1、英语翻译基础(英汉互译)模拟试卷 6 及答案与解析汉译英1 真正的朋友,恐怕要算“总角之交” 或“竹马之交”了。在小学和中学的时代容易结成真实的友谊,那时彼此尚不感到生活的压迫,人世未深,打算计较的念头也少,朋友的结成完全由于志趣相近或性情适合,差不多可以说是“无所为” 的,性质比较纯粹。二十岁以后结成的友谊,大概已不免掺有各种各样的颜色分子在内;至于三十岁四十岁以后的朋友中间,颜色分子愈多,友谊的真实成分也就不免因而愈少了。2 在巴黎,名目繁多的酒会、冷餐会是广交朋友的好机会。在这种场合陌生人相识,如果是亚洲人,他们往往开口之前先毕恭毕敬地用双手把自己的名片呈递给对方。这好像是不可缺少的礼节
2、。然而,法国人一般却都不大主动递送名片,双方见面寒暄几句,甚至海阔天空地聊一番也就各自走开,只有当双方谈话投机,希望继续交往时,才会主动掏出名片。二话不说先递名片反倒显得有些勉强。3 哲学家只是一味地同古往今来的灵魂交谈他读书,是同古昔人物交谈;他写作,是同子孙后代交谈;他讲演,是同莘莘学子交谈;他沉思是同自己交谈。他长于洞见,洞见未来;他善于遐想,遐想无限;他耽于梦幻,幻游彼岸;他富于关怀,关怀永恒。他同远在天涯的哲人和精神交谈,在这个意义上,他视通万里,思接千载。他伟大,他不朽,他同古往今来的灵魂对话。4 有时候,在工作中重要的倒是能否处理好人际关系而不是有很多的才能。人际关系就是一种善于
3、听取别人的意见,体察别人的需要,虚心接受批评的能力。善于处理人际关系的人敢于承认错误,敢于承担自己的责任,这是对待错误的一种成熟和负责任的态度。这就是为什么许多平平庸庸的公司雇员在大调整中保住了位置,而有才能的人反到下岗。因为他们很注意处理各方面的关系,所以八面玲珑,到处有缘。而人际关系差的人往往不能处理好批评。碰到错误,他们首先想到自己,拒不承认错误,或情绪低落或大发雷霆,成为有刺的人,难以相处。5 真正成为自己小是一件容易的事。世上有许多人,你说他是什么都行,例如是一种职业、一个身份、一个角色,唯独不是他自己。如果一个人总是按别人的意见生活,没有自己的独立思索,总是为外在的事务忙碌,没有自
4、己的内心生活,那么,说他小是他自己就一点儿也没有冤枉他。因为确确实实,从他的头脑到他的心灵,你在其中已经找不到丝毫真正属于他自己的东两了,他只是别人的一个影子和事务的一架机器罢了。6 社会在每个人的心中制造了一种害怕心理,害怕被拒绝,害怕被人嘲笑,害怕失去尊严,害怕人们将怎么说。你不得不调整自己来适合所有盲目的、无意识的人们,你不能成为你自己。这是从古到今我们整个世界的一个基本的传统,即没有人被允许成为他自己。你唯一的责任是对你的本性负责,不要反对它。因为你反对它,等于是在自杀,是在摧毁你自已。那么,你又将会得到什么呢?即使人们尊敬你,人们认为你是一个非常正统的、受人尊重的、高尚的人,而这些根
5、本无法滋养你的存在,无法使你对生命及其它的非凡的美有更多的洞察。7 当你对生命有了某种态度,你将错过生命本身。生命是广袤无垠的,无法被任何态度所容纳,用某一个定义来界定生命那是不可能的。的确,你的态度可能涵盖了生命的某个方面,但这也仅仅是一个方面,头脑的倾向往往将一个方面看成全部,当某一方面被看作全部时,你便失去了与生命的联系。你的生命被你的态度所包围,作茧自缚,画地为牢,你将过得很悲惨。那么你的所谓的宗教将会非常高兴,因为那就是他们一直告诫你的:生命就是痛苦的。8 科学就是探求真理。在探求真理的过程中,人们对客观规律的认识要经过艰苦曲折的过程。常常有这样的情形:由于研究的角度不同,掌握资料的
6、差异,认识方法的不同,就会出现“ 横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同” 的情况,以至引起学术上的争论。因此,有作为的科学工作者都把反对的意见看作对自己的莫大的帮助,把对自己的批评当作最珍贵的友谊。正如歌德所说,“我们赞同的东西使我们处之泰然,我们反对的东西才使我们的思想获得丰产。”这都是因为,赞同的意见未必正确,反对的意见未必错误。退一步说,即使错误的反对意见,对自己的科学研究也是很有好处的。9 严格来说,哲学不是解释宇宙,那是自然科学的事。哲学家至多只能解释人生,解释自己,解释文本。哲学也不是知,不是知识体系,不是几何学、物理学那样一大套公理、公式,可以解决实际生存问题。哲学的精神永远是探究、怀
7、疑、发问、沉思;而不是提供现成的答案。哲学家有些不食人间烟火,他远离田野车间,甚至也不拿天文望远镜观察观察天体,而只是坐在静谧的书斋里读书、思考,思索那些具有终极意义、虚无缥缈的本体问题。哲学家孤苦伶仃,独处一室之中。面对古往今来的大哲学家遗留下来的问题,他苦苦沉思。他唯一富有的是文本,哲学因而就是解释文本,而不是解释宇宙。10 读书有三个层次,三种境界。第一种境界是见书就读,不加鉴别,没有太多选择。第二种境界是读一部分你特别喜欢的作家的作品,找到你的兴趣和兴奋点在哪里。第三种境界就是只读一本或几本你最喜欢的书,或者反复阅读你喜欢的一个作家,精心研究他的作品。如此,我们应该明白“书越读越少”
8、的意思了。11 所谓选修科目也只是在某一项目范围内略有拣选余地而已。一个受过良好教育的人,犹如一个科班出身的戏剧演员,在学习的时候要服从严格的纪律,唱工做工都要认真学习,各种角色的戏都要完全谙通,学成之后才能各按其趣味而单独发展其所长。学问要有根底,根底要打得平正坚实,以后永远受用。初学阶段的科目之最重要的莫过于语文与数学。语文是阅读达意的工具,国文不通便很难表达自己,外国文不通便很难吸取外来的新知。数学是思想条理之最好的训练。其他科目也各有各的用处,其重要性很难强分轩轾,例如体育,从另一方面看也是重要得无以复加。总之,我们在求学时代,应该暂且把趣味放在一旁,耐着性子接受教育的纪律,把自己锻炼
9、成为坚实的材料。学问的趣味,留在将来慢慢享受一点也不迟。12 一个人的生命究竟有多大意义,这有什么标准可以衡量呢?提出一个绝对标准当然很困难,但是,大体上看一个人对待生命的态度是否严肃认真,看他对待劳动、工作等等的态度如何,也就不难对这个人的存在意义做出适当的估计了。古来一切有成就的人,都很严肃地对待自己的生命,当他活着一天,总要尽量多劳动、多工作、多学习,不肯虚度年华,不让时间白白地浪费掉。我国历代的劳动人民以及大政治家、大思想家等等都莫不如此。13 当然恐惧还是有些道理的。我们正处在一个变化的时代。我们深感变化的必要性,我们正在变,我们必须变。我们抵挡不住变化,就像树叶到秋天挡不住要变黄、
10、变枯,球茎在春天挡不住要钻出土壤,萌出新芽一样。我们正在变,我们正处于变化的阵痛之中,这将是一种伟大的变化。本能让我们感觉到,直觉使我们认识到这种变化。他们害怕了,因为变化带来痛苦,同时每逢重要的转变时期,一切都捉摸不定,而有生命的东西最容易受之伤害。14 近来法律方面的研究表明,目击者在法庭上对嫌疑犯的指认并非想象中的那么可靠。记忆是十分复杂的,在有关我们的大脑如何工作以及我们的记忆能达到什么程度方面,人们普遍持有的一些看法常常是错误的。无论是常识还是研究都表明记忆会随时间的流逝而变得模糊。刚刚接受信息后的回忆和识别能力是最准确的,它先是迅速下降,然后逐渐减弱。拖延的时间越长,事件之后得到的
11、信息越有可能与原始的记忆相冲突,从而降低其准确性。而且,目击者事后会看到、读到一些信息,然后将它融合进来,产生某种与所经历的事情不同的东西,使他们对事件和罪犯记忆的可靠性大大降低。对法官和陪审团来说,断定记忆最终是可靠的事实还是不可靠的编造在很大程度上似乎仍然是个挑战。15 家庭暴力应引起关注中国目前的婚姻法允许挨打的妻子打 110 报警,这是一个很大的进步。难办的是维系夫妻的绝不仅仅是感情,有人只为孩子、为了体面、为怕有更凄惨的下场而忍气吞声,如果出于此种原因,那么再坚强的女权主义者也是无奈的。法律专家认为,关注“ 暴力威胁 ”,即威胁配偶说 “你要离婚就杀了你”之类,按照联合国消除对妇女的
12、暴力宣言“对妇女暴力” 的定义,这也是一种施暴。这种行为也应该受到法律的干预。国外如果有此类报警,威胁者会被带走、受警告和教育。总之,社会需要完善这方面的法制,使家庭暴力无法作为“家务事” 而不受限制。16 在立法中多一点女性视角,对于当代立法者更具有现实意义。单不说现实生活中存在的男女不平等现象,就是立法者大多数是男性这个事实,便有可能使我们的法律在不知不觉中就已带上男性的印记。所以,立法者必须超出社会现有的习惯,将更多的视角投到妇女这个弱势群体上。在立法中,应多一点女性视角,-对女性多一些关怀、多一些保护。17 我国宪法明文规定,妇女在政治、经济、文化、社会中和家庭各个方面享有与男子同等的
13、权利。既然男女同权、男女平权,法律应该是不讲性别的,这样才能达到男女平等,才算是真正公平。但事实上,在法律保护妇女、社会尊重妇女、男女平等的今天,男女不平等的现象依然或多或少地存在着。18 科学家与环保人士担心全球变暖的问题。使用化石燃料(如石油、煤)或大面积砍伐森林,是地球大气“温室气体” 不断增加的两大因素。这些气体所吸收的热能越来越多,最终将改变天气型态、造成海平面与海洋温度的上升,以及形成有害于植物、野生动物和人类栖息地的气候反常。虽然科学界对全球变暖的影响程度尚有歧见,但若人类对温室效应造成的危险置之不理,无异于玩火自焚。为避免温室效应加剧,从个人角度来看我们可以做的就是降低对化石燃
14、料的依赖、减少用电,并采取最不耗损自然资源的生活方式。在政府这个层面,世界大部份的工业化国家,已在一九九七年所签定的京都议定书中,宣誓将做到气体排放减量。19 城市中的绿洲走在人声鼎沸、高楼耸立的城市里,大楼帷幕玻璃在阳光里闪闪发亮。这些巨大的建筑物曾经是进步与繁荣的象征,不过在环保人士的眼里可不是如此。建筑物的玻璃窗会吸收大量的能量,进而增加室内的温度,也带来了高额的电费。随着世界各国对节约能源投以越来越多的关注,建筑师也渐渐地将环保理念融入设计中。广泛使用集热的太阳能板,也被视为“绿色建筑” 的下一拨大事。太阳能板可收集太阳生成的热能,以提供灯具或其他家用电器的电力。在大家对化石燃料是否有
15、耗尽的一天仍然争论不休之际,风力和热力也被认为是很好的替代能源。20 尾气污染近年来,中国汽车保有量年平均增长达 15左右。汽车总量剧增,大量排放有害气体,成为危害国人身心健康的“无形杀手” 。据统计,在全国总死亡人数中,呼吸系统疾病占 2264,居死亡人数第一位,这与大气的污染有直接关系。专家分析,城市大气污染 70以上来自汽车尾气排放。北京大气中 74的碳氢化合物、63的一氧化碳和 37的氮氧化物均来自汽车尾气。专家还指出,中国汽车尾气污染的根本源头是现代汽车工业技术水平低下,新车质量不高,能源消耗高。中国汽车设计与制造技术水平大多尚停留在国际 60 年代水平。大多数汽车装配 492 型发
16、动机,整体性能差,电子喷射技术差,汽油燃烧不充分,机内净化问题没有解决好,没有严格的新车尾气排放标准。汽车尾气污染城市环境问题已引起国家有关部门及民众的高度重视,一些治理措施正在逐步有效地展开。国务院规定,中国将在 2000 年完全禁止生产、销售和使用含铅汽油。21 现在,我们正迈人一个新的世纪,展现在我们面前的将是更大的进步。科学家们正在着手建立新的基因数据库,研究超容量的计算机及其他一些工具,他们正在揭开有关我们的肌体是如何运转的、我们的大脑是如何储存一生的记忆等方面的奥秘。如果我是一个期望在这个新世纪做出贡献的年轻人,我将首先关注生物学。它是一个充满无数重大的、迷人的问题并需要冒险精神的
17、竞技场。当然,与所有科学一样,它也是一个包容了整个世界而不是任何一个国家的竞技场。拥有骄人科学历史的中国,已经造就出了一批最优秀的研究者,但还有更多的潜能有待开发。世界期待着中国的年轻人用他们的智慧和热情来推进科学的发展,并为我们大家把这个星球建设成更健康更美好的地方。22 中国航空业最近,中国发射的国产新一代火箭“长征三号” ,将一颗美国制造的通信卫星送上轨道。这标志着中国在国际市场的竞争中又一次取得了成功。这颗新卫星,为亚太通信卫星有限公司所拥有。它已于 8 月 1 日投入商业运行。有 7 家中国的电视台租用。这颗通信卫星的制造商美国休斯公司在中国的的通信卫星市场上占有大多数份额。休斯公司
18、还将与中国合作,为亚太通信卫星有限公司再发射一颗卫星。在经历了 1996 年的两度发射失败之后,中国的商业卫星发射已取得了显著的进步,中国的目标是使中国公司在全球航天工业中扮演重要角色。23 化石发现正当今日中国的面貌被现代化和经济改革改变的时候,中国的科学家却在发掘远在人类出现以前古代的一些遗迹。中国东北辽宁省被证实埋藏有丰富的古化石。在这些令人惊奇的发现中有一种被称作“中华龙鸟 ”的古生物,可能有着史前恐龙与现代鸟类之问的基因联系;还有迄今为止所发现的最占老的两栖类动物化石,一棵古老的果树残余以及世界上最古老的花。毫不奇怪,辽宁省现在吸引了世界各地许多杰出的研究人员。这里发现的化石为深入研
19、究地球这一行星的历史提供了激动人心的新视角。24 太空孩子当美国国家宇航局 STS 一 107 号航天飞机呼啸着升人太空时,它将携带一项由一个中国小学生设计的实验。一项被称作“ 超新星” 的科教普及计划,鼓励世界各地的学生提出他们希望看到的、在航天飞机上进行的实验方案。在中国的中小学生提出的 1000 多项建议中,北京一个小学五年级学生提出的构想被选中。他的“ 微重力对家蚕的影响 ”的实验将在互联网上转播。 “超新星“计划的目的是增加学生在科学方面的兴趣,在中国肯定产生了这样的作用。25 地理发现中国科学家发现了可能是世界上最大、最深、最高的大峡谷。该大峡谷叫做雅鲁藏布大峡谷,长 300 多英
20、里,穿过喜马拉雅山直到中印边界,平均深度约达 7000 英尺湍急的水流、茂密的森林和森然的峭壁,是这个原始地区的特征。专家们认为这个大峡谷是 20 世纪末最伟大的地理发现之一,它在科学上的重要性可与美国大峡谷相提并论。10 月 18 日,一支由 50 多名研究人员组成的跨学科考察队开始首次穿越这一过去无人知晓的地区。英语翻译基础(英汉互译)模拟试卷 6 答案与解析汉译英1 【正确答案】 Real friendship between two persons originates perhaps from the time of life when they were children play
21、ing innocently together. Real friendship is easily formed in primary or middle school days when, being socially inexperienced and free from the burden of life, you give little thought to personal gains or losses, and make friends entirely as a result of similar tastes and interests or congenial disp
22、osition. It is sort of “friendship for friendship s sake“ and is relatively pure in nature. Friendship among people in their 20 s, however, is more or less colored by personal motives. And friendship among those aged over 30 becomes correspondingly still less pure as it gets even more colored.【知识模块】
23、 汉译英2 【正确答案】 In Paris, cocktail parties and buffet receptions of different kinds offer great opportunities for making friends. On such occasions, strangers may get to know each other. If they are Asians, they will, very respectfully and with both hands, present their calling cards to their interlocu
24、tors before any conversation starts. This seems to be the required courtesy on their part. The French, however, usually are not so ready with such a formality. Both sides will greet each other, and even chat casually about any topic and then excuse themselves. Only when they find they like each othe
25、r and hope to further the relationship will they exchange cards. It will seem very unnatural to do so before any real conversation gets under way.【知识模块】 汉译英3 【正确答案】 A philosopher is solely concerned with conducting dialogues with the great souls from ancient antiquity to the contemporary era. In rea
26、ding books, he converses with the ancients. In writing his own books, he converses with the progeny. In delivering lectures, he converses with a multitude of young students. In contemplating, he converses with himself. He is adept at insights, penetrating into the future. He excels in speculations,
27、speculating on the infinite. He indulges in reveries, traveling in the other world in unbounded fantasy. He abounds in sympathies, concerned about the eternal. He converses with the philosophers and the great minds in the remotest corners of the earth. In this sense, his vision extends into the infi
28、nite distance and his thoughts are connected with the past and the future. His vision and thoughts transcend all spatiotemporal boundaries whatsoever. He is great; he is immortal; because he is in permanent dialogue with the great souls of the past, the present and the future.【知识模块】 汉译英4 【正确答案】 Some
29、times it is interpersonal skills rather than professional skills that really counts in your career. Interpersonal skills are nothing but the ability to be good listener, to be sensitive toward others needs, to take criticism well. People with skill in social relations admit their mistakes, and take
30、their share of blame, which is a mature and responsible way to handle an error. That is why many mediocre employees survive violent corporate upheavals while people of great talent are being laid off. Sensitive in their dealing with others, they are well liked everywhere. People with poor interperso
31、nal skills have trouble taking criticism. When confronted with a mistake, they let their ego get in the way. They deny responsibility and become moody or angry. They mark themselves as “prickly“.【知识模块】 汉译英5 【正确答案】 It is not easy to be yourself in a real sense. Many a person in the world can be easil
32、y identified , for you can take his job, his status or his social role as his identity, which has nothing to do with the person himself. It indeed does him justice to say that he has no identity of his own, if he has no idea about his own mind, and has to follow others advice or let others make arra
33、ngements for him; if his life, always occupied by external things, is completely void of an inner world. You won t be able to find anything whatever, either his brain or his heart that truly belongs to him. He is, indeed, no more than a shadow cast by somebody else or a machine capable of conducting
34、 orders.【知识模块】 汉译英6 【正确答案】 The society creates a fear mentality in everyone s heart, which makes him fear being rejected, being mocked, losing dignity and what others will say about him. You have to adjust yourself to suit all those blind and unconscious people, and you cannot be yourself. It is a f
35、undamental tradition of our whole world in all ages that no one is permitted to be himself.Your only responsibility is to be responsible for your intrinsic nature, don t oppose it. For you oppose it, which is equal to suicide and means destroying yourself. Then what can you get? Even if people respe
36、ct you, and think of you as a very lineal, respectable and noble person, while these things cannot nourish your existence or make you have more insight for your life and other extraordinary beauty.【知识模块】 汉译英7 【正确答案】 When you have some attitude to life, you will miss life itself. Life is so vast and
37、cannot be contained by any attitude, and it s impossible to define life. Certainly, your attitude may contain some aspect of life, but just one aspect, and yet the mind intends to look upon one aspect as a whole, but when one aspect is looked upon as a whole, then you lose touch with life. Your whol
38、e life is affected by your attitude, which means you restrict your activities to a designated area, and you will live a miserable life. Then your so-called religion will be very satisfied, for it s just what they have told you; life is painful.【知识模块】 汉译英8 【正确答案】 Science means the exploration of trut
39、h. In the process of exploring truth, people will have to experience tremendous hardships and difficulties before they can come to understand the objective laws. It is often the case that the differences in the research perspectives, the materials mastered, and the ways of understanding would lead t
40、o totally different resultsas we might say, “ a mountain becomes a hill when viewed horizontally and a ridge when viewed vertically, and it assumes totally different shapes when viewed from a short or a long distance, or from a high or a low position. “ and even lead to academic disputes. Therefore,
41、 an accomplished scientist would regard opposing arguments as his most tremendous benefit and take others criticism of him as the most precious friendship that he can ever obtain. In Gothe s words, “ We take for granted what we are in favor of. However, only what we are opposed to can enrich our tho
42、ughts. “ This is all because the approving opinions are not necessarily justified while the opposing arguments are not necessarily unfounded. To put it in the least way, even the opposing arguments that are mistaken will be immensely beneficial to one s own scientific research.【知识模块】 汉译英9 【正确答案】 Str
43、ictly speaking, philosophy does not attempt at explicating the universe, a responsibility that primarily resides with natural sciences. At their best, philosophers can only interpret life, interpret themselves and interpret texts. Philosophy does not pretend to be knowledge; hence it does not aim at
44、 the construction of a system of knowledge, dissimilar to geometry or physics whose colossal framework of axioms and formulas can provide immediate solutions to the pragmatic problems of human survival. The essence of philosophy lies in eternal questing, questioning, inquiring, and meditating. Philo
45、sophy is under no obligation to furnish ready and handy answers. To some extent, philosophers tend to refrain from any secular involvements. A philosopher seldom frequents farmlands or factories, and he even never bothers to look through a telescope to make any observation of celestial bodies. He is
46、 only fond of staying in his personal library, in all its quietude, where he indulges himself in book-reading and in musing, pondering on those intangible ontological issues that he deems to be of ultimate significance. A philosopher is willing to surrender himself to utter loneliness and seclusion,
47、 confining himself to a room of his own, in a state of overwhelming solitude. In the face of the philosophical issues left over by great philosophical thinkers ancient and modern, he contemplates painstakingly. The only wealth to his possession is texts. Therefore, the task of philosophy is to inter
48、pret texts rather than to interpret the universe.【知识模块】 汉译英10 【正确答案】 There are three levels, or say, three states with regard to reading. The first state is that you read any book you can lay your hands on without differentiating or choosing. The second state is that you only read works by your favo
49、rite writers from which you can find interest and excitement. The third state is that you read only one or several books that you like most or read works by your favorite writer once and again to study them carefully. Thus, we may understand the meaning of “ As you read on, you read less and less.【知识模块】 汉译英11 【正确答案】 The so-called electives mean only some little option within the scope of a certain item. A well-educated person is like a professionally trained Peking opera singer. While undergoing the training, he must o
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