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1、口译二级实务模拟试卷 16(无答案)一、PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (50 points, 30 minutes)Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin.1 下面你

2、将听到的是一段有关经济发展的讲话。I would like to comment on the relationship between the growth of the world economy and the role of macroeconomic policies. Let me begin with a review of the world economy. The world economy has performed much better than many feared a year ago. Current projections are that global g

3、rowth will reach 4. 5% this year, the highest rate of the last five years. Once again the major impetus has come from the United States. But the extremely rapid industrialization of China has also stimulated global growth.Why has it turned out better than expected? Two broad explanations might be ve

4、ntured. The first explanation is simply the globalization of market forces. An increasing proportion of economic activity is being governed by the market. In the space of only 15 years, some large command economies have undergone economic reform and become market economies. All this has unleashed a

5、dynamic for growth that remains very strong, especially in China, India and Russia.However, the second explanation is not so reassuring. We realize that growth over the past few years has been brought about in no small measure by very expansionary macroeconomic policies. These have included massive

6、fiscal stimulus in the United States, policy interest rates in the major countries held at or near postwar lows for some time, and an unprecedented amount of foreign exchange intervention by monetary authorities in Asia. Unlike structural reforms, the effects of such policy stimulus are only tempora

7、ry, and the current stance of policies cannot continue indefinitely.I think we need to take some effective measures to ensure the stable growth of the world economy. Evidence accumulates that macroeconomic policies will need to be tightened. Without putting what has been achieved at risk, of course.

8、 Fiscal policy, monetary policy and exchange rate policy all need to be considered in this light.Let me start with the industrial world. The US government budget, which was in surplus to the equivalent of 1 % of GDP in 2000, is likely to register a deficit of 5% of GDP this year, a deterioration of

9、the US fiscal position without precedent since the Second World War. Japans general government deficit remains at around 8% of GDP. Deficits in some large economies in the euro area are also disturbing. Therefore, early action to curb such deficits is all the more important.Although comparatively hi

10、gh unemployment is limiting nominal wage increases and spare capacity in manufacturing worldwide reinforces the competitive pressure on prices, mere are signs that inflation is edging higher. Japan is slowly emerging from deflation. The pace of consumer price inflation in China has increased sharply

11、 in recent months, and there is evidence that prices are beginning to rise faster in some other Asian economies.I think positively of recent macroeconomic policies that allow exchange rate to appreciate. The eventual movement in exchange rates could be more abrupt than if a greater degree of flexibi

12、lity had not been allowed earlier. The expansion in domestic liquidity associated with the foreign exchange intervention policy could ultimately lead to inflation. Markets could become too dependent on the continued intervention, and could then be seriously destabilized by even a hint of a change in

13、 policy. My last word of advice is this: The stance of macroeconomic policies cannot remain as expansionary if stability is to be maintained in the medium term. We should avoid the two extremes of either putting the entire burden on exchange rates or not allowing exchange rates to move at all.2 下面你将

14、听到的是一段介绍美国著名导演斯皮尔伯格的讲话。Steven Spielbergs first films were made at a time when directors were the most important people in Hollywood, and his more recent ones at a time when marketing controls the industry. He has remained the most powerful filmmaker in the world during both periods, which says somet

15、hing for his talent and his flexibility.Spielbergs most important contribution to modern movies is his acute insight to find and attract a large audience. He ingeniously revised old-style B-movie stories with A-level craftsmanship and enhanced them with the latest developments in special effects.Con

16、sidering such movies as the “Indiana Jones“ series and “Jurassic Park“. The story lines were the mediocre stuff, but the filmmaking was cutting edge and delivered what films have always desired: they showed us something amazing that we hadnt seen before.The master image created in movies expresses s

17、omething fundamental about the way the filmmakers see things. Spielberg once said that his master image was a simultaneous combination of brightness and mystery. This appears in many of his films.In Spielberg, the light source conceals mystery, whereas for many other directors it is darkness that co

18、nceals mystery. The difference is that for Spielberg, mystery offers promise instead of threat. One day he talked about a previous experience.“My dad took me out to see a meteor shower when I was a little kid,“ he said, “and it was scary for me because he woke me up in the middle of the night. My he

19、art was beating; I didnt know what he wanted to do. He wouldnt tell me, and he put me in the car and we went off, and I saw all these people lying on blankets, looking up at the sky. And my dad spread out a blanket. We lay down and looked at the sky, and I saw for the first time all these meteors. “

20、What scared me was being awakened in the middle of the night and taken somewhere without being told where. But what didnt scare me, but was very soothing, was watching this meteor shower. And I think from that moment on, I never looked at the sky and thought it was a bad place. “Spielberg has always

21、 maintained superb quality control and when his films work, they work on every level that a film can reach. When his films are shown, they will conquer the most sophisticated filmgoers in the world and invite them to tears and cheers.二、PART 2 Chinese-English Translation (50 points, 30 minutes)Interp

22、ret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin.3 下面你将听到一段介绍北京申奥功臣何振梁的讲话。7 月 13 日晚,在莫斯科国际贸易中心,当国际奥委会主席萨马兰奇宣布北京获得 2008 年奥运会主办权时,一楼新闻中心的大屏幕

23、,久久定格在一个动人的场面上:何振梁先生眼含热泪,与前来祝贺的国际奥委会委员逐个拥抱。72 岁的何振梁说:“ 北京拿到了奥运会举办权,我这辈子就没有遗憾了!”何振梁,两次参加申办奥运会,两次担任陈述人。他在莫斯科的陈述中,以自己毕生对奥林匹克理想的追求和中国人民对奥运会的期盼而深深打动了委员。北京申办奥运会,何振梁是无可替代的人物。他在国际奥委会的地位、威望和影响,他的经验和语言能力对北京申奥极其关键。北京市领导贾庆林、刘淇非常尊敬他,聘请他担任北京奥申委顾问,并多次对他说:“您要帮我们出主意啊!” 何振梁说:“申办奥运是我能为国家做的最后一件事了,我一定会尽全力的。” 他戏称自己是 “北京奥

24、申委最年长的志愿者 ”。谈到两次申办的不同时,何振梁说:“我们国家发展了,北京经济实力增强了,国际地位提高了。一些本来支持我们的委员更坚定了,一些原先不支持北京申办的委员也逐渐转变了看法。”记者问:“2008 年奥运会点燃圣火的时候,您会在开幕式现场吗?”何振梁回答说:“只要我身体还行,我一定会去开幕式的。” 是啊,当奥运会圣火燃起的时候,人们最不该忘记的就是这位北京申奥的功臣何振梁。4 下面你将听到的是一段有关中国经济社会发展的讲话。中国的改革开放已经走过了 26 个年头。26 年来,中国发生了翻天覆地的变化。中国经济持续快速增长,国内生产总值从不到 1500 亿美元增长到 165 万亿美元

25、。进出口总额从 206 亿美元增长到 115 万亿美元。中国经济在世界经济总量中的比重从 1左右提高到近 4。对外贸易在全球贸易中的排名上升到第三位。中国社会面貌焕然一新,人民生活水平不断提高。中国人均国内生产总值从 190美元增长到 1200 多美元。中国政府帮助两亿多农村人口摆脱贫困,为城市 2000 多万低收入者提供最低生活保障。中国已成为世界第一大手机用户、第三大汽车消费国,拥有世界最大的固定电话网、移动通信网和第二大公用互联网。现在中国网民已超过一亿人,短短八年内增长了 150 多倍。中国社会进一步开放,去年出境旅游达 2885 万人次,入境旅游超过一亿人次,成为世界第四大旅游国。事

26、实证明,中国的发展不仅造福于 13 亿中国人民,而且促进了亚洲经济和世界经济增长。去年中国对世界经济增长的贡献率约为 20。中国的发展也促进了人类文明发展和世界多样性,促进了地区和世界和平与稳定。中国解决了世界五分之一人口的温饱问题,这本身就是对世界稳定与发展的重大贡献。同时也要看到,中国人口多,底子薄,地区发展不平衡,人均国内生产总值在世界上排在 100 位以后,在发展的道路上面临着不少矛盾、困难和挑战。中国要实现现代化,使人民都过上殷实富裕生活,还有很长的路要走,需要坚持长期不懈的艰苦努力。我们要用更大力量推进经济体制改革,大力发展科技、教育、文化、卫生、体育事业,加强精神文明建设,进一步做好就业和社会保障工作,提高人民生活水平,加强民主法制建设,切实维护社会稳定。我们正在积极落实科学发展现,推动经济建设、政治建设、文化建设与和谐社会建设全面发展。我们同心同德,再接再厉,奋发图强,不断夺取改革开放和现代化建设事业的新胜利。我们对伟大祖国的美好前景充满信心。

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