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本文([考研类试卷]英语专业基础英语(翻译)历年真题试卷汇编30及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(王申宇)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、英语专业基础英语(翻译)历年真题试卷汇编 30 及答案与解析一、翻译1 ChineseEnglish Translation不逢北国之秋,已将近十余年了。在南方每年到了秋天,总要想起陶然亭的芦花,钓鱼台的柳影,西山的虫唱,玉泉的夜月,潭柘寺的钟声。在北平即使不出门去罢,就是在皇城人海之中,租人家一椽破屋来住着,早晨起来,泡一碗浓茶,向院子一坐,你也能看得到很高很高的碧绿的天色,听得到青天下驯鸽的飞声。从槐树叶底,朝东细数着一丝一丝漏下来的日光,或在破壁腰中,静对着像喇叭似的牵牛花(朝荣)的蓝朵,自然而然地也能够感觉到十分的秋意。2 Chinese-English Translation(华中师

2、范大学 2010 研,考试科目:写作翻译)艺术收藏家顾泽艺术收藏高下首先取决于收藏家的审美品位。选择什么样的艺术品是衡量一位收藏家艺术趣味和欣赏水平的体现。顾泽女士虽然不是学美术出身,但她在戏曲艺术上的经历使她对美术作品有较好的感受力,也有较高的欣赏水平,她选择当代艺术中那些有个性的作品作为自己的收藏对象,这是不容易的。她的艺术收藏的起点很高,从 90 年代初期开始,她就注意那些具有创新艺术、在画坛初露头角的中青年画家,随着这些画家艺术上的成型和成熟,她的收藏品中已有了颇具代表性的作品,因而形成自己有特色的收藏系列。她对表现性很强的画风似乎有特别的感觉,虽然她并不完全理解这一类作品的内涵,但她

3、能凭直觉去感悟作品的特色与力量,对当代艺术收藏有自己的见识。3 ChineseEnglish Translation气候变暖与中国全球气候变化以及其不利影响是人类共同关心的问题。工业革命以来的人类活动,尤其是发达国家在工业化过程中大量消耗能源资源,导致大气中温室气体浓度增加,引起全球气候近 50 年以来以变暖为主要特征的显著变化,对全球自然生态系统产生了明显影响,对人类社会的生存和发展带来了严重挑战。中国是一个发展中国家,人口众多、经济发展水平低、气候条件复杂、生态环境脆弱,易受气候变化的不利影响。气候变化对中国自然生态系统和经济社会发展带来了现实的威胁,主要体现在农牧业、林业、自然生态系统、

4、水资源等领域以及沿海和生态脆弱地区,适应气候变化已成为中国的迫切任务。同时,中国正处于经济快速发展阶段,面临着发展经济、消除贫困和减缓温室气体排放的多重压力,应对气候变化的形势严峻,任务繁重。4 Translate the following passage into English小时候我们在乡下生活,说起来蛮苦,蛮累。那时候,我们最爱吃的是苹果。可能是苹果太贵的缘故,父亲一直舍不得买。有一天,父亲到台北出差,总算买了一个苹果回来。父亲削好苹果后,切成五等份,给我们兄妹五人每人一小片。哎!那么薄,那么少。但是我们却不敢多讲。父亲发现我们面有难色,欲言又止。不由深深地叹了口气二十年过去了,我亦

5、已为人母,开始体会出父亲当时的苦衷。当初,一个苹果分为五片,每个小孩一片,我们却嫌少嫌薄,而没有考虑到爸爸、妈妈连一小口也没有尝到!如果,那时候我们能要求父亲将苹果切成七片,让爸妈也尝一口,那么就会留下一个多么美好的甜蜜的回忆呀!5 Translate the following into English(华中科技大学 2007 研,考试科目:基础英语)享誉国内外的东方的巴黎上海,倾尽力量承办了中国电影百年庆典艺术节,其大手笔、大投入、高规格操作的一系列精彩活动,为中国电影界营造了一个惊世骇俗、波澜壮阔的艺术天空,为中国广大电影观众精心调制了一系列精美的艺术大餐,并因其独特的动作方式和特有的魅

6、力而使电影成为热点,为中国所有的品牌营运商打造了一个超级传播焦点平台。6 Translate the following into English(华中科技大学 2006 研,考试科目:英汉互译与英语写作)所谓“美”,指的是意美、音美、形美。 “三美”,这是根据鲁迅的: “意美以感心,一也;音美以感耳,二也;形美以感目,三也。”所谓“ 化”,是根据钱钟书提出的“文学翻译的最高理想是 化 。”不过我把“化”字扩大为等化、浅化、深化 “三化”了。所谓“之”,是根据孔子在 论语中说的“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。”我把知之、好之、乐之应用于文学翻译,就提出了“ 三之”论。至于“艺术” 二字,

7、那是根据朱光潜提出的:“从心所欲,不逾矩 是一切艺术的成熟境界。” 简单说来,“三美”是本体,“三化”是方法论,“三之” 是目的论,“ 艺术”是认识论,总起来说,就是“美化之艺术。 ”7 Chinese-English Translation(武汉理工大学 2009 研,考试科目:基础英语)翻译中的所谓“ 异化”(alienation)和“归化”(domestication),是以译者所选的文化立场为基本点来加以区分的。前者主要以原语文化为门属,强调译文要有“异” 于目的语,后者主要以目的语文化为门属,强调译文要同化于目的语。它们在翻译中的可信性取决于翻译的目的、读者的需求、文化间相互依赖的程

8、度等,具有各自的价值和不可取代性。“ 异化” 和 “归化”的矛盾实际上就是我国翻译界长期以来的直译派与意译派之争,这一对概念有相互重叠的一面,如归化和意译都指译文通顺,符合译人语的语法规则等。异化和直译都追求与原作的“等值”(equivalent effect),尊重源语的语法规范。但归化和异化更加强调文化因素,它所涉及的主要是文化立场问题,直译、意译则侧重语言操作问题。随着国际文化交流的扩大和加深,翻译中的“异化”和“归化”处于相对的、动态的概念,无论是在理论探讨还是在翻译实践上,都将需要正视和探讨。8 Translate the following from Chinese into En

9、glish and write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET( 武汉理工大学 2008 研,考试科目:基础英语)海明威曾经写过,勇气就是临危不惧。不过,我更赞同 18 世纪意大利戏剧家维多利奥阿尔菲利的观点,“ 对勇气的考验往往不是去死,而是要活。 ”身患癌症,不仅带来痛苦,而且引起恐惧。抱病生活,并敢于正视这一现实,这就是勇气。希望是我们治疗癌症最有效的“药物” 。几乎没有什么癌症 (无论发展到那一期)是不能医治的。把希望灌输到病人心里,我们就可以帮助他树立起积极与疾病作斗争的信心。此话不合逻辑,言之无理,是吗?也许是的。然而,许多医生认为,要想使

10、治疗有效,帮助病人树立信心,这必须成为癌症治疗的一部分。我有幸先后拥有两位美丽贤惠的妻子所带来的欢欣,体验过为人之父的乐趣,并得到八个子女的爱。过去,我的工作一直富有竞争性,令人有成就感。我的家庭温馨而又幸福。可是,当我知道自己大限将至时,生活态度就变了。“这是您余生的第一天” 这句话对我有了实实在在的含义。对每一个晴天丽日,对鸟语花香,我的感触倍加强烈。平日呼吸轻松,吞食自如,走路毫不费力,一夜安寝到天明,我们几曾回味过其中的乐趣?我想,死亡可能是人生中最重要的一环。我认为,与死后那漫长的永生相比,人生是极其短暂的。基于我的宗教信仰,我相信在我身后那难以描绘的时光里,我将回归圣父。我相信,我

11、的生命以年月计算,虽然是短暂的,但经历丰富,充满了欢乐、爱情和成就;我将永远活在我所爱的人,即我母亲、兄弟、妻子、儿女及密友的记忆中。我相信,在弥留之际,我的亲朋好友将陪伴在我身旁:我希望得到上帝的恩赐带着尊严,安详地告别人间。9 Translate the following into English(湖南大学 2007 研,考试科目:英语语言文学专业基础)有“西部的哈佛 ”之誉的斯坦福大学 10 月又爆出大新闻:该校物理系华裔教授朱棣文因发明激光冷却原子技术,而与美法的另两位科学家共同荣获今年诺贝尔物理奖。获奖第二天,朱棣文应全美及海外中文媒体之邀举行了记者招待会。出生在美国的朱棣文自然拥

12、有美国国籍,不过他在记者会上表示:“按照科学术语的说法,我身上 100是中国人的基因”。当然从小置身于美国社会,朱棣文早已是个很“ 美国化”的科学家。他的谈吐充满自信,幽默风趣,给人既温文尔雅又轻松活泼的印象。他的幽默在几次记者会与庆祝聚会中表露无遗,令中外媒体的记者与斯大的青年学子们为之倾倒。获奖消息披露的当天,一连串的校系间的记者会,香槟庆典和受访及陪同人们参观实验室,中途仍去为学生上了一堂课。他说,“得奖当然是一种肯定,但对我没有太大影响,我还是昨天的我。”10 Please translate the following,passage into English(中南大学 2010 研

13、,考试科目:英语翻译基础)我们参观博物馆时,常会看到各种古代铜镜古代人用来整容的家庭日用品。这些铜镜大多是从古墓中出土的,也有少数是传世之物。早在公元前 11 世纪,先民已经使用铜镜了。战国时期,铜镜在民间盛行。镜的正面磨光发亮,背面饰单层或双层花纹,常见的有兽面纹、花叶纹、龙凤纹等。西汉时期,铜镜较厚重,纹饰多几何图案、神人和禽兽纹等。并有铸刻铭文,每句仅三至四字,例如:“ 长相思 ”、“毋相忘”、“常富贵”、“ 乐未央”等。内容多是通俗的吉祥语。宋、元时期出现了圆镜、长方镜、八棱镜和带柄手镜等。清代以后,逐渐被玻璃镜所代替。11 Passage translation(From Chine

14、se into English)(中南大学 2010 研,考试科目:翻译硕士英语)从我居室的窗口望出去,可以看到一棵高高的芙蓉树。在那烟树参差的春日里,花红点点,煞是迷人。它牵动我的灵感,撩拨我的文思,久而久之,我竟视这位隔窗而立的“邻居 ”为知已了。可是,有一个早晨,我推窗而望,蓦然发现昨夜的一场风雨已将它剥蚀得面目全非。立时,一种“ 繁华落尽 ”的悲凉掠过了我的心头 !我不由感慨系之:在人生道路上磕磕碰碰,几经周折,几度沧桑,又一次次地失落了许多至爱的朋友,生命不正如这随风而逝的繁华吗?这件事过了些时日,也就渐渐地淡忘了。一次,我下乡归来,感觉到室内空气有些沉闷,就不经意地打开了窗户,顿觉

15、眼前一亮:一树火红的三角梅映人眼帘,它在夕阳的背景下定格。意外的惊喜使我几乎不能自制,我诧异,当初在落英的背后,为什么没有发现在萌动着的不屈的生命呢?是的,芙蓉的最后一叶花瓣凋落了,人们对它的嘉许也遗忘在往昔的记忆里,可是三角梅却成长了,那火焰般灿烂耀眼的红色向人们昭示着生命的更迭与延续。谁能说,失去与获得不是一曲交响乐呢?12 Chinese-English Translation(四川大学 2013 研,考试科目:基础英语)这几天心里颇不宁静。今晚在院子里坐着乘凉,忽然想起日日走过的荷塘,在这满月的光里,总该另有一番样子吧。月光渐渐地升高了,墙外马路上孩子们的欢笑,已经听不见了;妻在屋里拍

16、着闰儿,迷迷糊糊地哼着眠歌。我悄悄地披上大衫,带上门出去。沿着荷塘,是一条曲折的小煤屑路。这是一条幽僻的路;白天也少人走,夜晚更加寂寞。荷塘四面,长着许多树,蓊蓊郁郁的。路的一旁,是些杨柳,和一些不知道名字的树。没有月光的晚上,这路上阴森森的,有些怕人。今晚却很好,虽然月光也还是淡淡的。13 孔子名丘,字仲尼,公元前 551 年诞生在中国曲阜,卒于公元前 479 年。孔子开创了中国历史上一个著名学派儒学,他的思想核心是“仁” ,表现形式是“礼”。孔子为宣扬自己的主张,周游列国,奔波一生。晚年删诗书,定礼乐,整理编辑了春秋、诗、书、礼、乐、易六部著作,流传至今,被视为儒学经典。他首办私学,有弟子

17、三千,其中贤人七十二。论语一书记录了他的主要言论。14 Chinese-English Translation东晋大诗人陶渊明的名篇桃花源记,描绘了一处世外桃源。这世外桃源究竟在何处?众说纷纭,但是大多数人,尤其是陶渊明故乡的人认为应该是江西星子县城西五里之遥的玉京山。玉京山坐落在秀丽的庐山和浩渺的鄱阳湖之间。登上玉京山,放眼四望,田畴上大小村庄星罗棋布,屋宇相连,阡陌纵横,稻浪起伏。这便是诗人咏赞的“ 平畴交远风,良苗亦怀新 ”的画面。远处碧波万顷,烟云飞出,有一峰兀立。再细看,山下人家,炊烟袅袅,谷场水巷之中,鸡鸭成群,顽童嬉戏,田野上人来人往,一派丰衣足食的景象,这不正是桃花源记中描写的

18、景象吗?15 孙子兵法历来被称为兵经,号称兵学鼻祖。英、美、法、日、俄等世界许多国家都有孙子兵法译本,广泛流传,得到一致好评,享有崇高地位。日本企业家最早将孙子兵法用于经济活动、企业管理,将军事战略原则用于企业战略、企业竞争。这使日本经济在战后一片废墟上迅速崛起,成为世界经济大国。16 Chinese-English Translation(四川大学 2011 研,考试科目:英语专业基础)自然环境塑造文化。人、自然环境和文化相互影响,构成一个互动的三角。人有自我意识,有主观能动性,且高于自然,有智慧,甚至可以说“人为万物之灵” 。人作用于自然之上而创造文化,可是他永远不能游离于自然而置身其外。

19、相对可以说,人在生物圈中只不过是微小的一部分,他受到相当程度的制约和束缚。他只能顺应自然,在其限定的范围内发挥作用,而他所创造的文化也要受到物质世界的制约。17 老子又称道德经,是春秋时期一位叫老聃的隐者所作,只有 5,000多个汉字,共 81 章,分为道篇和德篇两部分。虽然简短,但以它为基础,中国古代产生了与儒家并列的哲学派别道家;根据它的思想,中国古代产生了以老子为始祖的宗教派别道教,这是华夏民族本土产生的最具影响力的宗教。老子的思想直接影响了中国人的民族特性、思想倾向和审美趣味。直到今天,老子还在参与这个民族的思想。18 Chinese-English Translation(四川大学

20、2010 研,考试科目:基础英语)有一天,他忽然得了疾病,赶快叫家人去请东街的汪医生。那家人急急忙忙地跑去,一时寻不着东街的汪大夫,却把西街牛医王大夫请来了。差不多先生病在床上,知道寻错了人;但病急了,身上痛苦,心里焦急,等不得了,心里想到:“好在王大夫同汪大夫也差不多,让他试试看吧。”于是这位牛医王大夫走近床前,用医生的法子给差不多先生治病。不上一点钟,差不多先生就一命呜呼了。19 中国历史上洪灾频仍,而且造成的危害十分严重,其季风气候是主要原因。自公元前 206 年至 1949 年有记载的大水就有 1,092 次,平均每两年就发生一次大灾。二十世纪记忆犹新的大洪水就有四次。1931 年长江

21、发大水,夺去了 42 万人的生命。与之类似的大水发生在 1945 年,1992 年和 1998 年。这三次洪水淹没了大片的农田,冲走了无数的财富,只是生命损失大为减少。20 Translate the following paragraphs into English帮助穷人,帮助真正的穷人,这个目标要比仅仅缩小贫富差距更有价值。如果因为实行高税率,富人的财富减少了,某些人也许会感到高兴,但没人会因此变富。可如果穷人变富了,那整个国家都将从中受益。即使是简单地基于人道主义考虑,集中资金和政策优势解决贫困问题也是非常值得的。而且在极端贫困地区长大成人这个不利条件也使人对机会均等的信仰产生怀疑。帮

22、助下层社会的人重新回到社会主流中来,符合所有人的利益英语专业基础英语(翻译)历年真题试卷汇编 30 答案与解析一、翻译1 【正确答案】 It is more than a decade since I last experienced autumn in the North. When I am in South, the approach of each autumn will bring me the memories of the reed catkins at Tao Ran Pavilion, the shadowy willows in Diao Yu Tai, the chirp

23、 of insects in West Hills, the night moon in Yu Quan, and the bells in Tan Zhe Temple. Suppose you live in a rented ramshackle house inside the bustling imperial city, you can, on rising early at dawn, sitting in the courtyard with a cup of strong tea, see an azure sky high above and hear the pigeon

24、s hovering overhead. Facing east under the locust trees, you can count the sun beams through their leaves or gaze at the trumpet-like blue petals of morning glories halfway on a broken wall, which brings you a perfect sense of autumn.2 【正确答案】 Art CollectorGu ZeThe level of art collection depends on

25、the aesthetic taste of the collector. The criteria for choosing works of art reflects the collectors art taste and level of appreciation. Though not majoring in fine arts, Ms. Gu Ze is endowed with great sense of discernment and appreciation in works of arts, due to her experience in the art of Chin

26、ese traditional opera. It is not easy for her to select those contemporary works with individualities as her collections. With a high starting point, she embarked on art collection in the early 1990s, when she focused on the young and middle-aged artists of innovative talents making their debut in t

27、he art circle. With the formation and maturation of the art of their works, she has selected those representative works in her collection, thus forming her own collection series. It seems that she has some special sense to the expressive painting style. Without the full comprehension of the connotat

28、ion of the works, yet she is instinctively conscious of the characteristics and power lying in works of art, presenting her perception of the contemporary art collection.3 【正确答案】 China and Global WarmingGlobal climate change and its harmful effects are a common concern of human beings. Since the ind

29、ustrial revolution, activities of mankind, especially the huge consumption of energy by developed countries in the process of industrialization, have raised the concentrations of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere, causing apparent effects on the global ecosystems of nature, and posing severe challe

30、nges to the very survival and development of human society.China, a developing country with a huge population, is faced with harsh realities, such as, a low level of economic development, a complicated climate condition and a fragile ecological environment. China is easy to be subject to the adverse

31、 effects of climate change, which has posed substantial challenges to the natural ecosystems and the eco-social development of the country, particularly in the areas of agriculture and livestock breeding, forestry, ecosystems of nature and water resources, and in coastal and eco-fragile regions. So,

32、 Chinas urgent undertaking currently is to adapt the country to climate change. While China is undergoing fast economic development, it is faced with the multiple pressures of developing the economy, eliminating poverty and slowing down the rate of the emissions of greenhouse gases. Therefore, it is

33、 considered to be an enormous task for China to cope with the severe reality of climate change.4 【正确答案】 We spent our Childhood in the counryside, and life then was rather bitter and hard.At that time, apples were our favorites. Probably due to the high price, our father didnt buy us any. Until one d

34、ay he bought us one finally, coming back from Taipei on business.Having pealed the apple, our father cut it into five equal pieces for each of us, the five children of my family.The slice was so thin and so little, yet none of us dared to speak it out. My father noticed our disinclination and said n

35、othing but sighed deeply.Twenty years has elapsed and I am a mother now. Now I start to understand the feeling of my father at that time.We were not happy about the thin and little slice then, yet we failed to realize that our parents did not even taste a tiny bite.If we had asked our father to cut

36、the apple into seven slices and let our parents took a bite, what a beautiful and sweet memory would it be now!5 【正确答案】 Shanghai, the oriental Paris, well-known at home and abroad, had staked everything on the Art Festival and Centennial Ceremony of Chinese Films. Through the series of splendid acti

37、vities of huge greatness, big investment and high-leveled operation, it hot only created a astounding and magnificent art sky, but also cooked a series of art dinners for the Chinese film audience elaborately. Whats more, it forged a super platform of disseminating focuses for all the brand operator

38、s in China, since it brought films to the spotlight with its unique operating method and peculiar charm.6 【正确答案】 The so-called “ beauty“ refers to beauty in meaning, beauty in sound and beauty in form. The theory of “three-beauty“ originated from the view of Lu Xun, who suggested “First, beauty in m

39、eaning is for the heart: second, beauty in sound is for the ear: third, beauty in form is for the eye“. The so-called “elevation(hua)“ is taken from the idea of Qian Zhongshu, who put forward in his book that the best ideal for literary translation is elevation. Here, however, Id like to broaden the

40、 idea of elevation(hua)to “three-hua“equalization, simplification, and deepening. The so-called “zhi“is inspired by the saying of Confucius in Analects “Those who know it are not comparable to those who love it: those who love it are not comparable to those who take delight in it“. I apply “knowing

41、it, loving it and taking delight in it“to literary translation, thus forming the theory of “three-zhi“. As to the word “art“ , it was put forward by Zhu Guangqian who held that “to do as you please without breaking conventional norms is the mature state for all kinds of art“. To be brief, the “three

42、-beauty“ is the ontology, the “three-hua“ is the methodology, the “three-zhi“ is the teleology and the word art is epistemology. To sum up, it is the art of beautification.7 【正确答案】 In translation, the so-called concepts like “alienation“ and “domestication“ are distinguished according to the basic p

43、ointtranslators cultural standpoint. The former is directed to the source language, emphasizing that“ the translated version should be different from the target language“ , while the latter is directed to the target language and culture, stressing that “the translated version should be assimilated b

44、y the target language“. Their validity in translation is hinged on the purpose, the need of readers, and the degree of interdependence of the two cultures, etc. , and each has ones own values and is irreplaceable. The conflict of “alienation“ and “domestication“ is actually the conflict between “lit

45、eral translation“and “free translation“ in our translation field for a long time. This pair of concepts have, to some degree, overlapped with each other, for example, both domestication and free translation emphasize the fluency and suitability to the target language grammar, both alienation and lit

46、eral translation seek for the equivalence effect and the regulation to the source language. Alienation and domestication pay much attention to the cultural elements , involved mainly with the cultural position. While literal translation and free translation emphasize the language operations. With th

47、e expansion and deepening of international cultural communication, the dynamic, relative concepts of “alienation“ and “domestication“ are in need of more attention and discussion, both in theory and in practice.8 【正确答案】 Hemingway once wrote that courage is the bravery in face of peril. But I would r

48、ather agree with the views of the 18th-century Italian dramatist, Vittorio Alfieri, that “the test to the courage is often not to die but to live“. For living with cancer not only brings the pain but also the terror. To live with it and to face up to it bravelythats the courage.Hope is our most effe

49、ctive “drug“ in treating cancer. There is almost no cancer(at any stage)that cannot be treated. By instilling hope in a patient, we can help develop a positive, combative attitude to his disease. Illogical, un-proven? Perhaps. But many doctors believe that this must become a part of cancer therapy if the therapy is to be effective, and to help the patient to build confidence.I have had the joy of two beautiful and wonderful wives, the happiness of parenthood and the love of eight children. My work was constantly challe

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