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1、英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编 106 及答案与解析汉译英1 多数科学家相信,石油是由数万亿年之前亿万个生活在海洋里的微小动植物遗体的分解物形成的。在这些生物死亡之后,遗体即腐烂,经过数百万年之后,便在海洋底部形成了矿泥层;由于地壳运动的挤压和由此产生的热量的共同作用,这些矿泥层就变成了石油。石油分馏物(组成称为石油的混合物的东西)及其副产品多得不可胜数:有小汽车用的汽油,火车、公共汽车和载重卡车的柴油,航空汽油,各种发动机用的润滑油,发电站和轮船用的重油,铺路的沥青,制造塑料、合成纤维乃至合成食品的石油化学产品,等等。今天,没有石油产品的世界几乎是不可想象的。2 中国西部论坛秉承交流信息、聚合

2、智慧、共谋发展的宗旨,架起了一座让世界了解西部、让西部走向世界的桥梁,构建了一个世界与西部、东部与西部、西部与西都相互沟通、平等交流的平台。中国西部论坛随着西部大开发的启动而诞生,也将随着西部大开发的推进而延续。我相信各位极具创造精神、富有远见卓识的专家学者、企业家和政要们,必将为中国西部大开发提出宝贵的意见和建议,使中国西部论坛闪烁着智慧的光芒。3 互联网成为人们获取新闻信息的重要途径。中国的通讯社、报社、广播电台、电视台等利用资源优势和品牌优势开展网络新闻传播,满足人们的新闻信息需求,已形成人民网、新华网、央视网、中国广播网等一批综合新闻信息服务网站,不仅扩大了权威新闻信息传播的广度,而且

3、为传统媒体自身发展拓展了新的空间。一批著名的商业网站也成为人们获取新闻信息的重要渠道。据统计,80以上的网民主要依靠互联网获取新闻信息。网络媒体的发展不仅提高了新闻传播的时效性、有效性,而且在报道重要新闻事件中发挥了独特作用,充分满足了人们的信息需求。4 新疆维吾尔自治区地处中国西北边陲,亚欧大陆腹地,面积 16649 万平方公里,占中国国土面积的六分之一,陆地边境线 5600 公里,周边与 8 个国家接壤,是古丝绸之路的重要通道。据 2000 年统计,新疆人口为 1925 万人,其中汉族以外的其他民族为 109696 万人。新疆自古以来就是一个多民族聚居和多种宗教并存的地区,从西汉(公元前

4、206 年一公元 24 年)起成为中国统一的多民族国家不可分割的组成部分。5 维持生命必须的食物有三类。一是碳水化合物。碳水化合物广泛存在于动、植物,包括糖、淀粉及纤维分子(cellulose),为人类提供能量。碳水化合物还能合成生物过程所必须的葡萄糖和酶(enzymes)。二是脂肪。脂肪是比碳水化合物更为“浓缩”的食物能量,但是,它只作为储存能量而不是立即可用的能量。三是蛋白质。蛋白质是由含碳、氢、氧和氮元素的大分子组成的。蛋白质主要不是用于提供能量,而是组成生命所必须的结构物质。英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编 106 答案与解析汉译英1 【正确答案】 Most scientists beli

5、eve that crude oil is formed by the decomposed remains of countless billions of tiny plants and animals which lived in the sea tens of trillions of years ago. Once these creatures died, their bodies would decompose, and then formed slime layers in the deep sea millions of years later. With common re

6、action of the extrusion of the crustal movement and the resulting heat, these slime layers would become oil.Petroleum distillates (which form the mixture of oil) and its byproducts are innumerable, which include: gasoline for cars, diesel for trains, buses, cargo trucks, lubricating oil for all kind

7、s of engines , heavy fuel for power stations and ships, pitch for pacing, and petrochemicals for manufacturing plastics, synthetic fibre, or even fabricated food, etc. At present, it is hard to imagine a world without oil products.2 【正确答案】 The purpose of the Western Forum of China is to exchange the

8、 information, pool wisdom, and to promote cooperation for common development. The Forum will build a bridge for the world to know the western region and for this region to go to the world. It will also serve as a platform for communication between western and eastern China and within the region itse

9、lf. The Forum has come into being with the launching of the Western Development Program and will continue as development advances. I believe all of youinnovative and visionary scholars, business people, and political figureswill share with us your valuable ideas concerning the development of this re

10、gion. I am sure your contribution will make the Forum shine with wisdom.3 【正确答案】 The Internet has become an important channel for people to obtain news. Ever since its introduction to China, the Chinese people have been making full use of the Internet to disseminate news. The news agencies, newspape

11、r offices, radio and television stations in China have used their resources and brand advantages to carry out Internet news communication so as to meet the peoples needs for news, and a number of websites providing comprehensive news services, such as Peoples Daily Online, Xinhuanet, CCTV. com and C

12、NR. cn, have been set up, which has not only extended the reach of authoritative news, but also explored new space for the traditional medias own development. A number of well-known commercial websites have also become major channels for people to obtain news. According to statistics, over 80% of Ch

13、inas netizens mainly rely on the Internet for news. The development of the Internet media has not only enhanced the time-effectiveness and validity of news communication, but also played a unique role in the reporting of important news events, fully satisfying peoples needs for information.4 【正确答案】

14、In the hinterland of Eurasia, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is located in the border area of northwest China with an area of 1. 66 million square kilometers accounting for one sixth of the Chinese territory. As the vital passage of the ancient “ Silk Road“ , it adjoins eight countries along a

15、n international border of 5, 600 kilometers. According to statistics, in the year 2000 Xinjiang had a population of 19. 25 million, including 10. 9696 million people of other ethnic groups than the Han. Since ancient times, Xinjiang has always been a region where a number of races and religions exis

16、t side by side. Xinjiang has been an integral part of China, a unitary multinational state, since the Western Han Dynasty (206 B. C. -24 A. D).5 【正确答案】 Vital food falls into three categories. The first one is Carbohydrate. It exists widely in animals and plants and consists of sugar, starch and cell

17、ulose. Carbohydrate provides energy for people and also synthesizes glucose and enzymes necessary in biological process. The second one is fat. As a more “concentrated“ energy than carbohydrate, fat functions as stored energy instead of that which is instantly usable. The third one is protein. Composed of macromolecules containing carbon, hydrogen , oxygen, or nitrogen, protein is mainly employed to form structure or material necessary for life rather than to provide energy.

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