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1、2001 年医学博士外语真题试卷及答案与解析一、Section A(A)It s a symbol of strength and courage.(B) It s a symbol of power and independence.(C) It s a symbol of competence and courage.(D)It s a symbol of strength and confidence.(A)The polluted fish killed 3,000 of them.(B) Insects poisoned so many of them.(C) Pollution g

2、reatly reduced their number.(D)Pesticides made them extinct.(A)The bird is not adored any more.(B) The bird does not eat the poisonous fish.(C) The bird begins to lay fewer and fewer eggs.(D)Measures are being taken to save the bird. Talk Two(A)To go sightseeing in the town-center.(B) To lose his wa

3、y intentionally.(C) To pay a visit to the suburb(D)To wander about the streets(A)To know more of the city.(B) To practise the language.(C) To get to know his way around the suburb.(D)To while away the hours.(A)He was unable to find his way back.(B) A policeman could help him with his problem.(C) He

4、failed to communicate with the policeman.(D)All of the above.(A)The policeman showed him the railway station.(B) He found the place where he lived.(C) He was misled to a wrong place.(D)He decided to stay in the country. Talk Three(A)A case of active euthanasia.(B) A case of passive euthanasia.(C) A

5、case of prostate cancer.(D)A case of community medical service.(A)His prostate cancer.(B) The right time.(C) His wife s idea.(D)Three signatures.(A)Painfully.(B) Apathetically.(C) Peacefully.(D)Angrily.二、Section B10 Applied research, undertaken to solve specific practical problems, has an immediate

6、attractiveness because the results can be seen and enjoyed. For practical reasons, the sums spent on applied research in any country always【B1】_for basic research, and the proportions are more unequal in the less developed countries. Leaving aside the funds【B2】_by industrywhich is naturally far more

7、 concerned with【B3】_because these increase profits quicklythe funds the U. S. Government allots to basic research currently amount to about 7 percent of its over-all research and development funds. Unless adequate safeguards are provided, applied research invariably tends to【B4】_Then, as Dr. Waterma

8、n has pointed out, “ Development will【B5】_prematurely, career incentives will gravitate strongly toward applied science, and the opportunities for making【B6】_will be lost. Unfortunately , pressures to emphasize new developments, without corresponding emphasis upon【B7】_science, tend to【B8】_the qualit

9、y of the nation s technology in the long run, rather than to improve it.“11 【B1 】12 【B2 】13 【B3 】14 【B4 】15 【B5 】16 【B6 】17 【B7 】18 【B8 】三、Part Writing19 Please read the following article in Chinese carefully, and then write a summary of 200 words in English on the ANSWER SHEET. Make sure that you c

10、over all the major points of the article. 尽管冬季寒冷,但是仍需进行必要的体育锻炼。寒冷的气候条件下进行体育锻炼,一定要注意自我保健,否则,会适得其反,冻坏身体。冬季体育锻炼项目主要有滑冰、滑雪、晨练、冬泳等,下面结合冬季气候作介绍。 首先是着装问题。服装的隔热值必须与运动中增强的代谢产热过程平衡。在冷天中多穿衣服,衣服在皮肤之外包住一层温暖的空气,使传导散热过程减弱。但在运动时,机体的产热大大增加,如果穿得过多,反而有害,应穿轻便的衣服。这样在运动中产热增加时,可以方便地脱掉。近年来服装制造商在发展轻质服装方面不断改进,这样可以保证良好的隔热性,同时

11、又保证了活动的自由性。 在寒冷环境下运动时,机体能量代谢增强,产热增加,此时机体血管扩展,大大降低了身体对寒冷的抵抗能力。因此,在运动间隙要特别注意保暖,及时加衣。寒冷环境中运动时能量消耗大,代谢水平高,使身体内的能源物质消耗增多,在代谢过程中还需要各种维生素的参与,如维生素 B1、B 2、B 3、烟酸、维生素 C 等需求增加。 因此,对于从事滑冰、滑雪及在寒冷环境下锻炼者的膳食。应注意增加较多的热量。一般来说,冬季比春季从事同等强度的运动热量消耗高 10左右。据测算,一个成年人两小时的滑冰练习可增加消耗 10001500 千卡热量。在三大物质的比例中,因脂肪具有产热量多的特点,且增加脂肪有助

12、于机体御寒,故应适当增加脂肪的供能比例,一般可占全部热量的 25一 30;而蛋白质也应偏高,占 12一 18;其余由糖来供给。体育运动者按每天消耗 3500 卡热量计算,蛋白质约需 130 克,脂肪 150 克,糖约 480 克,相当于每天应摄入米饭或馒头 600 克左右,鸡肉 100 克,瘦猪肉 200克,鸡蛋两个,牛奶两杯,植物油 50 克等。 冰雪项目锻炼中,膳食中维生素也应相应增加,维生素 C 能增强人体对寒冷的适应能力。据文献,摄入大量维生素可明显减少寒冷环境中的体温下降幅度,缓解机体肾上腺的过度应激反应,增加机体耐寒能力。 冬泳是我国北方的一大特色,冬泳健身在理论上有其科学性,但冬

13、泳毕竟是一项冒险的运动,必须掌握科学的方法。反之,就会影响身体健康,甚至诱发疾病。一是冬泳锻炼应从秋季的冷水浴开始,逐渐提高对寒冷的适应能力;冬泳期间应加强高能量饮食的补充,冬泳前不要喝酒;对于心、肝、肾有严重疾病的人或脑血管病、溃疡、关节炎患者,以及妇女在月经期均不宜冬泳。 冬季有晨练习惯的人,遇大雾天,最好在室内进行,一是雾天能见度低,容易发生交通事故;二是冬雾中含有对人体有害的酸和胺等污染物,吸人人体易引起气管炎、喉炎、结膜炎和一些过敏性疾病。另外,冬季晨练应尽量用鼻呼吸,鼻道能对吸入的冷空气预热,鼻粘膜能阻止吸入空气中的灰尘。对于严重的疾病患者,冬天的耐寒锻炼更应适度。锻炼时应根据病情

14、变化适当减少或增加幅度,以防旧病复发。注意循序渐进,掌握体育锻炼与药物治疗相结合的原则。在天气过于寒冷时,最好不要外出锻炼。四、Section A20 We are all overwhelmed with more facts and information than we can possibly_.(A)feed(B) maintain(C) absorb(D)consume21 Pleasure, or joy, is vital to_health.(A)optimistic(B) optional(C) optimal(D)operational22 A_effort is req

15、uired to achieve health.(A)committed(B) restricted(C) compose(D)sophisticated23 A person s belief_and colors his experience.(A)contradicts(B) shapes(C) summarizes(D)exchanges24 Many professors encourage students to question and_their ideas.(A)convey(B) voice(C) challenge(D)confirm25 You are healthy

16、when you are_your outer and inner environments.(A)in relation to(B) with regard to(C) in contrast with(D)in harmony with26 Good health is a spirited_of energy, smooth skin, strong, supple limbs, and a positive joy in life.(A)texture(B) mix(C) burst(D)peak27 The_of emotional and psychiatric disorders

17、 that can prompt a person to seek therapy is wide.(A)formula(B) coverage(C) interval(D)spectrum28 Work is a_of satisfaction.(A)measure(B) terminal(C) source(D)resource29 If you _a heart-attack or stroke victim who needs your assistance, your first response should be to stay calm and urge bystanders

18、to call for an ambulance.(A)find out(B) go into(C) pass by(D)come across30 Today people still dont make health a(n)_because they have no time.(A)privilege(B) issue(C) principle(D)priority31 Mental exercise can favorably_the structure of the brain just as physical exercise can change one s bodily pro

19、portions.(A)modify(B) adjust(C) develop(D)contract32 The distinctions between the different schools and approaches are often very_.(A)subtle(B) sufficient(C) superficial(D)superior33 Despite the limitations of a standard CT, it does a_job of picturing the internal anatomy of the body.(A)supreme(B) s

20、uperb(C) sufficient(D)superfluous34 The city government is getting its residents to properly_their garbage.(A)break up(B) dispose of(C) check out(D)hand out五、Section B35 The recent deterioration in the economy is of great concern to the government.(A)depression(B) deficiency(C) degeneration(D)deform

21、ity36 A substantial hike in the top rate of income tax would not solve this problem but merely aggravate the nation s already waning support.(A)depreciating(B) warning(C) declining(D)startling37 He was not conspicuously hairy nor shiny-bald, but his hair was graying and receding tactfully in keeping

22、 with his age.(A)prominently(B) warily(C) consciously(D)conventionally38 The water company is obliged to maintain a supply of wholesome water.(A)available(B) hydraulic(C) balanced(D)hygienic39 Smoking makes one six times more likely to get oral cancer partly because the smoke constantly assaults the

23、 tissues that line the mouth and throat.(A)detects(B) contaminates(C) occupies(D)attacks40 Most organisms must fit in with their surroundings because their skills to alter their environment are restricted and highly specialized.(A)attach themselves to(B) succumb to(C) lean on(D)adapt themselves to41

24、 Instead of being recycled, garbage is left to accumulate in insanitary heaps which attract flies and spread infectious diseases.(A)innocuous(B) gathering(C) filthy(D)inflammable42 The prevalence of highly intelligent devices has eliminated the handicaps associated with most disabilities.(A)disadvan

25、tages(B) dispositions(C) disappointments(D)discomforts43 In general, lasers operate by creating an intense amount of light and energy which is then converted into heat and used to control bleeding or destroy diseased tissue.(A)developed(B) reduced(C) transformed(D)decoded44 Shyness, the most common

26、form of social anxiety, occurs when a person s apprehensions are so great that they inhibit his making an expected or desired social response.(A)discharge(B) trigger(C) restrain(D)defer45 The secret to turning a daily stroll into a meaningful form of exercise is to pick up the pace.(A)dilate(B) mult

27、iply(C) accelerate(D)enlarge46 How many people know that the term “arthritis“ may refer to dozens of different types of joint involvement?(A)disorder(B) knuckle(C) dislocation(D)therapy47 Smokers are more prone to osteoporosis, a major cause of fractures in old people, particularly post-menopause wo

28、men.(A)reliable(B) liable(C) reasonable(D)compatible48 The project was hampered by a constant stream of visitors.(A)held up(B) cut off(C) carried out(D)given up49 During the summer session there will be a revised schedule of services for the university community.(A)term(B) climate(C) heat(D)portion六

29、、Part Cloze49 Reading to oneself is a modern activity which was almost unknown to the scholars of the classical and medieval worlds, while during the fifteenth century the term “reading“undoubtedly meant reading aloud. Only during the nineteenth century,【C1】_silent reading become commonplace.One sho

30、uld be【C2】_, however, of assuming that silent reading came about【C3】_because reading aloud is a distraction to others. Examination of factors related to the historical development of silent reading reveals that it became the usual【C4】_of reading for most adult reading tasks mainly because the tasks

31、themselves changed in character.The last century【C5】_a steady gradual increase in literacy, and thus in the number of readers. As readers increased, so the number of potential listeners declined, and【C6】_there was some reduction in the need to read aloud. As reading for the benefit of listeners grew

32、 less common,【C7】_came the flourishing of reading as a private activity in such public places as libraries, railway carriages and offices,【C8】_reading aloud would cause distraction to other readers.Towards the end of the century there was still considerable argument over whether books should be used

33、 for information or treated respectfully, and【C9】_whether the reading of material such as newspapers was in【C10 】_way mentally weakening. Indeed this argument remains with us still in education. However,【C11】_its virtues, the old shared literacy culture had gone and was replaced by the printed mass

34、media on the one hand and by books and periodicals for a specialized readership【C12】_.By the end of the century students were being recommended to【C13 】_attitudes to books and to use skills in reading them which were inappropriate,【C14】_not impossible, for the oral reader. The social, cultural, and

35、technological changes in the century had greatly altered 【C15】_the term “reading“ implied.50 【C1 】(A)would(B) should(C) did(D)could51 【C2 】(A)wary(B) aware(C) sick(D)thought52 【C3 】(A)correctly(B) simply(C) amply(D)directly53 【C4 】(A)mode(B) model(C) mould(D)mood54 【C5 】(A)saw(B) watched(C) experien

36、ced(D)concluded55 【C6 】(A)ever(B) thus(C) even(D)for56 【C7 】(A)however(B) as(C) so(D)since57 【C8 】(A)which(B) whose(C) where(D)there58 【C9 】(A)of(B) in(C) against(D)over59 【C10 】(A)no(B) any(C) one(D)some60 【C11 】(A)wherever(B) whoever(C) whatever(D)whichever61 【C12 】(A)on the other(B) in the second

37、 place(C) on the contrary(D)in hand62 【C13 】(A)adapt(B) adopt(C) consume(D)condemn63 【C14 】(A)whether(B) though(C) if(D)unless64 【C15 】(A)that(B) what(C) how(D)why七、Part Reading Comprehension64 During the past 30 years or so, health care has increasingly become a form of business. In addition , the

38、environment surrounding health care has been greatly altered by the advent of more sophisticated medical technologies and increased specialization. It is no longer true to say that doctors regard their profession as a sacred calling, and while the doctor-patient relationship still remains, it is not

39、 the relationship based solely on trust which it used to be. Of course there are many doctors who have endeavored to increase the transparency of their behavior as medical professionals, and patients can receive effective treatment when such doctors work closely together and share notes.An example o

40、f such cooperation can be found in the field of remote health care, which has been introduced on an experimental basis in several regions. Since most medical specialists live in cities, patients who live in the country have to travel a long distance to consult a specialist. This is especially hard o

41、n the elderly, both financially and physically. Through a computer network, patients who live in the country can consult a medical specialist in the city, tell him their symptoms, and receive advice without the need for a journey to the specialist s office. Also, with several doctors being assigned

42、to a single patient, the transparency of each doctor s behavior is further ensured.On the other hand, however, it is also true that remote health consultation is not generally regarded as a form of medical treatment. For any sort of consultation to be regarded as medical treatment, most people feel

43、that the patient must actually visit the doctor, and undergo an examination by the doctor in person. Remote health care is essentially a means for doctors to work as a team. In order for this to be practicable, it is important to establish a system whereby financial support can be extended to a doct

44、or who, as a member of a medical team, provides only information. Establishment of such a system will further advance the cause of “ free access to information“ in the health care field.65 Which is the best title for the passage?(A)Doctors; Patients Reliable Friends(B) Health Care in a Dilemma(C) In

45、formation Technology Applied to Medical Services(D)Doctor-patient Relationships66 As a result of the altered environment surrounding health care, medical practice_.(A)has experienced great changes(B) has changed its nature(C) has abolished the doctor-patient relationship(D)has lost its trust on the

46、part of doctors and patients67 When they work closely together and share notes, doctors can_.(A)work in a remote area(B) transparentize their behavior(C) set up a relationship with patients(D)treat financially and physically disadvantaged patients68 The writer urges that_.(A)remote health care be im

47、plemented(B) doctors be sent to the country(C) people turn down traditional medical treatment(D)a system offering doctor s financial aid be set up69 It can be concluded that_.(A)information will play an important part in the field of medical treatment(B) medical professionals will be more specialize

48、d(C) the difference between cities and the country will never be eliminated(D)it is impossible for patients to be treated without seeing doctors themselves69 For months Gina Cruz, a Manila grandmother, played Pepsi Cola s “Numbers Fever“ promotion lottery, buying several bottles a day and saving the

49、 caps, in the hope that one of the magic number, imprinted inside them would win her a 1 million peso($40,000)prize. When the magic number, 349 was announced in May 1992, Cruz was overjoyed to find she had not one, but two caps bearing the winning digits. She promptly fainted. “ My blood pressure shot up,“ she explained later, “probably from drinking to

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