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1、大学生英语竞赛(NECCS)C 类模拟试卷 20(无答案)一、Part Vocabulary and Structure1 Built in seventeenth century, the ruined temple is tucked _ in the pine-covered mountains.(A)in(B) away(C) off(D)on2 Children who stay away from school do_for different reasons.(A)them(B) that(C) it(D)theirs3 In order to prevent stress fr

2、om being set up in the metal, expansion joints are fitted which _the stress by allowing the pipe to expand or contract freely.(A)reclaim(B) reconcile(C) rectify(D)relieve4 Usually vertical stripes give a_impression of greater height.(A)deceitful(B) deceptive(C) delusive(D)misleading5 _the calculatio

3、n is right, scientists can never be sure that they have included all variables and modeled them accurately.(A)Even if(B) As far as(C) If only(D)So long as6 The army was seemingly victorious, but since many people lost their lives, it was_a defeat(A)tentatively(B) virtually(C) deceptively(D)potential

4、ly7 Please sweep up all the glass_before anyone steps on them.(A)chunks(B) chips(C) frames(D)bulks8 For some time now, world leaders_out the necessity for agreement on arms reduction.(A)had been pointing(B) have been pointing(C) were pointing(D)pointed9 Living in the western part of the country has

5、its problems, _obtaining fresh water is not the least.(A)with which(B) for which(C) of which(D)which10 In developing countries, people are_into overcrowded cities in great numbers.(A)breaking(B) fdling(C) pouring(D)hurrying11 _before we depart the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinne

6、r party.(A)Had they arrived(B) Would they arrive(C) Were they arriving(D)Were they to arrive12 By no means_look down upon the unemployed.(A)we(B) should we(C) should not we(D)we should13 Every product_before it is sold.(A)needs to examine(B) needs to have examined(C) wants examining(D)wants to exam1

7、4 Guest; I have to go now. Thank you for the delicious meal. Hostess: You re welcome.(A)Im afraid I cant cook well.(B) Im glad to have met you.(C) Im glad you enjoyed it.(D)I hope to meet you again soon.15 Tourist; How much is that ring, please? Vendor; Only $200, sir.Tourist: _ How about $ 100?Vend

8、or; I can let you have it for $ 180.(A)All right. I 11 take it.(B) Thats very expensive.(C) How splendid it is!(D)Id like very much to have it.二、Part Cloze15 This book is about the future of technology. In it we will examine some of the many recent developments in a few key fields and try, in a limi

9、ted way, to predict where they will take us in the next fifteen years or【46】_.If that sounds like a modest goal, its not. Technology is the【47】_(dominate) force of our time and probably of all time to come. It appears in more varieties than we can count. It changes so rapidly【48】_no scientist or eng

10、ineer can keep up with his own field, much less with technology in general. It permeates and shapes our lives【49】_every turn. We ive in technology【50】a fish live in the sea, and we have only a little better chance of【51】_ (forecast) the details of its future changes.Yet the task is well【52】 w_undert

11、aking. Whatever hints we can glean (一点点搜集) about the future win help us prepare for the changes to come. Modest forecasts, evidence of trends, a few concrete developments to be expected all are better than no warning at all. And【53】th_technology has made the present much less stable than the past, a

12、nd surely will make the future more disturbed still, there is good reason to hope that our lives,【54】_sum and on average, will be better as a result. In an age of uncomfortable【55】chal_, this is reassurance (保证) we all can use.Section A25 Resources can be said to be scarce in both an absolute and re

13、lative sense; the surface of the Earth is finite, imposing absolute scarcity; but the scarcity that concerns economists is the relative scarcity of resources for different uses. Materials used for one purpose can not at the same time be used for other purposes; if the quantity of an input is limited

14、, the increased use of it in one manufacturing process must cause it to become less available for other uses.The cost of a product in terms of money may not measure its true cost to society. The true cost of, say, the construction of a supersonic jet is the value of the schools and refrigerators tha

15、t will never be built as a result. Every act of production uses up some of societys available resources; it means the foregoing of an opportunity to produce something else. In deciding how to use resources most effectively to satisfy the wants of the community, this opportunity cost must ultimately

16、be taken into account.In a market economy the price of a good and the quantity supplied depend on the cost of making it, and that cost, ultimately, is the cost of not making other goods. The market mechanism enforces this relationship. The cost of, say, a pair of shoes is the price of the leather, t

17、he labor, the fuel, and other elements used in producing them. However, the price of these inputs, in turn, depends on what they can produce elsewhereif the leather can be used to produce handbags that are valued highly by consumers, the prices of leather would be correspondingly higher. 26 What doe

18、s this passage mainly discuss?(A)The scarcity of manufactured goods.(B) The value of materials.(C) The manufacturing of scarce goods.(D)The cost of producing shoes.27 According to the passage, what are the opportunity costs of a product?(A)The amount of time and money spent in producing it.(B) The o

19、pportunities a person has to buy it.(C) The value of what could have been produced instead.(D)The value of the resources used in its production.28 According to the passage, what is the relationship between production and resources?(A)Available resources stimulate production.(B) Resources are totally

20、 independent of production.(C) Production increases as resources increase.(D)Production reduces the amount of available resources.29 What determines the price of a goods in a market economy?(A)The cost of all elements of its production.(B) The cost of not making other goods.(C) The efficiency of the

21、 manufacturing process.(D)The quantity of materials supplied.30 Which of the following examples BEST reflects a cost to society as defined in the passage?(A)A family buying a dog.(B) Eating in a restaurant instead of at home.(C) Using land for a house instead of a park.(D)Staying at home instead of

22、going to school.Section B30 A collision between an aircraft and one or more birds is termed a bird-strike. Pilots sometimes record a birdstrike while at cruising altitudes, but most of them happen when an aircraft is relatively close to the ground, usually in proximity to an airport and during the c

23、ircling, descent to land or take-off phases of a flight.Birdstrikes may cause significant damage to an aircraft and/or, if the birds are ingested into a jet engine, a significant and sudden loss of power. If this were to happen during take-off or initial climb of a fully loaded passenger aircraft th

24、e results could be catastrophicloss of the aircraft and the lives of those on board. Any bird is a potential hazard to aircraft and this is especially true as bird numbers and bird size increase.Unfortunately airports themselves can be attractive to birdsrodents, insects and other small animals are

25、a food source often found in flat grassed areas such as the runway strips. Even so, this problem can be reduced by careful habitat management or bird harassment techniques practised by airport maintenance and safety personnel.Care needs to be taken by local authorities in deciding the location of ru

26、bbish tips, or when permitting other land uses that may be attractive to birds in this way. Of course these effects cannot always be anticipated with certainty since birds such as gulls have been recorded as travelling 50 ki-lometres or more from their roosting area to an attractive food source.Loca

27、l authority planning schemes often apply strict controls on developments such as abattoirs, cattle feed lots, grain handling, piggeries, canals and marina developments, fish farms, and suchlike. In most cases these uses will not be permitted without a full environmental study. That study should be r

28、equired to deal with the question of likely bird hazards if the proposed location is in proximity to an airport.In some instances it may be necessary to consider ways of managing a particular land use in order to reduce its attractiveness to birds, for example the adoption of land-fill measures at g

29、arbage tips, or enclosed rather than open-air activity. Specialist ornithological opinion may be necessary. In such cases it may not be possible to implement immediate changes in land use, but this should not inhibit the adoption of long-term measures which are designed to achieve this. Summary:A co

30、llision between an aircraft and one or more birds is known as a bird strike. It usually happens when an aircraft is close【61】, and may result in significant damage of the aircraft or loss of the aircraft and【62】of passengers and crew if they occur during take-off or initial climb. Because birds can

31、find plenty food in flat grassed areas, airports are especially attractive to birds. However, the danger can be minimized by【63】Local authorities need to take care when deciding on【64】It is suggested that a full environmental study should be made before making plans of developments on the land in pr

32、oximity to an airport. Local authorities should get advice from specialists and take【65】in order to bring about changes in land use.Section C35 Today men are facing new expectations and new choices about their commitments to society, family and work. No longer certain what goals they should pursue,

33、much less how they should pursue them, many men have found themselves in a no-mans land, searching for new meanings and definitions of maturity. In interviews I conducted with 138 men from diverse social and economic background, 36 percent defined their family and work commitments in terms of primar

34、y breadwin-ning, and 30 percent chose to eschew parenthood or to avoid involvement with children they had brought into the world.However, about 33 percent had moved toward more rather than less family involvement over the course of their lives. These men develop an outlook on parenthood that include

35、d caretaking as well as economic support. They represent a growing group of fathers, most of whom are married to work-committed women and have an egalitarian approach toward marriage and family commitments, who are changing diapers, pushing strollers, cuddling their children, and generally sharing i

36、n the pleasures and burdens of child rearing. Such men, whom I call “involved fathers”, are demonstrating a capacity, a willingness, and an enthusiasm for parenting not seen in their fathers and grandfathers generations.An involved father, however, is not necessarily an equal father. Though mens dom

37、estic participation has increased in recent years, his involvement has not kept in pace with womens rapidly rising commitment to paid employment. A persistent “housework gap”has left most women with more work and less leisure time than their male counterparts. According to some estimates, when the t

38、ime spent performing paid work, housework, and child care is added together, men work an average of 88 fewer hours a year than do women.It may be tempting to focus on the fact that, even among men who support equality, their involvement as fathers remains a far distance from what most women want and

39、 most children need. Yet it is also important to acknowledge how far and how fast many men have moved toward a pattern that not long ago virtually all men considered anathema. One recent survey found that 73 percent of a group of randomly selected fathers agreed strongly that “their families are the

40、 most important facet of their lives”; 87 percent agreed that “dad is as vital as mom in raising kids“. The challenge is to create the social and cultural arrangements that would enable men to uphold these beliefs more easily.36 In the interview, 36% of the men view their family and work commitments

41、 as_.37 “_”means men who are willing to carry through family commitments.38 A persistent_is reason that most women are busier than their husbands.39 In the last paragraph, the word “anathema”probably means something that people_.40 Most fathers agreed that_are the most important facet of their lives

42、.Section D40 This Wednesday, Gordon Brown will replace Tony Blair as the new head of Britains Labor Party. This long-serving chancellor is a man of substance. However, even after more than a decade of scrutiny, his name remains a mystery and is not fully understood. Brown was born in Glasgow, Scotla

43、nd in February 1951 and entered university at 16. After graduating with a history degree from Edinburgh University, he went on to earn a PhD.Browns destiny, though, was politics. He joined Blair in entering the Parliament in 1983. They even shared offices, where they became friendswith a slight bit

44、of competitiveness. When the Labor leader John Smith died unexpectedly in May 1994, many believed Brown was the most likely to succeed him. But Blair emerged from the sidelines. But, Brown has many achievements, including giving independence to the Bank of England. His commitments to child poverty a

45、nd helping Africa have impressed many.In 2000, Brown wed public relations executive Sara Macaulay after a four-year courtship. Many people close to him say his wife has softened him. In January 2002, their 10-day-old daughter died after birth. At her funeral Brown declared that Jennifer had transfor

46、med his and Sarahs lives twice. “Once by entering our lives, then by leaving. “He later told an interviewer that he could not listen to music for a year afterwards because of his sorrow. The couples second son, James Fraser, was born in 2006 and diagnosed with muscular and respiratory problems. But

47、Brown has said he is optimistic about his sons future.On the BBC Radio 4 Today program, Brown described himself as a “family man who has two young children”, who had changed as a result of his family experiences. But the straightforward personal details on his treasury website biography give the imp

48、ression of a man totally committed to politics.This week, Blair gave Brown his long-sought public approval as the successor. “Hes got what it takes, ”Blair said, “Hes an extraordinary talent. perhaps the most successful chancellor in our history. “But Blairs conviction somehow sounded less than full

49、, as if all those years of competition had drained something from their relationship. With Blair so unpopular over Iraq, Brown may benefit from the distance between them. However, opposition parties have been already begun hammering the “Blair-Brown government”in recent months.Brown is sometimes described as a silent prince caught up in the longest gloomy period in history. But Brown has said he believes people have

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