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本文([考研类试卷]英语专业(英美文学)模拟试卷8及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(confusegate185)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、英语专业(英美文学)模拟试卷 8 及答案与解析一、填空题1 Jonathan Swifts famous prose work_is a satirical dialogue between the Ancients and the Moderns in the character of the Bee and the Spider.2 _is William Blakes most important prose work, which is the manifesto of his spiritual independence.3 Modern English novel arose in

2、 the_century.4 _was a progressive intellectual movement going on throughout Europe in the 18th century.5 Dr. Primrose is the central character of the novel_.6 The cross that Crusoe erects on the island serves_.7 The English novel as a genre began to prosper in the_century.8 John Bunyans style was mo

3、deled after that of the English_, with concrete and living language and carefully observed and vividly presented details.9 The Rape of the Lock by Pope is written in the form of a mock_, which describes the triviality of high society in a grand style.10 In England, Neoclassicism was initiated by Dry

4、den, culminated in Pope, and continued by_.11 The_of the 1930s greatly weakened the American nations self-confidence.12 In 1920, Sinclair Lewis published his memorable denunciation of American small-town Provincialism in_.13 The_County is a legendary kingdom created by Faulkner.14 Pound was the lead

5、er of a new movement in poetry which he called the “_“ movement.15 After his death, Stevens previously uncollected works appeared in the title of_.16 In 1954, Hemingway was awarded a_for his “mastery of the art of modern narration“.17 Fitzgeralds first novel_, with its portrayal of casual dissipatio

6、ns of “flaming youth“, was an immediate commercial success.18 _is the first American to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature, but still he is called the worst important writer in American literature.19 _had been called “the first step that American fiction has taken since Henry James“ by T. S. Eli

7、ot.20 _combined traditional verse forms with a clear American local speech rhythm, forming his own characteristic.二、名词解释21 Elegy22 Allegory23 Parable24 Didactic25 Neoclassicism26 The Lost Generation27 Anti-novel28 Hemingway Hero29 Impressionism30 Jazz age三、单项选择题31 Which of the following is NOT found

8、 in comedy of manners with Sheridans The School for Scandal as the best representative work?(A)Wit.(B) Mistaken identity.(C) Sentimentalism.(D)Dialogue.32 In the lines “With gold and jewels cover every part, /And hide with ornaments their want of art“(An Essay on Criticism), Pope rejects_.(A)the “Fo

9、llow Nature“ fallacy(B) artificiality(C) good taste(D)aesthetic order33 Daniel Defoe describes _as a typical English middle-class man of the eighteenth century, the very prototype of the empire builder or the pioneer colonist.(A)Tom Jones(B) Gulliver(C) Moll Flanders(D)Robinson Crusoe34 “To be so di

10、stinguished is an honor, which, being very little accustomed to favors from the great, I know not well how to receive, or in what terms to acknowledge.“ The above quoted sentence is presented by Samuel Johnson with a(n)_tone.(A)delightful(B) jealous(C) ironic(D)humorous35 _is a typical feature of Sw

11、ifts writings.(A)Bitter satire(B) Elegant style(C) Casual narration(D)Complicated sentence structure36 The Pilgrims Progress by John Bunyan is often said to be concerned with the search for_.(A)material wealth(B) spiritual salvation(C) universal truth(D)self-fulfillment37 Of all the 18th century nov

12、elists Henry Fielding was the first to set out, both in theory and practice, to write specifically a “_in prose“, the first to give the modern novel its structure and style.(A)tragic epic(B) comic epic(C) romance(D)lyric epic38 The Houyhnhnms depicted by Jonathan Swift in Gullivers. Travels are_.(A)

13、horses that are endowed with reason(B) pigmies that are endowed with admirable qualities(C) giants that are superior in wisdom(D)hairy, wild, low and despicable creatures, who resemble human beings not only in appearance but also in some other ways39 Here are four lines from a literary work: “Others

14、 for language all their care express, and value books, as women men, for dress.“ The work is_.(A)Thomas Grays Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard(B) John Miltons Paradise Lost(C) Alexander Popes An Essay on Criticism(D)Shakespeares Midsummer Nights Dream40 The phrase “To urge people to abide by Ch

15、ristian doctrines and to seek salvation through constant struggles with their own weaknesses and all kinds of social evils“ may well sum up the implied meaning of_ .(A)Gullivers Travels(B) The Rape of the Lock(C) Robinson Crusoe(D)The Pilgrims Progress41 Jonathan Swifts Gullivers Travels is the grea

16、test_work in English literature.(A)realistic(B) satiric(C) romantic(D)sentimental42 The 18th century England is known as the_in the history.(A)Romanticism(B) Enlightenment(C) Classicism(D)Renaissance43 “Now fades the glimmering landscape on the sight, And all the air a solemn stillness holds, Save w

17、here the beetle wheels his droning flight, And drowsy tinklings lull the distant folds;“ The above stanza is taken from_.(A)Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard(B) The Passionate Shepherd to His Love(C) Hamlet(D)Paradise Lost44 The following comments on John Bunyan are wrong EXCEPT_.(A)He was a sto

18、ut Puritan.(B) Bunyans works belong to Gothic novels.(C) Bunyans style is different from that of the English Bible.(D)A Modest Proposal is his representative work.45 “Hold! See whether it is or not before you go to the door I have a particular message for you if it should be my brother.“ The two sen

19、tences are found in_.(A)The Scheming Lieutenant(B) Wuthering Heights(C) The School for Scandal(D)The Rivals46 Statement“_“ is NOT true in describing Gothic novel.(A)Gothic novel is a type of romantic fiction(B) Gothic novel predominated in the early 18th century(C) Its principal elements are violenc

20、e, horror and supernatural(D)The Mysteries of Udolpho by Ann Radcliffe is typical Gothic romance47 _is the most successful religious allegory in the English language.(A)The Rivals(B) The Pilgrims Progress(C) The Life and Death of Mr. Badman(D)Paradise Lost48 Among the representatives of the Enlighte

21、nment, who was the first to introduce rationalism to England?(A)John Bunyan.(B) Daniel Defoe.(C) Jonathan Swift.(D)Alexander Pope.49 Fielding has been termed by some as “_“, for his contribution to the establishment of the form of the modern novel.(A)Best Writer of the English Novel(B) Father of the

22、 English Novel(C) conventional writer of the English Prose(D)the most talented writer of the English Novel50 Which of the following statements on The Neoclassical Period is NOT true?(A)The Neoclassical Period is prior to the Romantic Period.(B) Henry Fielding is one of the representatives of the Neo

23、classical Period.(C) The modern English novel came into being in the Neoclassical Period.(D)The Neoclassical Period is also known as the Age of Enlightenment.51 Which of the following is NOT a typical feature of Samuel Johnsons language style?(A)His sentences are long and well-structured.(B) His sen

24、tences are interwoven with parallel phrases.(C) He tends to use informal and colloquial words.(D)His sentences are complicated, but his thoughts are clearly expressed.52 Samuel Johnson was the_great neoclassicist enlightener in the later 18th century.(A)last(B) only(C) first(D)merely53 In Elegy Writ

25、ten in a Country Churchyard, Thomas Gray reveals his sympathy for_, but mocks the great ones who despise them and bring havoc on them.(A)the middle class(B) the landlords(C) the poor and the unknown(D)the working class54 Which of the following comments on the Enlightenment Movement is NOT true?(A)It

26、 advocated individual education.(B) The purpose of the movement was to enlighten the whole world.(C) The Enlightenment Movement flourished in France.(D)The Enlightenment Movement was a furtherance of the Renaissance.55 In the first part of Gullivers Travels, Gulliver told his experience in_.(A)Lilli

27、put(B) Brobdingnag(C) Houyhnhnm(D)England56 In the theatrical world of the neoclassical period,_was the leading figure among the host of playwrights.(A)Richard Bringsley Sheridan(B) George Bernard Shaw(C) Ben Johnson(D)William Blake57 Alexander Pope strongly advocated_, emphasizing that literary wor

28、ks should be judged by classical rules of order, reason, logic, restrained emotion, good taste and decorum.(A)neoclassicism(B) sentimentalism(C) idealism(D)romanticism58 The following comments on Daniel Defoe are true EXCEPT “_“.(A)In his novels, his sympathy for the downtrodden, unfortunate poor is

29、 shown(B) He was a member of the upper class(C) Robinson Crusoe is universally considered his masterpiece(D)Robinson Crusoe is his first novel59 The Dunciad is generally considered to be Popes best_work.(A)praising(B) allegorical(C) satiric(D)fabulous60 “The boast of heraldry, the pomp of power, And

30、 all that beauty, all that wealth eer gave, Awaits alike the inevitable hour. The paths of glory lead but to the grave.“ In the above quoted stanza, Thomas Gray tries to say that great family, power, beauty and wealth_.(A)will never prevent people no matter who they are from reaching their final des

31、tinationgrave(B) are the very best things to lead people to their glories(C) will inevitably make people realize their glorious dreams(D)will never make people lead to the same destinationpaths of glory61 _, disregarding grammar and punctuation, always used “i“ instead of “I“ to refer to himself as

32、a protest against self-importance.(A)Wallace Stevens(B) E. E. Cummings(C) Robert Frost(D)William Carlos Williams62 Which of the following statements about writers in 1920s is TRUE?(A)F. Scott Fitzgerald received the Nobel Prize.(B) Most writers were politically radical.(C) Freudian psychology influe

33、nced many modern writers.(D)Mark Twain published his last and most important novel.63 _sought inspiration from the east in his poetry writing.(A)Walt Whitman(B) Emily Dickinson(C) T.S.Eliot(D)Ezra Pound64 Hemingway won his Nobel Prize for the book entitled_.(A)The Sun Also Rises(B) A Farewell to Arm

34、s(C) The Old Man and the Sea(D)For Whom the Bell Tolls65 Sherwood Anderson explores the motivations and frustrations of his fictional characters in terms of Freuds theory of psychology, particularly in one book entitled_.(A)Winesburg, Ohio(B) Babbit(C) The Grapes of Wrath(D)The Catcher in the Rye66

35、Sinclair Lewis Babbit presents a documentary picture of the narrow and limited_.(A)up-class mind(B) middle-class mind(C) proletarian(D)ordinary people67 William Faulkners works mainly concern the American_.(A)New England(B) Mid West(C) South(D)West68 A typical modern work will NO longer have ONE of

36、the following statements as its trademark, that is, a_ .(A)record of sequence and coherence(B) book that begins arbitrarily, advances without explanation, and end without solution(C) juxtaposition of the past and present, of the history and memory(D)book of fragments drawn from diverse areas of expe

37、rience69 Statement“_“ is NOT true in describing Ezra Pound.(A)He is a leading spokesman of the “Imagist Movement“(B) His famous one-image poem In a Station of the Metro would serve as a typical example of the Imagist ideas(C) A Pact is his masterpiece(D)He was politically controversial70 The leading

38、 playwright of the modern period in American literature, if not the most successful in all his experiments, is_.(A)Arthur Miller(B) Tennessee William(C) George Bernard Shaw(D)Eugene ONeil71 _is not among those greatest figures in modern American literature.(A)Ezra Pound(B) Robert Frost(C) Walt Whitm

39、an(D)William Carlos Williams72 From Eugene ONeils works, we can see he is_.(A)a man of apathy(B) a man of inactivity(C) a man of pessimism(D)a man of optimism73 F. Scott Fitzgerald is NOT the author of_.(A)The Great Gatsby(B) In Our Time(C) Tender is the Night(D)This Side of Paradise74 The Hemingway

40、 Code heroes are best remembered for their_.(A)indestructible spirit(B) pessimistic view of life(C) war experiences(D)masculinity75 As he is a leading spokesman of the “Imagist Movement“,_famous one-image poem In a Station of the Metro would serve as a typical example of the imagist ideas.(A)T. S. E

41、liots(B) Robert Frosts(C) Ezra Pounds(D)Wallace Stevenss76 Which of the following statements about Faulkner is NOT true?(A)Indian Camp is Faulkners masterpiece.(B) Almost all his heroes turn out to be tragic.(C) Most of Faulkners works are set in the American South, with his emphasis on the Southern

42、 subjects and consciousness.(D)Faulkner has always been regarded as a man with great might of invention and experimentation.77 Robert Frost is a regional poet in the sense that his poems depict mostly_.(A)the frontier life(B) the sea adventures(C) Puritan community(D)the landscape and people in New

43、England78 In A Rose for Emily, Faulkner makes best use of the_devices in narration.(A)Romantic(B) Realistic(C) Gothic(D)Modernist79 Which of the following works by Faulkner involves Shakespearean allusion in its title?(A)The Sound and the Fury(B) Light in August(C) Absalom, Absalom!(D)Go Down, Moses

44、80 Apart from the dislocation of time and the modern stream-of-consciousness, the other narrative techniques Faulkner used to construct his stories include_, symbolism and mythological and biblical allusions.(A)multiple points of views(B) first person point of view(C) expressionism(D)impressionism81

45、 In a class, which discusses the Imagist Movement in the United States, we will definitely NOT include_.(A)William Carlos Williams(B) Ezra Pound(C) Ernest Hemingway(D)Wallace Stevens82 “A week later the mayor wrote her himself, offering to call or to send his car for her, and received in reply a not

46、e on paper of an archaic shape, in a thin, flowing calligraphy in faded ink, to the effect that she no longer went out at all. The tax notice was also enclosed, without comment.“ The above two sentences must be taken from_.(A)Irvings story The Legend of Sleepy Hollow(B) Jamess story Daisy Miller(C)

47、Faulkners story A Rose for Emily(D)Hemingways story Indian Camp83 Lots of people rushed to Gatsbys party at the weekend and they clustered around Gatsbys wealth like_.(A)gluttons(B) flies(C) insects(D)moths84 Chinese poetry and philosophy have exerted great influence over_.(A)Ralph Waldo Emerson(B)

48、Emily Dickinson(C) Robert Frost(D)Ezra Pound85 Of the following American writers,_has not won the Nobel Prize.(A)William Faulkner(B) Ernest Hemingway(C) F. Scott Fitzgerald(D)John Steinbeck86 Fitzgeralds fictional world is the best embodiment of the spirit of_.(A)the Jazz Age(B) the Romantic Period(C) the Renaissance Period(D)the Neoclassical Period87 Which of the following comments on the novel The Great Gatsby is NOT true?(A)The Great Gatsby is a novel that is set against the ending of the war.(B) Gatsby i

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