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1、考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 378 及答案与解析Part CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. (10 points) 0 In view of several obvious practical considerations, many general deprivation studies have used animals rather than human beings as experimental subjects.

2、 Waking effects routinely observed in these studies have been of deteriorated physiological functioning, sometimes including actual tissue damage. Long-term sleep deprivation in the rat(6 to 33 days)has been shown to result in severe debilitation and death of the experimental animals. This supports

3、the view that sleep serves a vital physiological function.【F1】There is some suggestion that age is related to sensitivity to the effects of deprivation, younger organisms proving more capable of withstanding the stress than mature ones.Among human subjects, the champion non-sleeper apparently was a

4、17-year-old student who voluntarily undertook a 264-hour sleep deprivation experiment. Effects noted during the deprivation period included irritability, blurred vision, slurring of speech, memory lapses, and confusion concerning his identity. No long-term(i. e. , post-recovery)effects were observed

5、 on either his personality or his intellect.【F2】More generally, although brief hallucinations and easily controlled episodes of bizarre behaviour have been observed after five to 10 days of continuous sleep deprivation, these symptoms do not occur in most subjects and thus offer little support to th

6、e hypothesis that sleep loss induces psychosis. In any event, these symptoms rarely persist beyond the period of sleep that follows the period of deprivation. When inappropriate behaviour does persist, it generally seems to be in persons known to have a tendency toward such behaviour. Generally, upo

7、n investigation, injury to the nervous system has not been discovered in persons who have been deprived of sleep for many days. This negative result must be understood in the context of the limited duration of these studies and should not be interpreted as indicating that sleep loss is either safe o

8、r desirable.【F3】The short-term effects observed with the student mentioned are typical and are of the sort that, in the absence of the continuous monitoring his vigil received, might well have endangered his health and safety.【F4】Other commonly observed behavioral effects during total sleep deprivat

9、ion include fatigue, inability to concentrate, and visual or tactile illusions and hallucinations. These effects generally become intensified with increased loss of sleep, but they also wax and wane in a cyclic fashion becoming most acute in the early morning hours. Changes in intellectual performan

10、ce during moderate sleep loss can, to a certain extent, be compensated for by increased effort and motivation.【F5】Changes in body chemistry and in workings of the autonomic nervous system sometimes have been noted during deprivation, but it has proved difficult to establish either consistent pattern

11、ing in such effects or whether they should be attributed to sleep loss per se or to the stress or other incidental features of the deprivation manipulation.1 【F1】2 【F2】3 【F3】4 【F4】5 【F5】5 Certain functions must be performed in every city.【F1】Law and order must be maintained; there must be some regul

12、ation of building to ensure a minimum of safety and to ensure that houses or workshops are not constructed on public land or in improper places; there must be regular methods of preventing, controlling, and extinguishing fires; and there must be regulations and executive action to protect the health

13、 of the citizens. The services now provided by city governments are different in nature and wider in scope than in the past.【F2】Generalization is impossible, but the most widespread functions today are the environmental and personal health services, including clinics and hospitals; primary, secondar

14、y, and further education; water supply, sewage, refuse collection and disposal; construction, maintenance, and lighting of streets; public housing; welfare services for the old, destitute, physically and mentally handicapped, orphans and abandoned children, unemployed and disabled workers, and other

15、 categories needing help; cemeteries and crematoriums; markets and abattoirs. The traditional services have been transformed beyond recognition.【F3】A group of public-utility services comprising the supply of gas, electricity, water, and public transport are frequently provided by the city government

16、 itself, by a public corporation closely connected with it, or by a commercial company operating under a concession granted by the municipality. In some countries, municipal enterprise in the public utility field has been supplanted by larger regional or national schemes.A city council inevitably ta

17、kes an interest in the economic well-being of the city that it governs. Every city government wishes to assist industry and promote trade, but there are great differences in the role assigned to local authorities in this respect in different countries. In the former Communist regimes of eastern Euro

18、pe, nearly the whole of local trade and much local industry was directly or indirectly under the control of the city government. On the other hand, in the United States a city government can control local industry only by means of zoning regulations, restrictions imposed under public health legislat

19、ion, and so forth.【F4 】In any case, municipal governments can do much to assist industry and commerce by good planning and physical development, by providing for trade fairs and exhibition centres, and by designing and developing roads, public housing, schools, and other municipal services to meet t

20、he needs of employers and employees.【F5】The attraction of tourists also has become an almost universal goal of every city that has the slightest pretension to be of interest to visitors, and here too the municipality can do much to attract tourists by providing not only publicity and information but

21、 also convenient and agreeable facilities.6 【F1】7 【F2】8 【F3】9 【F4】10 【F5】10 【F1】 Genetic variation derives from several sources and provides only the raw materials of evolution; random variation can only have a disrupting effect on genetic equilibrium unless deleterious combinations of genes are eli

22、minated and advantageous ones are preserved. The process by which this occurs is called natural selection.【F2 】Although Darwin is credited with the first full statement of the theory of evolution through natural selection, the origins of the concept are deeply rooted in European thought and may be t

23、raced to the early 17 th century. Indeed, the practices of artificial selection of domesticated plants and animals, which so influenced Darwin, can be traced at least as far as the Romans and perhaps even to Neolithic(New Stone Age)times. The theory of natural selection can be stated as follows: All

24、 living things vary and reproduce themselves many times, yet the number of a given group tends to remain constant. Therefore there is a competition for survival, and only those most adapted to external conditions survive. In essence, the idea of natural selection is statistical; those members of a p

25、opulation who are most evolutionarily fit are those who will leave the greatest number of offspring.【F3 】These will not be the only members of the population to leave offspring, but it is probable, in a statistical sense, that they will leave more living descendants in the long run than the less wel

26、l-adapted members of the population. Fitness therefore refers to a populations ability to cope successfully with a particular environment at a particular time; it is tied to time and place in an absolute way.【F4 】 The factors that help determine the course and direction of evolution are many; predat

27、ion and disease, migration and conflict, behaviour and temperament, competition for breeding space and mates, and competition for living space and food.【F5 】Purely physical factors in the environment are no less important; stability or instability of the climate; solar radiation; natural disaster; p

28、ollution of the soil, water, and airall will have their effect and take their toll on living groups. Evolution is not, therefore, something that has occurred and been completed. Any population is constantly evolving, assimilating changes and variations in its gene pool in response to stimuli from a

29、large number of sourcessome that are recognized and some that are not.11 【F1】12 【F2】13 【F3】14 【F4】15 【F5】15 A number of processes or phases have been identified as typical of creative thinking.【F1 】In what logically would be the first phase(i. e. , preparation), the thinker assembles and explores hi

30、s resources and perhaps makes preliminary decisions about their value in solving the problem at hand.【F2】Incubation represents the next period, in which he mulls over possibilities and shifts about from one to another relatively free of any rigid rational or logical preconceptions and constraints. I

31、ncubation seems to be at least partly unconscious, proceeding without the individuals full awareness. Illumination occurs when resources fall into place, and a definite decision is reached about the result or solution. Verification(refinement or polishing), the process of making relatively minor mod

32、ifications in committing ideas to final form, follows. Often enough, objective standards for judging creative activity(e. g. , musical composition)are lacking; an important criterion is the emotional satisfaction of the creator. Although the four phases have been ordered in a logical sequence, they

33、often vary widely and proceed in different orders from one person to the next. Many creative people attain their goals by special strategies that are not neatly describable.The phases of preparation, incubation, illumination, and verification are characteristic of creative thinkers generally but do

34、not guarantee that a worthwhile product will ensue.【F3】Results also depend on whether an individual has the necessary personality characteristics and abilities; in addition, the quality of creative thinking stems from the training of the creator. The artist who produces oil paintings needs to learn

35、the brushing techniques basic to the task; the scientist who creates a new theory does so against a background of previous learning. Further, creativity intimately blends realistic(objective)and autistic(subjective)processes; the successful creator learns how to release and to express his feelings a

36、nd insights.Creative thinking is a matter of using intrinsic resources to produce tangible results. This process is markedly influenced by early experience and training.【F4】School situations, for example, that encourage individual expression and that tolerate idiosyncratic or unorthodox thinking see

37、m to foster the development of creativity.While the processes of creative thinking in artistic and scientific pursuits have much in common, there are also distinctive differences.【F5 】The artist places more importance on feeling and individual expression, often going to extremes to divorce himself f

38、rom environmental constraints. The scientist relies more on disciplined, logical thinking to lead him in new directions. Artistic endeavour is dominantly expressive(although clearly oriented toward a goal), while scientific inventiveness is dominantly disciplined(although flexibly receptive to feeli

39、ngs and to imaginative experiences).16 【F1】17 【F2】18 【F3】19 【F4】20 【F5】20 Still more complex forms of realistic thinking seem to occur when tasks are presented in which the goal is impossible(or very difficult)to achieve directly. 【F1】In such situations, people commonly appear to pass through interm

40、ediate stages of exploring and organizing their resources; indeed, one may first need to exert himself in understanding the problem itself before he can begin to seek possible directions toward a solution.【F2】Familiar examples of problem-solving tasks include anagrams(e. g. , rearrange “lpepa“ to sp

41、ell “apple“); mathematical problems; mechanical puzzles; verbal “brain teasers“(e. g. , is it legal for a man to marry his widows sister?); and, in a more practical sense, design and construction problems. Also of interest are issues of human relations, games, and questions pertinent to economics an

42、d politics.Problem-solving activity falls broadly into two categories: one emphasizes simple trial and error; the other requires some degree of insight.【F3 】In trial and error, the individual proceeds mainly by exploring and manipulating elements of the problem situation in an effort to sort out pos

43、sibilities and to run across steps that might carry him closer to the goal. This behaviour is most likely to be observed when the problem solver lacks advance knowledge about the character of the solution, or when no single rule seems to underlie the solution. Trial-anderror activity is not necessar

44、ily overt(as in ones observable attempts to fit together the pieces of a mechanical puzzle); it may be implicit or vicarious as well, the individual reflecting on the task and symbolically testing possibilities by thinking about them.In striving toward insight, a person tends to exhibit a strong ori

45、entation toward understanding principles that might bear on the solution sought. The person actively considers what is required by the problem, noting how its elements seem to be interrelated, and seeks some rule that might lead directly to the goal.【F4】The insightful thinker is likely to centre on

46、the problem to understand what is needed, to take the time to organize his resources, and to recentre on the problem(reinterpret the situation)in applying any principle that seems to hold promise.Direction and flexibility characterize insightful problem solving.【F5】The thinker directs or guides his

47、steps toward solution according to some plan; he exhibits flexibility in his ability to modify or to adapt procedures as required by his plan and in altering the plan itself. Both characteristics are influenced by the thinkers attitudes and by environmental conditions.21 【F1】22 【F2】23 【F3】24 【F4】25

48、【F5】考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 378 答案与解析Part CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. (10 points) 【知识模块】 阅读理解1 【正确答案】 有一种看法认为,对睡眠严重不足所产生影响的敏感程度和年龄有关。对于由于睡眠严重不足对身体所造成的影响,年龄越小,生物体的承受能力越强。【知识模块】 阅读理解2 【正确答案】 更一般地说,虽然已经观察到,连续 5 至 10 天根本不让睡觉,有出现短暂幻觉并做出一些古怪

49、的、不过还是容易控制的行为的情况,但是,并非大多数受试者都出现这些症状,这些症状不大能够支持那种认为缺少睡眠会引起精神疾病的假说。【知识模块】 阅读理解3 【正确答案】 人们观察到,缺乏睡眠对上面提到的那位学生造成了短期影响。所造成的短期影响是典型的,属于这样一种情况,那就是:对他连续不睡觉没有进行跟踪监视,很可能已经伤害了他的健康和安全。【知识模块】 阅读理解4 【正确答案】 完全剥夺睡眠期间所观察到的其他常见的行为方面的影响包括:疲倦、注意力不能集中、出现视觉或触觉的幻感。这些影响随着缺乏睡眠的程度的增加而增大。不过,这些影响的程度也周期性地上下波动,清晨几个小时影响最严重。【知识模块】 阅读理解5 【正确答案】 剥夺睡眠期间,有时还观察到身体化学成分构成的变化,以及自主神经系统功能的变化。但是,难以发现这些变化的一贯模式,也难以确定这些变化究竟应该归因于缺乏睡眠本身,还是归因于剥夺睡眠所造成的紧张或其他附带的影响。【知识模块】 阅读理解【知识模块】 阅读理解6 【正确答案】 必须维持法律和秩序;必须制定一些建筑法规,确保最低限度安全,确保不在公共土地或不适当的地点盖房屋或工场;必须有经常性的手段预防、控制并扑灭火灾;而且必须有规章制度和具体措施保护公民的健康。【知识模块】 阅读理解7 【正确答案】 虽然不可能作出总的概括,但是,如今的城市普遍

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