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本文([专升本类试卷]2003年河北专接本(英语)真题试卷及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(boatfragile160)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2003 年河北专接本(英语)真题试卷及答案与解析0 A forger(伪造者)is a person who makes an imitation or copy of money or a document. A forger usually sells his works to people who dont have much knowledge in the field.Robert Spring, a 19th century forger, was so good at his profession that he was able to make his living for

2、15 years by selling false signatures of famous Americans. At first he succeeded in selling his small but genuine collection of early U. S. autographs(亲笔签名).Discovering his ability at copying handwriting, he began imitating signatures of George Washington and Ben Franklin and writing them on the titl

3、e pages of old books. To lessen the chance of detection, he sent his forgeries to England and Canada for sale.In Springs time, right after the Civil War, Britain was still fond of the Southern states, so Spring invented a Miss Fanny whose financial problems forced her to sell a great number of lette

4、rs and manuscripts belonging to her famous father. Spring had to work very hard to satisfy the demand. All this activity did not prevent Spring from dying in poverty, leaving sharp - eyed experts the difficult task of separating his forgeries from the originals.1 Why did Spring sell his false autogr

5、aphs in England and Canada?(A)There was a greater demand there than in America.(B) There was less chance of being detected there.(C) Britain was Springs birthplace.(D)The prices were higher in England and Canada.2 After the Civil War, there was a great demand in Britain for_.(A)Southern money(B) Sig

6、natures of George Washington and Ben Franklin(C) Southern manuscripts and letters(D)Civil War battle plans3 Robert Spring spent 15 years_.(A)running a bookstore in Philadelphia(B) corresponding with Miss Fanny Jackson(C) as a forger(D)as a respectable dealer4 According to the passage, forgeries are

7、usually sold to_.(A)sharp - eyed experts(B) persons who arent experts(C) book dealers(D)owners of old books5 Who was Miss Fanny Jackson?(A)The only daughter of General “Stonewall Jackson“.(B) A little - known girl who sold her fathers papers to Robert Spring.(C) Robert Springs daughter.(D)An imagina

8、ry person created by Spring.5 Obviously it is meaningless in increasing your w. p. m. rate if you do not understand what you are reading. When you are consciously trying to increase your reading speed, stop after every chapter if you are reading a novel, or stop every section or group of ten or twel

9、ve pages if it is a textbook, and ask yourself a few questions about what you have been reading. If you find you have lost the clue of the story or you cannot remember clearly the details of what was said re - read the section or chapter.Try this from time to time. Take four or five pages of the gen

10、eral interest book you happen to be reading at the time. Read them as fast as you possibly can. Do not worry about whether you understand or not. Now go back and read them at what you feel to be your normal w. p. m. rate, the rate at which you can comfortably understand. After a lightning speed read

11、 through(probably about 600 w. p. m.)you will usually find that your technique that players use when they habitually run further in training than they will have to on the day of the big race.6 When you are reading a novel, the passage advises you to pause to check the content_.(A)every chapter(B) ev

12、ery hour(C) every three or four pages(D)after every page7 The purpose of pausing so often is to_.(A)rest the eyes(B) make sure you have not missed any pages(C) make sure you really understand what you have read(D)prevent brain fatigue8 If you have lost the clue of the story you are reading, the pass

13、age suggests_.(A)choosing an easier book(B) glancing back over the chapter you have just read(C) asking a friend to help you with the difficult words(D)learning the previous chapter9 The purpose of the lightning speed exercise is to_.(A)increase your normal speed by practicing at a very high rate(B)

14、 get through the book in half the time so that you can go on to with the next(C) help you understand more of the content of the book(D)enable you to win reading races against your friends10 The word “interest“ in Paragraph 2 means_.(A)attractive(B) easy(C) interesting(D)important10 Sports and games

15、make our bodies strong: prevent us from getting too fat, and keep us healthy.But these are not their only use. They give us valuable practice in making eyes, brain and muscles work together. In tennis, our eyes see the ball coming, judge its speed and direction and pass this information on to the br

16、ain. The brain has to decide what to do, and to send its orders to the muscles of the arms, legs and so on, so that the ball is met and hit back where it ought to go. All this must happen with very great speed: and only those who have had a lot of practice at tennis can carry out this complicated ch

17、ain of events successfully. For those who work with their brains most of the day, the practice of such skills is especially useful.Sports and games are also very useful for charactertraining. In their lessons at school, boys and girls may learn about such virtues as unselfishness, courage, disciplin

18、e and love of ones country , but what is learned in books cannot have the same deep effect on a childs character as what is learned by experience. The ordinary dayschool cannot give much practical training in living, because most of the pupils time is spent in classes, studying lessons. So it is wha

19、t the pupils do in their spare time that really prepares them to take their place in society as citizens when they grow up. If each of them learns to work for his team and not for himself on the football field, he will later find it natural to work for their country instead of only for his own benef

20、it.11 According to the author, sports and games are useful because they_.(A)help us lose weight(B) bring us much practice in body(C) make us fat and strong(D)improve our bodily strength and coordination12 The “complicated chain of events “ refers to_.(A)the passing of information and making of decis

21、ion(B) the meeting and hitting back of the ball(C) the coordination of our eyes, brain and muscles(D)a lot of practice before playing tennis13 By character - training, the author means that sports and games can help children_.(A)live a better life when they grow up(B) know better how to behave prope

22、rly in their future life(C) understand better the virtues they learn in books(D)take a better position in society14 According to the author, a childs character can be most deeply influenced by_.(A)what he does after class(B) what he learns in books(C) his place in society(D)his lessons at school15 W

23、hat is of the greatest importance to a football team is_.(A)its members(B) its team work(C) the football field(D)the climate15 In 1848 a settler in remote, undeveloped California discovered gold near Sacramento. As the news spread, a great tide of gold - hungry men flowed into California. These “ Fo

24、rty - niners“(migrants of 1849)came from Europe. Some of the people moved across the country by wagon, traveling almost half a year and meeting many hardships and danger. Others sailed all the way around South America, finally reaching the California shore. Since the first discovery was of tiny piec

25、es of gold at the bottom of a stream, many of the prospectors used pans and sieves, searching the waters of brooks and rivers for the precious specks of yellow metal. Others made channels to draw off flowing water in order to examine it carefully for specks of gold. They worked with almost insane de

26、termination and fierce competition.Life was hard and rough in the days of the California gold rush. A few of the adventurers became rich, but most of them were bitterly disappointed. After having uprooted themselves from home and from livelihood and after traveling the long, dangerous road to Califo

27、rnia, they had found little or nothing. Some returned home. But many remained in California to work and to settle as ordinary cozens without the riches they had dreamed of.It was this great influx of population that built up California very fast and led to its becoming a state of the United States i

28、n 1850.16 Many people rushed to California because_.(A)they were hungry for discoveries(B) they were attracted by gold(C) they were travelers form Europe(D)they looked for a new competition17 According to the author, some gold - seekers were perhaps from_.(A)South America(B) England or France(C) pro

29、sperous Sacramento(D)industrialized California18 In Line Two, “Forty - niners“ referred to_.(A)those people who left California(B) the number of the gold - rushers(C) the newcomers to California in 1849(D)the year of gold rush19 A great many people remained in California because_.(A)they found what

30、they had expected(B) life there was full of competitions(C) they had no better choices(D)they still dreamed of the riches20 What was the suggested title for the passage?(A)The California Gold Rush(B) The Migrants of 1849(C) The Hard and Rough Life in California(D)How to Find Gold in California二、Voca

31、bulary and Structure21 Have you_a single word Ive been saying to you?(A)taken in(B) taken up(C) taken over(D)taken off22 Dr. Paul charges a high_for his service.(A)profit(B) pay(C) salary(D)earning23 You should keep your anger_control.(A)with(B) below(C) under(D)within24 We all_the achievement he ha

32、s made in his experiment.(A)admire(B) adopt(C) advise(D)adjust25 Since we cant hear you at the back of the hall, youll have to_your voice.(A)rise(B) raise(C) arouse(D)arise26 Hes really a _man, who always does unusual things.(A)considerable(B) responsible(C) remarkable(D)available27 I_an old classma

33、te of mine yesterday evening.(A)ran out(B) ran into(C) ran over(D)ran away28 My sewing machine is not working_.(A)relatively(B) correcdy(C) properly(D)reasonably29 The manager promised to keep me_of how our business was going on.(A)to be informed(B) inform(C) informed(D)informing30 On our road of ad

34、vance we are_to meet with difficulties.(A)found(B) bound(C) forbidden(D)inclined31 It was not until 1936_those factories were rebuilt.(A)when(B) which(C) then(D)that32 There are only_factories in this city_before.(A)one -fifth as manyas(B) one -fifth as manythan(C) one -fifth fewerthan(D)as one -fif

35、thas33 Little_of passing the coming examination.(A)I did think(B) thought I(C) did I think(D)I thought34 It will not be long_we can have a trip to the moon(A)that(B) after(C) until(D)before35 In choosing a career, many young people would_of their parents.(A)take the words(B) listen to the advice(C)

36、follow the advice(D)hear the words36 Florida can_vegetables_the rest of the country in America(A)givewith(B) providefor(C) meetfor(D)supply. with37 He was in a traffic jam, _made him late for school.(A)that(B) which(C) what(D)how38 I dont think that I shall fail. But if I_I would try again.(A)should

37、 fail(B) would fail(C) shall fail(D)had fail39 _ had they heard the news_they rushed out of the classroom.(A)Hardly when(B) Hardlythen(C) Scarcelythan(D)No soonerwhen40 The subject_I am most interested is English.(A)in that(B) in what(C) in which(D)in where41 They are very sad to learn_students pass

38、ing the exam is small.(A)a number of(B) the number of(C) an amount of(D)the amount of42 I have never spoken ill of her, _I dont like her.(A)if(B) because(C) so that(D)though43 I have no doubt_he will overcome all the difficulties.(A)whether(B) if(C) that(D)so as to44 I gave him the book, but demande

39、d that he_it to me in a week.(A)will return(B) return(C) would return(D)returned45 Bobs right hand was seriously injured and he would be_for work for several weeks.(A)healthy(B) unfit(C) suitable(D)anxious46 Will you please telephone a hotel in the city to_a room for me?(A)book(B) occupy(C) preserve

40、(D)ask47 It seems to me that you have been_your studies recently.(A)ignoring(B) neglecting(C) overlooking(D)missing48 The song sung at the party reminded him_his first lesson during his school - days.(A)of(B) on(C) to(D)off49 Some people want to go hunting_others want to go fishing.(A)or(B) because(

41、C) while(D)since50 She is leaving her husband because she cannot_his bad temper any longer.(A)put up(B) put away(C) put by(D)put up with51 He came all the way to China for promoting friendship_for making money.(A)other than(B) better than(C) more than(D)rather than52 I prefer_.(A)watching sports tha

42、n playing them(B) to watch sport than to play them(C) watching sports rather than play them(D)to watch sports rather than play them53 _from a distance the mountain looks like an elephant.(A)Seeing(B) To seen(C) Through seeing(D)Seen54 Whether well go for picnic tomorrow_the weather.(A)decides on(B)

43、depends on(C) deals with(D)cares about55 The great scientists ability to learn from experience and experiment greatly_to his success.(A)related(B) owed(C) contributed(D)attached56 The drug which is suspected of having side effects has been_from the market.(A)taken(B) withdrawn(C) pulled(D)driven57 I

44、 am feeling too tired to drive any more, will you_?(A)turn over(B) take over(C) hand over(D)go over58 It would be_to get a second opinion before taking any further action.(A)sensational(B) sensitive(C) senseless(D)sensible59 She decided to_in the history course at the local evening school.(A)enter(B

45、) enroll(C) attend(D)register60 The fall in the number of deaths from heart disease is generally_improvement in diet.(A)attributed to(B) adjusted to(C) adapted to(D)accustomed to61 People are criticizing the economic policies that have_the decline of manufacturing industry.(A)adopted(B) accepted(C)

46、accessed(D)accelerated62 It was another four years before I could_as a lawyer.(A)enable(B) entitle(C) graduate(D)qualify63 She has_some very unpleasant habits recendy.(A)occupied(B) acquired(C) obtained(D)committed64 _the weather, we got here quite quickly.(A)Considered(B) Considering(C) Judged by(D

47、)Judging by65 I think Id like to stay at home this evening_go out.(A)but rather(B) just as well(C) rather than(D)more than66 She is very talkative, but her brother, _talks litde.(A)by comparison(B) in contrast(C) by chance(D)in consequence67 My new glasses cost me_the last pair that I bought.(A)as m

48、any as three times(B) three times as much as(C) three times as many as(D)as much three times as68 The under - 18s_nearly 25% of the towns population.(A)compose(B) consist(C) include(D)constitute69 The school has only been open for 6 months, so it is hard to_its success.(A)appreciate(B) estimate(C) evaluate(D)undermine70 The children in our family are always_to their elders.(A)respected(B) respectable(C) respectful(D)respective三、Error Identification71 AIn his Blatest article, the reporter criticized the w

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