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1、国家公共英语(一级 B)模拟试卷 45(无答案)第一节 图片判断在本节中,你将听到 5 个句子或对话,每个句子或对话配有A、B、C 三幅图片。请选择与句子或对话内容相符合的一幅图片,并标在试卷的相应位置。每句话后有 15 秒钟的停顿,以便选择图片并看下一组图片。每个句子或对话读两遍。1 第二节 对话应答在本节中,你将听到 10 个简短话语,请从A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳应答,并标在试卷的相应位置。每个话语后有 20 秒钟的停顿,以便选择答案和阅读下一个问题。每个话语读两遍。(A)No, not yet.(B) I was ill last month.(C) Have you hear

2、d about it? 第三节 对话理解在本节中,你将听到 10 个对话,每个对话有一个问题。请从A、B、C 三个选项中选出答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段话后有 20 秒钟的停顿,以便回答问题和阅读下一个问题。每段对话读两遍。(A)At a school.(B) At a hospital.(C) At a shopping center.第一节 短文理解 1根据短文内容,判断文后给出的陈述是否正确。认为正确的,选A(True);认为错误的,选B(False) 。3 Last year my brother John went to Italy (意大利) and stayed there

3、for two months. I was surprised that he could have such a long holiday there, because he didnt have any money.“How did you do it, John?“ I asked. “I thought you were going to stay for two weeks.“It was easy; I got a job.“ John answered.“But how?“I gave English lessons to a shop owner there,“ John an

4、swered. “His name is Joe. He had a lot of American customers (美国顾客), so he wanted to learn English. I taught him English and he gave me a room, three meals a day and a little money. We have become friends.“Did Joe learn much English?“ I asked.“I dont know,“ John said, “but I learned a lot of Italian

5、.“4 John stayed in Italy for two months because he took enough money with him.(A)真(B) False 5 Johns job was to teach Joe English in Italy.(A)真(B) False 6 Maybe Joe didnt learn much English.(A)真(B) False 7 Our holiday begins. John goes to see his grandpa. The old man has a small house. But its clean

6、and bright. Behind his house there is a small garden. There are some fruit in it. He often gets up early and does morning exercises there. He is 72 years old ,but he is very healthy.7 Johns grandpa go to see him on holiday.(A)True(B) False8 The old mans house and garden is not big.(A)True(B) False9

7、The old man is not healthy, and he is 72 now.(A)True(B) False9 Many people earn their living with their hands. Ed earns his living with his feet! His story begins in a small town in Brazil(巴西). His father and mother were very poor. Seven people lived in their small house. He had no place to play but

8、 in the street. Eds father often played soccer, a game like football. Little Ed wanted to play it too. So his father made a small ball for him to kick. At last Ed learned to kick a real soccer ball. By the time he was 11, he played soccer very well.In his first big game, Ed helped his team win by se

9、ven points. He made four of the seven points! And he was only 15 years old.10 Ed earned his living with _.(A)his hands(B) his feet(C) with his small ball 11 There were seven people lived in their house, so he played soccer _.(A)in the street(B) in their small house(C) in the big game 12 Ed learned t

10、o play soccer when he was very young. When he was _, he could play soccer very well.(A)seven(B) eleven(C) fifteen 13 In his first big game, he earned _ points by himself.(A)four(B) seven(C) fifteen 第二节 短文理解 2阅读短文,从各题所给的三个选项中选出最佳答案。13 It is Sunday morning. There are a lot of people in the park. Some

11、Young Pioneers are in the park. too. and they me having a good time. Some are playing games under a big True. Some are singing and dancing. Some boys and girls are running up the hill. Others are rowing boals on the lake. Where is Li Lei? lie is sitling by tile lake. Whats be doing? lies reading. Wh

12、ere is Meinlei? She is on the grass. Whats she doing? She is running after a nice butterfly (蝴蝶). She wants to catch it.14 Who are in the park?(A)Some teachers.(B) Some Young Pioneers.(C) Some children. 15 What am the Young Pioneers doing?(A)They are jumping.(B) They are reading.(C) They are having

13、a good time. 16 Where is Li Lei?(A)Hes sitting on tbe lake.(B) Hes reading by the lake.(C) Li Leis standing by the lake. 17 What does Meimei want to do?(A)She wants to catch a butterfly.(B) Shes running after a butterfly.(C) Shes on the grass. 17 Mr. Smith is neighed (近视). One day he is walking in t

14、he street. A strong wind (强风) blows his cap off his head (头). Mr. Smith begins to mn after it. An old woman opens her window and speaks to him. “Hey! What are you doing?“Running after my cap?“Your cap? Thats our black cat you ice running after. Them is a cap on the street behind you. “Oh. my dew!“18

15、 What colour is Mr. Smiths cap (帽子)?(A)Its red.(B) Its white.(C) Its black. 19 Why is Mr. Smith running in the street?(A)He is doing exercises.(B) He is looking for his cap.(C) He is looking for his cat. 20 Why does file old woman speak to him?(A)Because(因为) he is running after lief cal.(B) Because

16、be is running very fast.(C) Because she lives next t0 his bouse. 20 Visiting the doctor can be confusing (令人糊涂的). Often. you must wait a long time to see the doctor. When you finally see the doctor. it is often just for a short lime. so its important to be prepared to speak to tile doctor and to und

17、erstand what the doctor tells you. 21 What do people do before they see the doctor?(A)They have to wait a long time.(B) They have to talk to the nurse first.(C) They have to make a telephone with the doctor. 22 It is important for people to know(A)how to talk to the other people.(B) how to understan

18、d the doctor well.(C) how to answer questions. 第三节 词语配伍从上边一栏中找出一个与下边一栏的含义相符的选项。22 A. a person who visitsB. the United StatesC. something people take on rainy daysD. glassesE. BritainF. min. wind. snow. cloud. sunG. talk23 conversation 24 umbrella 25 weather 26 England 27 guest 一、情景对话27 (A young coup

19、le (夫妻) have a nice talk in tile garden. )A: It is a warm day. isnt it?B: Yes. the weather is pretty good. A: Yes. How time flies! Spring is around the corner (快到了). Listen The birds are singing every where and the flowers are blooming (开花 ). B: Im so glad. my favorite season is coming. What about g

20、oing out for a traveling?A: That is what I was thinking about. B: Great! Lets go in and pack our things. A: The only thing I worry about is the weather. B: What you mean?A: If it rains after a while. what shall we do?B: No. it wont. Im sure we will have a happy picnic (野餐).28 What is Bs favorite season? _ 29 What do riley want to do? _ 30 Will they give it up itll rains ? _ 二、词汇31 My mother often does her _ ( shop ) in the supermarket near my school.

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