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1、考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 329 及答案与解析Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)0 We are the sum of our actions. I believe that the actions you take determine who you are. But, you say, I had an abusive father/mother, I was poor growi

2、ng up, I just wasnt born smart, I have a disease . All of these things do not make you who you are, they only broaden your knowledge or experience, they are things that happen to you, circumstances. You are not the sum of your circumstances, but of your re“actions“ to them. This is why rich kids bec

3、ome drug addicts or wife beaters, kids from the ghetto become doctors or loving fathers, and everything in between. All walks of life produce all walks of life, which proves that the environmental variables are not the determining factors. It is all about your choices/reactions/ actions/behavior. Ev

4、ery human being has within them a mechanism that guides their actions. The more you rebel against your inner guide, the more you tune your selective hearing to the “me“ channel, the farther down the “bad“ side of the scale you will slide. On the other hand, if you not only listen to but act upon, th

5、e “universal“ channel, the farther up the “good“ side of the scale you will fly.Even Psychiatrists have in recent years discovered that in order to change thinking, a person must first change behavior. At first thought, it would seem the opposite is true, it is not. We all have the same range of hum

6、an emotions. When we feel slighted, it sounds in our heads like “I want to slap them, curse them, get even, and cause them the same pain they caused me“. Acting upon these thoughts perpetuates cycles of abuse, addiction, and pain. Its when you choose not to act upon these thoughts, and instead, forg

7、ive and heal, that your thoughts and perceptions will start to change also. You change because right actions produce right results. You are choosing to heal properly by forgiving, and accepting life and mankind as it is, and in turn yourself as you are, which is the only way to have peace, joy, and

8、true happiness. I will admit that if you have a parent who accepts you as a whole person, inclusive of “good and bad“, you may have an edge or jumpstart on understanding life, yourself, and others. If you dont, it may just take you longer to understand, accept, and act on it. Either way, who you are

9、 is determined by you, and you are determined by your actions. So, tune in everybody, to that universal channel, and act right!1 The author suggests that an abusive parent a person once had _.(A)enriches both his knowledge and experience(B) passes down a threatening personality to him(C) has little

10、to do with what kind of person he is(D)determines the tough circumstances he lives in2 By saying “All walks of life produce all walks of life“, the author means that _.(A)poor children are more likely to succeed in their work(B) wealthy children tend to be indulged in drug addiction(C) the occupatio

11、n a person engages affects his personality(D)everyone may succeed no matter what career he pursues3 The author argues that we should_.(A)follow our inner guide in everything we do(B) listen to and act upon the channel we select(C) fly up rather than slide down the social scale(D)conform to the unive

12、rsal mechanism within us4 The example of what we think when we feel slighted is given to show that _.(A)it is uncivilized to think of retaliation(B) we have to cultivate our behavior first(C) our behavior is guided by our thought(D)human beings share similar emotions5 The text is intended to show th

13、at _.(A)we should accept life and mankind as it is(B) it is better to have an empathizing parent(C) everyone is determined by what he does(D)understanding life promotes right action5 If you smoke, no one needs to tell you how bad it is. So why havent you quit? Why hasnt everyone?Because smoking feel

14、s good. It stimulates and focuses the mind at the same time that it soothes and satisfies. The concentrated dose of nicotine in a drag off a cigarette triggers an immediate flood of dopamine and other neurochemicals that wash over the brains pleasure centers. Inhaling tobacco smoke is the quickest,

15、most efficient way to get nicotine to the brain.“I completely understand why you wouldn t want to give it up,“ said Dr. David Abrams, an addiction researcher at the National Institutes of Health. “Its more difficult to get off nicotine than heroin or cocaine. “Smoking “hijacks“ the reward systems in

16、 the brain that drive you to seek food, water and sex, Dr. Abrams explained, driving you to seek nicotine with the same urgency. “Your brain thinks that this has to do with survival of the species,“ he said.Nicotine isnt equally addictive for everyone. A lot of people do not smoke because they never

17、 liked it to begin with. Then there are “chippers“, who smoke occasionally but never seem to get hooked. But most people who smoke will eventually do it all day, every day.New discoveries in genetics may explain why certain people take to smoking with such gusto and end up so addicted. Some people,

18、for instance, produce a gene encoded enzyme that clears nicotine from their bloodstreams rapidly, so they tend to smoke more and develop stronger addictions. Others possess special receptors in the brain that bond extra tightly with nicotine, giving them an especially intense high that makes it hard

19、er to quit.Drug makers are exploiting the science of addiction to create novel treatments to help smokers quit. Meanwhile, experts continue to recommend the old standbys: nicotine replacement gums, patches, nasal sprays, inhalers and lozenges, which have been proved to be safe.Still, no treatment wo

20、rks for everyone. And even with the most successful treatments, only about 30 percent of attempts to quit last more than six months. Compared with willpower alone, however, thats a huge improvement. Fewer than one in 10 smokers who go it alone manages to go six months without a cigarette. Most do no

21、t make it past a week.When longtime smokers finally do quit, they soon realize that not smoking doesnt necessarily make them nonsmokers. Thats what counseling is for- learning to function without nicotine and to cope with the cues that trigger smoking urges. Most important, former smokers have to re

22、discover that it is possible to enjoy life without cigarettes, although the yearning may never die completely.6 By saying “If you smoke, no one needs to tell you how bad it is. “, the author means that_.(A)few people quit smoking successfully(B) no one can dissuade you from smoking(C) we understand

23、that smoking feels good(D)everyone knows how harmful smoking is7 In the opinion of Dr. Abrams, people wouldnt want to give up smoking because it _.(A)can efficiently get nicotine to the brain(B) drives them to seek food, water and sex(C) calms, satisfies, and stimulates the mind(D)has to do with the

24、 survival of the species8 Most smokers are addicted to smoking in that they _.(A)take to it to hegin with(B) create a special enzyme(C) are likely to gel hooked(D)consume nicotine rapidly9 Nicotine replacement products are still recommended since they _.(A)guarantee abstinence from smoking(B) cause

25、little or no harm to the users(C) do not require any prescription(D)help smokers quit thoroughly10 After a smoker finally quits smoking, he _.(A)needs counseling for getting rid of smoking urges(B) is completely and happily satisfied with his success(C) has to adapt himself to a new life free from n

26、icotine(D)comprehends what a nonsmoker really means to him10 The “demographic winter“ is coming. So warns a new documentary of the same name. What is the demographic winter? The phrase, according to the films promotional materials, “denotes the worldwide decline in birthrates, and what that portends

27、“.I doubt that the “demographic winter“ portends economic collapse or social deterioration, but let us set that aside, and instead ask why people are choosing to have fewer children? After all, voluntary childlessness seems to violate the Darwinian premise that our genes dispose us, like all other c

28、reatures, to try to reproduce.Demographic Winter asserts that “every aspect of modernity works against family life and in favor of singleness and small families or voluntary childlessness“. And surely they are right. Modern societies offer people many other satisfactions and choices outside of the f

29、amily. In particular women find that their time becomes more highly valued in occupations outside the home. There are no iron laws of demography)but one that comes pretty close is that the more educated women are, the fewer children they tend to have. The most profound event of the 20th century may

30、have been the sexual revolutions drive toward gender equality, enabled by modern contraception. Unlike other creatures, people can have the fun of sex without the side effect of parenthood.So, modernity essentially transforms children from capital goods that produce family income into consumption it

31、ems to be enjoyed for their own sakes, more akin to sculptures, paintings, or theatre. But thats just the problemaccording to happiness researchers, people dont really enjoy rearing children.“Economists have modeled the impact of many variables on peoples overall happiness and have consistently foun

32、d that children have only a small impact. A small negative impact,“ reports Harvard psychologist and happiness researcher Daniel Gilbert. “Indeed, looking after the kids appears to be only slightly more pleasant than doing housework,“ asserts Gilbert in his best selling, Stumbling on Happiness.Gilbe

33、rt suggests that people claim their kids are their chief source of happiness largely because its what they are expected to say. In addition, Gilbert observes that the more people pay for an item, the more highly they tend to value it and children are expensive, even if you dont throw in piano lesson

34、s, soccer camps, and college tuitions. Gilbert further notes that the more children people have, the less happy they tend to be. Since that is the case, it is not surprising that people are choosing to have fewer children.11 It seems that the “demographic winter“ is _,(A)unavoidable(B) devastating(C

35、) threatening(D)preventable12 According to the text, the “demographic winter“ means _,(A)the inevitable collapse of economy(B) the deterioration of human society(C) the violation of Darwinian theory(D)the decline of world population13 The author agrees with Demographic Winter that modern people _.(A

36、)voluntarily choose childlessness(B) prefer small families to big ones(C) enjoy gender equality thoroughly(D)try their best to avoid family life14 People choose to have fewer children because they_.(A)dont like them very much(B) feel exhausted to raise them(C) value their occupations most(D)pursue p

37、leasure rather than toil15 The text is chiefly about_.(A)what the demographic winter means(B) why people highly value their kids(C) why people are having fewer kids(D)what matters most in peoples life15 Nothing diminishes a great plan for success like a cloud of self doubt. It s difficult to prove y

38、our abilities with an attitude that you dont have what it takes. If you dont believe you can succeed, why should anyone else? How you approach your self-doubt determines your own rate of success.Self-doubt is an easy trap to fall into. Its all about fear of the unknown. Because you have not yet comp

39、leted your plan for success, there is an underlying risk that you will fail. You know, the little voice that says “you cant do this. “ That little voice needs to disappear from your mind. This is the hardest part, but dont throw yourself into a pit of disparity. Its human nature to be afraid of doin

40、g something youve never done before. It lends to a general conception that self-doubt is a part of life, but so is overcoming self doubt. The most important tool for dealing with self doubt is perseverance. If you are prepared to get back up every time you fall flat on your face, there is a strong l

41、ikelihood that you will succeed. At the very least, you will succeed in not being a quitter. If you give up, you will never know if you could have succeeded. You must remember that hard work pays off and perseverance is hard work. Few great things in life occur without determination and hard work. G

42、reat accomplishments are the direct result of hard work.If you have doubts about yourself, you are not alone. Most people battle with self-doubt at some point in time, if not all of the time, but the person who succeeds knows how to deal with it. Its important to remember not to be too hard on yours

43、elf and keep it positive.Make a list of the doubts you have about yourself, and then come up with a list of solutions. Sometimes seeing how to solve problems on paper is just the boost of confidence you need to get through the problems that are at the core of self-doubt. Another thing to remember wh

44、en nixing self-doubt is to take it one day at a time. Expect bad days. Expect hurdles, but also realize that they are mere obstacles in your journey. If you have a bad day, then make the next one count. Dont stop trying, or you will surely lose, and losers never win.16 The author argues that the pla

45、n for success_.(A)weakens ones unrealistic aspiration(B) determines whether one can succeed(C) lessens without confidence in oneself(D)is like a dream of something one chases17 The author asserts that self-doubt is(A)a negative attitude toward risk in life(B) a pitfall everyone is bound to fall into

46、(C) a disorder everyone has to suffer from(D)a mentality one has to struggle with in life18 To overcome self-doubt, one should_.(A)persist steadfastly in pursuit of his undertaking(B) defeat the doubtful thoughts with determination(C) do his best to get up when falling flat on his face(D)believe in

47、his ability to do anything he dreams about 19 To build self confidence, you should_.(A)focus enough on the needs of other people(B) keep a positive attitude toward what happens(C) concentrate on your contribution to the world(D)find solutions to all your doubts about yourself 20 To conquer self-doub

48、t, we should_.(A)swerve to avoid every obstacle in our journey(B) be prepared to break down the barriers we meet(C) realize that it is an inevitable obstacle in our life(D)be able to identify the situations where it arises考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 329 答案与解析Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer

49、the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)【知识模块】 阅读理解1 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 第一段的首、尾句阐明该段的主要意思不是环境,而是行为决定一个人的人品。所以,C 应为答案。【知识模块】 阅读理解2 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 第二段中,“All walks of life produce all walks of life”的意思是“行行出状元”,环境不是决定因素。所以,D 应为答案。【知识模块】 阅读理解3 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 根据第二段中的“Every human being has within them a mechanism that guides their actionsThe more you rebel against your inner guide,the“good”side of the scale you will fly”可知,作者认为,人的行动必须听从内心良知

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