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本文([外语类试卷]大学英语六级(2013年12月考试改革适用)模拟试卷26(无答案).doc)为本站会员(fuellot230)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、大学英语六级(2013 年 12 月考试改革适用)模拟试卷 26(无答案)一、Part I Writing1 For this part, you are allowed 30 to write an essay commenting on the remark “The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today. “ You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more

2、 than 200 words.Section A(A)Robert survived the plane crash.(B) All the passengers were killed in the plane crash.(C) Robert was killed in the air crash.(D)Robert is a wonderworking person.(A)She feels very hot in the room.(B) She wants to avoid meeting people.(C) She wants to smoke a cigarette outs

3、ide.(D)She doesnt like the smell of smoke inside.(A)He might help the woman much.(B) The woman shouldnt buy a used car.(C) He doesnt know a lot about new cars.(D)The woman is a better mechanic than he is.(A)He shouldnt have apologized.(B) He will find a better way of apologizing.(C) He couldnt find

4、a right word to make an apology.(D)His friend is asking for more than just an apology.(A)The man should start running daily.(B) She also prefers to exercise in the afternoon.(C) Its important to warm up before exercising.(D)The man should continue his exercise program.(A)He doesnt know what tools to

5、 bring.(B) He doesnt mind helping the woman.(C) The woman wont have to carry the tools.(D)The donkeys will carry the womans personal items.(A)They have a narrow range of topics to discuss.(B) They bring up the most important issue.(C) They have interesting topics to discuss.(D)They have little knowl

6、edge.(A)Write Daisy a note of apology.(B) Return Daisys notes in a few days.(C) Apologize when Daisy is less angry.(D)Let her talk to Daisy about the situation.(A)He comes to borrow the womans ladder.(B) He has been the womans neighbour for many years.(C) He moved here not long ago.(D)He is going to

7、 move to other places.(A)To drill some holes in the wall to fasten the clothes hook.(B) To drill some holes in the wall to put up the shelves.(C) To drill some holes on the ground to fix the doghouse.(D)To drill some holes in the wall to hang the cupboard.(A)At Smiths hardware stores.(B) At Thomes h

8、ardware stores.(C) In a grocery store in Paul Street.(D)In the B it is an “evolutionarily stable strategy“. Although Fisher wrote this, before the mathematical theory of games had been developed, his theory【C7】_the essential feature of a gamethat the best strategy to adopt depends on what others are

9、 doing.More immediately relevant to game theory are the sex ratios in certain parasitic wasp(寄生蜂 )species that have a large excess of females. In these species, fertilized eggs develop into females and unfertilized eggs into males. A female can determine the sex of each egg she lays by fertilizing i

10、t or leaving it unfertilized. By Fishers argument, it should still pay a【C8】_to produce equal numbers of sons and daughters. Hamilton, noting that the eggs develop within their host and that the newly emerged adult wasps mate immediately and【C9】_. offered a remarkably reasonable analysis. Like Fishe

11、r, Hamilton looked for an【C10】_stable strategy, but he went a step further in recognizing that he was looking for a strategy.A)female I)predecessorB)updated J)offspringC)stable K)disperseD)incorporates L)couchedE)invariably M)maleF)evolutionarily N)oppositeG)assumption O)homogeneous H)equal37 【C1 】3

12、8 【C2 】39 【C3 】40 【C4 】41 【C5 】42 【C6 】43 【C7 】44 【C8 】45 【C9 】46 【C10 】Section B46 A Cooler PlanetAScientists are cooking up solutions based on current technology that they say could dramatically turn down the heat of global warming over the next 50 years. Innovations such as cheaper wind power, ga

13、s-electric hybrid cars and gas cars that generate funds for climate change projects already are available. Introducing them across the nation could put a dent in the growth of greenhouse gases that are warming the planet, scientists say.BThe concentration of carbon dioxide a potent greenhouse gas is

14、 likely to double before the end of the century, the United Nations says. Scientists say further warming is inevitable as greenhouse gas emissions climb but that the worse effects can still be avoided. “The question now is not whether to adapt? but how to adapt?“ says a 2004 U.N. report on climate c

15、hange. The solutions, say experts, must come from action by politicians, business people, scientists and individuals. Over the next century, power could be derived from sources that release less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere such as nuclear fusion, hydrogen fuel cells and more efficient combust

16、ion engines. Scientists: Technology already existsCTechnology is a crucial component to meet the challenge of global warming, say climate researchers and policy experts. “You need technology,“ says Elliot Diringer, international strategies director with the Pew Center on Global Climate Change. “Ther

17、es no question about that. The question is, What is the most efficient way to not only generate the technology but get it deployed.“DThe Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a U.N. body issuing regular assessments on the climate, says innovation has advanced faster than expected. It estimates

18、technological improvements could reduce greenhouse gas emissions below 2000 levels within 20 years and avert even more risky levels of such concentrations. The IPCC has estimated that technological improvements could some time between 2010 and 2020 reduce greenhouse gas emissions to levels below tho

19、se in the year 2000. “We need to move as fast as we can,“ Diringer says. “The longer we wait to take concerted action, the greater the impacts will be . the more it will cost to achieve the reduction.“ETechnology with the greatest potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions already exists, say Prin

20、ceton University scientists Stephen Pacala and Robert Socolow in a 2004 study published in the journal Science.FImproving efficiency and conservation could reduce billions of tons in atmospheric emissions of greenhouse gases each year. Improvements such as efficient engineering, better gas mileage(英

21、里数)and new fuel sources for vehicles and power plants have the potential to halt growth of emissions by around 2050, according to the study.G“It is important not to become diverted by the possibility of revolutionary technology,“ the Princeton authors write in Science. “Humanity can solve the carbon

22、 and climate problem in the first half of this century simply by increasing what we already know how to do.“ The scientists picked seven actions that they say could make the climate stable by 2054. They focused on technology already in place that simply needs to be expanded a lot.HCars are an easy t

23、arget. Each gallon of gas burned gives off about 20 pounds of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Thats a lot of carbon for the 2 billion cars that may be on the road by 2054, nearly four times the number today, the authors report. The Science articl

24、e suggests that doubling the average fuel efficiency of cars from 30 miles per gallon today to 60, switching to wind-generated hydrogen fuels or halving the annual number of miles traveled per car to 5,000 could reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The savings would provide one-seventh of the total cuts

25、 needed to make U.S. emissions stable, the article states. In addition, scientists are watching plenty of other technologies being developed to make emissions stable. Carbon StorageIBurying carbon dioxide allows fossil fuel companies to continue pumping oil while reducing greenhouse emissions. The U

26、nited Nations estimates by 2050 it should be possible to store half of the increasing global emissions in underground reservoirs at reasonable prices. The U.S. government already has started a test project at a West Virginia coal power plant. The energy company BP sends 1 million tons of carbon diox

27、ide each year beneath the sands of the Sahara desert at one of its facilities in Algeria. JThese carbon reducing projects send millions of tons of carbon dioxide gas into underground geologic formations such as gas beds now filled with water, natural gas or oil. The risks of such techniques include

28、leakage of carbon dioxide from underground reservoirs that may endanger human life and the environment. Scientists are studying techniques to find which rock formations permanently store gases such as carbon dioxide. Renewable EnergyKRenewable power is a major facet of reducing global warming emissi

29、ons, according to the United Nations. Because most renewable energy sources wind, ocean tides, solar, biomass fuel emit less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than they absorb, they do not add to climate change.LThe share of renewable in the world energy supply accounts for at least 14 percent of t

30、he total, the United Nations estimates. The price of these renewable fuels and technology is plummeting(垂直下落)as demand grows and hardware improves. “Green“ tariffs, already introduced in some European countries, guarantee premium prices for energy derived from renewable sources. States such as New Y

31、ork and California also require utilities to generate a fraction of their energy supply from renewable. Trading Carbon MCarbon emissions trading is designed to make global warming prevention affordable, according to the U.N. Convention on Climate Change. Under the Kyoto Agreement, participating coun

32、tries agree to emit a certain amount of carbon. If a country cannot afford to meet its carbon emissions limit, it can buy “credits“ from a country that has produced less than its allotted amount.NAlthough critics say there are significant problems under the Kyoto system, the United Nations says emis

33、sions trading allows countries gradually to eliminate carbon dioxide while preventing some economic hardships of reducing emissions growth. Corporate actionOCompanies also are devising ways for businesses and individuals to offset greenhouse emissions. Oregon-based Climate Neutral Network says it wi

34、ll offer air travelers access to “Cool Class“ air travel in which a portion of airline fares, negotiated through contracts with different companies are invested in ways to reduce greenhouse emissions.47 Before the end of the century, the concentration of carbon dioxide may become twice as high as th

35、e present level.48 One gallon of gas burned can emit about 20 pounds carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, according to the Environment Protection Agency.49 The reason that renewable energy sources are beneficial to climate is that the carbon dioxide they emit into the atmosphere is less than they abs

36、orb.50 Technology is the essential component in slowing global warming, according to Elliot Diringer.51 Innovations such as cheaper wind power, gas-electric hybrid cars can be used to turn down the heat of global warming.52 Once carbon dioxide leaks from underground reservoirs, both human life and t

37、he environment will be confronted with danger.53 According to the United Nations, about 14 percent of the total world energy supply goes to the renewable energy.54 In spite of the problems under Kyoto Agreement, carbon emissions trading can reduce the cost of global warming prevention.55 According t

38、o Diringer, the concerted action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions should be taken as soon as possible.56 The number of cars on the road by 2054 is likely to be nearly 4 times as many as todays.Section C56 Looking in from abroad, much of the world has historically been baffled by Americas gun laws.

39、 In no other country can a mentally unstable person access a Glock pistol as easily as suspected Arizona shooter Jared Loughner did. And in no other country is the number of people who own guns as high as in the United States, where there are 90 guns for every 100 people.The Second Amendment that gu

40、arantees the right to bear arms is part of Americas founding fabric. So is senseless violence brought about by guns also American?That was the question posed at todays White House press briefing by Russian journalist Andrei Sitov, the Washington Bureau Chief for Moscow-based Itar-Tass. Predictably,

41、the query irked(惹恼)many in the room, including White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs.“I think theres agreement on all sides of the political spectrum that violence is never, ever acceptable,“ Gibbs said from the podium. What happened in Tucson “was not in keeping with the important bedrock(基础的)va

42、lues on which this country was founded,“ he said.Several other reporters scoffed(嘲笑)at the suggestion as well. But much more scoffing over the last week came from overseas, where foreign news agencies reacted to the Tucson tragedy with an element of saying “we could have predicted this“.“The Tucson

43、shooting, in which Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head, is another tragic commentary on the poisonous political climate that has developed in the United States, allied to the countrys pervasive(普遍存在的)gun culture,“ read an editorial published in New Zealand. In the Sydney Morning He

44、rald, journalist Rod Tiffen stated what seems like an obvious point missed over the past week: “There is a strong correlation between the number of guns in a society and deaths resulting from them.“Ed Pilkington, a writer for the U.K.s Guardian asked it more simply, “What is it with guns and America

45、? Why does the most advanced democracy, which prides itself on being a bastion of reason and civilization in a brutal and ugly world, put up with this carnage in its own back yard?“Which raises the question, is Sitov right? Is occasional violent tragedy an unpleasant byproduct(副产品)of a free society?

46、 I walked out of the briefing room with Sitov, who appeared to realize the impact that his question had on the roomful of Americans. “Its an obvious question and nobody asks that question,“ he told me through his thick Russian accent. “This is a cost that your country pays for freedom.“57 What do we

47、 learn from the first paragraph?(A)The use of guns has become a hot topic in the United States now.(B) The U.S. is now the country with the highest rate of privately-owned guns.(C) People with mental disorder are banned to use guns in the U.S.(D)Many countries have followed Americas example in makin

48、g their gun laws.58 Russian journalist Andrei Sitov suggested that_.(A)its gun users who should be blamed for violence(B) its nothing wrong for people to bear private weapons(C) for America gun violence is the cost of freedom(D)Americans commit most violent crimes in the world59 How did Robert Gibbs

49、 feel in face of Andrei Sitovs question?(A)He felt very annoyed.(B) He thought its ridiculous.(C) He was happy that Sitov raised the question.(D)He wasnt convinced about the answer.60 What is the view of the New Zealand editorial?(A)Its impossible for the United States to prevent gun violence.(B) Americas dangerous political situation is connected with its gun culture.(C) Foreign reporters should not comment on the Tucson tragedy thoughtlessly.(D)The Tucson shooting is just

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