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1、考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 154 及答案与解析Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)0 The Walt Disney Co. yesterday announced new guidelines for sourcing paper used in its popular lines of products and packaging, citing its long-standing

2、commitment to conservation and greenhouse gas emissions reduction.“The paper policy is an example of how Disney conducts business in an environmentally and socially responsible way, and demonstrates the Companys commitment to creating a lasting, positive impact on ecosystems and communities worldwid

3、e,“ said Beth Stevens, Disneys senior vice president of corporate citizenship, environment and conservation, in a statement.Disney had faced pressure in the past two years for its use of rainforest-derived paper.“Rainforests are more valuable left standing than being pulped for paper,“ said Rebecca

4、Tarbotton, executive director of the Rainforest Action Network(RAN), in a press release.“Disney is adding its voice to the growing chorus of companies demonstrating that theres no need to sacrifice endangered forests in Indonesia or elsewhere for the paper we use every day.“The policy will be implem

5、ented in two phases: The first will affect paper products Disney sources directly from suppliers. A second phase will address paper sourced by independent licensees of the company.Disney aims to determine the country of origin, fiber source and supply chain dynamics of its paper products, which cons

6、ervationists and businesses have complained is particularly obscure in the pulp and paper sector.The company will produce an annual, publicly accessible report on implementation of its policy. In a blog post about Disneys policy, Ruth Nogueron of the World Resources Institute(WRI)said, “WRI is encou

7、raged by Disneys step forward. We hope that Disneyas well as other companieswill continue to promote policies that build a demand for paper products sourced from sustainably managed forests. “RAN worked with Disney in developing the policy. l It is the ninth publisher the San Francisco-based organiz

8、ation has helped to disassociate from suppliers that contribute to rainforest destruction. The other publishers are Scholastic, Hachette, Pearson-Penguin, Candlewick Press, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Macmillan, Simon the courts have upheld such laws as both prudent and obviously constitutional.But u

9、nder the Voting Rights Act, anything that even inadvertently affects minority voters, even if the purpose is constitutional and the impact incidental can be interpreted as a violation of the law. Thus, attorneys for Texas were given the impossible task of being forced to defend their state. Only a S

10、upreme Court decision striking down the entire Voting Rights Act can prevent the Obama administration from stopping voter ID in Texas.Proponents of voter ID can rightly assert that any comparison is an outrageous distortion of the truth. Minority voters are just as capable of getting themselves a fr

11、ee state ID card, as are whites. Anyone capable of registering to vote can do so. Unless opponents of these laws are prepared to argue that officials have no right to ask a prospective voter to prove his identity or even his citizenship, the charge of discrimination doesnt hold water.But the bottom

12、line in the Texas case is that since it is unlikely that the Supreme Court will strike down the entire Voting Rights Act, the administration will be able to stop voter ID in the Lone Star State. A true test of the constitutionality of such laws will have to wait for other challenges to make their wa

13、y to the high court.11 Who shares the same opinion with the District Court for the D. C. on Texass voter ID law?(A)The U.S. Supreme Court.(B) The Justice Department.(C) Texass State courts.(D)The Obama administration.12 Which of the following about Texas is TRUE?(A)It is the new congressional and le

14、gislative district.(B) Its voter ID law is against the American constitution.(C) It discriminated the minority groups in the past.(D)Washington doesnt have the power to oversee its voter ID law.13 Some states are not affected by the Voting Rights Act because(A)their courts can prevent fraud.(B) most

15、 Americans back the voter ID law there.(C) they are free from the history of racial discrimination.(D)voter fraud has always been a concern there.14 The voter ID law can be approved in Texas only when(A)the Voting Rights Act is voted down.(B) the impact is incidental.(C) Texas appeals to the U. S. S

16、upreme Court.(D)the bill is not a burden on minority voters.15 It can be inferred from the last paragraph that(A)similar cases can pave way for Texas.(B) the Constitution needs more challenge.(C) Texas case is a true test for the high court.(D)the Voting Rights Act will be struck down.15 As John Ste

17、ele Gordon points out, Ben Bernankes latest attempt to bail out a failing economy by manipulating interest rates isnt likely to be met with any more success than his first two tries. Some Democrats may think the Federal Reserves decision to print more money will inflate the economy enough to get Pre

18、sident Obama re-elected. The assumption is that it will cause a rise in the stock market that will be interpreted as a sign that the recovery has finally succeeded. However, the result of another dose of inflationary economics, compounded by growing debt, unemployment and less than 2 percent growth

19、may be another recession that will come on the heels of the current anemic recovery.The constant refrain coming from the administration and its defenders has been that a change of course away from the Presidents reliance on trying to spend our way out of the economic ditch would be a return to the f

20、ailed Republican policies of the past that created the problem in the first place. But as James Pethokoukis writes at the American Enterprise Institute blog, it is cheap money and too much debt that caused the so-called Great Recession that the president inherits. That recession ended in the summer

21、of 2009. It was followed by a recovery for which the President once took credit. But the feeble nature of that revival is something he still blames on his predecessor. Thanks to the continuation of the spending and debt binge that took place over the last four years, the country may soon be faced wi

22、th another Great Recession no matter who wins in November. But it is not likely that most Americans will be willing to blame that one on George W. Bush.Bernankes third chorus of interest rate cuts is a last-ditch attempt to save Obamas recovery. But we may look back on it next year as the moment whe

23、n the next Great Recession became inevitable. In the long run, only a program that aims to reform our out-of-control spending, tax cuts to fuel real economic growth and to create wealth, and sound money policies from the Fed will create a genuine recovery.But a steady diet of more spending, debt and

24、 cheap money has set the stage for a transition from a weak recovery to another collapse. Indeed, the bad employment numbers show that the recovery never reached some sectors of the economy or the army of unemployed Americans.President Obama is hoping Bernankes latest stunt will give him the boost h

25、e needs to stay ahead of Mitt Romney in the final weeks of the campaign. But the long-term impact of the Fed chairmans QE3 may merely pave the path for a poor economy that will make a second term a misery for both Obama and the American people.16 Why does Gordon believe Bernankes policy isnt likely

26、to be successful?(A)Because Bernankes first two tries have already failed.(B) Because inflationary economy will get President Obama re-elected.(C) Because the instant recovery may cause another recession.(D)Because it will cause a rise in the stock market.17 What led to the recession in the first pl

27、ace according to the administration and its defenders?(A)The Republican policies in the past.(B) The Presidents reliance on the economic ditch.(C) The change of a different course.(D)The constant refrain.18 According to the passage, who deserves to be praised for the recovery?(A)Bush.(B) Obama.(C) J

28、ohn Steele Gordon.(D)Bernanke.19 Which of the following can cure the Great Recession and create a genuine recovery?(A)Tax cuts, sound spending plan and money policies.(B) Our out-of-control spending.(C) Economic growth and wealth.(D)Policies from the Fed.20 What is the passage mainly about?(A)Ben Be

29、rnankes policy may not be successful.(B) QE3 will cause a recovery and another recession.(C) The Americans will face Great Recession next year.(D)Bernankes new policies cause the inflation.20 Yesterday at the UN several groups, including Rotary International, the World Health Organization, and the B

30、ill & Melinda Gates Foundation met to discuss their commitment to, and the strides made, campaigning to end polio worldwide.Yesterday Rotary announced, the side event“Our Commitment to the Next Generation: The Legacy of a Polio-free World“brought together leaders of the remaining endemic countries,

31、and representatives of donor governments, development agencies, the GPEI partners, and the media to underscore the urgent need to finish the job of global polio eradication. Although the wild poliovirus is endemic only in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Nigeria, other countries are still at risk for re-e

32、stablished transmission of the virus through its “ importation“ from the endemics.Millions have been pledged towards the effort and we are slowly watching countries become polio-free. Unfortunately, polio and other preventable diseases could(and already are)facing a renaissance thanks to dangerous p

33、arenting fads in the West.For several years, rumors have spread through all-natural, hippie parenting circles that vaccines contain chemicals that cause autism(a mental disorder that affects children, particularly their ability to relate to other people). They maintain, despite a total lack of scien

34、tific evidence, that children have been disabled and incapacitated by mercury and other preservatives in vaccines. The one scientific study that might have made their case was discredited last year and its results thrown out. Despite this, many famous parents, including Jenny McCarthy(of MTV fame)an

35、d Mayim Bialik(TVs Blossom)have publicly condemned vaccine research while declaring their children to be unvaccinated. Unfortunately, these conspiracy theories have hit the political mainstream as well. During the primaries this year Rep. Michele Bachmann repeated rumors she heard from an audience m

36、ember at a debate about vaccine safety. In 2008, both candidates for President spread vaccine misinformation, claiming that the science was still undecided on the link between vaccines and autism.The millions of dollars raised and spent by governments and organizations to end polio worldwide is mone

37、y well-spent. Unfortunately, one epidemic could undo the decades of work making this vaccine available to every child in the world. Weve already seen outbreaks of deadly and entirely preventable diseases like whooping cough and the measles, and instances of diseases with vaccines available have incr

38、eased as immunization opt-outs rise. While its admirable that these groups are working to make vaccines available in the most remote villages in the world, parents in Portland and other liberal epicenters are setting medical science back fifty years in the United States.All children, regardless of t

39、heir parents scientific ignorance, need and deserve access to vaccines that were developed not just for their own sake, but also for the sake of public health. After these groups manage to get vaccines to children in isolated villages in Pakistan, perhaps they should schedule a stop-over in on their

40、 way home to explain science to self-described “educated“ parents. Public health groups should be emphasizing the importance of vaccines in Pakistan and in Park Slope lest their efforts become undermined by parents in the latter.21 The word “underscore“(Line 4, Para.2)most probably means(A)emphasize

41、.(B) underestimate.(C) give low score.(D)undermine.22 According to the passage, many preventable diseases outbreak is partly because(A)the money raised is not well-spent.(B) scientific research has failed.(C) many children are unvaccinated.(D)the diseases are severe.23 What is the authors attitude t

42、owards the issue of polio vaccine?(A)He is doubtful about the vaccine safety.(B) He is not sure whether there are links between vaccine and autism.(C) He is conservative and will keep an eye on this issue.(D)He holds that polio vaccine contributes to polio-free effort.24 It can be learned from the 4

43、th paragraph that(A)mercury and other preservatives in vaccines do harm to children.(B) autism has something to do with vaccine.(C) some people are misled about polio vaccine.(D)people from politics are positive about polio vaccine.25 According to the passage, which of the following is true?(A)Polio

44、 vaccine is available to children in all countries.(B) Global awareness of vaccinating should be aroused.(C) Little achievement has been done to the eradication of polio.(D)Some famous parents claim is based on the scientific evidence.考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 154 答案与解析Part ADirections: Read the following four t

45、exts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)【知识模块】 阅读1 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 推理判断题。根据题干提示定位至第一段。从该段首句的 new guidelines for sourcing paper 可推断出,迪斯尼公司对于造纸方面有了新政策,因此选A。B说迪斯尼拒绝使用来自雨林原料的纸,C 说迪斯尼公司在热带雨林这个问题上持保守态度,D说迪斯尼公司号召其他公司一起努力。以上三项均与原文不符,故排除。【知识模块】 阅读2 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 推理判断题。

46、根据题干提示定位至第五段。由第五段的用词 Disney is adding its voicedemonstratingno need to sacrifice endangered forests可以推断出,迪斯尼公司意识到了保护热带雨林的必要性,并呼吁为此采取行动,因此选C。同时排除其他三项。【知识模块】 阅读3 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 事实细节题。根据题干关键词 disassociates 定位至第九段。从该段第二句 It is the ninthpublisher the San Franciscobased organization has helped to disassoc

47、iate from suppliers that contributeto rainforest destruction可以推断出,迪斯尼公司终止和这些供应商合作是因为他们加剧了雨林的破坏,因此选D。A是说为了获得更多的供应商,B是说为了降低纸制品的费用,C是说为了获取更大利润,均与原文不符,故排除。【知识模块】 阅读4 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 语义理解题。根据题干提示可以定位至第十二段首句:Indonesias sprawling tropical forestsand peat soils act as a massive carbon storage sink but have b

48、een heavily deforested and degraded in recent years,该句说明印尼的热带雨林作为巨大的储碳池近年来遭到严重的砍伐,由此可以推断出这里要表达的意思是:热带雨林蔓延的面积很广,因此选B“蔓延”。【知识模块】 阅读5 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 推理判断题。根据第十四段第二句 That effort has come under criticism due to continued forest clearing 可知,砍伐森林的现象并没有停止,还依然存在,因此选C 。而B 是说政府的努力彻底失败,过于绝对,故排除。【知识模块】 阅读【知识模块】

49、阅读6 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 事实细节题。根据题干关键词 Lance Armstrong 定位至第一段。该段第二句说,阿姆斯特朗是一个癌症幸存者,也是美国的自行车骑手,因此B正确。该段首句说,美国反兴奋剂机构对阿姆斯特朗提起了诉讼,他并非该机构的官员,故排除A ;第二句说,他是美国唯一受到大众欢迎的自行车骑手,他不是法国运动员,也不是影星,故排除C和D 。【知识模块】 阅读7 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 事实细节题。根据题干关键词 Armstrongs droppins his fight 可定位至第二段。该段第一句表明,他不后悔放弃对指控进行上诉,虽然这将导致他被禁止参加这项运动并被剥夺他的冠军称号,故A为正确选项。B和C 两个选项文中没有提及;阿姆斯特朗称这个诉讼是 unconstitutional persecution,即“违宪的迫害”,他认为对他的指控是违反宪法的,而非宪法对他的迫害,所以排除D。【知识模块】 阅读8 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 推理判断题。根据题干关键词“other countries” 可以定位至第三段。该段第二句表明,在其他国家,政府是作弊和破坏规则的元凶,在比赛中

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