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本文([医学类试卷]2000年医学博士外语真题试卷及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(visitstep340)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2000 年医学博士外语真题试卷及答案与解析一、Section A(A)Heart attacks(B) Strokes(C) Drug addiction(D)Cerebral haemorrhage(A)About 860,000(B) About 1.5 million(C) About 1/2 of the total population(D)About 2/3 of the total population(A)Easy to use(B) Safe(C) Economical(D)Fast acting Talk Two(A)Students(B) Teachers(C) Soc

2、ial workers(D)Doctors(A)They took a long-term course of social sciences(B) They took a one-day course of psychology(C) They rendered assistance to the disabled(D)They explored the world of the handicapped(A)To understand the handicapped(B) To create compassion for the needed(C) To share difficulties

3、 with the poor(D)To take care of the disabled(A)An insight into the psychology of the disabled(B) More knowledge about needs and feelings of the handicapped(C) Respect for the disabled for their abilities(D)All of the above Talk Three(A)The President and the hospital(B) A visit to the hospital(C) Pr

4、esident Abraham Lincoln(D)Lincoln and a wounded soldier(A)Writing down a letter for him(B) Dictating a letter for him(C) Typing a letter for him(D)Posting a letter for him(A)The President signed the letter(B) The President held the soldier s hand tightly(C) The young man went peacefully through to h

5、is end.(D)The young man recognised Lincoln.二、Section B10 When someone asks you to his or her home, it is very clear who is the guest and who is the host, but invitations to restaurant for lunch, dinner, coffee, a drink, etc,【B1 】_, and the customs vary in different parts of the United States.In many

6、 instances it is the inviter who pays, as one would expect, but in some instances each one pays his or her own check; You “【B2】_“ This is often the case with friends in informal situations, such as “Let s go get a beer“ or “Want a cup of coffee?“ In some parts of the country, however, some people li

7、ke to【B3】_by taking them to a restaurant for a dinner instead of having dinner at home. In this case, the host expects to pay and the guest may offer to leave the tip, which【B7】_by the host. If so, just let the matter drop. If the invitation is expressed【B8】_, such as: “ Let s go to a Greenwillow fo

8、r dinner,“ it may be more of a suggestion than an invitation, so you should be prepared to pay【B6】_If you want to invite somebody for a meal at a restaurant, be explicit; “Id like to take you to Greenwillow. “ Americans should be【B7】_, but they often assume you know the local customs in the matter.

9、Ask a friend s advice if you are not sure.11 【B1 】12 【B2 】13 【B3 】14 【B4 】15 【B5 】16 【B6 】17 【B7 】三、Part Writing18 Please read the following article in Chinese carefully, and then write a summary of 200 words in English on the ANSWER SHEET. Make sure that you cover all the major points of the articl

10、e.有科学家预言,未来医学是预防医学和自我保健医学的时代。随着社会的发展,疾病谱正在发生巨大变化,影响人类健康的因素及医学模式也都有所改变。来自人们心理、行为以及自然和社会环境因素的“生活方式病” 已越来越多地威胁人们的健康。人们逐渐发现,个人、家庭、社会参与卫生保健的作用将越来越大,健康教育已成为解决当代公共卫生问题的重要内容。国外一些学者甚至喊出:“未来,谁掌握了健康教育,谁就掌握了自己的健康和命运。”本世纪末到下世纪初,是我国卫生保健事业发展的重要时期,也是我国慢性非传染性疾病发病的高峰期。西方发达国家的实践已经表明,治疗慢性非传染性疾病,经济耗费是巨大的,效益却微乎其微。然而,慢性非传

11、染性疾病大多是可以预防的,只要大力开展健康教育、促进健康,花费比治疗要少得多的经费,就可以使慢性病发病率大大降低。芬兰、美国等国均取得了使慢性病发病率下降 30至 50的明显效果。国内外的事实证明,开展全方位、多层次的健康服务和健康教育,促进健康,是低投入高产出的事业。世界卫生组织西太区办事处 1995 年提出了健康新地平线的理论,指出卫生工作应以人为中心,以健康为中心,而不应以疾病为中心。在未来的卫生保健工作中,健康教育、促进健康、健康保护将成为优先发展的战略重点。国务院颁布的21 世纪议程和中国卫生发展与改革纲要,都把开展全民健康教育作为战略重点。卫生部在我国卫生事业 2000 年规划设想

12、中提出:把健康教育工作作为各级各类卫生单位的基本职能之一,动员全社会,最大限度地控制和消除影响人民身体健康的各种危险因素。卫生工作根本目的在于保障全体人民群众的健康,减少各种危害健康的因素,减少疾病,提高人民群众的健康素质和生活质量。而达到这一目的,必须有广大人民群众参与;动员广大群众参与,最有利的形式就是开展健康教育,解决当今主要的社会卫生问题。我国的健康教育起步较晚,经验尚显不足。面对诸多影响人群健康的危险因素,面对医学模式的转变和 21 世纪的需求,面对与国际上促进健康的模式接轨,我们应该做些什么?有关专家指出,目前,我国健康教育投入甚微,健康教育运行机制和政府对健康教育的管理尚不够协调


14、仅限于医学院校、师范院校),而我国目前却只有六七所医学院校设有该专业,且力量相当薄弱,应尽快扭转这一局面,加速健康教育专业师资培养和人才培训,以适应21 世纪人群健康对健康教育提出的要求。完善社区网络,开展社区服务,是目前我国健康教育面临的又一问题。世界卫生组织规定,开展城市社区健康教育,创建“健康城市” 的标准之一,就是社区居民居住区的一定范围内设有健康教育服务站。世界卫生组织认为,人的健康应该从一出生起就得到关注,包括婴幼儿、青少年、中老年等每一阶段,都应有专人为其提供健康服务。中国健康教育研究所副研究员徐岫茹指出,我国尚缺少社区健康教育场所,社区健康教育活动也只停留在照顾孤寡老人、精神病

15、人等单层面上,只有“照顾”,谈不上 “教育”。徐岫茹介绍,前两年她们曾在北京安华小区讲课,讲婴幼儿健康、心理卫生等内容,很受当地居民欢迎,但由于没有固定场所和必要的设备,这种社区健康教育服务最终未能坚持下来。有关专家谈到,搞好健康教育需要医务人员的配合,需要医生“转变角色” 。目前,大部分心理门诊设在医院,可心理疾病往往来自复杂的社会问题。医生通常只习惯于开药治病,而人又往往认为自己的病不需要吃药,需要的是医生的指导和精神“治疗”,结果使一些精神疾病得不到帮助和指导。专家建议,应建立各类健康服务中心,如借鉴美国的社区服务经验,在社区内建立“拯救自杀中心” 、“儿童问题中心”、“婚姻家庭中心”、

16、“老年问题中心”等,为每家每户每个人建立健康档案。四、Section A19 This environment can also affect a person s mental and_health,(A)conventional(B) personal(C) physical(D)impersonal20 This is a blanket term that covers a wide range of oral activities that have an element of_.(A)sensitivity(B) simplicity(C) creativity(D)possibi

17、lity21 Except for mother s milk, no drink boasts a more _reputation for youngsters than fruit juice.(A)worthwhile(B) wholesome(C) explicit(D)nutritious22 Whichever approach is adopted, each student will require material and_which is at his level.(A)presentation(B) constituent(C) compound(D)allocatio

18、n23 If the cells cannot use sugar, the body begins to_its own tissues for food.(A)break through(B) break down(C) break out(D)break over24 He had always had a good opinion of himself, but after the publication of his best-selling novel he became unbearably_.(A)cordial(B) proud(C) conceited(D)exaggera

19、ted25 The brain centers that process numbers seem to be different for exact and_calculations.(A)adequate(B) apparent(C) approximate(D)objective26 He felt the pain again when the effect of the drug_.(A)wore on(B) wore down(C) wore out(D)wore off27 If you are a member of the League you must_to its rul

20、es.(A)approach(B) conform(C) respond(D)abide28 He may give the impression of being severe, but he is quite a kind person_.(A)from heart(B) at heart(C) of heart(D)by heart29 At the same time, the commercial value of English tuition as a_has initiated competition for more effective methods and materia

21、ls.(A)commodity(B) morality(C) diversity(D)reality30 An immediate search over 1,000 square miles of sea failed to _ single piece of wreckage.(A)turn up(B) turn down(C) turn over(D)turn round31 Should they be included in our list of problems requiring special techniques and_?(A)character(B) therapies

22、(C) expertise(D)specification32 The method_further investigation.(A)merits(B) constitutes(C) accomplishes(D)appeals33 They abolish or closely control the legislature, and quickly_freedom of speech, assembly, and the press.(A)suspend(B) supervise(C) sustain(D)suppress五、Section B34 The pain was severe

23、 at the beginning, but it soon ended.(A)passed away(B) died off(C) took away(D)died down35 You can not burden your memory with too much information.(A)retain(B) load(C) retrieve(D)associate36 The insurance company estimates his assets at over three million dollars.(A)accessories(B) finances(C) accom

24、modations(D)returns37 Experts caution that no matter which method patients choose, they may need to wear eye glasses again one dayat least for reading.(A)advise(B) conclude(C) warn(D)claim38 We also have courage and determination to build paradise or at least try.(A)guts(B) desire(C) confidence(D)ze

25、al39 The queer woman kept over one hundred cats in her house.(A)odd(B) energetic(C) generous(D)subtle40 Peering into the crowd, Luanno saw Robin walking slowly toward his father, his head tilted to one side.(A)Looking casually(B) Looking closely(C) Looking unintentionally(D)Looking cautiously41 Thes

26、e techniques were applied over the centuries.(A)employed(B) explored(C) manipulated(D)innovated42 The policemen were assaulted by a shower of stones.(A)astounded(B) attacked(C) retreated(D)scattered43 He made a career of imitating famous people for night club audiences.(A)bringing out(B) taking off(

27、C) making out(D)getting at44 The arbitrary decision of the factory owners caused anger among the workers.(A)orbital(B) optional(C) assertive(D)disappointed45 The strong, light-weight bamboo makes an excellent reinforcement for concrete.(A)replacement(B) enforcement(C) substitute(D)strengthening46 If

28、 a client insists upon being stubborn, lawyers have to settle claims in court.(A)obstinate(B) indignant(C) obsessive(D)furious47 The conclusion seems irresistible; that no wall of separation between religious affirmations.(A)inevitable(B) unbelievable(C) reasonable(D)unconquerable48 Babies need to b

29、e held and soothed when they are disturbed or hurt.(A)smoothed(B) calmed(C) touched(D)cared六、Part Cloze48 Despite growing numbers of joggers, Canada Fitness Surveys across the country demonstrate that Canadians are less physically fit than their U. S. or Swedish counterparts. Many people were【C1】_th

30、at they do not exercise often or vigorously enough for optimal benefits. Only about 25 per cent of Canadian adults paddle【C2 】 _the recommended level that increases the heart beat to a target level【C3 】_there for at least 15 minutes thrice weekly. Men are more likely to be either “sedentary“ or “ver

31、y active“ , while women are【C4】_to be “moderately active“.Common reasons【C5】_are no willpower, poor facilities, boredom, fatigue, no partner, sheer laziness or lack of lime. Experts【C6】_that better use of available time is the answer, with incentives and rewards to help sustain the exercise habit un

32、til the benefits become so【C7】_that activity is automatically scheduled into daily routines.A modest increase in daily activity【C8】_the sedentary could improve the overall health of our population more than increased activity in those already dedicated to exercise. Activity in older people helps the

33、m【C9】_agile, work and feel better. Many elderly people who remain active have a lower-heart rate than inactive youngsters.【C10】_, one famous marathoner(Clarence Demar), e-ven after age 60, was in better shape than【C11】_Currently only 35 per cent of the over【C12 】 _take regular walks. Even a small ga

34、in in fitness among the elderly may permit them to replace a restricted lifestyle with【C13】_in which they can play golf, dance, cycle and【C14】_The overall【C15】_is clear; physical activity benefits body and mind, and should be encouraged for all, especially those who are now the least active.49 【C1 】

35、(A)convinced(B) convince(C) convincing(D)who convinced50 【C2 】(A)on(B) at(C) to(D)in51 【C3 】(A)to keep it(B) but keeps them(C) and keeps it(D)thus keeping them52 【C4 】(A)more possible(B) more probable(C) more easily(D)more likely53 【C5 】(A)for not exercising(B) for exercising(C) for being exercised(

36、D)for doing exercise54 【C6 】(A)assume(B) counter(C) suggest(D)expect55 【C7 】(A)self-confident(B) self-existent(C) self-evident(D)self-sufficient56 【C8 】(A)in(B) to(C) by(D)for57 【C9 】(A)stay(B) grow(C) come(D)live58 【C10 】(A)Consequently(B) For example(C) As it is(D)In addition59 【C11 】(A)most of th

37、e people(B) young people(C) many younger people(D)many people60 【C12 】(A)65th(B) 65(C) 65 s(D)65s61 【C13 】(A)the enriched one(B) other enriched one(C) an enriched one(D)enriched one62 【C14 】(A)watch TV(B) work(C) drive(D)garden63 【C15 】(A)way(B) message(C) interest(D)conclusion七、Part Reading Compreh

38、ension63 People have worried about smog for many years, and the government has spent billions of dollars to try to clean up the air of big cities. Now we find that there is no escape from unhealthful air. Recent studies have shown that air inside many homes, office buildings, and schools is full of

39、pollutants; chemicals, bacteria, smoke, and gases. These pollutants are causing a group of unpleasant and dangerous symptoms that experts call “sick building syndrome“. A “sick building“ might be a small house in a rural area or an enormous office building in an urban center.A recent study reached a

40、 surprising conclusion: Indoor air pollution is almost always two to five times worse than outside pollution! This is true even in buildings that are close to factories that produce chemicals. The solution to this problem would seem very clear; Open your windows and stay out of modern office buildin

41、gs with windows that dont open.Unfortunately, the solution might not be so simple, better ventilationa system for moving fresh aircan cut indoor air pollution to a safe level, but lack of ventilation is seldom the main cause of the problem. Experts have found that buildings create their own pollutio

42、n. Imagine a typical home. The people who live there burn oil, wood, or gas for cooking and heating. They might smoke cigarettes, pipes, or cigars. They use chemicals for cleaning. They use hundreds of products made of plastic or particle board; these productssuch as the shelves in Oakland High Scho

43、ol give off chemicals that we can t see but that we do breathe in. And in many areas, the ground under the building might send a dangerous gas called radon into the home. The people in the house are breathing in a “chemical soup“ , and medical experts dont yet know how dangerous this is for the huma

44、n body.64 In the first paragraph the author is trying to draw our attention_.(A)to the improved quality of outdoor air(B) to the risks of unhealthy air(C) to the sources of pollutants(D)to indoor pollution65 From the passage, we know the author s solution to the problem of “sick building syndrome“ i

45、s_.(A)to build small houses in the rural areas(B) to live in buildings far from factories(C) to leave open the windows of the office where one works(D)to pull down all “sick buildings“66 The reason why the problem can not be eradicated is that_.(A)there is lack of ventilation(B) it is caused by buil

46、dings themselves(C) it might not be simple(D)indoor air pollution can not be improved through ventilation67 According to the passage, which of the following is true of “sick building syndrome“?(A)All people can be ill when they breathe in indoor air with harmful ingredients.(B) Only old buildings ca

47、n make people sick.(C) Outdoor air pollution is no less than indoor air pollution.(D)One shouldn t stay in the house where some people are seriously sick.68 Which of the following statements can be concluded from the passage?(A)Sick building syndrome is a sort of disease that is incurable.(B) There

48、is no air pollution in modern office buildings.(C) Few people have realized the danger and harm of indoor air pollution.(D)Chemicals should not be allowed to be produced so as to avoid sick building syndrome. 68 The truth may well be self-evident that all humans are created equal, but one thing our

49、Maker did not endow us with equally is the speed at which we take in words on the printed page. This seems not so much a function of brains as of how efficiently the machinery works. A few of us are industrial vacuum cleaners, able to suck up “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire“ in a matter of hours. At the other extreme are the lint-pickers, those who m

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