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1、考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 103 及答案与解析Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)0 Steven P. Jobs, whose insistent vision that he knew what consumers wanted made Apple one of the worlds most valuable and influential companies, is stepp

2、ing down as chief executive, the company announced late Wednesday.Mr. Jobs, 56, has been on medical leave since January, his third such absence. He underwent surgery for pancreatic cancer in 2004, and received a liver transplant in 2009. But as recently as a few weeks ago, Mr. Jobs was negotiating b

3、usiness issues with another Silicon Valley executive.Mr. Jobs will become chairman, a position that did not exist before. Apple named Tim Cook, its chief operating officer, to succeed Mr. Jobs as chief executive.Rarely has a major company and industry been so dominated by a single individual, and so

4、 successful. His influence has gone far beyond the iconic personal computers that were Apples principal product for its first 20 years. In the last decade, Apple has redefined the music business through the iPod, the cellphone business through the iPhone and the entertainment and media world through

5、 the iPad. Again and again, Mr. Jobs has gambled that he knew what the customer would want, and again and again he has been right.“The big thing about Steve Jobs is not his genius or his charisma but his extraordinary risk-taking,“ said Alan Deutschman, who wrote a biography of Mr. Jobs. “Apple has

6、been so innovative because Jobs takes major risks, which is rare in corporate America. He doesnt market-test anything. Its all his own judgment and perfectionism and gut.“Mr. Cook, an expert in logistics, has been instrumental in locking up contracts in advance for critical parts in the companys dev

7、ices. It has had the effect of securing favorable prices, keeping Apples profit margins high. But it also has prevented rival companies from producing competing products at significantly lower prices.While Mr. Cook is well respected in the industry, he is little known outside of it. Analysts and Sil

8、icon Valley experts said new Apple products were in the pipeline for the next few years, but the companys success beyond that was already being debated.“Steve has built a very deep bench of managers, including the leadership of Tim Cook, who clearly understands Steves vision, goals and direction,“ s

9、aid Mr. Bajarin, president of the technology research firm Creative Strategies, who has followed Apple for 30 years.“You could make the case that Steve has injected so much of his DNA into Apple that Apple will continue,“ said Guy Kawasaki, who was an Apple executive in the late 1980s. “Or you can m

10、ake the case that without Steve, Apple will struggle. But you cannot make the case that Apple without Steve Jobs will be better. Hard to conceive of that.“The company and Mr. Jobs had been criticized in the past for revealing little information about his health to investors. The news of Mr. Jobss re

11、signation came after the market closed Wednesday. In after-hours trading, the stock fell 5 percent.1 It can be indicated from Paragraph 4 and 5 that the advantage in cutting-edge technology of Apple is mainly because of_.(A)the dominance and power-centralization of Steve Jobs(B) Steve Jobs extraordi

12、nary talent and strong leadership(C) the main products of it that reshape the related industries(D)Steve Jobs adventure-making spirit based on intuition of consumers needs and courage2 Tim Cooks contribution to Apple lies in_.(A)the replacement of its cancer-suffering former CEO(B) the early seal of

13、 contracts with key components manufacturers(C) the reputation he owns in the industry which earned the company more cooperation(D)the accurate comprehension of the thoughts of Steve Jobs3 Some experts and analysts claim that the resignation of Steve Jobs wont have a huge impact on Apple in the shor

14、t term for the reason that_.(A)Steve Jobs has planted the innovative and risk-taking spirit in its blood(B) the successors will inherit the keen vision and development goal of Steve Jobs(C) the company has already developed latest devices for preparation(D)Tim Cook fully comprehends the thoughts of

15、Steve Jobs and will carry on his undone business4 According to a former Apple executive, which of the following is likely to happen to Apple without Steve Jobs?(A)The empire will tumble for losing innovation and strong leadership.(B) The company will go backwards and struggle for reviving.(C) The co

16、mpany will become much stronger because of new thought and management.(D)The company will lose the competition with other rivals.5 Which is the best title for the text?(A)The Legend of Steve Jobs and Apple(B) Debate on the Future of Apple(C) Steve Jobs Resignation as Apples Chief Executive(D)The Inf

17、luence of Steve Jobs Resignation5 The Internet began in the 1960s as a small network of academic and government computers primarily involved in research for the U.S. military. Originally limited to researchers at a handful of universities and government facilities, the Internet has quickly become a

18、worldwide network providing users with information on a range of subjects and allowing them to purchase goods directly from companies via computer. By 1999, 84 million U.S. citizens had access to the Internet at home or work. More and more Americans are paying bills, shopping, ordering airline ticke

19、ts, and purchasing stocks via computer over the Internet.Internet banking is also becoming increasingly popular. With lower overhead costs in terms of staffing and office space, Internet banks are able to offer higher interest rates on deposits and charge lower rates on loans than traditional banks.

20、 “Brick and mortar banks“ are increasingly offering online banking services via transactional websites to complement their traditional services. At present, 14 percent of Internet households conduct their banking by means of the Internet, and the figure is expected to double or triple during the nex

21、t two or three years.Increasing commercial use of the Internet has heightened security and privacy concerns. With a credit or debit card, an Internet user can order almost anything from an Internet site and have it delivered to their home or office. Companies doing business over the Internet need so

22、phisticated security measures to protect credit card, bank account, and social security numbers from unauthorized access as they pass across the Internet. Any organization that connects its networks to the global Internet must carefully control the access point to ensure that outsiders cannot disrup

23、t the organizations internal networks or gain unauthorized access to the organizations computer systems and data.6 According to the text, Internet banking_.(A)requires minimal usage fees(B) offers price advantages to users(C) is more efficient than traditional banking(D)is environmentally conscious7

24、 The term “brick and mortar banks“(line 3, para. 2)refers to_.(A)banks with dependable reputations(B) banks with competitive interest rates(C) banks with traditional walk-in services(D)banks with reliable on-line services8 The last sentence of the third paragraph tells us that_.(A)any organizations

25、networks may be at risk of security breaches(B) current technology cannot safeguard against unauthorized access to online networks(C) information security should be a pressing concern for Internet commerce(D)organizations must secure their networks and data against unauthorized use9 What is this tex

26、t mainly about?(A)Conveniences brought to consumers through use of the Internet.(B) Implications of increasing commercial use of the Internet.(C) Security risks posed by commercial use of the Internet.(D)Advantages of Internet banking versus traditional banking.10 Which commercial usage of the Inter

27、net does the author NOT refer to?(A)Buying airline tickets.(B) Trading stocks.(C) Applying for a credit card.(D)Opening a bank account.10 Some of todays most cutting-edge technology is now being used to help students with special needs. No longer just the province of games for “video needs“, virtual

28、 reality has come into its own as a tool for special education teachers and therapists. As such, it is used for assessment, teaching, and practice, according to Skip Rizzo, research assistant/professor at the University of Southern California.For example, virtual reality has been used effectively to

29、 assess students depth perception, with the results being quite different from those obtained from traditional paper and pencil tests. It is also used to help students gain transition skills: Students with autism or developmental delay can visit a virtual supermarket, take public transportation, cro

30、ss the street, or organize his or her day. Students in wheelchairs can learn how to navigate buildings. And the beauty is, these students can make any number of mistakes without endangering themselves.In fact, one of the biggest virtues of virtual reality is that it allows students to learn in a saf

31、e environment, and this holds true for students with behavior disorders. After a student has learned an appropriate behavior or way of controlling his or her anger, the student is put in progressively more difficult virtual social situations where he or she can practice the new technique. And it is

32、expected that future teachers will be exposed to virtual classes, complete with “difficult students“ to help them master behavior management techniques.Virtual reality even allows us to tailor the world to meet a childs needs. Lets say were teaching a child to cross the street by paying attention to

33、 traffic signs. Educators have found that it is often difficult for the child to locate the traffic sign in a busy environment. With virtual reality, we can blow up the “walk sign“ so the student knows what it looks like. Then we gradually begin shrinking the sign and adding other environmental elem

34、ents. Once the student has mastered this virtually, he or she transfers the knowledge to the real world. In the end, this is the most important function of virtual reality programs for special students.11 In line 2, para. 1, the word “province“ means “_“.(A)technology(B) domain(C) basis(D)region12 V

35、irtual reality can help future teachers learn_.(A)how to assess students skill levels(B) how to respond to individual students needs(C) how to deal with students who misbehave(D)how to run an orderly classroom13 This text mainly deals with_.(A)the importance of using virtual reality in special educa

36、tion(B) the applications of virtual reality for special students(C) the advantages of virtual reality over conventional special education methods(D)the potential role of virtual reality in special education14 Which group does the author NOT suggest might benefit from virtual reality applications to

37、education?(A)Students with mental illness.(B) Students with behavioral disorders.(C) Students with physical handicaps.(D)Students with developmental problems.15 According to the text, what is the ultimate purpose of virtual reality in education?(A)To give special students a chance to experience life

38、 in the outside world.(B) To train teachers to work with students with special needs.(C) To allow special students to learn life-skills in a safe environment.(D)To prepare special students to transition into mainstream society.15 In todays world, racial, ethnic, and national categories no longer imp

39、ose fixed barriers or unbending traditions. This is not to say that these categories have disappeared. Rather, they are mixing and interacting in new ways. The hybrid nature of todays society is a valuable resource that companies and businesses should tap into in their quest to innovate.The ability

40、to apply knowledge to new situations is the most valued currency in todays economy. More than ever, creativity rewards those who exercise it, so curiosity about the source of creativity has never been higher. How creativity comes about is a riddle, but a few things seem clear. Highly creative people

41、 dont necessarily excel in raw brainpower. They are misfits on some level. They tend to question accepted views and to consider contradictory ones.The implications are plain to see: Divergent thinking is an essential ingredient of creativity. Diverse groups produce diverse thinking. Therefore, diver

42、sity promotes creativity. This logic applies to corporations, research teams, think tanks, and other groups of creators. Those who rely on a team of diverse people are more likely to innovate than those who rely on platoons of similar people.To be sure, hybridity poses risks. A hybrid person may los

43、e himself in a jumble of affiliations. A hybrid nation may botch the process of reinvention. Still, the price of such errors seems lower than the cost of circling the ethnic wagons and either shutting out people who are different or forcing them to become “one of us“. Never before have so many peopl

44、e married across racial and ethnic lines. Never before have so many people left their homelands for work or pleasure. Never before have so many people touched or tasted the clothes, foods, musical styles, and ideas of cultures not available to them in their youth. These people are not becoming phant

45、oms or dilettantes. Rather, they are part of an outpouring of human creativity that is being driven by radical mixing.“You cannot spill a drop of American blood,“ Herman Melville wrote in 1849, “without spilling the blood of the whole world.“ More than ever, Melvilles declaration applies not only to

46、 America, but to all nations.16 The authors attitude towards mixing of cultures is one of_.(A)unrestricted enthusiasm(B) eager advocacy(C) genuine concern(D)satisfied approval17 According to the text, people are curious about sources of creativity because_.(A)creativity is profitable(B) creativity i

47、s a basic human instinct(C) creativity is directly related to diversity(D)creative thought is valued by almost everybody18 In paragraph 4, the term “botch“ most likely means “_“.(A)complicate(B) err in(C) excel at(D)flourish in19 The author suggests of current times that_.(A)without diversity, creat

48、ivity would cease(B) the growth of the economy depends on a diverse workforce(C) businesses can gain from the diversity(D)todays creative individual does best in business20 This text is mainly about_.(A)the significance of diversity to creative thought(B) the advantages of diversity for innovative b

49、usinesses(C) the impact of an increasingly multicultural society on the economy(D)the advantages and disadvantages of diversity考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 103 答案与解析Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)【知识模块】 阅读1 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 属信息推断题。题目中的关键词“the advantage in cutting-edge technology of Apple”并未直接出现在第四段和第五段中,但第五段引用的话里提到了“Apple has been so innovative”,cutting-edge technology 指的是“尖端科技”,与 innovative 意思相同。而其原因便是乔布斯基于直觉

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