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本文([考研类试卷]考研英语(短文写作)模拟试卷108及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(confusegate185)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、考研英语(短文写作)模拟试卷 108 及答案与解析Part BDirections: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following information. (20 points)1 Knowing the Problems Is Not Enough 只知道存在是不够的 Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the drawing. In your essay, you should1)describe the drawing briefly,2)explain its intende

2、d meaning, and3)give your comments.2 Fly Sheet Advertisement 传单广告 Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the drawing. In your essay, you should1)describe the drawing briefly,2)explain its intended meaning, and3)give your comments.3 On Celebrity Endorsement 明星代言 Write an essay of 160-200 words base

3、d on the drawing. In your essay, you should1)describe the drawing briefly,2)interpret its intended meaning, and3)give your comments.4 Build a Harmonious World 建设一个和谐世界 Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the drawing. In your essay, you should1)describe the drawing briefly,2)explain its intended

4、 meaning, and3)give your comments.5 The Guide 导游 Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the drawing. In your essay, you should1)describe the drawing briefly,2)explain its intended meaning, and3)give your comments.考研英语(短文写作)模拟试卷 108 答案与解析Part BDirections: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on th

5、e following information. (20 points)1 【正确答案】 In the picture, an official is holding a brush pen and writing two Chinese characters meaning “read“ on a stone. The stone is the representation of a problem and more similar stones with the same Chinese characters are be hind the official. This picture s

6、eems to urge officials to do something about the problems found, for knowing the problems is far from enough, and taking action to address them is more important.In my opinion, procrastination among some officials could be eradicated by a performance-based evaluation scheme. To be exact, officials s

7、alary and promotion should be directly linked to how well they have responded to the problems exposed by citizens and the media. If they turn a blind eye to the problems and take no action, they should be removed from office. If, on the other hand, they tackle the problems effectively, they would be

8、 favorably consid ered when there is a promotion offer. They could also be financially rewarded if the measures they take have been proven successful and powerful.In conclusion, to urge officials to both know and solve the problems, a reform in salary and promotion scheme need to be launched.【试题解析】

9、这幅图片刻画了一名官员拿着毛笔在各个问题上批了“已阅”二字。从图解看出,该图认为只知道存在问题是不够的,还需要拿出具体的解决方案。根据这一思路,并按照题目要求,全文可以安排如下:第一段描绘图片,指出只知道存在问题是不够的,官员应采取行动解决问题。第二段提出个人看法:官员拖延处理问题的陋习可通过绩效考核机制来解决。其一,官员的晋升和工资应该与其解决问题的能力挂钩。其二,如果官员的解决方案既有效又及时,可以给予一定的奖励。第三段总结全文:通过改革工资和晋升、任免机制来敦促官员有效解决问题。【知识模块】 短文写作2 【正确答案】 In the picture, a little boy is wal

10、king in a commercial street. He is bombarded by countless leaflets, ranging from body-building to English training,from property sales to computer framing. The picture vividly illustrates the awkward situation we have once experiencedwe are “bothered“ by the ubiquitous leaflets, which we are not eve

11、n a bit interested in.As I see it, the sales techniques adopted by those leaflet-dependant companies need to be upgraded. More often than not, people are disgusted with these leaflets, which turn out to be helpless for attracting potential consumers. Making the best use of social media may achieve b

12、etter promotion effect. For example, companies can offer some free trials of their products or service. In exchange for those free trials, customers need to promise to write an in-depth review about the products or the service and post it on the companys social media platform. In this way, promotion

13、 of products or service could happen without using any fly sheets, which, undoubtedly, will be more effective.To conclude, promoting products or service through leafleting is inadvisable nowadays, while social media may be a greater channel.【试题解析】 这幅图片刻画了一名小男孩在商业街上被众多传单包围的情景。传单种类繁多,让男孩应接不暇。根据这一思路,并按

14、照题目要求,全文可以安排如下:第一段描绘图片,指出我们饱受传单的“骚扰”。第二段提出个人看法:传单宣传并非良策,建议升级宣传策略,可运用社交网络作为宣传渠道。第三段总结全文:传单宣传已不是明智之举,而社交媒体会是一个更好的宣传渠道。【知识模块】 短文写作3 【正确答案】 In the picture, a celebrity is posing for a product en dorsement. She closes one eye while leaves the other open. The wide-open eye stands for her personal gains, w

15、hile the closed one is a symbol of social responsibility. The intention of the picture is to call for moral integrity from celebrities when they are endorsing commercial products.In my eyes, celebrity endorsement should be a quality guarantee rather than a mask for inferior products. For instance, a

16、 celebrity who endorses a pharmaceutical product will send a message to the targeted buyers that the product is effective. If the product fails to deliver the de sired effect, or even worsens the buyers health condition, the celebrity is actually an accomplice of the sale fraud. Thus, it is quite ad

17、visable that celebrities themselves try the product first before they endorse it.To conclude, celebrities need to put consumers well-being before their personal benefits. Their actual experi ence of the products will make the endorsement more convincing and at the same time make themselves become mo

18、re socially responsible.【试题解析】 这幅图片刻画了明星代言产品时睁一只眼、闭一只眼的情景,睁开的眼睛看到的是个人利益,闭上的眼睛忽视的是社会责任。根据这一思路,并按照题目要求,全文可以安排如下:第一段描绘图片,并指出图片的意图:呼吁明星在代言产品时应诚信。第二段提出个人看法:明星的代言应该是质量的担保,而不是为伪劣产品打幌子。如果没有亲自使用过产品就不应轻易代言,否则会贻害消费者。第三段总结全文:明星代言应把社会责任放在第一位。【知识模块】 短文写作4 【正确答案】 In the picture, a globe is surrounded by six childr

19、en of different colors. They are all smiling and holding hands with one another. On the center of the globe are four Chinese characters, meaning “a harmonious world“. As illustrated in the picture, we should build a harmo nious world in the interest of our future generations.As far as I am concerned

20、, the concept of “a harmo nious world“ is a noble goal that we should commit our selves to. In essence, a harmonious world is a worldwith tolerance. Since we live in a melting pot where people of diverse ethnic backgrounds live together, it is natural that we may not think alike and we might have to

21、tally different opinions on the same issue. We must learn to be tolerant of ideas different from our own and try to avoid confrontation among people or even countries, thereby helping to build a harmonious world where our kids will not be plagued by conflicts and wars even tually.In conclusion, tole

22、rance is an essential ingredient for a harmonious world that is the better future we must build for the future generations.【试题解析】 这幅图片刻画了 6 名不同肤色的小孩微笑地手拉手围着地球。从图解看出,各个种族的小孩都受惠于一个和谐的世界。根据这一思路,并按照题目要求,全文可以安排如下:第一段描绘图片,并指出图片的意图:我们应该为后代营造一个和谐世界。第二段提出个人看法:“和谐世界”是一个崇高的目标,我们要为之努力。和谐社会的本质是包容,我们要学会包容不同的观点,避免

23、冲突。第三段总结全文。【知识模块】 短文写作5 【正确答案】 In the picture, a group of tourists is walking on the edge of an oversized knife, which is held by a dishonest tour guide. On the knife, the word “shopping“ is marked. This picture intends to reveal the problem caused by com mission-minded tour guides. Apparently, some

24、 tour guides are seeking huge profits by luring or even forcing tourists to buy things in some designated shops.To curb the improper practice of compelling tourists to make purchase, two measures should be taken. First, a tour guide supervision committee, probably attached to the tourism industry co

25、uncil, could be set up to discipline tour guides. When the committee receives complaints from tourists, investigation should be carried out. If tour guides are found forcing tourists to buy things, their licenses shall be suspended or even revoked. Second, details of shopping arrangements must be sp

26、ecified in the tour contract. Tourists shall have the right to reject any shopping arrangement in consistent with the contract.To sum up, tour guides must be disciplined by tourism industry association and comply with their contract with tourists, because the priority of tour guides is to bring a pl

27、easant traveling experience to tourists, not to make a handsome profit out of them.【试题解析】 这幅图片刻画了一群游客在刀上行走的情景,刀代表着黑导游所安排的购物。根据这一思路,并按照题目要求,全文可以安排如下:第一段描绘图片,揭示导游追求购物回扣所引发的问题。第二段提出个人看法:采取两方面行动来遏制导游安排购物的问题。其一,设立导游监管委员会来监管导游。其二,购物的具体安排应在旅游合同中说明,以确保游客的知情权不受侵害。第三段总结全文:导游应该受到旅游行业协会及他们与游客所订立的合同的约束。【知识模块】 短文写作

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