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1、英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编 97 及答案与解析汉译英1 中庸里面说:“ 好学近乎知,力行近乎仁,知耻近乎勇。” 这里所说的“知耻近乎勇”中的 “耻”其实是人之为人的一个文明指标。人类文明的表现之一是要有羞耻心,也可以叫“ 羞恶之心 ”。孟子讲:“无恻隐之心,非人也;无羞恶之心,非人也;无辞让之心,非人也;无是非之心,非人也。”侧隐之心,就是不忍,就是“恕” ,就是“己所不欲勿施于人”。辞让之心,就是文明礼貌;是非之心,就是社会的公平正义。而羞恶之心,就是“知耻” 。孟子说这四个方面是人的“ 四端” ,即做人的开始。没有这起码的四点,就不是“人”了,孟子称之为“非人”。孟子讲的“ 四端” 在今

2、天的意义,不需要多讲。当今社会,人和人之间的同情心都成了稀罕物了。见死不救仅仅是怕法律误判吗?我看主要是缺少“ 是非之心”,缺少正义感,缺少同情心,缺少悲悯之心。所以,如果讲当代社会大家共同的价值,我觉得应该是礼义廉耻。这四个字源自中国文化最基本的价值,应该成为今天全社会共认的价值。(刘梦溪)2 近年来,海淀区围绕高新技术产业的技术创新和公共科技服务需求,加速各种创新要素的聚集,不断完善科技服务业,基本形成了研发设计、成果转移转化、创新创业、科技金融和科技咨询等科技服务业的完整链条,有效的促进了科技成果的转化和产业化。主要概括为“五化” 。一、发挥科技资源密集的优势,以企业为主体,以市场为导向

3、,政产学研协同创新;二、鼓励和引导高校和科研院所通过技术转移中心和产业技术研究院的平台开展科技成果转化;三、培育和支持高新技术产业创新、创业服务新业态的发展,推动投资主体多元化、运行机制多样化的孵化器建设;四、进一步推动设立科技金融专营机构,集中力量聚焦战略性新兴产业领域,为轻资产的软件和信息服务等科技型企业提供全链条的金融支持;五、鼓励知识产权代理机构、信息咨询公司、会计事务所、法律事务所、投资和管理咨询等专业服务机构为科技型企业提供支持,推动其创新发展。3 中华的宇宙观“ 天人合一 ”见诸于文学是“物我交融”,主要理法是“ 比兴”。见诸于绘画是“贵在似与不似之间” ,主要理法是“外师造化,

4、内得心源”。在诗画历史影响下的中国园林,追求的境界就必然是“虽由人作,宛自天开。” 主要理法是由“比兴”衍生的“借景 ”。设计序列为明旨一立意一相地一布局一理微一余韵。在“人与天调”前提下肯定人的主观能动性,“人杰地灵” 、“景物因人成胜概”。凡风景必名胜是中国风景名胜区的特色。4 在人类历史的长河中,美术不仅给人民大众带来了美的享受,更是记载着一个国家、一个民族生生不息、延绵不绝的历史。我国的艺术市场要在国际市场中占有一席之地,首先要有高质量的产品,其次要有良好的信誉,第三要有善于营销的经营主体和人才。中国有着五千年的深厚文化底蕴,有着数百万计的艺术家队伍,有着旺盛的艺术创造力,也有着让世人

5、瞩目的许许多多的艺术奇珍。但是多年来,由于我们缺乏国际市场运作经验,缺少高素质的艺术经纪人队伍,因此,中国艺术家的优秀作品在国际市场上还没有实现艺术价值和商品价格的统一。随着国际交流活动日益增多,我们要抓住当前的大好机遇,努力打造一个讲诚信、重艺术的中国品牌,共同迎接艺术产业活跃繁荣的春天。(304 字)5 近年来,中国政府采取了一系列促进经济增长、改善民生的政策措施。我们千方百计促进就业,实行更加积极的就业政策,把促进高校毕业生就业放在突出位置,广开农民工就业门路和稳定现有就业岗位;帮助城镇就业困难人员、零就业家庭和灾区劳动力就业;大力支持自主创业、自谋职业,促进以创业带动就业;进一步改善针

6、对就业的公共服务。我们正式全面启动深化医疗卫生体制改革,包括加快推进基本医疗保障制度建设,建立国家基本药物制度,健全基层医疗卫生服务体系,促进基本公共卫生服务逐步均等化,争取 2020 年实现人人享有基本医疗卫生服务的目标。(252 字)英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编 97 答案与解析汉译英1 【正确答案】 The Doctrine of the Mean has it that: To be fond of learning is to be near to knowledge; to be arduous in work is to be near to benevolence; and t

7、o know shame is to be near to fortitude. Here, the “shame“ in the last sentence, in practice, is one of the criteria of being a civilized man. One sign of human civilization is to be ashamed of wrong or evil deeds. Mencius said: one without a sense of compassion fails as a man; one without a sense o

8、f shame fails as a man; one without a sense of reverence fails as a man; one without a sense of right and wrong also fails as a man.To have the sense of compassion is to have pity and forgiveness, i. e. do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you. To have a sense of reverence is to

9、be polite to others; to have a sense of right and wrong is to treat others fair and just in society; to have a sense of shame is to feel ashamed of wrongdoings. Mencius regards these four aspects as the four essential points of a man, which is also the prerequisite of being a man. One without the ba

10、sic four aspects fails as a man, whom Mencius thinks of as subhuman.The meaning of Menciuss four essential points in modern society is self-evident, when compassion becomes rare among people. Are those who leave others die without extending a helping hand simply being afraid of misjudgment in court?

11、 In my eyes, they, to a large extent, lack a sense of right and wrong. They have no sense of justice or compassion or sympathy. Therefore, when it comes to the values shared by modern society, I think they should be propriety, righteousness, integrity, and honour. The four words originate from the b

12、asic values of Chinese culture and should be shared by the whole society. (Liu Mengxi)2 【正确答案】 In recent years, focusing on the technological innovation of high-tech industry and public demand for sci-tech service, Haidian District of Beijing has speeded up the accumulation of various innovative ele

13、ments and continuously improved sci-tech service industry, and a complete chain system of sci-tech service industry that includes research and development, transformation and industrialization of scientific achievements, innovation and entrepreneurship, sci-tech finance and sci-tech consultation as

14、well as other sectors has basically taken shape, which has effectively promoted the transformation and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements. The effort taken by Haidian District can be summarized as the following five aspects: 1) it gives full play to its intensive science

15、and technology resources, and makes synergistic innovation of “ Industry-Academia-Re-search-Government“ with enterprise as the main body and being market-oriented; 2) it encourages and guides universities and research institutes to participate in the transformation of scientific achievements through

16、 the platform of technology transfer center and industrial technology academies ; 3) it fosters and supports the innovation of high-tech industry and development of new format of entrepreneurship service, and promotes the construction of incubator characterized by diversity of investors and diversif

17、ication of operational mechanism; 4) it continues to set up sci-tech finance specialized institutions and concentrates on strategic emerging industries, providing comprehensive financial support for sci-tech enterprises like assset-light software and information service industries; and 5) it attract

18、s the support from specialized service institutions like intellectual property right agencies, information consulting companies, accounting firms, law firms and investment and management consulting corporations for the innovative development of sci-tech enterprises.3 【正确答案】 Chinese hold the worldvie

19、w of “unity of human and nature“. In literature, it calls for harmony of human inner feelings and the secular world through the strategy of “Bi-Xing( analogy)“. And its spirit in Chinese painting lies in the vagueness between similarity and dissimilarity, which depends on both practice and inspirati

20、on. Owing to the influence of poetry and painting, classical Chinese garden also pursues the harmony between man and nature. The method used is called “ View Borrowing“ , a derivation from “Bi-Xing“. The pattern of garden design is generally referred to as “purport clearingtheme determinationsite pl

21、anningoverall arrangementmicro-adjustmentcharm lingering“. Besides, subjective initiative of individuals is affirmed under the premise of “harmony between human and nature“ in Chinese scenic spots, and it is agreed that the greatness of a man lends glory to a place. Therefore, one characteristics of

22、 Chinese scenic spots is that natural beauty and artificial work are inseparable.4 【正确答案】 In the long river of human history, art not only brings people a sense of enjoyment, but also record the everlasting vitality and continuous succession of the history of a country and a nation.To make our art m

23、arket take a place in the international market, we must firstly ensure high quality products and then hold a good reputation; thirdly, there have to be operators and talents excellent in marketing. China, an ancient country of profound cultural deposits for more than 5000 years, possesses a team of

24、millions of artists with vigorous creativity and a great many amazing well-known art But for many years, due to the lack of international market operational experience and high quality art brokers, Chinese artists outstanding works have not realized the unity of artistic value and commodity price in

25、 the international market.With the increasing international communication activities, we must seize the great opportunity and strive to build a Chinese brand emphasizing honesty and art, and then greet the flourishing and prosperous spring of art industry.5 【正确答案】 In recent years, the Chinese govern

26、ment has taken a series of policies and measures to stimulate economic growth and improve people s livelihoods.We will make every effort to stimulate employment and implement a more proactive employment policy, giving high priority to facilitating the employment of university graduates. We will expa

27、nd employment opportunities for rural migrant workers in cities while stabilize their existing jobs. We will help urban residents experiencing difficulty finding work, members of zero-employment households and workers in disaster-stricken areas find jobs. We will vigorously support individuals in st

28、arting their own businesses or finding jobs on their own, thus expanding employment by creating new businesses. We will further improve public services for employment.We will officially launch the comprehensive and deepening reform of the medical and healthcare system, including developing a system

29、that ensures basic medical care, establishing a national system for basic drugs and improving community-level medical and health service system, steadily promoting equal access for all to basic public health services, in the hope of achieving the goal that all residents in urban and rural areas will have access to basic medical care and health services by 2020.

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