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1、英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编 103 及答案与解析汉译英1 香港虽为弹丸之地,但却是七百多万市民的安居之所。人境处时刻守在最前线,为香港、为市民尽心把关,在各个管制站执行有效的出入境管制;在本地打击非法劳工及违反入境条例的罪行;并且积极与其他地方的执法机关合作,共同打击跨境偷渡及行使伪证等行为,致力维护香港的治安及稳定。此外,入境处亦为市民提供多元化的服务,包括签发高度防伪的身份证和旅行证件;及办理出生、死亡和婚姻登记等。由此可见,入境处的工作,与香港社会及市民的生活的确息息相关。选自香港保安局局长在入境事务学院结业会操致辞2 中国坚定不移地走和平发展道路。我们立足于自身发展,不搞侵略扩张,不

2、搞以邻为壑,更不会走“ 国强必霸 ”的传统大国崛起的老路,而是真诚希望与世界各国和平共处,共同发展。我们不追求自己的利益最大化,而将认真实行互利共赢的开放战略。我们将继续为发展中国家提供力所能及的帮助,在平等互利的基础上与发达国家发展合作。当前,西方国家遇到一些困难,我们没有袖手旁观,而是尽可能提供支持,因为在全球化的时代,帮助别人就是帮助自己,合作是我们的唯一选择。3 广交会品牌展区是鼓励和引导企业转变外贸发展方式的重要示范平台。为进一步优化出口产品结构,推动外贸企业转型,本届广交会重新开展了品牌展区企业评审和品牌展位安排工作,并对品牌展区作适度扩容,设展位数 10447 个,占总展位数的

3、186。共有 1442 家企业进入品牌展区,比上一届增加 77 家。此外,本届还在细化优化展览现场服务、完善参展商和采购商个性化服务、提升餐饮服务水平、强化对特装布展施工单位的资质认证及现场管理等方面做了改进和完善。来自法国、美国、丹麦、芬兰、日本、新西兰等 6 个国家的 11 家跨国企业将进驻广交会跨国采购服务区。4 制药行业的全球化与人们的日常生活密切相关,在改善人类健康和与疾病的斗争中,也扮演着不可替代的角色。AAA 公司就是该行业的一个典范,它是全世界最具声望的公司之一。我认为,AAA 公司之所以如此令人瞩目和受人尊敬,原因是多方面的,其中固然包括它卓越的科研成就和出色的业务表现。然而

4、,AAA 胜人一筹、脱颖而出的真正原因在于该公司多年来一直非常重视社会责任和环境保护,并在这方面投入了大量的人力物力。5 思维与言语及其同一性问题一直是个争论不休的问题。胡塞尔(Husserl)认为有脱离任何表达形式的纯粹思维,德里达(Derrida)对此持批判的态度,维特根斯坦则坚持认为没有脱离言语的思维和思想。这些探讨主要集中于思维与言语表达这个层面,无法推进对思维与言语关系的说明,也无法在它们是否具有同一性的问题上获得共识。梅洛一庞蒂(Merleau-Ponty)表达现象学主张言语表达奠基于原初的身体表达身体姿势,而语言则是言语的历史沉淀。这些观点对研究思维与言语的关系及其同一性问题具有

5、推动作用,它们蕴含着这样的观点:思维是一种特殊形态的表达言语表达。同时也对研究聋哑人的思维,说明动物有无思维以及思维和思想的性质具有建设性和启发性的意义。英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编 103 答案与解析汉译英1 【正确答案】 Despite being only a small place, Hong Kong is the home of more than seven million people. Being Hong Kongs gatekeeper, the Immigration Department takes great effort in guarding our contr

6、ol points and enforcing effective immigration control. Besides, the department is tasked with combating illegal workers and immigration offenders, as well as actively co-operating with law enforcement agencies of other places to combat cross-boundary illegal migration and the use of forged documents

7、 so as to safeguard law and order in Hong Kong. The department also provides diversified services to Hong Kong residents, among which are the issuance of highly-secure identity cards and travel documents, and the processing of registration for births, deaths and marriages. It can be seen that the wo

8、rk of the department is indeed closely linked with the well-being of Hong Kong society and the livelihood of its residents.Speech at the Passing-out Parade of the Immigration Service by the Secretary for Security2 【正确答案】 China firmly commits to the path of peaceful development. Our focus is on our o

9、wn development. We will not repeat the beaten track of the rising powers in the past. And invasion, expansion, beggar-thy-neighbor policy and hegemony are not our options. Rather, we sincerely hope for peaceful coexistence and common development with all the countries in the world. We do not seek to

10、 maximize our own interests at the expense of others, but rather will carry out a win-win, opening-up strategy. We will continue to do what we can to help developing countries and, on the basis of e-quality and mutual benefit, work collaboratively with developed countries. As we speak, some western

11、countries have run into certain difficulties. Instead of standing by and blaming others, we have given as much support as we could. Why is that? Because in a globalised world, helping others is helping ourselves and cooperation is our only choice.3 【正确答案】 Brand Gallery of the Canton Fair serves as a

12、n important platform to encourage and lead the enterprises to change the mode of foreign trade development. To further optimize the structure of export products and promote the transformation of foreign trade enterprises, the assessment of exhibitors and the arrangement of the Brand Gallery is re-la

13、unched at this session. Moderate expansion of the Brand Gallery is also made. It accommodates 10,447 stands totally, taking up 18. 6% of the total stands. There are 1,442 enterprises in the Gallery, 77 more than that of the last session. In addition, the Canton Fair has seen adjustments and improvem

14、ents in terms of exhibition onsite services, tailored services for exhibitors and buyers, catering services, qulification authentication and on-site exhibition management of contractors of costume-built stands and etc. 11 multinationals from France, America, Denmark, Finland, Japan and New Zealand p

15、articipate in the Multinational Sourcing Service of the Canton Fair.4 【正确答案】 Globalization of the pharmaceutical industry is closely related to people s daily lives, and plays an irreplaceable role in the struggle with diseases and in improving human health. In my opinion , AAA Company is a successf

16、ul model of this industry, and one of the most prestigious companies in the world. AAA is impressive and respected for many reasons, which of course include its excellent scientific achievements and outstanding business performances. However, the true reason why AAA stands out is that the company ha

17、s been attaching great importance to social responsibility and environmental protection for many years, and has been putting a great deal of manpower and resources in this regard.5 【正确答案】 The issue of relationship between thinking and speech and their identity has long been highly polemical. Husserl

18、 argues that we can think without any kind of expression. Derrida disagrees with such a view, and Wittgenstein insists that thinking and thought cannot be divorced from speech. These discussions basically unfold on the level of thinking and expression by speech, and therefore are incapable of clarif

19、ying the relations between thinking and speech or reaching any consensus about whether these two processes are identical. The theory of phenomenology of expression proposed by Merleau-Ponty posits that speech is based on gestural expression, and that language is the sediment of speech. These ideas c

20、ontribute tremendously to the study of relations between thinking and speech and their identity, and they implicate that thinking is a special kind of expression expression by speech. And this view is constructive and enlightening for the study of such issues as deaf-mutes ways of thinking, whether or not animals can think, and the nature of thinking and thought.

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