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1、考研英语(写作)模拟试卷 1 及答案与解析Part BDirections: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following information. (20 points)1 Write an essay of 160 -200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should 1. describe the drawing briefly, 2. interpret its intended meaning, and then 3. give your

2、 comments. You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. 2 Write an essay of 160 -200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should 1. describe the drawing briefly, 2. interpret its intended meaning, and then 3. give your comments. You should write neady on the ANSWER SHEET. 3 Write

3、 an essay of 160 -200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should 1. describe the drawing briefly, 2. interpret its intended meaning, and then 3. give your comments. You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. 4 Write an essay of 160 - 200 words based on the following drawing. I

4、n your essay, you should 1. describe the drawing briefly, 2. interpret its intended meaning, and then 3. give your comments. You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. 5 Write an essay of 160 - 200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should 1. describe the drawing briefly, 2.

5、interpret its intended meaning, and then 3. give your comments. You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. 考研英语(写作)模拟试卷 1 答案与解析Part BDirections: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following information. (20 points)1 【正确答案】 The new family planning policy allowing all couples to have two c

6、hildrenis considered a mixed blessing. As the picture depicts, jubilant and eager, an eligible young couple push the gate open, setting out on the road to second child-bearing. In contrast, another young couple, with four aged parents to support, hesitate to conceive another baby.To increase the cou

7、ntrys fertility rate and offset the burden of an aging society, China has loosened its one-child policy introduced in the early 1980s. However, the new second-child policy ignited a storm of controversy, and the possible reasons are as follows. First, those young couples, eligible for the new policy

8、, feel weighed down by the pressure of supporting a large familyfour elderly parents and one child, let alone the cost of raising another kid. Furthermore, relevant regulations on maternity leave for women delivering a second child are, so far, not issued. Also, the loss inflicted by two maternity l

9、eaves deters companies from hiring or promoting a woman of child-bearing age.Given the above discussions, the universal two-child policy is nothing but a temporary solution. The need, I believe , is for the government to introduce a sound and systematic population development and management mechanis

10、m to balance the population structure, thus maintaining the sustainable development of China.【试题解析】 图中的两对年轻夫妻对生二孩表现出截然不同的态度。围城外的年轻夫妻欣喜若狂,迫不及待地推开城门,想要加人生二孩的行列之中。而围城内的年轻夫妻却愁容满面,对是否生二孩犹豫不决。显然,四个需要赡养的父母已经令城内的二人倍感压力,使他们对二孩望而却步。考生在写作中可先联系图画内容点明主题,然后分析二孩政策引发争议的背后原因,最后针对这一新政策发表个人观点或提出建议。第一段:联系图画,点明主题。首先点明图画

11、主题,接着分别描述两对年轻夫妻对二孩的不同反应,以突显二孩政策令人喜忧参半的事实。第二段:深入分析。先介绍二孩政策出台的缘由,继而分析该政策引发争议的背后原因,如赡养老人的压力、养育孩子的花销、相关法规的不完善等。第三段:总结评论。指出我们真正需要的是一个健全且具有系统性的人口发展及管理机制。【知识模块】 短文写作2 【正确答案】 As is graphically pictured by the cartoon above, an old man looks so helpless, lying alone on the street. Numerous bystanders watch h

12、im chillily, but no one addresses the needs of the old man.Nothing gets people talking like the topicwhether we should offer a helping hand to old people who have fallen or not. Nowadays, helping the fallen elderly people becomes less simple. People are unwilling or do not dare to help the aged inju

13、red on the street in that they are afraid of being framed up and putting themselves in troubles. Recently, the frequent reports that help-givers have been falsely identified as offenders illustrate this point. In these cases, some greedy senior citizens tend to take advantages of warm-hearted people

14、s kindness for financial gains. Such actions discourage people from taking steps to help the aged. These actions, seemingly personal behaviors, actually undermine social trust, pushing the traditional virtue into a vague embarrassment.Greediness for wealth will poison social atmosphere. Therefore, p

15、eople should be educated to realize the value of social trust and voluntarily protect it. Meanwhile, we should still hold faith in human nature, and use common sense to judge the aged in need of help and the situation carefully at that moment before offering help.【试题解析】 图画向我们展示了一个近年来生活中很常见的场景:一位老人摔倒


17、块】 短文写作3 【正确答案】 Depicted by this cartoon is a scene that a proof needs to be proven. When a man submits a testimonial to the related official, the latter haughtily says that the certificate of his testimonial is required.The above picture satirizes a common phenomenon drawing public complaints. In r

18、ecent years, it is nothing new to find proofs asked to be proven, such as “I am still alive“ , “I am I“ , “my mother is my mother“ and so on. These identifications not only render us baffling, but trigger wide doubts. Indeed, with the soundness of the system and the steady rise in legal awareness, w

19、hat we do and what we say should be based on evidence. Nevertheless, such a testimonialwhen you move, you should offer the evidence that the items in your home are not stolenjust only leaves the public a bit at sea. It is beyond our expectations, yet also unable to reveal social progress. The occurr

20、ence of these quirks demonstrates that severe information barriers lie in government sectors. However, the root cause should be that part of the officials lack the courage to be responsible.Encouragingly, relevant policies have been launched by the municipal government in Hefei, reducing quite a few

21、 unnecessary proofs. Nonetheless, to eliminate the quirks finally, related authorities should start from people-oriented services, shunning the thoughts of managing in a controlling mode.【试题解析】 图画作文的标题往往是题眼所在,将标题和图画内容相结合能够快速领悟画中深意。如图所示,当一个人将自己的证明递交给某部门负责人时,负责人却说还需要“该证明的证明”。呈递人茫然无措的表情和负责人冷漠傲慢的态度形成鲜明的

22、对比。显然,给证明“开证明”的要求是不合理的,这影射的是最近一系列“证明我还健在”、“证明我妈是我妈”等让人啼笑皆非但又无可奈何的“奇葩”事件,写作主题由此确立。考生可联系近来发生的相关事件展开论述,抨击该现象的同时挖掘其背后的深层原因。第一段:描述图画,突出重点。图中两个人的言行举止不必面面俱到,详略得当为宜。部门负责人的神情和他说的话应作为描述重点。第二段:揭示寓意,充分延展。该图的讽刺意义是一大特点,可在段落开头点出。接着联系生活实例,论述该现象的不合理性,进而揭示造成该现象的原因。第三段:总结评论。先肯定相关部门做出的改善之举,再提出可行性措施。【知识模块】 短文写作4 【正确答案】

23、As is shown in the picture, a little boy, wearing a hat painted with British and Korean flags, is enjoying a Coke and a hamburger held in his hands. Profoundly, Confucius, a wise man in ancient China, is writing down the Chinese character “Zhong“ on the kids back with a calligraphy brush.This pictur

24、e intends to remind the youngsters that even though the western culture seems to be more fascinating, it is of great significance to protect and develop the traditional Chinese culture. The character written by Confucius is not only part of the name of our country; it is also, more importantly , the

25、 symbol of Chinas profound culture and long history. Admittedly, due to the continuous amalgamation of Chinese and western culture, our life has been largely changed in terms of food, clothing, education, entertainment, etc. However, young people, particularly, tend to embrace the western culture mo

26、re quickly and, sometimes, seemingly blindly. For instance, many young kids are quite familiar with McDonalds but despise the traditional Chinese medicine. Such blindness would lead to the eventual disappearance of the entire traditional Chinese culture, if we cannot balance the two cultures wisely.

27、To put it simply, traditional Chinese culture is the crystallization of collective wisdom of Chinese people. As the carriers of national culture, individuals should recognize the great value of national culture, and endeavor physically to ensure its relentless boom as well.【试题解析】 图画为我们刻画出两个人物:小男孩和孔子


29、结评论。建议人们如何正确对待我们的民族文化。【知识模块】 短文写作5 【正确答案】 On the long track, an entirely new sort of relay race is going on. An athlete with a beam of joy passes the relay baton to the next. Beside this relay baton, there are eye-catching words: cross-cultural communication.It is no surprise that cross-cultural com

30、munication is a-rousing much chatter. In the history of our country, these casesthe Silk Road, the pilgrimage of Monk Xuan Zang and Zheng Hes voyages to the Western Seasare viewed as models. At present, the world is a global village, becoming more interconnected through the movement of technologies

31、and cultures. According to International Business Times, currently, there are more than 10,000 Chinese enterprises carrying out business abroad, while there are more than 20,000 foreign corporations in our nation. Obviously, the international cross-cultural exchange is at levels never seen before. I

32、t is widely acknowledged that cross-cultural communication can create vast material and spiritual wealth. It can facilitate the boom of the tourist trade, thus boosting the national economic development. It can also promote the growth of cultural consciousness , such as the catering culture, costume

33、 culture and festival culture.Cross-cultural communication is, without doubt, of great value to the development of the human race and society. Yet, meanwhile, it is also worth noting that, amid the process of cross-cultural interaction and communication, there are some particular things that must be

34、 preserved within that culture.【试题解析】 图片看似简单,实则妙趣横生。仔细观察不难发现,图中两位男士所处的场景全然不同。手持接力棒,奔跑着的男士身处竞技赛场中,像是一名运动员;而携带相机,打着领带的男士出现在街道上,像是一位观光客。看似难以碰面的两人却正在完成一项接力赛。交接棒上的文字“跨文化传播”一语中的地道出了图画的寓意。男子手中的接力棒正是他们进行文化交流的媒介。日益频繁的文化交流活动拉近了全球人们的距离,推动旅游业发展的同时也推动了整个社会的进步,考生可依此思路行文,并在肯定跨文化交流的同时呼吁人们重视对本民族文化的传承。第一段:描述图画,点明主题。可先对图中两位男士正在参与的活动展开细节描述,然后借助对图画文字“跨文化传播”的描述来揭示文章主题。第二段:发表观点,充分延展。可就跨文化传播带来的积极影响展开论述,采用事例论证、数字论证等方法,增强文章的说服力。第三段:总结评论。呼吁人们在推进跨文化传播的同时,重视对自身民族文化的保留和继承。【知识模块】 短文写作

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