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本文([外语类试卷]大学英语六级(2013年12月考试改革适用)模拟试卷155(无答案).doc)为本站会员(Iclinic170)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、大学英语六级(2013 年 12 月考试改革适用)模拟试卷 155(无答案)一、Part I Writing1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on direct and indirect experience by referring to the saying “Youll learn more about a road by traveling it than by consulting all the maps in the world.“ You can give examples to illu

2、strate your point and then explain how you can get more direct experience. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.Section A(A)She is not a very famous actress.(B) She is not very much tempted by big money.(C) She has no idea of how to make advertisements.(D)She is not so fort

3、unate as other actresses.(A)He does not have a good hearing.(B) He has been driving madly for a year.(C) He never takes what she says seriously.(D)He is always impatient with her.(A)She is worried about the errors made.(B) She has been doing things in a correct way.(C) She needs someone to lend her

4、a hand.(D)She is still searching for directions.(A)The woman should apply for the advertised job.(B) The woman can help him with his work in the next two weeks.(C) He is the right person to help her to post an ad.(D)He can find a better paying job for the woman.(A)She is stubborn.(B) She is lonely.(

5、C) She is not easy-going.(D)She is hopeless.(A)Todays seminar was too badly scheduled.(B) Both speakers are enthusiastic about the seminars.(C) Next weeks seminar is on a different topic.(D)There will be two seminars in the next week.(A)Its dull.(B) Its exciting.(C) Its simple.(D)Its complicated.(A)

6、$2.75.(B) $1.25.(C) $1.50.(D)$3.9.(A)At the end of March.(B) In the middle of April.(C) At the beginning of May.(D)At the end of May.(A)She wants to book some plane tickets.(B) Her assistant needs to buy some books for them.(C) She needs to find a good hotel for the delegation.(D)Her assistant needs

7、 to arrange the accommodation.(A)He received a call from the delegation.(B) He discussed with the Poland delegation.(C) He knew it through the contract they signed.(D)He received an E-mail this morning and knew it.(A)A tour around the city.(B) A cruise along the river.(C) A visit around the campus.(

8、D)Discussion and some seminars.(A)She found she wasnt registered in Chemistry 302A.(B) She found she was registered in Chemistry 302B.(C) She was unsure which class she had registered.(D)She wasnt registered in Chemistry 302B.(A)Show the add/drop form to Professor Smith.(B) Go on attending Professor

9、 Smiths class.(C) Come to the registration office with the form.(D)Sort out the problem all by herself.(A)She is worried she cant attend the course.(B) She is worried she has to change professor.(C) She is worried she might not be able to graduate.(D)She is worried she might fall behind in the cours

10、e.Section B(A)Women would like to stay at home.(B) People were more friendly.(C) Students paid for their board.(D)Immigration was encouraged.(A)There are too many of them.(B) They have a bad reputation.(C) They dont pay taxes.(D)They are not cooperative.(A)Paying the families who volunteer.(B) Appea

11、ling to all sorts of families.(C) Giving compulsory orders to young couples.(D)Arranging homemakers for those families.(A)Trouble.(B) Youthful feeling.(C) Companionship.(D)Pressure.(A)Growing number of people making calls over the Internet.(B) Increasing cost due to lack of technology progress.(C) C

12、ustomers appealing of cutting the price of long distance call.(D)Intense competition among the existing phone companies.(A)Integrating software with traditional telephone.(B) Combination of computer and telephone.(C) Software application with Internet connection.(D)Connecting microphones with the co

13、mputers.(A)It undermines the pricing system.(B) It triggers a price-cutting.(C) It needs to be further researched.(D)It breaks down the telephone traffic.(A)A water current struck his ship violently.(B) A wave carried his ship far away.(C) Great noise came down from the sky.(D)Rough storms suddenly

14、occurred.(A)Kidnap by aliens.(B) Kidnap by ghosts.(C) Attack from sea creatures.(D)Transportation to other times and places.(A)Fast currents sweep away the wreckage caused by terrible weather.(B) The magnetic power draw them down to the ocean bottom.(C) Some planes or ships lose contact with their r

15、emote controllers.(D)Icebergs destroyed the passing vehicles and enclosed them.Section C26 All our dreams have something to do with our feelings, fears, longings, wishes, needs and memories. If a person is hungry, or tired, or cold, his dreams may【B1】_ a feeling of this kind. If the covers on your b

16、ody, such as a blanket, have【B2】_ your bed, you may dream that you are sleeping on ice or in snow. The【B3】_ for the dream you will have tonight is likely to come from the experiences you have today.So the subject of your dream usually comes from something that has effect on you while you are sleepin

17、g and it may also use your past experiences and the wishes and the interests you have now. This is why very young children【B4】_dream of fairies, older children of school examinations, hungry people of food,【B5】_ soldiers of their families.To show you how that is happening while you are asleep and ho

18、w your wishes or needs can all be 【B6】_ in a dream, here is the story of an experiment. A man was asleep and the back of his hand was rubbed with absorbent cotton. He would dream that he was in a hospital and his 【B7】_ girlfriend was visiting him, sitting on the bed and feeling his hand softly! Ther

19、e are some scientists who have made a special study of why we dream, what we dream, and what those dreams mean. Their【B8】_ of dreams, though a bit reasonable, is not accepted by everyone, but it offers an interesting way of【B9 】 _ the problem. They believe that dreams are【B10】_ expressions of wishes

20、 that did not come true.27 【B1 】28 【B2 】29 【B3 】30 【B4 】31 【B5 】32 【B6 】33 【B7 】34 【B8 】35 【B9 】36 【B10 】Section A36 Teachers need to be aware of the emotional, intellectual, and physical changes that young adults experience. And they also need to give serious thought to how they can best【C1】_such c

21、hanges. Growing bodies need movement and【C2】_, but not just in ways that emphasize competition. Because they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of new intellectual and emotional challenges, teenagers are especially self-conscious and need the confidence that comes from achieving succ

22、ess and knowing that their accomplishments are【C3】_by others. However, the【C4】_teenage lifestyle is already filled with so much competition that it would be wise to plan activities in which there are more winners than losers, for example, publishing newsletters with many student-written book reviews

23、,【C5】_student artwork, and sponsoring book discussion clubs. A variety of small clubs can provide【C6 】_opportunities for leadership, as well as for practice in successful group【 C7】_. Making friends is extremely important to teenagers, and many shy students need the security of some kind of organiza

24、tion with a supportive adult【C8】_visible in the background.In these activities, it is important to remember that young teens have short attention spans. A variety of activities should be organized so that participants can remain active as long as they want and then go on to something else without fe

25、eling【C9 】_and without letting the other participants down. This does not mean that adults must accept irresponsibility. On the contrary, they can help students acquire a sense of【C10】_by planning for roles that are within their capabilities and their attention spans and by having clearly stated rul

26、es.A)dynamics B)multiple C)guidance D)typicalE)displaying F)rarely G)exercise H)guiltyI)admired J)nutrition K)commitment L)surplusM)accommodate N)barely O)claimed37 【C1 】38 【C2 】39 【C3 】40 【C4 】41 【C5 】42 【C6 】43 【C7 】44 【C8 】45 【C9 】46 【C10 】Section B46 Eating Our YoungAAt Feltonville School of Art

27、s and Sciences, a middle school in a poor neighborhood of Philadelphia, the school year began chaotically as budget cuts took effect. With the cuts meaning no school nurse or counselor, teachers fill the gaps, disrupting lessons to help students in distress. And the problems are not small: A boy was

28、 stabbed in the head with a pencil by a fellow student; a girl reported sexual assault by an uncle; another refused to speak after the brutal murder of a parent. And that was just the start of the school year. To make matters worse, budget cuts are hurting essential academic programs.BAcross the Uni

29、ted States, whether its schools, food stamps, health care or entry-level jobs, the young are feeling the force of government cutbacks. This year, the young and vulnerable especially have been hit hard through automatic federal spending cuts to programs like Head Start, nutrition assistance, and chil

30、d welfare. Financial crises in cities like Philadelphia and Detroit have meant another wave of school budget cutbacks. And the weak job market is hurting the youngest workers most, with youth unemployment more than double the national jobless rate.CThis is not just an American problem. In Europe, to

31、o, rigid budgets are squeezing even basic education and health needs. As governments strain to cover budget shortfalls and appease(缓解)debt fears, the young are losing out. “Were underinvesting in our children,“ said Julia Isaacs, a senior fellow at the Urban Institute and a child policy expert. “Loo

32、king at future budget trends and the fact that Congress doesnt want to raise taxes, I can see childrens programs continuing to be squeezed.“DThat has implications for long-term economic growth. Cutting back on the young is like eating the seed corn: satisfying a momentary need but leaving no way to

33、grow a prosperous future.EIs America overspending on its young? Public spending in the U.S. on children came to $12,164 per child in 2008, in current dollars, according to Kids Share, an annual report published by the Urban Institute. Of that total, about a third came from the federal government and

34、 two thirds from state and local governments. Compare that to what we spend on the elderly, which primarily comes from the federal government. According to the Urban Institute, public spending on the elderly, in current dollars, was $27,117 per person in 2008, more than double the spending on childr

35、en.FThe trend is the same across the developed world. Julia Lynch, a political science professor at the UDiversity of Pennsylvania, studied 20 countries in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development between 1985 and 2000 and found each spent more public funds on the elderly than on th

36、e young. But there were large differences among them. She found the most youth-oriented welfare states were the Netherlands, Canada, Australia, and in Scandinavia, while the most elderly-oriented were Japan, Italy, Greece, the U.S., Spain, and Austria. Somewhere in the middle were Germany, France, B

37、elgium, Luxembourg, and Portugal.GSince the 1960s, federal spending on kids in the U.S. had been rising. That trend ended in 2011, when it dropped by $2 billion to $377 billion. A year later the figure plunged even moreby $28 billion. And spending on kids is planned to shrink further over the next d

38、ecade. The Urban Institute has forecast that federal spending on kids will decrease from 10 percent of the federal budget today to 8 percent by 2023. That decline will occur even as federal spending is expected to increase by $1 trillion over the same period.HSo, what is the federal government spend

39、ing on? The budget can be roughly divided in the following way: 41 percent goes to the elderly and disabled portions of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid; 20 percent to defense; 10 percent to children; 6 percent to interest payments on the debt; and 23 percent to all other government functions

40、. So if spending on kids does fall to 8 percent of the federal budget, and if interest payments rise along with higher interest rates over the same period, the federal government soon will be spending more on interest payments on the debt than on children.IWhats driving government cutbacks? Much can

41、 be tied to fears of rising national debt. Paradoxically, advocates of debt reduction claim they are acting in the interest of the young; our debts seem be too heavy for the next generation. But in a supercompetitive global economy, nations investing today in the well-being and education of the youn

42、g are writing the success stories of tomorrow.JOf course, the U.S. is investing in education. Roughly 65 percent of all public spending on kids is on education, and thats done primarily through state and local governments. But whether its early childhood education, elementary, middle, or high school

43、s, or universities and colleges, fewer resources are going into public education. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of teachers employed in kindergarten through year 12th grade, principals, superintendents and support staff, fell 2 percent between 2009 and 2011 while enrollment

44、 was steady.KThe trend of putting fewer resources into public education is even more striking at the college level. Take the University of California for example: The average annual student charges for resident undergraduates have increased 275 percent in inflation-adjusted dollars since 1990 to 199

45、1, while the universitys average per-student expenditures have decreased 25 percent in inflation-adjusted dollars over the same period. So as California students pay much more for their education than their parents did, theyre getting less.LThroughout the current downturn, unemployment has tailed th

46、e workforce. The hardest hit has been the young. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, unemployment for 16-to-24-year-olds in July was 16.3 percent. That compares with our national jobless rate of 7.3 percent. And there are also large numbers of the young who are underemployed. Gallup recentl

47、y found that only 43.6 percent of Americans between the ages of 18 to 29 had a full-time job in June 2013.MHigh youth unemployment has implications for future earnings power. Economists who study the labor market have found that people who graduate from school without a job are likely to have lower

48、wages in their career.NEven when the young land a job, investment in young workers isnt what it used to be. Training and education used to be part of any full-time job. Now, while global companies like Google advertise staff training, they tend to be the exception. Most companies have cut back over

49、the years as corporate budgets are reduced and companies believe they can buy talent rather than grow it.OWhether because of government cutbacks or falling business investment, the young are facing tougher prospects than did their parents. And that raises irritating questions about the future. Starting with the youngest, without solid nutrition and basic health care, children cant become engaged and active students. Without

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