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本文([职业资格类试卷]教师公开招聘考试(中学英语)模拟试卷18(无答案).doc)为本站会员(syndromehi216)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、教师公开招聘考试(中学英语)模拟试卷 18(无答案)单项选择题1 高中英语课程改革的主要目的是:建立新的外语教育教学理念,使课程设置和课程内容具有( ) 。(A)时代性、基础性和选择性(B)科学性、教育性和时代性(C)前沿性、科学性和基础性(D)基础性、教育性和全面性2 影响英语教育质量的各因素中,( )是中心。(A)学习者(B)教师(C)外语教育政策(D)教材3 以下哪一项不属于高中英语教学着重培养学生的能力?(A)在人际交往中得体地使用英语的能力(B)用英语获取和处理信息的能力(C)用英语分析问题和解决问题的能力(D)熟练地使用英语的能力4 ( )包含了基础教育阶段中语言知识部分所要求掌握

2、的内容,即语音、词汇、语法、话题、功能、结构等。(A)能力目标(B)情感目标(C)认知目标(D)知识目标5 选择教学方法的主要依据是( )。(A)教学目标和学生学习结果的类型(B)教学媒体(C)教师的爱好(D)教学有法,教无定法判断题6 终结性评价是检测学生综合语言运用能力发展程度的重要途径,也是反映教学效果、学校办学质量的重要指标之一。它所关注的主要是学生的学习过程,而不是结果。(A)TRUE(B) FALSE7 课堂教学的分析和评估有助于教师了解自己上课的效果,发现优缺点,总结经验和教训,也有助于教师明确原定课时教案之所以能实现或不能实现的原因。(A)TRUE(B) FALSE8 当代外语

3、教学法发展的趋势表明,教学法的研究重心正从“怎样学” 向“怎样教”转移。(A)TRUE(B) FALSE9 翻译法经常通过母语的翻译和比较,强调语法学习,强调对词汇和语法规则的记忆。它注重语言的实际应用。 (A)TRUE(B) FALSE10 研究性课程注重的是开阔学生的知识视野。 (A)TRUE(B) FALSE简答题11 谈谈你对“ 教师为引导,学生为主体 ”的认识。12 教师应采用哪些不同的方法向学生呈现新句型?13 新课程对教师提出哪些新要求?填空题14 基础教育阶段学生应该学习和掌握的英语语言基础知识包括( )、( )、( )、( )和( )五个方面的内容。15 ( )思维,也叫求异

4、思维,是沿不同的方向去探求多种答案的思维形式。16 高中英语课程要建立旨在促进学生( )的多元化评价体系。17 英语阅读中的细节阅读有( )和( )两种形式。18 ( )既是课程设计和实施的终点,又是课程设计与实施继续向前发展的起点。阅读理解18 There was a guy that was born with cancerHe could die at any momentSo he was alwavs athome,under his mothers careOne day he decided to go out,even if it was just for once!He as

5、ked his mother for permission and she agreedWalking down his block he saw many storesStopping at a music store he saw a very pretty girl of his own ageHe walked up to the counterShe smiled at him and asked,“Can I help you with anything?”The guy could only think that it was the most beautiful smile h

6、e had ever seen and stuttered(结结巴巴地说),“Well,Id like to buy a CD”He grabbed the first one he saw“Do you w 甜 lt me to wmp it?”the girl askedThe guy said yes and then took the wrapped CD homeFrom that day on he visited the music store every day,and each day he bought a CDand each day the girl wrapped i

7、t up and the guy stored it unopened in his closetHe was too shy to find the nerve to ask the girl out His mother noticed this and encouraged himThe next day the guY set out for the store with a determined mindHe bought a CD and the girl wrapped it as usualWhile she was busy he left his telephone num

8、ber on the counter and rushed out of the store The following day the guY didnt visit the storeWhen the girl called himhis mother answered the phone and started cryingThe girl asked her what was the matter“He died yesterday”the mother saidThere was a long silenceLater that afternoon the guYs mother e

9、ntered his room and Opened his closetTo her surpri8eshe saw a big pile of unopened CDs wrapped in festive paperWith curiosity she tore open the package and noticed a slip of paper“Hi!Youre cute;1 would love to meet youLets go 0ut some timeSophie.“The mother started crying as she opened another,and a

10、notherEvery single CD contained a slip of paper that said the same Thats the way life isDont wait to show those special people the way you feelTomorrow would be too late19 From the first two paragraphs we can infer that( )(A)the boy wants to go out to see what the music store is(B) the boy wotdd get

11、 permission from his mother no matter what he wants to(C) this is the first time for the boy to go out since he was born(D)the boy wants to go out to date with the pretty girl20 Why did the boy buy a CD every day from the music store?(A)Because he liked listening to music(B) Because his mother asked

12、 him to do 80(C) Because he fell in love with the pretty girl(D)Because he wanted to know what a CD is21 What may be the reason that the boy rushed out of the music store after he left his phone number at the counter?(A)Shame (B) Shyhess(C) Excitement(D)Fear22 From the eighth paragraph we know that(

13、 )(A)the boy left the unopened CDs for the girl(B) the girt liked the boy and wanted to date with the boy(C) the boys mother was sad to see so many CDs(D)the boy bought CDs for the girl and his mother23 Which of the following statements is the writers opinion of the story?(A)Dont wait to show your f

14、eelings(B) Life always goes like that(C) There is only one chance for everyone(D)Show your feelings in a proper way23 For most dog owners,the expression“work like a dog”doesnt make much senseBut some dogs happily perform every demanding jobs for much of their life,putting in a full days work just li

15、ke the rest of usGuide dogs,one of the most familiar sorts of working dog,provide an invaluable service to humansEvery day,they help their masters get from place to place more safelyWhat Guide Dogs DoGuide dogs help blind or visually impaired people get around in the worldIn most countries,they are

16、allowed to anyplace where the public is allowed,so they Call help their handlers be in any place they might want to go toTo do this,a guide dog must know how to:Keep on a direct route,ignoring distractions such as smeUs ,other animals and peopleMaintain a steady pace,to the left and just ahead of th

17、e handlerStop at all curbs until told to proceedTurn left and fight,move forward and stop on commandRecognize and avoid obstacles that the handler wont be able to fit through(nalTow passagesand low overheads)Stop at the bottom and top of stairs until told to proceedBring the handler to elevator butt

18、onsLie quietly when the handler is sitting downHelp the handler to board and move around buses, subways and other forms of public vehiclesObey a number of verbal commandsAdditionally,a guide dog must know to disobey any command that would put the handler in danger111is ability,called selective disob

19、edience,is perhaps the most amazing thing about guide dogs that thev can balance obedience with their own assessment of the situationThis capacity is extremely important at crosswalks,where the handler and dog must work very c1osely together to navigate the situation safelyDogs cannot distinguish th

20、e color of traffic lights,so the handler must make the decision of when it is safe to proceed across the roadThe handler listens to the flow of traffic to figure out when the light has changed and then gives the command“forward“If there is no danger,the dog proceeds across the road in a straight lin

21、eIf there are cars approaching,the dog waits until the danger is gone and then follows the forward command.On the Job and After HoursGuide dogs enjoy their work immensely,and they get a lot of satisfaction from a job well done,but theIle is no mom for typical dog fun during the work dayGames, treats

22、 and praise cannot distract the dog from helping its handler navigate the courseEven when the handler doesnt need assistance,a guide dog 0n thejob is trained to ignore distractions and keep stillThis is because a guide dog m beable to come to the handlers workplace or be in public places without cre

23、ating a disturbance.When you see a guide dog。n the job,it is extremely important that you recognize that it is atworkPetting 0r talking to the dog breaks its concentration,which impairs the handlers ability to getaround in his 0r her surroundingsPeople are very impressed with guide dogs and so we ha

24、ve a natural inclination to praise them,but the best thing you can do to help a guide dog is to leave it alone 80 that it can pay attention to its surroundings and maintain its focus on its handlerGuiding is very complicated,and it requires a dogs undivided attentionWhen a guide dog gets home at the

25、 end of the day, however,it will play and soak up praise just like an ordinary petGuide dogs make the distinction between work and play based on their lead harness:When the hamess is on, they must stay completely focused;when it comes off,its play time.Guide dogs work very hard every day,but they le

26、ad extremely happy lives,full of lots of attention and stimulationDogs only end up working as guide dogs if they absolutely love the work. In fact,many handlers report that their dogs leap enthusiastically into the harnes everry morning!TrainingPeople often mise Golden Retrievers(猎犬) ,German shepher

27、ds or Labradors(拉布拉多猎狗)as candidates of guide dogsOnce a dog is grown up,socialized and well trained,it goes to the guide dog school for evaluationIn some schooIsif a dog is suited for training but not quite ready,it may go back to the puppy(幼犬)raiser for a month or so to matureIf a dog is simply no

28、t suited for training,the school will work to place the dog in another line of work,such as tracking,or find it a permanent homeusually offering it to the puppy raiser firstAt Guiding Eyes for the Blind,only the top 50 percent of the puppies will stay with the sch001So the school places a little ove

29、r 400 puppies with raisers each year,needing only 200 dogs for the training programOf that 200,a small percentage will become breeding stockfor Guiding Eyes or another school,and the rest will be considered for the training program.Training is a rigorous process for both the instructors and the dogs

30、,but its also a lot of funTomake sure the dogs are up to the challenge,most schools test them extensively before beginning the tiainingThe tests are designed to assess the dogsself-confidence level,since only extremely confident dogs wiU be able to deal with the pressure of guiding instructionIf a d

31、og passes the tests,it begins the training program fight awayDifferent schools haye different programs,but typically,training will last four to five monthsTo make suIle the dogs master all the complex guide skills,the instructors have to introduce them to each idea graaduaUyOnce they have introduced

32、 what is expected of the dog,training is essentially a matter of rewarding correct performance and punishing incorrect performanceThis works with dogs because they are pack animals and have a natural need to please an authority figureThe instructor,or later the handleris simply stepping into the pla

33、ce of the alpha dog,the leader of the packUnlike ordinary obedience training,guide dog training does not use food as a reward for good performanceThis is because a guide dog must be able to work around food without being distracted by it .Insteadinstructors use praise or other reward systems to enco

34、urage correct performance.The standard means of correction is pulling on the dogs leash,so that it pulls a training collar,giving the dog a slight pinch(捏,掐)Using this basic rewardpunishment system,instructors work through the necessary skills for guiding.Forming a TeamThe final stage of a guide dog

35、s training is learning to work with its new master.Guide dog traming schoo1s work very hard to match handlers with guide dogs according to the compatibility oftheir personalitiesA very energetic dog typically does well with a young handler,while an older handler mav need an especially careful partne

36、rSchools often have a special gathering to commemorate the time when a new class of guide dogs finally meets their masters Often,the dogspuppy raiser attends and meets with the new master as wellThis is perhaps the most emotional time in the entire trammg processAfter this introduction,guide dog ins

37、tructors typically spend a month helping the new team learn to work togetherMany sch001s have dormitories for the handlers to stay in during this final stage of trainingIf the handler has never used a guide dog before,a lot of the instructors work at this point are actually people training,not dog t

38、rainingThe handler has to learn to read the dogs movement,so he or she knows when the dog is turning or when the dog is stopping for a crosswalk or stairs.Additionally,the handler has to learn a11 the commands the dog knows,and must get some practice walking with the dogThe dog has to make the trans

39、ition from obeying the instructor to recognizing the handler as its new masterThe handler and the dog spend a lot of time just getting to know each other,so that they are comfonable enough to work as a teamBy the time they graduate from the guide dog school,they can read each others every movement24

40、 When a handler and a guide dog walk on the street( ).(A)the handier must walk straight(B) the dog must try to walk straight(C) both the handler and the dog should walk straight(D)neither of them has to walk straight25 Like other dogs,guide dogs( )ny command from the handler.(A)are supposed to ignor

41、e(B) are not supposed to ignore(C) are supposed to obey(D)are not supposed to oboy26 Which of the following statements is not true?(A)The handler and the dog must work very closely together(B) Dogs cannot distinguish the color of traffic lights(C) If there is any danger at crosswalks,a guide dog sho

42、uld notify the handler(D)If there is no danger ,the dog proceeds across the road in a straight line27 In the work,guide dogs will enjoy( )(A)the fun common dogs have(B) their work a lot(C) the fun and praise common dogs have(D)the satisfaction28 When you see a guide dog work very well,the best thing

43、 you can do for it is to( ).(A)Draise it(B) reward it(C) 1eave it alone(D)feed it29 A guide dog tells the time of play apart from that of work by( ).(A)the handlers command(B) its lead harness(C) the handlers whistle(D)its instinct30 When a puppy dog grows up,it is evaluated at the guide dog school

44、to see( ).(A)if it is suited for guiding(B) if it is ready for guiding(C) if it is suited for breeding(D)if it is suited for training31 Different from ordinary obedience training,guide dog training introduces praise or other reward systems instead of( )32 At the end of trainingthe guide dog school w

45、ill make sure that the dogs work well with33 Before graduationthe handler and the guide dog should spend time learning to read( )英汉翻译34 由于很多人没来,会议只好延期。35 城里的所有人都为胜利而高兴。 36 我不敢将他做的事告诉你,因为怕他对我发脾气。37 他冒着生命危险救了那个小女孩,为我们树立了一个好榜样。38 要是把他们捉到,那就更好了。 书面表达39 For this part,you have t6 write a short passageYou should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese: 1有人认为读书要有选择;2有人认为应当博览群书;3你的看法。

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