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1、英语翻译基础模拟试卷 2 及答案与解析英译汉1 ecocide2 IDD3 carbon footprint4 Morse code5 money order6 Armistice Day7 proliferation of weapons of mass destruction8 forewarned is forearmed9 moon away10 cyber terrorism11 room escape12 ECOWAS13 encryption14 lip synching15 moral hazard汉译英16 联合声明17 虚拟社区18 高等教育19 体育彩票20 资本市场21

2、 编译22 同声传译23 外交惯例24 求同存异25 维护香港的繁荣和稳定26 面向基层27 误译28 四字格29 洋泾浜30 文艺复兴英译汉31 On Not Winning the Nobel Prize(Excerpt)Doris LessingWe have a treasure-house of literature, going back to the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans. It is all there, this wealth of literature, to be discovered again and again by w

3、hoever is lucky enough to come upon it. A treasure. Suppose it did not exist. How impoverished, how empty we would be.We own a legacy of languages, poems, histories, and it; is not one that will ever be exhausted. It is there, always.We have a bequest of stories, tales from the old storytellers, som

4、e of whose names we know, but some not. The storytellers go back and back, to a clearing in the forest where a great fire burns, and the old shamans dance and sing, for our heritage of stories began in fire, magic, the spirit world. And that is where it is held, today.The storyteller is deep inside

5、every one of us. The story-maker is always with us. Let us suppose our world is ravaged by war, by the horrors that we all of us easily imagine. Let us suppose floods wash through our cities, the seas rise. But the storyteller will be there, for it is our imaginations which shape us, keep us, create

6、 usfor good and for ill. It is our stories that will recreate us, when we are torn, hurt, even destroyed. It is the storyteller, the dream-maker, the myth-maker, that is our phoenix, that represents us at our best, and at our most creative.汉译英32 有人问:世界上什么东西的气力最大?回答纷纭的很,有的说“ 象”,有的说“狮”,有人开玩笑似的说是 “金刚”,

7、金刚有多少气力,当然大家全不知道。这也许特殊了一点,常人不容易理解,那么,你看见笋的成长吗?你看见过被压在瓦砾和石块下面的一棵小草的生成吗?他为着向往阳光,为着达成它的生之意志,不管上面的石块如何重,石块与石块之间如何狭,它必定要曲曲折折地,但是顽强不屈地透到地面上来,它的根往土壤钻,它的芽往地面挺,这是一种不可抗的力,阻止它的石块,结果也被它掀翻,一粒种子的力量的大,如此如此。没有一个人将小草叫作“大力士” ,但是它的力量之大,的确是世界无比。这种力,是一般人看不见的生命力,只要生命存在,这种力就要显现,上面的石块,丝毫不足以阻挡,因为它是一种“长期抗战” 的力,有弹性,能屈能伸的力,有韧性

8、,不达目的不止的力。种子不落在肥土而落在瓦砾中,有生命力的种子决不会悲观和叹气,因为有了阻力才有磨炼。生命开始的一瞬间就带了斗争来的草,才是坚韧的草,也只有这种草,才可以傲然地对那些玻璃棚中养育着的盆花哄笑。英语翻译基础模拟试卷 2 答案与解析英译汉1 【正确答案】 生态灭绝2 【正确答案】 国际直拨长途电话(International Direct Dial)3 【正确答案】 碳足迹4 【正确答案】 摩斯电码5 【正确答案】 邮政汇票6 【正确答案】 停战日7 【正确答案】 大规模杀伤性武器的扩散8 【正确答案】 有备无患9 【正确答案】 虚度时光10 【正确答案】 网络恐怖主义11 【正确

9、答案】 密室逃脱12 【正确答案】 西非国家经济共同体(Economic Community of West African States)13 【正确答案】 加密14 【正确答案】 对口型,假唱15 【正确答案】 道德危机汉译英16 【正确答案】 a joint declaration17 【正确答案】 virtual community18 【正确答案】 higher education19 【正确答案】 sports lottery20 【正确答案】 capital market21 【正确答案】 to compile/translate and edit22 【正确答案】 simult

10、aneous interpretation23 【正确答案】 diplomatic practice24 【正确答案】 seek common ground while reserving differences25 【正确答案】 to safeguard the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong26 【正确答案】 grass roots-oriented27 【正确答案】 mistranslate28 【正确答案】 four-character idioms29 【正确答案】 pidgin30 【正确答案】 Renaissance英译汉31 【正确答

11、案】 给没有获得诺贝尔奖的人们(节选)多丽丝.莱辛我们有个宝库,文学的宝库,可以一直上溯到埃及人、希腊人、罗马人。所有的文学财富都在那里,等待着被幸运儿不断发现。它是一个宝库,如果没有它,我们的生活将会多么贫乏,多么空虚。我们拥有语言、诗歌和历史的遗产,它们取之不尽,始终在那里。我们有丰富的故事遗产,从古老的讲故事的人那里流传下来,他们中某些人的名字我们知晓,但有些却已失传。追寻那些讲故事的人的起源,需要一步步退回到森林中的一片空地,那里燃烧着一堆篝火,古老的巫师们载歌载舞,因为我们的故事始于火,始于魔法,始于精神世界。这就是今天它仍然被保留、被传承的地方。讲故事的人,深藏于我们每个人的内心。

12、编故事的人,始终伴随着我们。让我们展开想象吧,想象着我们的世界正在受战争的蹂躏,处在不难想象的恐怖威胁之下;让我们展开想象吧,想象着洪水淹没了城镇,海水呼啸着上涨。但是,讲故事的人会永远伴随着我们,因为塑造、保存、创造我们的正是我们的想象不管情形是好是坏,始终都是。在我们被撕裂、被伤害甚至被摧毁的时候,重塑我们的依然是我们的故事。正是讲述故事的人、编织梦幻的人、编造神话的人代表了我们的最佳状态和我们最具创造性的时刻,他们才是我们劫后不死的长生鸟。汉译英32 【正确答案】 Someone asked, “What is the most powerful thing in the world?“

13、 There was a variety of answers. “Elephant ,“ someone said. “ Lion,“ another said. “ Buddhas guardian warrior,“ still another said half-jokingly. As to how powerful the Buddhas guardian warrior was, no one was sure. You may think this is too unusual a story to be grasped by the common mind. Well, ha

14、ve you ever seen how the bamboo shoots grow? Have you ever seen how frail young grass grow out from under debris and rubble? In order to get the sunshine and bring its will to grow into play, no matter how heavy the rocks are and how narrow the space between the rocks, it will wind its way up irresi

15、stibly , its roots drilling downward and its sprouts shooting upward. This is an irresistible force. Any rock lying in its way will be overturned. This again shows how powerful a seed can be.Though the little grass has never been said to be “ herculean,“ the power it shows is matchless in the world.

16、 It is an invisible force of life. So long as there is life, the force will show itself. The rock above it is not heavy enough to prevent it from growing because it is a force that keeps growing over a period of time, because it is an elastic force that can shrink and expand, because it is a tenacio

17、us force that will not stop growing until it is grown.The seed does not choose to fall on fertile land but among debris. If it is filled with life, it is never pessimistic or sad, for it is tempered by resistance and pressure. The grass that fights its way out since the moment it is born can be called “ strong“ and “ tenacious“ ; only the grass that fights its way up since its birth has the right to laugh with justified pride at the potted plants in glassed green houses.

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