that the norm can change quicklyWhen researchers showed 1 64 peoplesets of 100 compu
30、tergenerated faces representing a slow transition from male to female and from Japanese to Caucasian-it turned out that the test subjectsidea of what constitute an“average”face shifted depending on the first face they sawWhen they were flashed a supermasculine face first,more faces on the spectrum i
31、mpressed them,by contrast,as female The masculine face had,in effect,set a standard From then on,other faces had to be more masculine in order to rate as be longing to the genderthe study note a similar shift using a Scale of faces moving from surprise to 1disgustThe authors,who published their resu
32、lts in the journal Nature,conclude that in real life we al so quickly change our perception of the midpoint-whats normal-depending on what we see We may not be aware that our judgment has changed;we simply see differently,says Michael Wel)ster,a psychologist at the University of Nevada in Reno and c
33、oauthor of the studyOne implication is that individual and social attitudes toward whats acceptable,and whats beautiful,change over time “If you look at plasticsurgery trends”,in the 1950s and 1960s you saw little upturned noses,notes Harvard psychologist Nancy Etcoff, author of the book Survival of
34、 the Prettiest: The Science of beauty“Now the noses are broader and the lips are plumperWere seeing images from around the globe and its changing our idea of the average”So if youre unhappy with some aspect of your face,take comfort:beauty,is a moving target58 Francis Gahons test shows that_(A)peopl
35、e prefer average faces to those with conspicuous features(B) sometimes evil persons have more attractive appearance(C) it is hard to distinguish between criminals and ordinary people(D)the result of trying to read faces is a shock to average people59 By mentioning the experiment in the second paragr
36、aph,the author implies that_(A)our definition of whats normal varies with gender(B) our focus of attention varies with gender and age(C) our definition of whats average changes over time(D)our focus of attention is distracted when interfered60 If researchers want the subjects to regard more faces as
37、 male,they should present_(A)a more masculine face first(B) a more feminine face first(C) a 1eSS masculine face first (D)a less feminine face first61 The word“perception”(Line 2,Para3)probably means_(A)observation(B) standard(C) performance (D)understanding62 We can infer from the last paragraph tha
38、t_(A)upturned noses will soon be considered beautiful(B) defects in facial features may someday be appealing(C) plasticsurgery is a welldeveloped industry(D)people should be confident of their appearance62 The clock tower looks out over a 3 8 一 hectare campus graced by an ornamental lake and a pilla
39、redcentral hallAdd a little ivy and it could be almost any respected seat of learning in the WestOnlythe hemisphere is wrongThis is Ningbo campus of Nottingham University in China Zhejiang proyince half a worid away from its British home Teaching is in English,the first language of the staffLast vea
40、r the college,a joint venture with a Chinese enterprise,opened its doors to 900 local students looking for an international education without leaving home Within five years their numbers are forec:ast to reach 4000Say Nottingham University provost Ina Gow:“Why go all the way to Britain when you can
41、study in China at half the price?”Good question International education is now a global industry worth $30 billion a year, with sort 2 million students studying abroad a figure thats forecast to treble by 2020In particular,the surging economies of India and China are producing far more wouldbe gradu
42、ates than their own col1eges can accommodate But preferences are changing fast as thrifty students give up their traditional favorites in the West and choose to stay closer to home That means a change in strategy for recruit hungry colleges and governmentsSays Andreas Schleicher,an education expert
43、at the Organization for Economic cooperation and Development “The real international dimension is that we no longer move students around the world:we move the providers and contents instead”It doesnt take a PhDto spot the trendsThe United States still attracts more than a quarter of a11overseas stud
44、entsbut its market share is slippingBritain,in the second slot,saw the number of applicants from China dip by 20 percent last yearFactors include expense and tighter entry regulation The United States last year relaxed some of its controls but not before losing some of the richstudent business flrom
45、 the Middle EastBritish universities are complaining loudly at the governments decision to double the price of a student visa The big beneficiaries are back in the East,close to home for Indian and Chinese studentsWith generous state helpAustralian colleges now attract 9 percent of overseas students
46、,after a decade of doubledigit increasesAustraliansgoal:560,000 foreign students almost three times todays figurebv 2025,with Asians accounting for some 70 percent of the totalWhats good for the colleges is also good for the national accountsInternational education now ranks as Australias fourth lar
47、gest source of export dollars after coal tourism and iron ore63 We can infer that the key feature of Ningbo campus of Nottingham University is that_(A)it has a western style campus(B) it charges half the price of Nottingham University(C) it provides similar education as in Nottingham(D)it is a joint
48、 venture with a Chinese enterprise64 Students choose to stay closer to home mainly because of_(A)their fear of homesickness(B) the surging economy of their home country(C) the changing pattern of world education(D)their personal economic reason65 According to Andreas Schleicher,the trends of education is that_(A)students will choose to study in their own country(B) Western countries still have strong attraction for students(C) Australia will surpass the U.S.and Britain in the market share(D)Un
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