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本文([考研类试卷]英语专业基础英语(翻译)历年真题试卷汇编32及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(刘芸)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、英语专业基础英语(翻译)历年真题试卷汇编 32 及答案与解析一、翻译1 Translated the following into English(辽宁师范大 2008 研,考试科目:综合英语)体育作为一种文化现象,在当代生活中的作用越来越大,关心它的人也越来越多,形成了体育文化热。那么什么是体育文化的内涵呢?文化是人类在发展中形成的物质财富和精神成果的总和。体育文化是整个人类文化的一种,而且是非常独特的一种。别的种类的文化大多受到国家、民族、宗教等因素的阻隔而形成一个个文化圈。比如电影,观众很多,也有国际评奖,但电影评奖总要受到评委们的主观意识的影响,很难有一个非常明确的客观标准。而体育则有

2、共同的规则,有共同的体育语言。体育能真正体现“公平竞争” 的原则,所以越来越受到人们的欢迎,以奥林匹克精神为特征的体育文化已被全世界人民所接受。2 Translate the following underlined into English(辽宁师范大学 2007 研,考试科目:综合英语)一个小伙子暗恋着一个女孩。女孩是他的同事,他们在一个办公室里工作。小伙子性格内向,不善言辞,他不知道如何向女孩子表达他的爱慕之意。写情书吧,小伙子是学理工的,一直搞技术工作,满脑子的图形,就是没有一句有文采的话。小城里也没有花店,电影电视上常见的送花那一套也无从谈起。至于直截了当地告诉女孩子说“ 我爱你 ”

3、,小伙子就更没有这个胆量了。 这样的恋情应该说是没戏了。但事实上一年后他们却结了婚。有人向小伙子讨教,他说:“ 我每天上班的第一件事就是帮她擦桌子:然后为她泡上一杯她喜欢喝的绿茶。她胃不好,我经常备些胃药放在她的桌上。一开始她不知道是我做的这些事情,时间长了就知道了。就这么简单。”忍不住叫人想到“ 浪漫”一词。写情书是一种浪漫,送 99 朵玫瑰是一种浪漫。我不知道擦桌子、泡茶、送药是否也是一种浪漫。浪漫是没有定式的,或许那些实实在在地呵护和关爱才是真正的浪漫,它是生命之火点燃的最绚烂的花朵。3 Please translate the following passage into Englis

4、h,and write your English version on the ANSWER SHEET(西安交通大学 2006 研,考试科目:基础英语 )起先,她对洗衣机抱怀疑态度,因为它耗费大量的肥皂和热水,还洗不干净衣服。她不禁想起,在小镇的喷水泉边上,她曾是何等的快活。朋友在一起,一边聊天,一边就把所有的衣物都洗得像簇新的一样。可是这架机器似乎使她逐渐地产生好感。因为这毕定是台机器,它就这么自装自卸转个不停。她觉得这真是妙不可言:一台机器竞能记住这么多事情,而且有求必应,随时待命。还有那洗碟子的机器也够妙的。你可以穿着夜间外出的服装,洗盘子的水一点也不会溅湿你的手套。当太太不在家,孩子

5、们上了学,她就先把脏衣服放进洗衣机,把它启动,再把脏盘子放进另一架机器,把它启动,然后把一块嫩嫩的五香火腿小牛肉夹卷放到电动平底煎锅上,把它启动,她就可以坐到客厅的电视机前看电视,两耳听着所有的机器在她周围做工。这使她感到快意,还觉得自己很有主宰力。4 Chinese to English( 西安交通大学 2005 研,考试科目:基础英语 )有两三个星期,父亲的这种想法渗透了全家。我们说话不多,但是在日常生活中,我们却尽量以笑容相迎,而不会愁眉苦脸。母亲笑着招待搭伙的人。我也受了感染,在我家的猫面前装出一副笑脸。父亲渴望讨人喜欢已有点发狂了。毫无疑问,在他身上潜伏着那么一点滑稽演员的气质。对待

6、晚上来的那些火车工人,他并不多浪费精力,但他似乎在等待小镇的年轻小伙子和姑娘的到来,为他们表演拿手戏。在饭馆的柜台上放着一只总是装满鸡蛋的铁丝篮子。他想到要为顾客取乐的时候,那篮鸡蛋一定就在眼前。他思想的发展和鸡蛋密切相关,这似乎是先天决定的。总而言之,是一只鸡蛋毁了他对生活的新的激情。一天夜里,我被父亲喉咙里发出的一声怒吼声惊醒了。我和母亲都从床上直坐了起来。母亲用颤抖的手点亮了床头桌上的灯。楼下饭馆的前门“ 砰”地一声关上了,几分钟后,父亲咚咚地上楼来了。他手中握着一只鸡蛋,抖得像在打冷颤。他眼中射出一种近似疯狂的目光。5 Translate the following into Engl

7、ish(西北大学 2005 研,考试科目:英汉、汉英翻译理论与实践)大陆和台湾同属一个中国。中国是两岸同胞的中国,是两岸同胞的共同家园。任何制造所谓“台湾独立 ”、“两个中国”、“一中一台” 的分裂图谋和行为,均为两岸同胞所反对。两岸“ 三通” ,是两岸同胞共同利益之所在,也是两岸交往不断扩大的必然要求,不应受到任何人为因素和政治因素的阻碍。我们希望尽快实现两岸全面“三通”,以开创两岸经济合作新局面,造福于两岸同胞。基于上述基本立场,我们重申关于两岸“ 三通” 的政策与主张。6 水清木华 90 载,清华发散着独特的精神魅力。这里治学严谨、学风浓郁,有着良好的学术水平和教学质量。清华大学现有教职

8、工约 7,500 人,其中中科院院士25 名、中国工程院院士 24 名,正高级职务 1,100 多人,副高级职务 1,800 多人。清华大学所传承的是培养具有“为国家社会服务之健全品格” 的人才的教育理念,建校至今,她共培养了近 10 万名毕业生,其中包括一批又一批中华民族引以为豪的学术大师、兴业之才和治国之才。清华大学一直是全国最优秀考生心向往之所在,目前,清华在校全日制学生 25,000 多名,其中本科生 14,000 多名,硕士生7,400 多名,博士生 3,700 多名。作为国家重点支持的高校,今天的清华大学面临着前所未有的历史机遇。跻身二十一世纪世界一流大学行列已成为今天全体清华人的

9、努力方向。“自强不息,厚德载物”的清华精神必将濡染着一代又一代的清华人,为我们民族的崛起与腾飞奋斗不止。7 嗟夫!予尝求古仁人之心,或异二者之为。何哉?不以物喜,不以己悲。居庙堂之高,则忧其民;处江湖之远,则忧其君。是进亦忧,退亦忧。然则何时而乐耶?其必曰:“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐” 欤。8 Translation from Chinese into English(西安电子科技大学 2008 研,考试科目:英语语法与翻译)兴教寺是我国古代著名翻译家、旅行家玄奘法师长眠之地,位于西安城南约 20公里处。玄奘从印度取经回来后,倾注全部心血译经 19 年,不幸积劳成疾于公元 663 年圆寂

10、于玉华宫(在今陕西铜川市)。玄奘去世后,遗体运回长安,安葬在东郊白鹿原上。白鹿原地势很高,站在皇宫内的含元殿就能看到。高宗十分敬重玄奘,当初听到玄奘逝世的噩耗,曾罢朝致哀,连连哀叹:“朕失国宝矣。” 因此每当看到白鹿原上玄奘的茔墓,高宗都禁不住心伤泪下。他想长期这样下去必然有损自己的身体健康,于是诏令将玄奘的遗骨于公元 669 年迁葬到远离长安城的少陵原上,同时修建了寺院。唐肃宗为玄樊的舍利塔亲自题写了塔额“兴教” 二字。意思是要继承玄奘的事业,大兴佛教。从此,这个寺院就叫做兴教寺。唐末,兴教寺因战乱被烧毁,唯一幸存的玄奘和他俩位弟子的舍利塔,现在的兴教寺是 1922 年和 1939 年重修的

11、。建国后,人民政府又多次拨款整修这座唐代名刹。现在兴教寺是全国重点文物保护单位。大雄宝殿内的铜像是明代遗物。另一玉佛是缅甸赠送的。佛像前的点心、炸食都是当地群众来寺院上香时摆的供品。我国宪法明文规定,公民有信仰宗教的自由,因而兴教寺香火四季不断。9 Translate the following passage into English(西安外国语大学 2008 研,考试科目:英语专业基础)说到书,我很动情。因为它给我带来温暖,我对它满怀感激。书是我青春的恋人,中年的知己,暮年的伴侣。有了它,我就不再怕人情冷暖,世态炎凉。它使我成为精神世界的富翁,我愿意成为十足的“书迷” 和“书痴”,可惜还不

12、够条件。我不能设想,没有书的世界是什么样的世界。10 Translate each of the following texts into English Accuracy,clarity and readability will be major considerations in the marking and scoring process(西安外国语大学2006 研,考试科目:翻译理论与实践)孟子日:“ 鱼,我所欲也,熊掌亦我所欲也;二者不可兼得,舍鱼而取熊掌者也。生亦我所欲也,义亦我所欲也;二者不可得兼,舍生而取义者也”。11 朔方的雪花在纷飞之后,却永远如粉,如沙,它们决不粘连,撒

13、在屋上,地上,枯草上,就是这样。屋上的雪是早已有消化了的,因为屋里居人的火的温热。别的,在晴天之下,旋风忽来,便蓬勃地奋飞,在日光中灿灿地生光,如包藏火焰的大雾,旋转而且升腾,弥漫太空,使太空旋转而且升腾地闪烁。12 上个世纪 70 年代末以来,中国经济持续增长,综合国力不断增强,13 亿中国人民的生活不断改善。2004 年,世界经济实现了近 30 年来最快的增长,亚太地区经济增长也创造了 2000 年以来的最高水平,中国经济增长 94。2004 年,中国的进出口总额比 3 年前翻了一番,达到 11,548 亿美元;进口总额 5,614 亿美元,比 3 年前增长近一倍,其中,同亚太地区成员的贸

14、易额为 7,600 亿美元,占中国进出口总额的 727。截至 2004 年底,中国累计实际利用外资额达到 7,453 亿美元,批准外商投资企业 50 多万个。1990 年至 2004 年,在华外资企业利润汇出额达到 2,506 亿美元。事实表明,中国经济的发展,不仅造福中国人民,也为世界各国提供了更多的投资机会和更广阔的市场,正在成为亚太地区和世界经济增长的重要推动。13 中国政府在台湾问题上的立场是一贯的,即坚持“和平统一、一国两制” 的基本方针。为此,我们尽了一切努力,显示了最大的诚意,做了许多工作。但是,我们的努力受到了来自台湾当局“台独” 势力的挑衅。我们尊重台湾人民的民主要求,但我们

15、反对台湾当局和“ 台独 ”势力假借民主之名搞 “台独”活动,把台湾从祖国分割出去。我们之所以清楚地表明我们维护祖国统一的决心与意志,就是要维护台海地区的和平与稳定。我们已表示,只要有一线希望,就会尽最大努力以和平方式实现祖国的统一。14 Translate the following into English(山东大学 2002 研,考试科目:翻译与写作)翻译者对文字的解法与译法不外两种,就是以字为主体与以句为主体。前者可称为“字译”;后者可称为“句译”。我们可以明确决定地说,句译是对的,字译是不对的,因为句译家对于字义是当活的看,是认一句为结构有组织的东西,是有集中的句义为全句的命脉;一句中

16、的字义是互相连贯互相结合而成一“总意义” ,此总意义须由活看字义和字的连贯上得来。译者对于原文有字字了解而无字字译出之责任。译者所忠实的不是原文的零字,乃零字所组成的语意。15 酒店内有一百零六座别墅,七座总统套房。濒临海湾,环境憩静,花园小径,绿草如茵。供家庭式度假小住有一厅二房;供团体人住有一厅六房;更有高级豪华双人房六十间。设备先进,服务周到,宾至如归。16 Turn the following passage into English(山东师范大学 2009 研,考试科目:基础英语)最令人触目惊心的一件事,是看着钟表上的秒针一下一下地移动,每移动一下就是表示我们的寿命已经缩短了一部分。

17、再看看墙上挂着的可以一张张撕下的日历,每天撕下一张就是表示我们的寿命又短了一天。因为时间即生命。没有人不爱惜他的生命,但很少人珍视他的时间。如果想在有生之年做一点什么事,学一点什么学问,充实自己,帮助别人,使生命成为有意义,不虚此生,那么就不可浪费光阴。这道理人人都懂,可是很少人真能积极不懈的善为利用他的时间。17 Turn the following passage into English(山东师范大学 2008 研,考试科目:基础英语)说到书,我很动感情。因为它给我带来温暖,我对它满怀感激。书是我的恩师。贫穷剥夺了我童年的幸福,把我关在学校大门的外面,是书本敞开了它宽厚的胸脯,接纳了我,

18、给我以慷慨的哺育。没有书,就没有我的今天。书是我的良友。它给我一把金钥匙,诱导我打开浅短的视界,愚昧的头脑,闭塞的心灵。它从不吝惜对我帮助。书是我青春期的恋人,中年的知己,暮年的伴侣。有了它,我就不再愁寂寞,不再怕人情冷暖,世态炎凉。它使我成为精神世界的富翁。我真的是“不可一日无此君”。当我忙完了,累极了;当我愤怒时,苦恼时,我就想亲近它,因为这是一种绝妙的安抚。书本是太阳、空气、雨露。我不能设想没有书的世界是什么样的世界。18 Turn the following passage into English(山东师范大学 2007 研,考试科目:基础英语)二十年来,我生活费中至少十分之一二是消

19、耗在书上的。我的房子里比较贵重的东西就是书。我一向没有对于任何问题作高深研究的野心,因之所买的书范围较广,宗教、艺术、文学、社会、哲学、历史、生物,各方面差不多都有一点。最多的是各国文学名著的译本,与本国古来的诗文集,别的门类只是些概论等类的入门书而已。我不喜欢向别人或图书馆借书。借来的书,在我好像过不来瘾似的,必要时自己买的书才满足。这也可谓是一种占有的欲望。买到了几册新书,一册一册地加盖藏书印记,我最感到快悦的是这时候。19 Translate the following into good and natural English婚姻的事关联到家族系统的维系,财产的承继,秘方、秘技的传授和

20、社会地位之确保这些元素。所以,在中古时代,英国、法国和意大利的上等家庭,即令配偶不当,也是不大欢迎自由恋爱的。王室恋爱自由的范围更是小得可怜。在中国的传统婚姻里,男女双方当事人的感情因素向来是不在考虑之列的。当事人的婚姻,除非作“司马相如之奔 ”,是不能自主的,而须由 “父母之命,媒妁之言”来决定。20 Translate the following passage into English(中国海洋大学 2006 研,考试科目:综合英语)故君子耻不修,不耻见污;耻不信,不耻不见信;耻不能,不耻不见用。是以不诱于誉,不巩于诽,率道而行,端然正已。不为物倾侧,夫是之谓诚君子。21 范仲淹少年时代

21、读书非常刻苦,常常一人彻夜伴灯苦读。清贫的生活并没有动摇他矢志求学的决心,他在书本中寻找生活的乐趣。为了见更大的世面,向名师求教,和饱学之士交游,他二十三岁时来到宋代著名的四大书院之一应天府书院。范仲淹在这里向名师请教,和许多同学相互切磋,大量地阅读了书院丰富的藏书,顿觉眼界大开。这一时期的学习生活为他以后成为一个精通儒家经典、博学多才又擅长诗文的学者奠定了基础。22 Translate the following passage into English余杭县一个姓贺的书生,素有才华,很有名气,只是家境不太富裕。他一向倾慕瑞云,本不敢梦想同效鸳鸯,听得她见客了,也竭力筹措了一份薄礼,希望能一

22、睹芳容。他暗自担心瑞云看的人多了,不把穷书生放在眼里;等到见面一谈,她却接待得很殷勤,坐着说了好久话,眉目之中含情脉脉。还作了一首诗送给他,诗中写道:“何事求浆者,蓝桥叩晓关? 有心寻玉杵(jade pestle),端只在人间。” 诗里用了唐传奇“裴航遇仙 ”的典故:裴航在蓝桥驿讨茶水喝,看上了美丽的少女云英,向她祖母求亲,老妇人非要他找到玉杵臼为聘不可;裴航最后找到了玉杵臼,娶了云英。贺生得到这首诗,高兴得发狂,再想说些话,忽然小丫头来告诉“客到” ,贺生匆忙之中就告别了。23 Translate the following paragraph into English然而,很少有人从书中去

23、了解读书可以给予我们什么东西。通常,我们在读书时思路不清,心怀抵触,要求小说应该真实,要求诗歌应该虚假,要求传记应该吹捧,要求史书应该执行我们的各种偏见。如果读书能够摒除所有这些先人之见,那将是值得赞赏的开始。切勿对作者颐指气使,努力去适应他。要与他合作,合伙创作。如果从一开始就踌躇不前,甚至横加批评,你只会阻碍自己从所读书籍中获取最大的价值。相反,如果你尽可能敞开心扉,你就能从最初语句中的曲折起伏捕捉到几乎难以觉察到的信号和暗示,从而直面一位不同寻常的人。英语专业基础英语(翻译)历年真题试卷汇编 32 答案与解析一、翻译1 【正确答案】 Sport, as a cultural phenom

24、enon, plays an increasingly important role in contemporary life. More and more people concern about it, which forms the enthusiasm for sports culture. So what is it the connotation of sports culture?Culture is the sum of material and spiritual wealth in the development of mankind. Sports culture is

25、not only one kind of the whole human culture, but also a pretty special kind. Most of other types of culture form different cultural circles because of the barriers of national, ethnic, religious and other factors. Like films, a lot of audience, and international awards, but for the film awards, its

26、 always subject to the judges personal awareness. Its difficult to have a clear objective criteria. But sport has common rules and a common sport language. Sports can truly reflect the principle of fair competition, which makes it welcomed by more and more people. The sports of Olympic spirit is acc

27、epted by the people around the world.2 【正确答案】 A young man had been carrying the torch for a girl. This girl was his colleague. They worked in the same office.The young man was introvert and ineloquent, so he did not know how to express his love to the girl. He was engaged in science and engineering,

28、 which is closely related to the technical work and graph. So it was difficult for him to write a wonderful love letter. There was no flower shop in this small town. Therefore, sending flowers, which was popularly broadcast on televisions and movies were out of the question. As for telling the girl

29、straight out, “ I love you“ , the man didnt dare to do so.Generally speaking, such a young man was a hopeless suitor. However, in fact, after one year, they got married. There was someone who wanted to learn something from him, he said, “ Every day, the first thing that I do is to help her wipe the

30、desk, and then make a cup of green tea for her. There is something wrong with her stomach, thus I often put some stomach medicine on her desk. In the beginning, she didnt know that all these things that I had done for her, as time went by, she gradually understood everything. Its that simple. “3 【正确

31、答案】 At first, she held a skeptical attitude toward the washing machine, for it consumed a lot of hot water and soap, but it couldnt make the clothes clean. She couldnt help thinking about how happy she once was beside the fountain in the small town. Together with her friends, they washed the clothes

32、 as clean as the new ones while chatting. However, this machine seemed to gradually get her favorable impression. This was a machine after all, which can do the work automatically without stop. She thought it was wonderful: a machine can remember so many things and it will promise what you demand, a

33、lways waiting there. It was also wonderful with the dish-washing machine. You could wear the clothes suitable for going out at night. The water would never make your gloves wet at all. When the mistress was absent, and the children had gone to school, she would put the dirty clothes into the washing

34、 machine, and turned it on, and then put the dishes into another machine and turned it on, after that, she would put pieces of spicy ham veals onto electric fry pan and turned it on. Then she could sit in front of the TV and watched it in the drawing room. She could hear all the machines working aro

35、und her. It made her feel pleased and in possession of dominant power.4 【正确答案】 During two or three weeks, fathers ideas permeated the whole family. We dont talk much, yet in daily life, we try to greet with a broad smile, instead of pulling a long face. Our mother entertained the guests with smile,

36、which influenced me so much that I even pretend to smile in front of my cat. Our father was eager to make others pleased. With no doubt, he had some sense of humor like comedic actors. He performed naturally when the train workers came to visit us. But he was likely to wait for the young boys and gi

37、rls in the town, he would perform his best tricks. There was an iron wired basket full of eggs on the counter of the restaurant. When he was ready to please the guests, the basket must be in front of him. His ideas were closely related to the eggs, which seemed to be doomed. In a word, it was also a

38、n egg that ruined his new passion towards life. One night I was awaked by an angry shout from my father. My mother and I sat up. My mother turned on the light near the bed with her palsied hands. The door in the restaurant downstairs was heavily closed. Few minutes later, my father angrily went up.

39、He held an egg in his hand, shaking, with a madness in his eyes.5 【正确答案】 The Mainland and Taiwan are all parts of China. China belongs to the people on both sides, a big family of compatriots on both shores. Any deeds which aim to make“Taiwan Independence“ , “Two Chinas“ , “One China, One Taiwan“ ,

40、will be objected by both sides. “Three Direct Links“ of two sides is involved with the benefits of both shores. It is also a necessary demand for both sides to communicate, which should not be prevented by any political factors or forces. We hope to realize it as soon as possible to promote the coop

41、eration of both shores. For above reasons, we restate the policy and position of “Three Direct Links“.6 【正确答案】 It has been 90 years since the foundation of Tsinghua University. It has special quality to attract people. It has fine tradition of scholarship, with high academic level and education qual

42、ity. There are 7, 500 teaching and administrative members at present, which includes 25 members of CAS, 24 members of CAE. 1, 100 of them are full professors, and 1, 800 are associate professors.Tsinghua University bears the concept of cultivating the perfect character of the students for the nation

43、al and social services. From the beginning of its foundation, it has more than 100, 000 graduates, including many excellent people whom we are proud of, working in the fields of science, business and politics now. It has always been the place where all the best students want to go. At present, there

44、 are more than 25, 000 full-time students in TsinghuaUniversity, including 14, 000 undergraduates, more than 7, 400 postgraduates and more than 3, 700 doctors.As an university that received a key national support, the present Tsinghua University is facing the unprecedented opportunity. Joining the r

45、anks of the world-class universities of 21st century is what Tsinghua is looking for. “Self-improvement and being generous“ is the spirit that inspires them generation by generation. They are on their way to promote the development of Chinese people.7 【正确答案】 I ever sought for the generosity and nobl

46、eness of the ancient people. Maybe I hold a different attitude toward them, but why? I wont feel happy or sad about the physical article or the benefits. Being an official, one should worry about the life of his people, while being a common person, One should worry about the sovereign. Since people

47、will feel anxious whether they are officials or common people, when shall they feel happy? “Be the first to bear hardships, and the last to enjoy comforts. “8 【正确答案】 Xingjiao Temple is the final resting place of Master Xuan Zang, the ancient translator and traveler, 20 kilometers away from the south

48、 of Xian city.After going on a pilgrimage for Buddhist scriptures from India, Xuan Zang has devoted himself to translating the scriptures for 19 years. It was a pity that he was so tired that he died in Yuhua Palace(Tongchuan city of Shannxi Province)in 663 A. D. After he passed away, his remains wa

49、s sent back to Changan and buried in Bailu Garden of the east. Bailu Park lies in a high location, which can be seen from Hanyuan Palace of the imperial palace. Emperor Gao Zong respected Xuan Zang very much. When he first got the news that Xuan Zang had passed away, he refused to go to hold levee and showed his sadness. He said, “We lost a genius. “So from then on, whenever he saw Xuan Zangs grave, he couldnt help dropping tears. Then he realized that if he always did like this, it would be harmful to his health. So he ordered to move the remains of

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