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1、考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 260 及答案与解析Part B (10 points) 0 In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 15, choose the most suitable one from the list AG to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the blanks.For the endangered North At

2、lantic right whale, these arc trying times. These leviathans who live and migrate in waters along the East Coast of North America teeter closer to the brink of extinction than perhaps any other whale species. Their population is tinyless than 350and continues to shrink.【C1】_Yet for scientists and co

3、nservationists anxious about the future of these creatures, rays of hope are beginning to pierce an otherwise gloomy horizon. Thanks to a surge of scientific research and new tools for conducting it, they expect to learn far more about right whales, their interaction with the environment, and how to

4、 better protect them from their biggest threat: man.【 C2】_For the right whales, the leading causes of mortality are collisions with ships and encounters with fishing gear, researchers say. Females appear to have the toughest time surviving the range of human and natural threats. Its these challenges

5、 scientists hope to address with a growing momentum in right-whale research.【C3 】_ Conservationists are working with governments and the shipping industry to move or control traffic on heavily used sea lanes that ships and whales share. And recent research is yielding potentially useful insights int

6、o the impact of factors ranging from water quality to shifts in climate.“Im not much of a Pollyannaj 1 can be very grumpy about the progress of right-whale biology and conservation,“ says Scott Kraus, director of research at the New England Aquarium in Boston. But “in the next couple of years were g

7、oing to see a tremendous burst of very creative scientific energy“ applied to fundamental biological and ecological questions surrounding the whales. “When those questions get answered, we re going to have very specific ideas about what management strategies will reduce mortality and perhaps enhance

8、 reproduction,“ he says.【C4 】_ In principle, preventing “two female deaths a year would have a major impact on the prospects for the population,“ says Hal Caswell, a marine zoologist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Woods Hole, Mass.【C5 】_From 1500 to 1600, Basque whalers decimated rig

9、ht-whale populations in the eastern Atlantic, taking an estimated 25,000 to 40,000. In the late 1600s, by some accounts, it would have been possible to walk across Cape Cod Bay on the backs of whales. But by the mid-1700s, New Englanders had taken another 3,000, Mr. Kraus says. By the early 20th cen

10、tury, “only a few dozen whales survived in the western North Atlantic“.AIf they can save a population this small, then it could boost hopes of saving other species from the unintended impact of humans on the environment.BYet achieving that means untangling a web of intertwined human and environmenta

11、l factors that contribute to the whales plight. The one factor that weighs most heavily is human.CIn addition, researchers are exploring a number of acoustic approaches to avoiding ship-whale collisions. One technique scientists hope to test later this month involves the use of moored buoys that use

12、 passive sonar systems to listen for whales.DTo an outsider, the goal looks deceivingly within reach. The population is so small that it would take only modest pains in saving whales to help turn the situation around.EThat population had slowly rebuilt. Over the past 20 years, researchers have built

13、 an impressive collection of 250,000 photosa catalog of some 460 North Atlantic right whales. Each animal bears unique growths of hardened skin, or callosities, in places where hair would appear on humans. The callosity patterns act as visual tags, allowing researchers to follow the whales life hist

14、ory.FLater this month, for example, researchers are set to test new approaches to tracking the elusive whales in hopes of alerting ships to their presence. Meanwhile, chemists and engineers are developing whale-friendly commercial-fishing gear.GBy some estimates, if current population trends hold, t

15、he species will vanish within the next 200 years.1 【C1 】2 【C2 】3 【C3 】4 【C4 】5 【C5 】5 In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 15, choose the most suitable one from the list AG to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any

16、 of the blanks.For Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and many Wall Street number-crunchers, the dollar supplied one of the nastiest surprises of 2005. The worlds two richest men and most financial-market seers predicted that the greenback would fall last year, dragged down by Americas colossal current-acco

17、unt deficit. Many forecasters were predicting that the euro would buy $ 1. 40-odd by now and that a dollar would fetch less than ¥ 100.【C1 】_ Against the euro and yen, the greenback did even better. It ended the year at $ 1. 18 per euro, up by 14%. Despite a wobble in December, the dollar made a sim

18、ilar advance against the yen.Not surprisingly, the pundits are more cautious about 2006. Although most expect the greenback to end this year weaker than it began it, the typical forecast is that any decline will be fairly modest and take place mainly in the latter part of 2006.【C2 】_The Federal Rese

19、rve raised short-term interest rates eight times in 2005, to 4. 25%. Japan, in contrast, kept the liquidity taps open and interest rates at zero, while the European Central Bank raised rates only once, in December, to 2. 25%. Relatively higher American interest rates brought foreign capital pouring

20、into dollar assets and pushed the currency up.【C3 】_But as Americas tightening campaign levels off and European or(maybe)Japanese rates rise, the dollar will weaken. The Consensus, according to a recent compilation of forecasts by Reuters, suggests that the dollar could reach $ 1. 25 per euro and ¥1

21、08 by the end of the year.Judged by the first few days of 2006, those forecasts may prove too sanguine. The dollar suffered its biggest two-day drop against the euro in two years, and hit a two month low of $ 1. 21 against the European currency on January 4th.【C4 】_An interest-rate gap that was mere

22、ly stable ought to imply a weaker dollar. According to economic theory, it is the widening of interest-rate differentials that temporarily strengthens the exchange rale.【C5】_Financial markets may also have become too obsessed with the influence of interest rates on currencies. Historically interest-

23、rate differentials have been little more use than anything else at predicting short-term movements in exchange rates.ABy this logic, as long as America raises rates faster than others, the dollar will stay strong.BThey were all wrong. Although Americas current-account deficit headed towards $800 bil

24、lion in 2005, the dollar rose. It was up by 3. 5% against a broad trade-weighted basket of currencies, the first rise in four years.COver time, an international difference in interest rates is offset by a drop in the currency with the higher interest rate.DChina is yet another cause of uncertainty.

25、Its eagerly awaited but ultimately minuscule exchange-rate shift in July 2005 was a boon for the dollar because it did not set in train a wider realignment of Asian currencies. EThat is because most analysts attribute the dollars recent strength to widening differences between American, European and

26、 Japanese interest rates. These gaps are expected to grow for a few more months before closing slightly later in the year.FAn alternative view is that the exporters, like others, were attracted by rising American interest rates. A recent study by the Bank for International Settlements, for instance,

27、 suggested that the currency composition of OPEC members deposits has become more sensitive to interest-rate differentials.GOne reason is that investors are becoming jittery about how soon the interest-rate gap might stop growing. The dollar swooned after the release this week of the minutes of the

28、Feds December meeting, which suggested that short-term interest rates might not need to go much higher.6 【C1 】7 【C2 】8 【C3 】9 【C4 】10 【C5 】Part CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. (10 points) 10 Human beings have the unique ability

29、to formulate personal goals for themselves. Without this form of personal development, the world would not be what it is today.【F1】Having dreams gives us the opportunities to find out whom we are, to find what really lays beneath the surface of flesh and bone. Dreams can change a person and just as

30、the seasons change, a person can change their dreams as well. When one has a goal set in mind, he or she should chase it with gusto.【F2】However, not everyone sticks to his or her dreams, some just give up entirely not always because of choice, but because of the circumstances surrounding them.Many p

31、eople give up on their dreams because of procrastination.【F3】Waiting until the last minute to do something is a terrible habit, especially if the dream or goal is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Not to say that there wont be other chances, but it is better to reap the spoils of your labor the firs

32、t time around.【F4 】Procrastination can be born when people look at their dreams in its entirety and they become disheartened because their goal looks difficult and a lot to take in at one time. One can eliminate this fear by breaking down their goals into segments and tackling the smaller pieces to

33、make the process less arduous.A fear of rejection lies within all of us. More specifically, being told “no“. Some people let this fear incapacitate their minds and let it take over. While rejection is a terrible feeling, we shouldnt let it dictate our goals or aspirations. I tend to think that rejec

34、tion is a stepping-stone to reaching our dreams. Besides, everything doesnt always go our way all the time, if it did then it wouldnt be called life.Some peoples dreams are reliant upon support from friends and family. However, the support is not always there. Many people are not blessed with having

35、 others that offer a shoulder to lean on in tough times. The path to following ones goals can be hard at times and will require more than one person to make the dream into a reality. There are people that will give up on their dreams because of this. This goes hand-in-hand with having low self-estee

36、m or a lack of confidence in ones ability to succeed.【F5】Losing sight of ones dreams is one of the most regrettable mistakes a person can ever make. That is why we should push on and believe in ourselves that we can attain any goal we choose to, no matter how far away it seems.11 【F1】12 【F2】13 【F3】1

37、4 【F4】15 【F5】15 The fundamental fact of our time is the gradual encroachment of principled individualism, or unregulated personal freedom, into all areas of our lives. Every moral and communal certainty, except those that can be justified through contract and consent, has heen transformed into a que

38、stion. Every human attachment seems basically voluntary. The great institutions that shape the character of human beings- the family, the church, the community, and the country are weakened and still eroding.【F1】Young people who have grown up in this cultural environment are deprived of what it take

39、s to develop firm moral bearings, and, with them, a sense of purpose. New students arrive at college not knowing who they are or what their lives are for.【F2】Professors, meanwhile, used to believe their primary responsibility was to shape souls: to pass on the truths embedded in a religious traditio

40、n or other moral code that should thoughtfully define the lives of educated men and women.【F3】At the very least, they believed they had to open students eyes to the varied forms of human excellence displayed in the greatest works of philosophy and literature: the saint, the sage, the poet, the warri

41、or, the inventor, the entrepreneur, the scientist, the statesman. By means of these models of human greatness, professors could offer guidance to students discerning who they are and what they want to do. But, arriving at college with characters already formed, those students were less in need of di

42、rection than are students today. In those days, the real experience of professors was often a kind of blithe irresponsibility that came with moral impotence. They could say what they wanted without the fear of doing much harm, or much good.【F4】In many cases, students 1 bought(with good reason)that t

43、heir professors were basically reinforcing what they already knew from more firsthand, or not merely bookish, communal experience.College seems to have inherited the job that religion used to do.【F5 】Todays colleges at their secular bestat, say, Great Books schools like St. Johns approach education

44、by articulating perennial questions of human identity and purpose. But even the Great Books model of education has morphed into a celebration of the questions in the absence of real answers. Who can be satisfied with merely reveling in Socratic indecision about who we are and what to do? Great Books

45、 education seems to present us with the alternatives of being a self-knowing philosopher or losing oneself in either fundamentalist dogmatism or aimless relativism. But the searcher neither needs nor wants to be told that the point of life is searching.16 【F1】17 【F2】18 【F3】19 【F4】20 【F5】考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷

46、 260 答案与解析Part B (10 points) 【知识模块】 阅读理解1 【正确答案】 G【试题解析】 本题位于首段末尾,应从上文获取信息。前文的大意是露脊鲸当前的生存状况不佳,包括他们的生活区域环境不佳,物种数量正在减少,濒临灭绝。由此可以判断空白处应与上文相衔接,与露脊鲸的数量有关。因此选项 G 应为最佳选项。【知识模块】 阅读理解2 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 本题位于第二段段末,应从上文获取信息。上文的大意是由于大量的科学研究的进行和新的研究方法的使用让科学家和自然资源保护学家看到了保护鲸鱼的希望:对露脊鲸,露脊鲸与环境的交互作用以及如何保护它们不受人类的危害有更多的了解。

47、由此可以判断下文应与鲸鱼和动物的生存与发展有关。所以选项A 为最佳选项。【知识模块】 阅读理解3 【正确答案】 F【试题解析】 本题位于段首,可联系上下文获得答题线索。上文论述了露脊鲸死亡的主要原因是轮船的撞击和捕鱼设施造成的伤害。下文主要论述了自然资源保护学家正在就保护鲸鱼而采取的措施和行动。因此空白处的内容应与在轮船航行和捕鱼设施上采取的保护鲸鱼的行动有关,故选项 F 为最佳选项。【知识模块】 阅读理解4 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 本题位于段首,需联系上下文获得答题线索。上文大意为科学研究的发展对减少鲸鱼的死亡率,提高鲸鱼的繁殖能力这一目标的实现有较大影响。下文指出研究表明防止雌性鲸鱼

48、的死亡对保持鲸鱼数量有明显作用。由此可以判断段首空白部分的内容应与鲸鱼数量有关。选项 D 论述了外行人对于保护鲸鱼的看法,在外行人看来保持鲸鱼数量是轻而易举的,其实不然,这是从反面论证了保护鲸鱼数量的艰巨性,与上下文一致,故选项 D 为最佳选项。【知识模块】 阅读理解5 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 本题独立成段,可联系上下文获得答题线索。上文指出研究表明防止雌性鲸鱼的死亡对保持鲸鱼数量有明显作用。下文则论述了 16 世纪到 20 世纪鲸鱼数量在人类活动影响下的变化。可知本题内容应与人类活动对鲸鱼数量的影响有关。因此选项 B 为最佳选项。【知识模块】 阅读理解【知识模块】 阅读理解6 【正确答

49、案】 B【试题解析】 本题位于段首,可联系上下文获得信息。文章开篇指出比尔盖茨和沃伦巴菲特以及诸多金融家们对美元贬值预言。下文指出美元的表现比预期的要好。可以判断空白部分与前文的预期相反,而选项 B 的大意为肯定了这些预言的错误,并描述了美元升值的具体表现,因此选项 B 为最佳选项。【知识模块】 阅读理解7 【正确答案】 E【试题解析】 本文独立成段,需联系上下文确定选项。上文指出了金融家对美元市场的预测,美元将在 2006 年后半年发生疲软,但程度有限。下文美国、日本、欧洲对利率的调整,以及美国的利率政策推动了外资的增加和美元的升值。可以判断空白处内容应与美国、日本和欧洲的利率调整有关,且预期的持续时间应与前文对于美元的强劲势头持续的时间相符,故选项 E 为最佳选项。【知识模块】 阅读理解8 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 本题位于段首,可从下文获得答题信息。下文用 BUT 作为连接词,指出美国紧缩的政策达到稳定并且欧洲和日本的利率上扬也会导致美元疲软,可以判断 BUT 前的内容应与后面的内容相反,选项 A 则表达了美元一直保持强势的观点,与后

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