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本文([考研类试卷]考研英语(写作)历年真题试卷汇编5及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(tireattitude366)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、考研英语(写作)历年真题试卷汇编 5 及答案与解析Part BDirections: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following information. (20 points)1 Write an essay of 160 -200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should 1. describe the drawing briefly, 2. explain its intended meaning, and 3. give your co

2、mments. You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points) 2 Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should 1. describe the drawing briefly, 2. explain its intended meaning, and 3. give your comments. You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 point

3、s) 3 Write an essay of 160 -200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should 1. describe the drawing briefly, 2. interpret its intended meaning, and 3. give your comments. You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points) 4 Write an essay of 160 - 200 words based on the fol

4、lowing drawing. In your essay, you should 1. describe the drawing briefly, 2. interpret its intended meaning, and 3. give your comments. You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points) 5 Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following picture. In your essay, you should 1. describe th

5、e picture briefly, 2. interpret its intended meaning, and 3. give your comments. You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points) 考研英语(写作)历年真题试卷汇编 5 答案与解析Part BDirections: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following information. (20 points)1 【正确答案】 The drawing given above portrays

6、 a thought-provoking scene in which two tourists are enjoying sightseeing by boat, leaving their trash lying around. In the bow stands a boatman, who turns a blind eye to such a contemptible behavior. Not far away, a great deal of garbage, such as bottles, fish bones and watermelon peels, is floatin

7、g on the river.As Gan Harman, a famous American futurist, says, “ It is usually their own surroundings as a form of free merchandise. I do not know any way to cherish and spoil. “ Environmental pollution has indeed become increasingly acute worldwide, perhaps most egregiously in areas with high conc

8、entrations of tourist activities. Improper garbage disposal can be a major despoiler of the natural environmentlands, rivers, mountains as well as the air we live by. Therefore, to return a clean and congenial tourist environment, due attention should be paid to the disgraceful behaviors of those ru

9、de and boorish tourists.But what can people do to offset this problem? Firstly, strong punitive actions should be implemented to curb uncivilized behaviors harmful to the environment. Secondly, use recyclable and reusable products rather than disposable ones, especially when traveling. Sometimes yea

10、rs are required for the environment to be clean and free of pollutionthus, concerted and unremitting effort matters in this drawn-out battle.【试题解析】 品味图画文字旅程之“余”,不难发现该图的讽刺意味。总体来看,图画由一艘游船和一堆废弃物构成,这不禁使人联想到现如今的社会热点话题“环保”。显然,船上的两名游客缺乏公德心,将垃圾随意丢弃于水中。而船夫的漠视又反映出人们对此行为的习以为常。此外,游船不远处的一堆垃圾从侧面反映了旅游中不文明行为的普遍性。考生

11、在描述图画时,要抓住重点,不必对“船的构造”、“垃圾的种类”等细节一一赘述,以免模糊了焦点。第一段:描述图画。可将描述重点放在两名游客身上,详述其不文明行为。继而通过漠视的船夫和堆积的垃圾烘托该问题的严重性。第二段:揭示寓意,对图画背后的社会现象进行分析。可以从公德角度入手,也可以从环境角度切入,又或者分析造成该现象的原因。第三段:总结评论。可侧重于问题的解决方案。而解决方案从政府、法律法规、提高环保意识等方面展开为宜。2 【正确答案】 As is truly depicted in the cartoon, two people, seeing a bottle of water spill

12、ed, exhibit different responses. One stands still, sighing for the loss, while the other tries to pick the bottle up, rejoicing at the water left over. Whether the bottle is half-empty or half-full goes far beyond a simple question of choice. Instead , it reflects an attitude towards lifepessimism o

13、r optimism.Every coin has two sides. So does everything in our daily life. When going through negativity, you see nothing but the dark side. On the contrary, when bathed in the light of hope, you are enlightened by the bright side, thus considering frustration a blessing in disguise and focusing on

14、problem solving. A good case in point is Beethoven, one of the most admired and influential composers. He kept on composing after loss of hearing at the height of his music career. Living in a world which was quieter than ever before, Beethoven became more concentrated, creating many of his most fam

15、ous works. Not only did Beethoven accept the brutal fact, but he turned his misfortune into a blessing.Judging from all evidence presented above, we may safely conclude that optimism, a precious attitude towards life, is the prerequisite for success. It sheds its brightness everywhere and illuminate

16、s every dark corner in your life. Be hopeful and optimistic however tough life becomes.【试题解析】 图画由两位男士和一个打翻的水瓶构成,内容简单,重点突出。面对打翻在地的水瓶,两位男士的反应截然不同。在左边的男士看来,水瓶是半空的;而在右边男士的眼中,水瓶是半满的。对同一事物的不同解读,体现了二人或消极或积极的处世态度。此外,二人的肢体语言,即一个原地哀叹、一个上前挽救,也从侧面反映出二人面对挫折或不幸时的应对方式。谁优谁劣,清晰可见。总体来看,图画寓意明显。考生在写作时可联系实际,结合自身对生活的观察体会

17、对图画寓意作深层分析。第一段:描述图画。两位男士面对倒地水瓶的不同反应是描述重点,可从二人的行为和言语两方面入手,通过对比描述,点明图画寓意。第二段:承接一段,对图画寓意进行深层论述。首先可联系实际分析“积极”和“消极”的利弊,继而运用举例论证,强化自己的论述观点,做到有理有据。第三段:总结评论。再次点题并鼓励人们乐观向上、积极处世。3 【正确答案】 As is vividly illustrated in the cartoon, depressed and perplexed, many a college graduate stands at the critical turning p

18、oint of their life. With four choiceshunting for jobs, pursuing postgraduate studies, going abroad and starting businessesawaiting them, these young men lose their directions in life completely.The simple but thought-provoking cartoon tends to highlight nothing but the significance of making choices

19、. Just as the saying goes, in life as in chess, only a few steps are the key to victory. In this case, making a wise choice upon graduation is similar to, say, seeking a gateway to success at the crossroads of life. To have a right decision, the following factors matter a lot. The first factor is pe

20、rsonal preference, which is a great source of motivation to keep you moving forward on the path you have chosen. The second factor is life planning. Once your life planning is outlined with a specific focus, you may make decisions in accordance with your priorities.Undoubtedly, a sensible choice is

21、foundational to success , yet it cannot secure a promising future without endeavor and perseverance. The former can make up for lack of intelligence; the latter may equal genius. Hence, if an option is made, college students should pursue it with endeavor as well as perseverance.【试题解析】 漫画构图简单,重点信息突出


23、选择不一定能够成功,还需要努力和坚持才能赢得光明的未来。4 【正确答案】 As is vividly shown in the drawings, three decades ago, on the road walked a young and vigorous mother, holding the little hand of her beloved daughter. And now, on the same road stands the grown-up daughter, supporting her elderly mother instead. Time flies, yet

24、 the radiant smiles on their faces still bloom like a flower. Below the picture lies a caption which reads; mutual support.The primary purpose of the drawings is to emphasize the significance of family affection, the tenderest and noblest e-motion of mankind. For thousands of years, venerating the o

25、ld and cherishing the young has been considered the social responsibility and behavioral norm in China. Parents devote themselves full time to child-raising, with unselfish love, inexhaustible patience and meticulous care. However, as time moves on, our parents, falling into old age, become grey-hai

26、red and wrinkled. It is then the irremissible responsibility of us to support them. Taking care of our elderly parents, of course, is not limited to their material needs, for the spiritual onesfeeling heard, valued, and lovedare crucial for them to cast off loneliness.We, adult children, who are ble

27、ssed with the love of our parents, should show more filial piety to them, for the filial duty is the most highly valued virtue in China. Only by assuming this responsibility can our society become more harmonious and civilized.【试题解析】 今年的图画主题分明,题目考查的是现代人之间的关系相携,这与 05 年大作文“养老足球赛”的主题高度相似。不过两个题目的命题角度不同:

28、05 年以负面角度加入主题,讽刺子女不赡养父母现象;而今年则从正面角度点明尊老爱幼这一主题。具体而言,左图以过去为背景,描绘了三十年前年轻母亲牵着女儿的小手,陪她成长;右图以现在为背景,描绘了三十年后长大成人的女儿搀扶着日渐衰老的母亲,伴她前行。通过对比,该组图画背后的寓意不言自明。写作时可从两方面展开论述:一是父母含辛茹苦地抚养子女,为之倾其所有;二是子女应知反哺,回报给父母同样的照顾与关爱。敬老这一话题贴近生活,利于考生发挥。第一段:描述图画。分析两幅图的异同点,展开对比描述,以此突显图画主题。此外,图画文字“相携”是点睛之笔,可在该段予以体现。第二段:揭示寓意,对“相携”展开深层分析。可

29、将“为何应该反哺”作为论述重点,并指出关注父母精神需求的重要性。第三段:总结评论。呼吁子女孝敬父母,以使社会更加和谐、更加文明。5 【正确答案】 Laid out before us is a satirical scene: some youngsters are sitting around a table to have a feast together. However, all of them are staring attentively at their mobile phones instead of chatting with each other, leaving the

30、delicious dishes untouched. As the caption below the picture indicates, its a party in the mobile phone era.It goes without saying that the cartoonist intends to reveal a strange, yet familiar phenomenon; mobile phone addiction, the very product of science and technology evolution. People with such

31、addiction will be so consumed by anxiety and depression once their mobile phones are unreachable. In-controvertibly, the popularity of smart phones, coupled with the coming of 4G era, enables people to access the Internet more conveniently and interact with others, near or far. However, as everythin

32、g has its pros and cons, the overuse of mobile phones does exert negative influence on us. The obsession with the virtual world created by mobile phones saves us from face-to-face communication, thus resulting in the growing interpersonal estrangement.Therefore, effective measures should be taken to

33、 alleviate the situation. First, cherish the time shared with your beloved ones, and have more heart-to-heart conversations. Second , read paper books or take part in group activities instead of clinging on to mobile phones.【试题解析】 图画中这一熟悉的生活场景令人印象深刻,与 2009 年“网络的”近与远”类似,均反映现代科技给人们带来便利的同时,使人与人之间关系疏远。面


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