1、2016 年山东省临沂市教师公开招聘考试(中学英语)真题试卷及答案与解析单项选择题1 下列哪一个现代心理学派强调以正常人为研究对象,强调人是一种自由的、有理想的生物,并且蕴含着巨大的发展潜能,反对环境决定和本能驱动?( )(A)行为主义(B)人本主义(C)精神分析(D)认知学派2 校园生活、班级人际关系、集体活动等属于( )。(A)显性课程(B)隐性课程(C)空无课程(D)狭义课程3 平衡木运动员在平衡木上行走时,主要依靠( )和( )来控制行走和平衡。(A)大脑;小脑(B)大脑;脊髓(C)脑干;小脑(D)大脑:间脑4 “一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳” ,这体现了条件反射形成过程中的 ( )现象。(
2、A)分化(B)泛化(C)退行(D)替代强化5 “甜蜜的嗓音 ”指的是下列哪一种感觉现象 ?( )(A)感觉后像(B)感觉对比(C)联觉(D)感觉补偿6 下列关于教育概念最准确的描述是( )。(A)教育是年长一代对那些还不能成熟地应付生活的年青一代所施加的影响(B)教育是“养子使作善也”(C)教育是有目的地培养人的社会活动(D)教育就是传递生产经验和社会生活经验7 窗外传来鞭炮声使教室里有的学生不再安心于课程的学习。从心理学注意的角度对这一现象的解释是( ) 。(A)有意注意和注意转移(B)无意注意和意识转移(C)无意注意和注意分散(D)无意注意和注意分配8 生产力、社会政治经济制度和文化都制约
3、着教育的发展,其中社会政治经济制度制约着( ) 。(A)教育事业发展的规模和速度(B)教育的领导权(C)教育的传统和变革(D)教育的内容和水平9 通常认为,一般能力的核心是( )。(A)记忆能力(B)观察能力(C)想象能力(D)思维能力10 儿童从会算“ 二个苹果加三个苹果等于五个苹果” ,上升到“2+3=5”的思维变化,体现的发展趋势是( ) 。(A)从动作思维到形象思维(B)从形象思维到抽象思维(C)从发散思维到辐合思维(D)从常规性思维到创造性思维11 下列关键期的说法错误的是( )。(A)关键期的概念起源于对动物的研究(B)错过了发展的关键期,人类个体的相关机能便无法弥补(C) 2 岁
4、左右是儿童口头语言发展的关键期(D)关键期主要集中在人类个体发展的早期阶段,为早期教育开展提供了依据12 下列现象属于情绪的是( )。(A)看到美味佳肴会让人产生愉快的体验(B)解答出一道难题时感到满足(C)撒谎后心里感到不安(D)游历美好山川时让人心生美感13 老师通过竞赛激发学生学习的积极性,属于( )。(A)认知内驱力(B)内在动机(C)自我提高内驱力(D)附属内驱力14 某人在遇到麻烦时,想寻求帮助又怕遭人拒绝,还有的人想跳槽到收入和福利较高的工作岗位,但又担心工作性质有差异和人际关系不容易适应。以上体现了动机斗争的哪两种形式?( )(A)双趋冲突和趋避冲突(B)双避冲突和多重趋避冲突
5、(C)趋避冲突和双避冲突(D)趋避冲突和多重趋避冲突15 推进学年制度,分科教学和班级授课,从无序的个别教学向有序的制度化的班级授课的转变,最初是由( )在( ) 中提出来的。(A)夸美纽斯;大教学论(B)卢梭;爱弥儿(C)赫尔巴特;普通教育学教育学讲授纲要(D)杜威;学校与社会明日之社会16 认为智力由语言智力、逻辑一数学智力、视觉一空间智力、认识自然的智力等八个方面构成,在每个个体身上的组合方式是多种多样的,每个人都有自己的独特之处,因而在评价学生时不能按照唯一的标准。这种智力理论是( )。(A)智力群因素理论(B)智力因素分析理论(C)智力三维结构理论(D)多元智能理论17 以下属于杜威
6、实用主义教育观念的是( )。(A)教师中心(B)教材中心(C)儿童中心(D)课堂中心18 因材施教与下列哪一条学生的身心发展规律相适应?( )(A)顺序性(B)阶段性(C)不均衡性(D)个别差异性19 关于学生的学习,下列说法错误的是( )。(A)学习不只是知识的获得(B)学习需要学生积极和主动的参与(C)教师把知识由外而内地灌输给学生(D)学生的学习以获取间接经验为主20 下列关于学生观描述错误的是( )。(A)学生是可以与教师平等相处的人(B)学生犯错误属于正常现象(C)学生是教师加工改造的对象(D)学生是发展中的人21 教师在教学过程中,而对各种突发情况能做出及时而智慧的反应,即具有教育
7、机智。这主要体现了教师劳动( )的特点。(A)复杂性(B)示范性(C)创造性(D)专业性22 P2T一种教师行为中,违反教师职业道德及有关政策法规的是( )。按名次排座位:作业完不成,罚站一星期:当众嘲笑、羞辱学生:对犯错误的学生进行适当的惩戒:教师辅导自己班的学生并收费用:因为找不到违反纪律的某个学生,就将全部同学罚站:对学生各方面表现及时向家长反馈:(A)(B) (C) (D)23 下列属于我国基础教育课程改革基本理念的是( )。倡导教师启发学生主动参与学习过程:增加课程难度:增强课程内容的生活化:增强课程内容的综合性:进一步强化分科教学:提倡学生自主学习(A)(B) (C) (D)24
8、下列描述符合国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(20102020 年)是( )。把教育摆在优先发展的战略地位:把育人为本作为国家教育工作的基本要求;加快普及义务教育;把促进公平作为国家基本教育政策;坚持以人为本,全面实施素质教育;义务教育阶段可以设置重点学校和重点班级;(A)(B) (C) (D)25 关于直观教学,下列说法错误的是( )。(A)直观教具的运用要注意与教学内容和教学需要的契合(B)直观过程要与讲解相结合(C)直观运用得越多学习效果越好(D)形象的描述、通俗的比较也属于直观手段26 教师法第三十七条规定,教师凡具有以下情形之一,情节严重,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。( )故意不完
9、成教育教学任务,给教学工作造成损失的;体罚学生,经教育不改的;品行不良,侮辱学生,影响恶劣的;教师进行有偿家教(A)(B) (C) (D)27 下列描述属于教师法第八条关于教师的基本义务规定的是( )。中国公民凡遵守宪法和法律,热爱教育事业,具有良好思想品德,具备本法规定的学历或者经国家教师资格证考试合格,有教育教学能力,经认定合格的,可以取得教师资格证;关心、爱护全体学生,尊重学生人格,促进学生在品德、智力、体质等方面全面发展;不断提高自己政治觉悟和教育教学水平;按时获取工资报酬,享受国家规定的福利待遇,以及寒暑假的带薪休假;制止有害学生行为或者其他侵犯学生合法权益的行为,批评和抵制有害于学
10、生健康成长的现象;遵守宪法、法律和职业道德,为人师表(A)(B) (C) (D)28 “其身正,不令而行;其身不正,虽令不从。”能够有效解释这一现象的学习理论是( )。(A)建构主义学习理论(B)人本主义学习理论(C)认知学习理论(D)社会学习理论29 在教学过程中,通过对学生的口头提问、课程作业评议及书面测验等方式,对学生的知识掌握及能力进行及时测评和反馈,不强调成绩的评定,这种教学评价方式是( )。(A)诊断性评价(B)形成性评价(C)总结性评价(D)绝对性评价30 学生喜欢读自己喜欢的故事书,解答自己感兴趣的数学题,活动本身能给他们带来愉悦。这种指向学习任务本身的动机按照类型划分属于(
11、)。(A)外部动机和认知内驱力(B)外部动机和自我提高内驱力(C)内部动机和认知内驱力(D)内部动机和自我提高内驱力31 下列描述中属于激发学生学习动机的是( )。适当开展学习竞赛; 正确运用奖励和惩罚; 适当加大学生的课后作业量;指导学生对学习结果进行正确归因; 合理利用学习结果的反馈作用; 提高教学内容的难度(A)(B) (C) (D)32 学生学会了汉语拼音后再学英语字母时,经常把英语字母读成汉语拼音。这种迁移按照分类属于( ) 。(A)顺向迁移和正迁移(B)逆向迁移和负迁移(C)顺向迁移和负迁移(D)逆向迁移和正迁移33 与动作技能相比较,下列属于心智技能特点的是( )。物质性; 观念
12、性; 内隐性;外显性; 简缩性;扩展性(A)(B) (C) (D)34 家庭教育与学校教育、社会教育相比较,其优越性表现在( )。组织的严密性; 开放性; 天然的联系性;群众性; 内容的系统性;特有的继承性; 形式的稳定性; 职能的专门性:特殊的权威性(A)(B) (C) (D)35 教育对学生成长的重要意义表现在( )。(A)改善人口素质(B)促进经济增长(C)推动学生实现自己的理想生活(D)促进社会可持续发展36 认知学习理论和建构主义学习理论的基本共性是强调( )。(A)师生关系对于学生的促进(B)真实情境对于学生学习的价值(C)社会互动是学习的决定因素(D)先前经验对新的学习的影响37
13、 教师对学生不良行为进行矫正,以下做法正确的是( )。通过关心、爱护、培养师生情感,清楚对立情绪;通过有效的说服,提高明辨是非的能力;对于其不良行为不可以采用惩罚手段:对学生进行整齐划一的“ 军事化”管理:充分利用集体的力量,培养集体荣誉感:帮助学生形成和巩固新的良好的道德行为习惯:(A)(B) (C) (D)38 我国基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)中关于优化课程结构的叙述是( )。(A)改变课程注重知识传授的倾向,强调形成积极主动的学习态度,使获得基础知识和基本技能的过程同时成为学生学习和形成正确价值观的过程(B)改变过于强调学科本位、科目过多和缺乏整合的现状,整体设置九年一贯的课程门类和课时
14、比例,体现课程的均衡性、综合性和选择性(C)改变繁、难、偏、旧和过于注重书本知识的现状,加强课程与学生生活以及现代社会和科技发展的联系,关注学生的学习兴趣和经验,精选终身学习必备的基础知识和技能(D)实施国家、地方、学校三级课程管理,增强课程对地方、学校及学生的适应性39 在学习过程中,利用缩减和编歌诀的方法帮助记忆,这种学习策略属于( )。(A)精细加工策略(B)复述策略(C)组织策略(D)资源管理策略40 教学过程是一种特殊的认识过程,同时受认识论一般规律的制约,下列描述中哪一条是认识论的一般规律?( )(A)主要以掌握人类长期积累起来的科学文化知识为中介间接地认识现实世界(B)要遵循从生
15、动的直观到抽象的思维,并从抽象的思维到实践这样一个辩证的认识途径(C)需要在教师引导下进行认识,不能独立完成(D)是一条认识的捷径,是科学文化知识的再生产词汇与结构41 Lin Feng has_ good knowledge of English and this will be an advantage over others in finding_ proper job.(A)a; the(B) a; a(C) the; a(D)the; the42 It is not I but you who_the first to run to the goal in that competit
16、ion.(A)am(B) was(C) is(D)are43 The earthquake broke out on a day_my father left for America, a day_ I 11 never forget.(A)that; when(B) when; when(C) that; which(D)when; that44 Mary: Are you going to get your own car after the test? Mike: My parents have said they 11 get_for me.(A)one(B) it(C) this(D
17、)that45 To fully understand the writer, we must read not only between the lines but also_ the lines to know what is implied in the article.(A)among(B) in(C) beyond(D)for46 Look at the timetable. Hurry up! Flight 3753_off at 15:30.(A)will take(B) takes(C) is taking(D)has taken47 _ the students cant b
18、ear, according to the report is their parents high expectations.(A)That(B) What(C) Which(D)Whether48 Medical staff fled as flames and smoke filled an Indian hospital,_their parents to a fire, which killed 89 people.(A)abandoned(B) to abandon(C) abandoning(D)abandons49 I called you yesterday morning.
19、 A girl answered, but I didn t recognize the voice. Oh, it_my younger sister, she was in my room at that moment.(A)must be(B) must have been(C) might be(D)can have been50 The foreigners had just left the museum_they heard a bomb explode at the exit.(A)before(B) since(C) as soon as(D)when阅读理解50 More
20、than 25 years ago, when I was 15, my grandfather died. He was kind, strong, fair, and very funny. When I was a young musician, he was my biggest fan. I played my violin for him when he visited, and he loved everything, but each time he had one request. “Could you play Amazing Grace?“ he asked, full
21、of hope and with a twinkle in his eye, because he knew my answer was always, “I dont know that one! “ We went through this routine at every major holiday, and I always figured I d have time to learn it for him later.About the time I entered high school and started guitar, Grandpa got cancer. The las
22、t time I saw him alive was Thanksgiving weekend in 1985. My mom warned us that Grandpa didnt look the same anymore and that we should prepare ourselves. For a moment I didnt recognize him. He looked so small among all the white sheets. We had all gathered in Ohio for the holiday, and Im sure we all
23、knew we were there to say good-bye. I can see now that Grandpa held on long enough to see us each one more time. I remember how we ate in the dining room and laughed and talked while Grandpa rested in his hospital bed. I wonder if it was sad for him to be alone with our voices and laughter. Knowing
24、Grandpa, he was probably content.The next morning I found my moment alone with him. I pulled out my guitar, tuned to his appreciative gaze, and finally played for him “Amazing Grace.“ I had worked on it for weeks, knowing it never mattered whether I actually played it well and choosing not to believ
25、e as I played that it was my last concert for my biggest fan. The cancer had stolen his smile, but I saw joy in his eyes. He held my hand afterward, and I knew I had done something important.I argued with people all through college about my music major. I was told by strangers that music wouldnt mak
26、e me any money and it wasnt useful like being a doctor. But I know firsthand that with music I was able to give my grandpa something at a point when no one else could.51 Firstly, the author didnt play Amazing Grace for Grandpa because_.(A)she hadnt learned it yet(B) she found it difficult to play(C)
27、 she disliked playing it(D)her grandfather was just joking52 When the author finally played Amazing Grace for Grandpa,_.(A)she made him smile joyfully(B) she knew she must play it well(C) she brought him love and comfort(D)she believed she could play it many times for him53 From the last sentence in
28、 Paragraph 2 we can infer that_.(A)Grandpa treasured love from family(B) Grandpa was used to living alone(C) Grandpa was too weak to feel anything(D)Grandpa was optimistic about his health54 Which of the following was true according to the passage?(A)The author was 15 when she wrote the article.(B)
29、The author has a great affection for her grandfather.(C) The author prefers to be a doctor rather than a musician.(D)The author is confident that music will make her much money.54 The Internet has revolutionized our lives to such an extent that for most people, the global network has become more tha
30、n just a tool but rather an indispensable aid in everyday life. More and more people go online as wireless networks have brought the Internet closer and closer: its on our mobile phones, in our cars and TV sets, in hospital surgery rooms and in fishing boats that battle the waves of the Atlantic.And
31、 this revolution has brought along with it a new way of shopping. Both big and small, e-commerce websites have literally flooded the Internet by the hundreds of thousands. Anything you can buy from a brick and mortar store you can also buy online: from food and clothes to guns and ammo, no matter wh
32、at youre looking for, youre bound to find the right online store with just a few clicks of the mouse.This revolution has sent cold shivers down the spines of brick and mortar business owners. And what was their reaction? Theyve opened online stores to go hand in hand with their conventional business
33、es. Nowadays, every “Mom and Pops“ cheesecake store also has a website. In a recent survey, 68% of small business owners have stated that they are scared of being put out of business by the raging torrent that e-commerce has become. So its no wonder many of them have decided to join the revolution a
34、nd establish some kind of an online presence even though most of them have stated that they have an aversion towards the Internet.But do the big players have reasons to be afraid? Are we going to start seeing ghostly, deserted Walmarts across the country? Probably not in the near future but the day
35、will come when most people will just stop shopping offline anymore. A trip to Walmart wastes time, burns gas and sometimes adds a few extra dots on the stress counter.The recent advancements in mobile technology and the introduction of mobile phones with enhanced web capabilities has even made some
36、people order their groceries when they get out from work and have them delivered at their doorstep by the time they get home. And as “Time is money“, this practice is lifesaving for people who work two jobs.Technology will continue to advance and e-commerce will follow closely in its footsteps. Ever
37、ything will become easier and less time consuming, leaving us more time to enjoy the things that really matter in life: the ones we love, our friends and hobbies.55 What is Paragraph 1 mainly about?(A)The popularity of mobile phones.(B) The great impact of the Internet.(C) The importance of the Inte
38、rnet.(D)The function of the global network.56 In response to the threat of online business, the brick-and-mortar store owners_ .(A)have stopped their traditional business(B) have stated their dislike of the Internet(C) have established their own website(D)have opened their online stores57 What would
39、 be the best title for the passage?(A)A New Way of Shopping(B) The Internet Revolution(C) What Is the Reaction to Online Shopping?(D)Is Online Shopping the Future of E-commerce?57 Rock-paper-scissors is a game played all around the world. As kids, we have relied on it to settle disagreements with fr
40、iendsfrom which channel to watch to who gets to eat the last ice creamall because we think the results are completely random.But are they?Wang Zhijian, PhD, a professor at Zhejiang University, believes that there is a regulation behind this simple game. So, he gathered 360 students, divided them int
41、o groups of six and had each group play 300 rounds of rock-paper-scissors, reported USA Today.After the first results, Wang thought he was wrong, because players chose each of the three moves about one-third of the time, suggesting that the game is random after all. However, Wang later noticed a sur
42、prising regulation of behavior in the data.When players won a round, they usually stuck to the same choice. But when they lost, they tended to change to a more powerful move. For example, if Player A had just thrown down scissors to beat Player B s paper, Player A was more likely to throw down sciss
43、ors again while Player B was likely to choose rock, since rock beats scissors.According to Wang, this might be a function that is called “conditional response“. So, for the next step of his study, as he told BBC, Wang plans to do some research about how human brains make quick decisions when competi
44、ng.Now that you ve learned how to predict the moves of your opponent, you 11 have an advantage next time you play rock-paper-scissors with your friends. But there is one problem: make sure they haven t read about Wang s study, or your advantage will disappear.58 What does the underlined word “random
45、“ in the first paragraph probably mean?(A)equal(B) amusing(C) unpredictable(D)strange59 Whats Wangs discovery of the surprising regulation of behavior?(A)300 rounds of rock-paper-scissors can be done at once.(B) The game rock-paper-scissors is random after all.(C) The game is based on “conditional r
46、esponse“.(D)The response of players doesnt seem random.60 If Player A has used rock to beat Player B s scissors, what will they probably do next?(A)Player A is more likely to choose scissors.(B) Player B is more likely to choose paper.(C) Player A is more likely to choose paper.(D)Player B is more l
47、ikely to choose rock.阅读填空60 An old Spanish proverb goes, “Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week.“ How many times have we put off our dreams until tomorrow? Too many. Our dreams should not, and cannot wait. It is universally【K1】_ (acknowledge)that everybody is going to die at one point. None
48、of us know【K2 】_day, or the hour. You can dream about writing a great American play,【K3 】_it is never going to happen if you dont actually put pen to paper. In other words, dreams cant come true【K4】_you take action. Tomorrow is not promised. Today is all we have. Therefore, dont go to your grave【K5】_unfulfilled dreams. One of the biggest dreams killers is fear. There are so many people who could have achieved【K6】_ (amaze)things if only they werent afraid. Just think about all the thing
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