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1、考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 55 及答案与解析Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)0 Uncooperative Patients Need Psychological TherapyBy refusing to take essential medication after a kidney transplant, a 49-year-old woman drives her docto

2、rs and nurses to distractionto no avail, 41 This case of medical non-compliance is not an isolated example. Patients refusing to cooperate with medical professionals cause damage not only to themselves _42_. The pharmaceutical company Glaxo Welcome estimates the costs to the German taxpayers of this

3、 kind of negative behaviour at around five billion dollars a year.A recent conference of medical professionals, health insurers, the pharmaceutical industry and patient representatives revealed a wide range of factors behind noncompliance. Not all defiant behaviour in a patient can be characterized

4、as noncompliance. Greater stress should be placed on psychology during medical training, delegates said, adding there was evidence 43Psychologist Sibylle Storkebaum told of an eight-year-old boy who ran amok in a hospital before undergoing a heart transplant, threatening to rip out his drip tubes. H

5、is fits of rage were subsequently seen as an attempt to assert his rights as a patient. “Doctors and nurses failed to see that they had downgraded a boy already conscious of his own responsibilities into a small child, “ Storkebaum said, explaining that the boy merely wanted _44_. “Once this was pat

6、ient.“ Jan-Torsten Tews of GlaxoWelxome highlighted the problem of excessive medication, with patients having to take a wide range of medicines at short intervals. Educating patients and self-management were the key to treating patients with chronic conditions, he said.Health insurers also expressed

7、 interest in better cooperation between doctor and patient. “ The fact _45_is a result of patient dissatisfaction with their treatment, “ Walter Bockemuehl.a senior executive in the statutory medical insurance scheme, said. According to one study, half of all patients did not want medication, but ha

8、d drugs prescribed nevertheless. “In these cases we should not be surprised if the advice is ignored, “ he said.A. but there are some experts who don t believe in psychological therapyB. to be taken seriously and to be involved in his own treatmentC. that non-compliance existsD. because the organ ha

9、s in the end to be removedE. but also impose substantial costs on the communityF. that psychological therapy for insecure patients could improve cooperation between doctors and patients5 What We Take from And Give to the SeaAs long as we have been on earth, we have used the sea around us. We take fr

10、om the ocean, and we give to it.We take fishes from the ocean-millions of kilograms, of fish, every year, to feed millions of people. 41 We take minerals from the ocean. One way to get salt is to place seawater in a shallow basin and leave it until it evaporates. 42 Much gold and silver drift dissol

11、ved in the waters of the sea, too. But the sea does not give them up by simple evaporation. Other gifts from the sea are pearls, sponges and seaweed. Pearls become jewelry. 43 Seaweed becomes food of many kinds-even candy, and ice creamas well as medicine. Believe it or not, fresh water is another g

12、ift from the sea. We cannot drink ocean water. 44 But ocean water becomes fresh water when the salts are removed. In the future, we will find ourselves depending more and more on fresh water from the sea.The Sea gives us food, fertilizer, minerals, water, and other gifts. What do we give the sea? Ga

13、rbage. 45 Huge as it is, the ocean cannot hold all the water that we pour into it. Dumping garbage into the ocean is killing off sea life. Yet as the world population grows, we may need the sea and its gifts more than ever.We are finally learning that if we destroy our seas, we might also destroy ou

14、rselves. Hopefully, it is not too late.A. Natural sponges become cleaning aids.B. We pollute the ocean when we use it as a garbage dump.C. The area of the sea is becoming smaller and smaller.D. Along with salt, other minerals are left after evaporation.E. We even use their bones for fertilizer.F. So

15、me of its contents may cause illness.10 Teamwork in TourismGrowing cooperation among branches of tourism has proved valuable to all concerned. Government bureaus, trade and travel associations, carriers and properties are all working together to bring about optimum conditions for travelers.41 They h

16、ave knowledge of all areas and all carrier services, and they are experts in organizing different types of tours and in preparing effective advertising campaigns. They distribute materials to agencies, such as journals, brochures and advertising projects. 42 _Tourist counselors give valuable seminar

17、s to acquaint agents with new programs and techniques in selling. 43Properties and agencies work closely together to make the most suitable contracts, considering both the comfort of the clients and their own profitable financial arrangement. 4445_Carriers are dependent upon agencies to supply passe

18、ngers, and agencies are dependent upon carriers to present them with marketable tours. All services must work together for greater efficiency, fair pricing and contented customers.A. The same confidence exists between agencies and carriers, including car-rental and sigh-seeing services.B. They offer

19、 familiarization and workshop tours so that in a short time agents can obtain first-hand knowledge of the tours.C. Travel operators, specialists in the field of planning, sponsor extensive research programs.D. As a result of teamwork, tourism is flouring in all countries.E. Agencies rely upon the go

20、od services of hotels, and, conversely, hotels rely upon agencies, to fulfill their contracts and to send them clients.F. In this way agents learn to explain destinations and to suggest different modes and combinations of travelplanes, ships, trains, motorcoaches, car-rentals, and even car purchases

21、.15 Financial RisksSeveral types of financial risk are encountered in international marketing) the major problems include commercial, political, and foreign exchange risk.41 They include solvency, default, or refusal to pay bills. The major risk, however, is competition which can only be dealt with

22、through consistently effective management and marketing. 42 Such risk is encountered when a controversy arises about the quality of goods delivered, a dispute over contract terms, or any other disagreement over which payment is withheld. One company, for example, shipped several hundred tons of dehy

23、drated potatoes to a distributor in Germany. 43 The alternatives for the exporter were reducing the price, reselling the potatoes, or shipping them home again, each involving considerable cost.Political risk relates to the problems of war or revolution, currency inconvertibility, expropriation or ex

24、pulsion, and restriction or cancellation of import licenses. 44 Management information systems and effective decision-making processes are the best defenses against political risk. As many companies have discovered, sometimes there is no way to avoid political risk, so marketers must be prepared to

25、assume them or give up doing business in particular market.Exchange-rate fluctuations inevitably cause problems, but for many years, most firms could take protective action to minimize their unfavorable effects. 45 International Business Machine Corportaion.for example, reported that exchange losses

26、 resulted in a dramatic 21.6 percent drop in their earnings in the third quarter of 1981. Before rates were permitted to float, devaluations of major currencies were infrequent and usually could be anticipated, but exchange-rate fluctuations in the float system are daily affairs.A. Political risk is

27、 an environmental concern for all businesses.B. One unique risk encountered by the international marketer involves financial adjustments.C. Commercial risks are handled essentially as normal credit risks encountered in day-to-day business.D. The distributor tested the shipment and declared it to be

28、below acceptable taste and texture standards.E. Floating exchange rates of the worlds major currencies have forced all marketers to be especially aware of exchange-rate fluctuations and the need to compensate for them in their financial planning.F. Many international marketers go bankrupt each year

29、because of exchange-rate fluctuation.20 Public RelationsPublic relations is a broad set of planned communications about the company, including publicity releases, designed to promote goodwill and a favorable image.41_ Since public relations involves communications with stockholders, financial analys

30、ts, government officials, and other non-customer groups, it is usually placed outside the marketing department, perhaps as a staff department or outside consulting firm reporting to tip management. This organizational placement can be a limitation because the public relations department or consultan

31、t will likely not be in tune with marketing efforts. 42 Although the basic purpose of public relations is to provide positive influence on the public image, this influence generally may be less than that provided by the other components of the public image mix.43 Publicity on the other hand should n

32、ot be divorced from the marketing department , as it can provide a useful adjunct to the regular advertising._44The point we wish to emphasize is that a firm is deluding itself if it thinks its public relations function, whether within the company or an outside firm, can take care of public image pr

33、oblems and opportunities. 45 Many of these have to do with the way the firm does business, such as its product quality, the servicing and handling of complaints, and the tenor of the advertising. Public relations and directed publicity may help highlight favorable newsworthy events, and may even suc

34、ceed in toning down the worst of unfavorable publicity, but the other components of the public image mix create more lasting impressions.A. Publicity may be in the form of news releases that have favorable overtones for the company initiated by the public relations department.B. Furthermore, not all

35、 publicity is initiated by the firm; some can result form an unfavorable press as a reaction to certain actions or lack of actions that are controversial or even downright ill-advised.C. Publicity then is part of public relations when it is initiated by the firm, usually in the form of press release

36、s or press conferences.D. Many factors impact on the public image.E. It surely causes heavy losses to the company.F. Poor communication and no coordination may be the consequences.考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 55 答案与解析Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A

37、, B, C or D. (40 points)【知识模块】 阅读1 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 空白处的前一句举了一位 49 岁妇女在肾移植手术以后拒服必要的药物的例子。空白处的后一句说拒绝与医务人员合作的病人会给自己、给社会带来什么害处。我们必须注意到后一句的病人是泛指的,当然应该包括这位 49 岁的妇女在内,因此将 D(“像这样不合作的事情并非仅此一例。”)填入空白处可以将上下文更完美地连接起来。【知识模块】 阅读2 【正确答案】 E【试题解析】 空白处的前一句说到应该更多地强调心理学在药物治疗中的作用。E 说有证据表明,对缺乏安全感的病人进行心理治疗可增加医患之间的合作。前后两句话是

38、连贯的,而且 they added 还在一定程度上起到了提示作用,故 E 为最佳选项。【知识模块】 阅读3 【正确答案】 F【试题解析】 空白处的前一句讲了一个小男孩在做心脏移植手术前脾气非常暴躁的故事。空白处的后面几句叙述了如何解决这个小男孩的心理障碍问题。F 说“后来这种愤怒被认为是他要争取作为一个病人的权利”,正好起着承上启下的作用。由于医务人员有这种认识才有后面的好结果。【知识模块】 阅读4 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 空白处的前一句说“一旦他的想法被认可,他的怒气就消退了”,所以 B 项所说的“他明显地安静多了,并且变成了一个服从治疗的好病人”是自然而然的结果。【知识模块】 阅读5

39、 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 空白处的前一句说“根据一项调查,有一半的病人并不想吃药,但仍然开了很多药”,C 说“在这种情况下医嘱被置之脑后也就不足为怪了 ”,这种连接是顺理成章的。【知识模块】 阅读【知识模块】 阅读6 【正确答案】 E【试题解析】 前面一句讲了我们从大海捕捉大量的鱼供人们食用,这句接着讲“甚至连鱼的骨头也被用来做化肥”。Even 这个词在这里清楚地表示了这两句话的关系。【知识模块】 阅读7 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 这句话的前一句讲的是我们可以通过水的蒸发从海水中得到一种矿物质盐,这句话则说除了盐之外,水蒸发以后还有别的矿物质留下来。【知识模块】 阅读8 【正确答案】

40、 A【试题解析】 前面讲到除了矿物质外,大海还给了我们珍珠、海绵和海草这三样东西。接着作者分别用一句话来说明每一样东西的用途。先讲了珍珠,最后讲的是海草。所以这中间的一句应该是讲海绵的用途了。【知识模块】 阅读9 【正确答案】 F【试题解析】 前一句话说了我们不能喝海水,这句话解释了为什么不能喝,很自然。【知识模块】 阅读10 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 前面一句话用 garbage 一词有力地回答了“我们给予大海什么”这个带有自责性的问题,这句话则是对这个简单回答的具体解释。【知识模块】 阅读【知识模块】 阅读11 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 本段第二句和第三句话都以人称代词 they

41、作主语,但所指不明。在大多数情况 F,其指代对象应在同一段落的前文中找。 C 与这两个句子在结构和意思上都是平行的,时态也一致,而且用 travel operators 这个名词去替代这两个句子中的 they 都讲得通。【知识模块】 阅读12 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 这一句继续讲旅游策划专家的工作,它同本段前三句话在时态、结构和意思上一致或平行。【知识模块】 阅读13 【正确答案】 F【试题解析】 指示词 thisthat 及其复数形式在英语中是重要的衔接手段,多数情况下 this 指上文刚刚提到的事情或说过的话。本段第一句话说旅游顾问召开研讨会使代理人熟悉新业务和销售技巧。承接这句话,

42、F 说“通过这种方式,代理人学会了怎样对旅行目的地加以解释以及向游客建议各种不同的旅行方式及组合方式,如飞机、船、火车、公共汽车、汽车出租,甚至汽车的购买。”“这种方式”就是指上一句话中的召开研讨会,因而 F 是最合适的选项。【知识模块】 阅读14 【正确答案】 E【试题解析】 本段第一句话说地产业主和旅行社携手合作,兼顾客户利益和自身收益,制订出最合适的合同。E 实际上进一步阐述了二者之间相互依赖的紧密关系。【知识模块】 阅读15 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 写文章讲究句子和段落之间的衔接。第四段讲到了地产业主和旅行社之间相互依赖的合作关系,A 说“旅行社和运输公司之间也存在同样的相互信任

43、 ”。像 same,different(ly) ,similar(ly)otherwise 这样的词语有很强的衔接力,属于指称衔接(reference)中的比较衔接。下一句话详细解释旅行社和运输公司之间的关系,进一步印证了应该选 A。【知识模块】 阅读【知识模块】 阅读16 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 从文章结构上看,第一段提出要讨论三种主要的金融风险:商业风险、政治风险和外汇风险。第三、四段的主题句告诉我们这两段分别讨论了政治风险和外汇风险,第二段自然是谈商业风险,用 C 作该段主题句是最合适的。【知识模块】 阅读17 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 本段第二、三句话列举了商业风险的种种表现

44、形式,B 说:“国际市场独有的一种风险与金融调节有关。”后一句话的主语 Such risk 指的就是这一独特的风险,such 在句子之间起到了衔接作用。【知识模块】 阅读18 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 本句和前一句举例说明因产品质量争议而引起的所谓国际市场独有的商业风险。本句主语 The distributor 指的就是上句中出现的 a distributor in Germany,这里 distributor 通过重复在句子之间起到了衔接作用。【知识模块】 阅读19 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 本段主要谈政治风险,因而选项 A 最合适。【知识模块】 阅读20 【正确答案】 E【试题解析

45、】 本段主要谈外汇风险,E 说:“世界主要货币的浮动汇率制迫使所有商家特别关注汇率的波动,并意识到需要调整金融财务计划来作补偿。”后一句以国际商用机器公司为例说明这一情况。【知识模块】 阅读【知识模块】 阅读21 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 文章第一段给公关下定义,其中特别提到公关包括对外宣传。把 C放在这里起承接上一段,引出下一段的作用。【知识模块】 阅读22 【正确答案】 F【试题解析】 前一句说这种组织设置会成为一种限制,因为公关部门或顾问很可能和营销部门有不能协调一致的地方,那么这种情况会造成什么后果呢?F 说:“可能会导致沟通不畅、彼此不合作的后果。”这两句话放在一起意思连贯、顺畅

46、。E似乎也能构成答案,但语气过于肯定,所述内容过于具体,上下文没有足够的信息使之成为合适的选项。【知识模块】 阅读23 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 A 说:“对外宣传可以由公关部门发起,采取能为公司带来良好影响的新闻发布的形式。”后一句说另一方面,宣传也不能脱离营销部门,因为它是对正规广告宣传的一种有益补充。这两句话从两个不同的方面谈对外宣传的运作方式及其意义,意思连贯,On the other hand 起了衔接作用,属于连接衔接(conjunction)。【知识模块】 阅读24 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 B 说:“此外,并非所有的宣传都由公司发起,有些宣传来自媒体的反应,即由于公司颇有争议甚至十分不明智地采取了或未采取某些行动而引起的媒体的负面反应。”这句话和前两句都是谈公司的对外宣传,可以自然地构成一个段落,furthermore 起了衔接作用,也属于连接衔接。【知识模块】 阅读25 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 前一句说:“我们想强调的一点是如果公司认为事关公众形象的一切问题或机遇可以由从事公关的部门(无论是公司内部部门还是子公司)处理好,那是自欺欺人。”这是从反面说明问题,D 说:“有众多因素作用于公众形象。 ”这是从正面说明问题,一正一反都要说明公众形象不是专门的公关部门町以独立做好的简单事情,下文是对众多影响因素的进一步解释。【知识模块】 阅读

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