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1、考研英语二(阅读)模拟试卷 1 及答案与解析Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)0 Almost every year since the end of the financial crisis has started with rosy expectations among American forecasters, and this one is no different. Stoc

2、k markets are buoyant, consumer confidence is improving, and economic seers are raising their growth forecasts for 2014. Americas S before the mid-1970s it was closer to the Commonwealth than to continental Europe. That generation grew up doubtful about diversity. East European immigrants, who began

3、 arriving in large numbers in the mid-2000s, doubly offend them. Bobby Duffy of Ipsos MORI, who has conducted focus groups with members of this generation , reports that the prospect of retirement makes people worry about their childrens chances.For Generation X, mass immigration, European integrati

4、on and multiculturalism are part of the furniture. They grew up in a more individualistic Britain; which, says Mr Ford, explains their relative distaste for authority, homogeneity and flag-waving. This, like university attendance(more common among this group than their parents), tends to make people

5、 more tolerant of different races and nationalities. Thus Generation Xs experiences are closer to those of Generation Y than to the baby boomersa fact reflected in Ipsos MORIs findings.11 We can infer from Paragraph 1 that_.(A)the U. K. has strict travel restrictions(B) all Britons support travel re

6、strictions(C) most people like travelling to Britain(D)most developed countries dislike immigration12 Which generation seems to dislike immigrants most?(A)The younger generation.(B) Generation Y.(C) Generation X.(D)Baby boomers.13 Robert Ford found that_.(A)the views of the young and the old are con

7、verging in Germany(B) generation gap is larger in the UK, compared with many others(C) Britain seems to be unique because people have different views(D)the gap between the old and the young in Germany is larger than in Britain14 Which one is NOT true about baby boomers?(A)They are dubious about dive

8、rsity.(B) They hate immigrants from Eastern Europe.(C) They worry about their own prospect when they retire.(D)They are concerned about their childrens opportunities.15 Generation X seems to be more tolerant of different races and nationalities because_.(A)they grew up in an environment that focused

9、 more on individuals(B) they barely receive higher education than their parents(C) they are more open-minded than their parents(D)they dont care about flag and nationality15 Of all the goods and services traded in the market economy, pharmaceuticals are perhaps the most contentious. Though produced

10、by private companies, they constitute a public good, both because they can prevent epidemics and because healthy people function better as members of society than sick ones do. They carry a moral weight that most privately traded goods do not, for there is a widespread belief that people have a righ

11、t to health care.Innovation accounts for most of the cost of production, so the price of drugs is much higher than their cost of manufacture, making them unaffordable to many poor people. Firms protect the intellectual property(IP)that drugs represent and sue those who try to manufacture and sell pa

12、tented drugs cheaply. For all these reasons, pharmaceutical companies are widely regarded as vampires who exploit the sick and ignore the sufferings of the poor.These criticisms reached a summit more than a decade ago at the peak of the HIV plague. When South Africas government sought to legalise th

13、e import of cheap generic copies of patented AIDS drugs, pharmaceutical companies took it to court. The case earned the nickname “ Big Pharma v Nelson Mandela“. It was a low point for the industry, which wisely backed down.Now arguments over drugs pricing are rising again. Activists are suing to blo

14、ck the patenting in India of a new Hepatitis C drug that has just been approved by American regulators. Other clashes are breaking out, in countries from Brazil to Britain. But the main battlefield is the Trans-Pacific Partnership(TPP), a proposed trade deal between countries in Asia and the America

15、s. The parties have yet to reach an agreement, partly because of the drug-pricing question.Under the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, a deal signed in 1994, governments can allow a generic drugmaker to produce a patented medicine. Americahome of most of the worlds big pharma, w

16、hose consumers pay the worlds highest prices for drugs-wants to use the TPP to restrict such compulsory licences to infectious diseases, while emerging-market countries want to make it harder for drug firms to win patents.The reoccurrence of conflict over drug pricing is the result not of a sudden e

17、mergency, but of broad, long-term changes. Rich countries want to slash health costs. In emerging markets, people are living longer and getting rich-country diseases. This is boosting demand for drugs for cancer, diabetes and other chronic diseases. In emerging markets, governments want to expand ac

18、cess to treatment , but drugs already account for a large share of health-care spending. Meanwhile, a wave of innovation is producing expensive new treatments.16 Pharmaceuticals are important because_.(A)they carry a moral weight(B) they can prevent and cure diseases(C) they can reflect a countrys e

19、conomy(D)they will make society function better17 The price of drugs is high mainly because_.(A)the cost of manufacture is high(B) creation costs a lot in production(C) drug firms want to make more money(D)pharmaceutical companies ignore the pain of the poor18 The example of HIV plague is to_.(A)ill

20、ustrate how drug firms protect drug price(B) demonstrate AIDS is an extremely hazardous disease(C) prove that government has nothing to do to cut down drug price(D)show how the nickname “ Big Pharma v Nelson Mandela“ was earned19 The main idea of Paragraph 4 is_.(A)battles in medical field(B) cases

21、of patented drugs(C) conflicts among countries(D)brawl over medicine price20 According to the last paragraph, which one is true about emerging markets?(A)Most people suffer from long-term diseases.(B) People get diseases much easier than before.(C) Peoples lifespan has been gready prolonged.(D)Impor

22、ted drugs price has been greatly cut down.考研英语二(阅读)模拟试卷 1 答案与解析Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)【知识模块】 阅读1 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 该词所在句为:economic seers are raising their growth forecasts for 2014( 经济提高了 2014 年的增长预测。)首先

23、我们可以从句子背景猜测出seers 一词应该表示“人”,故可以排除A和D两项。剩余B“消费者”和C“预测家”,显然能与句子相融合的是选项C“预测家”。【知识模块】 阅读2 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 题干中 predictors in America 相当于第一段第一句的 American forecasters;usually 相当于 almost every year;after economic crisis 相当于 since the end of the financial crisis。故可以确定该题对应首段首句。该句为: Almost every year since the

24、end of the financial crisis has startedwith rosy expectations among American forecasters,and this one is no different(几乎每次经济危机之后的第一年,美国预测家便开始乐观的预期,这一次也是如此。)其中最有困扰性的是 rosy 一词,其意思为“玫瑰般的,美好的,乐观的”,因此可以判断选项A为答案。其中 hopeful=rosy;prospects=expectations 。其余各项均与首段首句的关键词rosy expectations 无关。【知识模块】 阅读3 【正确答案】 D

25、【试题解析】 根据题干 the biggest threat of this economic crisis 我们可以定位到第二段末句:Thebiggest danger this time round is the optimism itself其中,the biggest threat=the biggest danger。故答案就是原文中提到的 “optimism itself 乐观本身”。四个选项中只有D提到 optimistic 一词,故为答案。选项A 具有一定干扰性。第二段第一句提到:almost every year since the financial crisis upbe

26、at expectations have been disappointed(几乎每一次经济危机之后,乐观的预期结果总是令人失望。)原文说的是“预期令人失望”,而不是选项A说的“经济危机令人失望”,该项是很明显的“偷换概念”。【知识模块】 阅读4 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 这种提问方式我们只能将四个选项逐一和原文进行比对。选项AEconomy inBritain is becoming better 相当于原文第三段第二句 Britains recovery is gathering pace。故选项A 是正确的,与题干所问的 NOT true 不符,故不是答案。选项BEconomy in

27、 Europe isnot promising at all 对应原文:Even Europes prospects are less dismal其中 not promising at all 是否定表达,而原文的less+dismal 是双重否定表肯定,其中 dismal 表示“凄凉的,低落的”。故这两个表达是不吻合的,该项表述错误,即为答案。选项CAmerican economy is on theway to recovery 意为:美国经济正在复苏的路上。该项与该段最后一句 But America is drivingthis recovery(美国很好地控制着经济复苏)两个表达是吻

28、合的,故该项也是正确的表述,即不是答案。选项DJapan can tackle the problem of consumption tax 与原文 Japans economyseems strong enough to cope with the imminent rise in its consumption tax 也是相符的。综上所述,选项B是答案。【知识模块】 阅读5 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 题干 All these factors can facilitate Americas growth(所有这些因素可促进美国经济增长)相当于第四段最后一句 all these fact

29、ors could boost Americas growth。其中 facilitate 相当于 boost。而该段的 these factors 肯定指代上文提到的内容,故答案应该从这一句的前面找。而在该段可以明显地看到first,second,finally 等词,故可以判断出现了三个因素。原文的 First,house-hold and corporate balancesheets are in good shape 与选项Bbalance sheets of families and firmsare in good condition 相对应。其中 household and c

30、orporate balancesheets 相当于 balance sheetsof families and firms;in good shape 相当于in good condition。原文 Second,thanks to cheap energy,years of wage restraint and a relatively weak dollar,America is competitive 对应选项CAmericahas inexpensive energy supply and competitive currency。其中 cheap energy 相当于inexpen

31、sive energy supply;relatively weak dollar,competitive 相当于competitive currency(有竞争力的货币)。原文 Finally,the fiscal squeeze is abating相当于选项AAmerica has reduced its financialrestraint;其中,fiscal squeeze( 财政压缩)=financial restraint(财务限制),abating(减少 )=reduced(减少)。故未提及的是D,即D为答案。该项中只有一个词是与原文不符的,即 cutcosts 减少开支,这与

32、下文提到的 cut the fiscal squeeze 减少财政压缩(即增加财政支出)明显是相反的,故确定选项D 为答案。【知识模块】 阅读【知识模块】 阅读6 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 词义题的答案一般来自上下文,需要在上文或者下文中寻找相同词性的近义词,与 safeguard 位置上最接近的一个动词是上文 ensured Bombardiers future 中的“ensure 确保,保证,使安全”,故可以确定 safeguard 与其意思接近。而四个选项中,Aprevent“阻止”与Chinder“阻碍”互为同义词,可以先排除。剩余两个选项中,与 ensure 或 safeguar

33、d 接近的是Bprotect,故为答案。【知识模块】 阅读7 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 选项A 对应原文第二段第一句 politicians are starting to pay more attention to NAFTA,其中选项中的 always 与原文的 are starting to 明显不符,故该项错误。选项B对应原文的NAFTA,which in recent years has been failing to live up to its early promise其中“failing tolive up to 没有做到”与该项的“has reached 已经达到”相悖

34、,故错误。选项 C对应 A sharedconcern with employment is one of the reasons that politicians are starting to pay more attention toNAFTA(政客开始注重 NAFFA,原因之一是因为他们共同关注就业问题)。这与C 项“政客重视 NAFTA 的目的之一在于促进就业”的表述一致,故该项为答案。D选项对应第二段最后一句,其中 all countries except Mexico 是原文未提到的,故该项错误。【知识模块】 阅读8 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 选项A 对应第三段第二行: th

35、e United States exports more to Mexico than to theBRIC countries Brazil,Russia,India and China combined根据这句话我们知道该项是正确的,非题干所问的 NOT true 对应的答案。选项B对应 There needed to be freer movement of“goods,people and information”across the borders, despite security worries 一句。其中 despitesecurity worries 意为“尽管存在安全问题”

36、,说明该项表述也是正确的,故不是答案。选项C对应该段首句:In May 2013 Barack Obamawho in 2007,on the campaign trail,called NAFTA a“mistake”trumpeted cross-border trade on a visit to Mexico(2013 年 5 月,巴拉克 奥巴马在访问墨西哥时倡导跨国贸易。而在 2007 年竞选游说过程中,他称北美自由贸易协定是一个“错误”。)通过这句话我们知道该项说“美国政府如今更重视与墨西哥的贸易”是正确的。选项D对应最后一句: He acknowledged that polit

37、icians had held up such improvements其中“held up 阻碍”与该项的“greatly improved 大大促进”完全相反,故该项是错误的。【知识模块】 阅读9 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 选项A 对应第四段第三行: Canada,however,long ago started seeing Mexico as a rival in its relationship with the United States,rather than a partner可见加拿大是把墨西哥看作了对手,而不是该项说的把墨西哥和美国当作竞争对手。该项中 Mexico a

38、nd United States 一处与原文不符,故错误。选项B对应第一句,尽管第四段未提到 NAFTA 一词,但我们知道该段提到的美国、加拿大和墨西哥都是北美国家,而该项说 NAFTA 为北美三个国家带来的只有好处,这与该句提到的 the fear of job losses,illegal drugs,crime and immigration from Mexico 完全相悖,故该项错误。选项C同样对应第一句,意思为:美国政治家预测到了北美国家紧密结合后可能出现的问题,这与原文提到的 fear of job losses 等内容相符合,故该项正确。选项D对应最后一句: Mexico,in

39、 which almost half of the population lives in poverty,much the same level as 20 years ago,has mixed feelings其中“mixed feelings 复杂的情感”与该项的 feel optimistic 不符合,故该项错误。【知识模块】 阅读10 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 文章第一段通过讨论墨西哥的劳动力引出北美国家就业问题,引出第二段首句的 NAFTA,第二句的 rebooting the agreement 等关键信息,文章后面三段讨论的都是关于重新启动 NAFTA 以及可能面对的问题

40、。其中第二段的shared concern,第三段的 mistake,security wor-ries,第四段的 by fear of 等信息都体现了问题的存在,故A选项最能体现文章大意。【知识模块】 阅读【知识模块】 阅读11 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 根据第一段第二句:Sure enough , when travel restrictions on Romanians and Bulgarians我们知道选项A 的表述是正确的。选项B文章中未提及,只是在首句提到:Britonsdislike immigration(英国人不喜欢移民。)并没有提到英国人是否支持旅游限制,故该项错误。

41、选项C和D 无中生有。故答案为选项A。【知识模块】 阅读12 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 根据 generation,immigrants 等关键词以及出题顺序可以定位到第二段。该段第二句提到:Although immigrants are often said to deprive younger Britons of entrylevel jobs and housing,虽提及 younger Britons(即A 项的younger generation),但并未提到他们对移民的看法,故选项A不是正确答案。而后半句说:members of Generation Y(born in 1

42、980 or later)andGeneration X(born between 1966 and 1979)are ambivalent towards them通过这句话我们知道 Y 一代和 X 一代对于移民的态度是“ambivalent 矛盾的”,也非题目问的 dislike most,故非答案。该段倒数第二句提到:By contrast,the baby boomers(born between 1945 and 1965)and theold,who benefit most from cheap carers and cleaners,counterintuitively thi

43、nk immigrants a drag从中可以得知婴儿潮这代人认为移民是“drag 累赘”,故这个群体是所有人中最不喜欢移民的人,从而得出该题答案为选项D 。【知识模块】 阅读13 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 根据题干中的 Robert Ford 定位到第三段第二行的 According to Robert Ford 一处,故答案来自之后的一句话,即该段最后一句:the gap between the old and the young is larger inBritain than in America,France or Spain,too 根据该句可以判断出选项B与之是同义替换关系

44、,其余选项都非该题目所问答案。【知识模块】 阅读14 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 根据 baby boomers 和出题顺序定位到第四段,该段围绕婴儿潮这一代人进行讨论。选项A与该段第三句 That generation grew up doubtful about diversity 对应。其中 that generation 指代上文提到的 baby boomers,doubtful 对应该项的 dubious,故选项A 表述正确,非答案。选项B对应该段“East European immigrants,who began arriving in large numbers in the

45、 mid2000s,doubly offend them” 这句话。其中 doubly offend them(加倍冒犯了他们)相当于该项的 hate,故该项表述正确,非答案。选项C和D 对应该段最后一句Ireports that the prospectof retirement makes people worry about their childrens chances可见 baby boomers 担心的是自己子孙的问题,而非自身问题,故D正确, C错误,即 C项为该题的答案。【知识模块】 阅读15 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 根据题干中的 Generation X 定位到最后一段

46、。根据题干中的其余关键词 differentraces and nationalities 我们可以定位到该段的倒数第二句:Thistends to make people more tolerant of different races and nationalities由此可以知道答案就是 This 所指代的内容,而该内容必然在 This 之前。因此我们应该从前面寻找答案。This 前面是这句话:They grew up in a moreindividualistic Britain;which ,says Mr Ford,explains their relative distaste

47、 for authority,homogeneity and flagwaving其中能表示该题所问的原因的部分,是 they grew up in a more individualistic Britain 一句。而该句同义转换的表达,即选项A。【知识模块】 阅读【知识模块】 阅读16 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 根据 pharmaceuticals 一词定位到第一段。该段首句提到:pharmaceuticals are perhaps the most contentious(药品也许是最受争议的。)显然这与该题题干中 important 一词不符,而我们从后面会找到这么一句:they

48、 constitute a public good其中 they 指代上文中的 pharmaceuticals,“public good 公共利益 ”与题干中的 “important 重要的”比较接近,故该题答案来自之后的一句 because they can prevent epidemics,其中 they 指代pharmaceuticals,epidemics=diseases,故我们确定B项为答案。选项A虽然在原文中有提到,但答非所问。选项C在该段原文中未提到,属于无中生有。而选项D意为:药品使社会更好地运行,原文说 healthypeople function better as m

49、embers of society(健康人作为社会一员能更好行使其职能),可见两者表达并不一致,故选项D 错误。【知识模块】 阅读17 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 根据 the price of drugs is high 定位到第二段首句:Innovation accounts for most of thecost of production,so the price of drugs is much higher than their cost of manufacture不难得出答案为B。其中 innovation 相当于creation;accounts for 相当于 costs;most of the cost 相当于 costs a lot,故选项B为答案。【知识模块】 阅读18 【正确答案】 A【试题

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