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本文([外语类试卷]大学英语六级(2013年12月考试改革适用)模拟试卷37(无答案).doc)为本站会员(fuellot230)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、大学英语六级(2013 年 12 月考试改革适用)模拟试卷 37(无答案)一、Part I Writing1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should Class Attendance Be Required. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words according to the outline given below in Chinese. Write your essay on An

2、swer Sheet 1.1许多大学都实行上课出勤点名制;2你认为有无必要实行这种制度及其原因;3你的看法。Section A(A)Furnished apartments will cost more.(B) The apartment can be furnished easily.(C) The apartment is just what the man is looking for.(D)She can provide the man with the apartment he needs.(A)Mr. Johnsons ideas are nonsense.(B) He quite

3、 agrees with Mr. Johnsons views.(C) Mr. Johnson is good at expressing his ideas.(D)He shares the womans views on social welfare.(A)Study in a quiet place.(B) Improve her grades gradually.(C) Change the conditions of her dorm.(D)Avoid distractions while studying in her dorm.(A)It has been put off.(B)

4、 It has been cancelled.(C) It will be held in a different place.(D)It will be rescheduled to attract more participants.(A)Janet loves the beautiful landscape of Australia very much.(B) Janet is very much interested in architecture.(C) Janet admires the Sydney Opera House very much.(D)Janet thinks it

5、s a shame for anyone not to visit Australia.(A)It is based on a lot of research.(B) It can be finished in a few weeks time.(C) It has drawn criticism from lots of people.(D)It falls short of her supervisors expectations.(A)Karen is very forgetful.(B) He knows Karen better now.(C) Karen is sure to pa

6、ss the interview.(D)The woman should have reminded Karen earlier.(A)Ask Joe to apologize to the professor for her.(B) Skip the class to prepare for the exam.(C) Tell the professor shes lost her voice.(D)Attend the lecture with the man.(A)Redwood trees.(B) Forest fires.(C) San Francisco.(D)Survival s

7、kills.(A)It has a good view of the coast.(B) It is near San Francisco.(C) It has no admission fee.(D)It can be seen in one hour.(A)800 years.(B) 400 years.(C) 550 years.(D)2,000 years.(A)Coastal isolation.(B) Resistant bark and damp climate.(C) Absence of natural enemies.(D)Cool weather and daily fo

8、g.(A)Find his glasses.(B) Sit up straight.(C) Change his tries.(D)Get enough rest.(A)Experimental medicines.(B) Special treatment centers.(C) Flexible work schedule.(D)Innovative physical exercises.(A)Buy a new watch.(B) Go to bed earlier.(C) See a doctor.(D)Change his job.Section B(A)Because they c

9、ant afford to.(B) Because they think small houses are more comfortable to live in.(C) Because big houses are usually built in the countryside.(D)Because they prefer apartments.(A)In apartment.(B) In motel.(C) In the down town.(D)In the area where houses are cheaper.(A)Because many young people have

10、moved into comfortable apartments.(B) Because many old houses in the bad part of the town are not inhabited.(C) Because many older people sell their houses after their children leave.(D)Because many people have quit their old houses to build new ones.(A)They have to do their own maintenance.(B) They

11、 have to furnish their own houses.(C) They will find it difficult to make the rest of the payment.(D)They will find it difficult to dispose of their old-style furniture.(A)They cure patients by using traditional medicine.(B) Their treatments are often successful.(C) They cure patients both physicall

12、y and mentally.(D)They are usually more patient than modern physicians.(A)The anger of a relative, friend or enemy.(B) The stone hidden inside the patients throat, arm, leg, stomach, etc.(C) The attack from neighboring enemies.(D)The diseases that enter the body of a person.(A)They are scientific.(B

13、) They are loo complicated.(C) They should be banned.(D)They are not truthful, but effective.(A)American farmers travels from a village to his fields each morning.(B) American farmers have more money.(C) Each American farmer family lives quite far from any neighbors.(D)American farmers dont like to

14、leave their fields.(A)City life is much the same in many parts of the world.(B) In the United States, farm families live on their own farms.(C) In many parts of the world, fanners live in villages.(D)Farmer families in the United States have more children than families in the city.(A)Only three days

15、.(B) Saturday and Sunday.(C) Only one day.(D)Throughout the week.Section C26 When I was a child, my teeth used to【B1】_in several different directions, and【B2】_ that involved rather expensive【B3 】_.And my horrible memory is of【 B4】_lots of wire bands, around my teeth for years and years. They really

16、didn t do much good to my teeth because they seem to be【B5】_back into their original【B6】_now.When I was a child, my teeth were poor because in【B7】_, where I came from, we tend to eat a great deal of sugar. Also we【B8】_ eat a lot of fried food there, which of course is not very good for the gums, the

17、 two areas of firm pink flesh in which the teeth are fixed. So when I was about fourteen, I got false teeth, which is terrible for a young boy of fourteen.As a child, I never imagined that I would have problems with my teeth, but I did. It wasnt something that I was【B9】_at the time, but as I develop

18、ed I realized that I had two very prominent front teeth which【B10】_. And like some of us around the table, I had to have considerable work done to straighten these teeth out.27 【B1 】28 【B2 】29 【B3 】30 【B4 】31 【B5 】32 【B6 】33 【B7 】34 【B8 】35 【B9 】36 【B10 】Section A36 The mayor of County Club Hills he

19、lped arrest two men Wednesday night suspected in the random shooting a 15-year-old boy as he was leaving a basketball game at Hillcrest High School.County Club Hills Mayor Dwight Welch, who is also a【C1】_police officer, said he【C2 】_around 9:30 p. m. to the rear parking lot of the high school, 17401

20、 Pulaski Td., after hearing radio【C3】_of someone firing several shots at crowds leaving the game between Hillcrest and Rich Central High School. “It was pretty【 C4】_because no one knew where the shots were coming from,“ Welch said later in a telephone【C5 】_from his home. “Within five minutes of bein

21、g there we got a report that a student was shot.“ Welch and on-duty police Lt. Will Garrison found a 15-year-old Hillcrest student had suffered a graze【C6】_to the arm. They boy was taken in good condition to Advocate South Suburban Hospital in Hazel Crest, said town spokeswoman Wanda Comein. No one

22、else was hit.In Welchs police car, they began【C7】_the area for a white jeep that had fled the scene south on Winston Drive following the shooting, the mayor said.“We stayed back and turned around and waited for them. Then we saw the suspects car coming head-on,“ Welch said. “We curbed their【 C8】_. W

23、e came close to crashing.“ Once the car was stopped, Welch and the lieutenant got out of their vehicle and drew their service weapons,【C9】_the two occupants out of their vehicle, he said. Inside, they found a revolver next to an empty bottle of【C10】_. according to Welch.A)wound B)journalists C)certi

24、fied D)ordering E)chaoticF)scouring G)employer H)liquor I)vehicle J)employeeK)lie down L)pulled up M)reports N)interview O)suspect37 【C1 】38 【C2 】39 【C3 】40 【C4 】41 【C5 】42 【C6 】43 【C7 】44 【C8 】45 【C9 】46 【C10 】Section B46 Dont Waste Our OceansAFor too long, marine life has been largely open for the

25、 taking by anyone possessing the means to exploit it. Rapid advances in technology have meant that the ability, reach and power of vessels and equipment used to exploit marine life now far outweigh natures ability to maintain it. If left unchecked, this will have far reaching consequences for the ma

26、rine environment and for people who depend on it. Ocean life comes in an incredible array of shapes and sizes from microscopic plankton to the largest of the great whales. Yet many species have been, or are being, driven towards extinction through devastating human impacts. The key threats facing ou

27、r ocean creatures include:Industrial FishingBMany marine ecologists think that the biggest single threat to marine ecosystems today is overfishing. Our appetite for fish is exceeding the oceans ecological limits with devastating impacts on marine ecosystems. Scientists are warning that overfishing r

28、esults in profound changes in our oceans, perhaps changing them forever. Not to mention our dinner plates, which in future may only feature fish and chips as a rare and expensive delicacy.The fish dont stand a chanceCMore often than not, the fishing industry is given access to fish stocks before the

29、 impact of their fishing can be assessed, and regulation of the fishing industry is, in any case, woefully inadequate. The reality of modern fishing is that the industry is dominated by fishing vessels that far out-match natures ability to replenish fish. Giant ships using state-of-the-art fish-find

30、ing sonar can pinpoint schools offish quickly and accurately. The ships are fitted out like giant floating factoriescontaining fish processing and packing plants, huge freezing systems, and powerful engines to drag enormous fishing gear through the ocean. Put simply: the fish dont stand a chance.Oce

31、an life health checkDPopulation of top predators, a key indicator of ecosystem health, are disappearing at a frightening rate, and 90 percent of the large fish that many of us love to eat, such as tuna, swordfish, marlin, cod, halibut, skate, and flounder have been fished out since large-scale indus

32、trial fishing began in the 1950s. The depletion of these top predator species can cause a shift in entire oceans ecosystems where commercially valuable fish are replaced by smaller, planktonfeeding fish. This century may even see bumper crops of jellyfish replacing the fish consumed by humans. These

33、 changes endanger the structure and functioning of marine ecosystems, and hence threaten the livelihoods of those dependent on the oceans, both now and in the future.Fisheries collapseEThe over-exploitation and mismanagement of fisheries has already led to some spectacular fisheries collapses. The c

34、od fishery off Newfoundland, Canada collapsed in 1992, leading to the loss of some 40,000 jobs in the industry. The cod stocks in the North Sea and Baltic Sea are now heading the same way and are close to complete collapse. Instead of trying to find a long-term solution to these problems, the fishin

35、g industrys eyes are turning towards the Pacific but this is not the answer. Politicians continue to ignore the advice of scientists about how these fisheries should be managed and the need to fish these threatened species in a sustainable way.BycatchFMany fisheries catch fish other than the ones th

36、at they target and in many cases these are simply thrown dead or dying back into the sea. In some trawl fisheries for shrimp, the discard may be 90 percent of the catch. Other fisheries kill seabirds, turtles and dolphins, sometimes in huge numbers.GEstimates vary as to how serious a problem bycatch

37、 is. Latest reports suggest that around eight percent of the total global catch is discarded, but previous estimates indicated that around a quarter of which might be thrown overboard. Simply no one knows how much of a problem this really is. The incidental capture, or bycatch, of mammals, seabirds,

38、 turtles, sharks and numerous other species is recognized to be a major problem in many parts of the world. This figure includes non-target species as well as targeted fish species that cannot be landed because they are, for instance, undersized. In short, anywhere between 6.8 million and 27 million

39、 tones offish could be discarded each year, reflecting the huge uncertainties in the data on this important issue.HThe scale of this mortality is such that bycatch in some fisheries may affect the structure and function of marine systems at the population, community and ecosystem levels. Bycatch is

40、widely recognized as one of the most serious environmental impacts of modern commercial fisheries.The victimsIDifferent types of fishing practices result in different animal species being killed as bycatch: nets kill dolphins, porpoises and whales, longline fishing kills birds, and bottom trawling d

41、evastates marine ecosystems.JIt has been estimated that a staggering 100 million sharks and rays are caught and discarded each year. Tuna fisheries, which in the past had high dolphin bycatch levels, are still responsible for the death of many sharks. An estimated 300,000 cetaceans(whales, dolphins

42、and porpoises)also die as bycatch each year, because they are unable to escape when caught in nets. Birds dive for the bait planted on long fishing lines, swallow it(hook included)and are pulled underwater and drowned. Around 100,000 albatrosses are killed by longline fisheries every year and becaus

43、e of this, many species are facing extinction.KBottom trawling is a destructive way of “strip-mining“ the ocean floor, harvesting the species that live there. As well as the target fish species, this also results in bycatch of commercially unattractive animals like starfish and sponges. A single pas

44、s of a trawl removes up to 20 percent of the seafloor fauna and flora. The fisheries with the highest levels of bycatch are shrimp fisheries: over 80 percent of a catch may consist of marine species other than the shrimp being targeted.TechnologyLMany technical fixes exist to reduce bycatch. Turtle

45、exclusion devices are used in some shrimp fisheries to avoid killing turtle species. In the case of longline fisheries, the process of setting the hooks can be changed and bird-scaring devices employed which radically cut the numbers of birds killed. To avoid dolphins being caught in nets, other dev

46、ices can be used. Pingers are small sound-emitting and dolphin-deterring devices that are attached to nets, but they are not always effective. Escape hatches(consisting of a widely spaced metal grid, which forces the cetacean up and out of the net)have also been used.MAlthough these devices may have

47、 a role to play, they cannot address the whole problem. Such devices need continual monitoring to check how well they work and assess any potential negative effects they may have. Realistically they will probably only be used in areas with well-developed fishery management and enforcement agencies.N

48、On a global level, probably the only effective way to address the problems of bycatch is to control fishing effort. This will be best achieved through the creation of marine reserves. Nonetheless, in the case of highly mobile species such as seabirds and cetaceans, the only effective way of preventi

49、ng bycatch is to discontinue the use of particularly damaging fishing methods.Defending Our OceansOFundamental changes need to be made in the way our oceans are managed. This means that we must act to make sure that human activities are sustainable, in other words that they meet human needs of current and future generations without causing harm to the environment. Accordingly, governments must set aside 40 percent of o

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