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本文([专升本类试卷]2006年河北专接本(英语)真题试卷及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(arrownail386)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2006 年河北专接本(英语)真题试卷及答案与解析一、Phonetics(A)treasure(B) treat(C) pleasure(D)pleasant(A)insist(B) persist(C) inside(D)assist(A)fame(B) game(C) damn(D)same(A)fly(B) party(C) county(D)tiny(A)hell(B) hesitate(C) hen(D)hero(A)vague(B) value(C) vanish(D)valley(A)obvious(B) object(C) occupy(D)obey(A)uneasy(B) u

2、nion(C) unit(D)universal(A)warn(B) warm(C) farther(D)war(A)lecture(B) legal(C) lest(D)lend二、Error Identification11 Mr. Smith kept on Astudying Chinese and Buse it Cuntil he Dhad mastered it.12 AAlthough Peter Bhas been laughed a Clot, he wont Dgive up his plan.13 AHow could you Bhave done Cso much i

3、n so Da short time?14 IA cant hardly believe it Bwhen I saw it Cwith my Down eyes.15 YouA should Btake good care of Cthe books Dborrowing from the school library.16 He likes Anot only to discuss things Bwith me but also Casking Dfor my advice.17 AWhatever is worth doing Bat all is worth Cdoing Dit w

4、ell.18 If I Aworked Bwith him last year, I Cwould have got on very Dwell with him.19 My teacherA is talking Bwith an European student, who Ccomes from DGermany.20 They Acouldnt decide Bwhether they should Cleave the theater or Dto stay there.三、Vocabulary and Structure21 _for the timely investment fr

5、om the general public, our company would not be so thriving as it is.(A)Had it not been(B) Were it not(C) Be it not(D)Should it not be22 He took her_a close friend, so he spoke to her so familiarly.(A)to(B) in(C) for(D)on23 Believe it or not, last year, Matt earned_his brother, who has a better posi

6、tion in a big company.(A)much as twice as(B) twice as much as(C) as twice much as(D)as much twice as24 He failed to carry out some of the provisions of the contract, and now he has to_the consequences.(A)answer for(B) run into(C) bring up(D)step into25 How is it_your roommates request and yours are

7、identical?(A)if(B) that(C) so(D)what26 I struggled out of the ditch and my jeans were_.(A)striped(B) spilled(C) scattered(D)spotted27 Hes careless with money: _, he has a financial embarrassment.(A)constantly(B) consequently(C) consistently(D)continuously28 Mr. Harris decided to open a new store and

8、_many clerks.(A)put off(B) take up(C) turn down(D)take on29 Mr. Jones holds strong views against video games and_the closing of all recreation facilities for such games.(A)assists(B) acknowledges(C) advocates(D)admits30 Turn on the television or open a magazine and you_advertisements showing happy,

9、balanced families.(A)are often seeing(B) will often see(C) often saw(D)have often seen 31 Under heavy gunfire, the CNN cameramen risk their lives to give_battlefield reports.(A)side - by - side(B) word - for - word(C) down-to-earth(D)on-the-spot32 _driving to work, Mr. Randolph usually goes to his o

10、ffice by train.(A)Without(B) Instead of(C) Rather than(D)In spite of 33 Paul never learned a foreign language, _.(A)he doesnt think he has to(B) nor does he think he has to(C) neither he thinks he has to(D)he thinks he has not to, either34 I_the jacket at once: it was my brothers.(A)identified(B) re

11、garded(C) viewed(D)considered35 There is not the_doubt about what he said.(A)slightest(B) smallest(C) weakest(D)thinnest36 There is no doubt about the_of the medicine, only its a little too cosdy.(A)price(B) effectiveness(C) weakness(D)existence37 The real trouble lies in their_confidence in their a

12、bilities.(A)short of(B) reliance on(C) lack of(D)attitude to38 Recendy the newspapers have reported several_on the boundaries of Israel and Jordan.(A)incidents(B) affairs(C) accidents(D)happenings39 The cost of the project was much higher than our_estimate.(A)accurate(B) frank(C) rational(D)original

13、40 After being turned down several times, the young man felt_at the thought of looking any further for jobs.(A)embarrassed(B) disappointed(C) startled(D)discouraged41 Many people have the illusion that wealth is the chief_of happiness.(A)origin(B) source(C) resources(D)rescue42 My neighbor, George,

14、_ill -tempered when he is drunk.(A)attempts to get(B) pretends to get(C) tends to get(D)expects to get43 It was because the applicant was too conceited_he failed in the interview.(A)that(B) so that(C) so(D)therefore44 She_ meet her former instructor on the bus.(A)delighted to(B) happened to(C) pleas

15、ed to(D)managed to45 He walked_fast, so I wasnt able to catch up with him in spite of my great efforts.(A)excessively(B) normally(C) naturally(D)efficiently46 She was_a medal for her bravery.(A)rewarded(B) afforded(C) awarded(D)assumed47 The “lost“ money_to be in the safe all the time.(A)turned down

16、(B) turned out(C) turned in(D)turned up48 They_the apartment, or they wouldnt have stayed so long.(A)must like(B) must be like(C) liked(D)must have liked49 All research is based on work completed by_researchers.(A)previous(B) famous(C) ridiculous(D)innocent50 Mr. and Mrs. Smith were not rich themsel

17、ves, but they had a sympathetic heart and hated to turn away anyone in need of food and_.(A)bread(B) flat(C) shelter(D)employment51 The city was_destroyed in the earthquake in 1981.(A)extremely(B) virtually(C) at least(D)by contrast52 _, we went to the seaside for a holiday.(A)With the job finished(

18、B) With the job was finished(C) When the job finished(D)When the job has finished53 Miss Main kept practicing until she finally_herself for the job.(A)affected(B) balanced(C) qualified(D)identified54 The size of the audience, _we had expected, was a thousand.(A)whom(B) who(C) as(D)that55 The decisio

19、n made at the meeting was_to my wishes.(A)obvious(B) persuasive(C) severe(D)contrary56 The government_ to pressure from the trade union and decided to better the working conditions.(A)refused(B) responded(C) roared(D)instructed57 Though badly damaged by fire, the ship tried to_her home port.(A)make

20、for(B) fish out(C) bring back(D)give way to58 Uncle Sam is always proud of himself and_of others.(A)powerful(B) loyal(C) horrible(D)critical59 All of the people present agreed to discuss the issue at the next meeting_Mr. Smith.(A)but for(B) except(C) as to(D)than60 Martha felt that she really did no

21、t_to be given such a great honor.(A)reverse(B) reserve(C) deserve(D)preserve四、Cloze60 There are【C1】_homes in China today that do not have a TV set. Most people, old and young, like to spend some time watching TV for【C2】_relaxation or amusement after a days work or study. Television has become an ess

22、ential part in our daily life, keeping us【C3】_of the news, instructing us in many【C4】_of interest, and entertaining us【C5】_singing, dancing and acting. In some places, it is possible for people to go to school by watching TV, so a person may get good education at home.Children are【C6 】_viewers of te

23、levision. They are【C7】_fond of their TV programs that they often forget their meals and go to bed very late. This【C8 】_their parents very much. Some parents keep【C9】_that their children spend too much time on TV. But, 【C10】_, there is no need for them to worry about it. In spite of the fact that the

24、ir children spend less time on their lessons, they are benefiting a lot from television indeed.61 【C1 】(A)few(B) a few(C) little(D)a little62 【C2 】(A)neither(B) weather(C) either(D)whether63 【C3 】(A)informed(B) noticed(C) performed(D)acquired64 【C4 】(A)parts(B) fields(C) aspects(D)kinds65 【C5 】(A)fo

25、r(B) in(C) to(D)with66 【C6 】(A)normal(B) forever(C) permanent(D)keen67 【C7 】(A)such(B) so(C) very(D)too68 【C8 】(A)surprises(B) amazes(C) worries(D)influences69 【C9 】(A)complain(B) complaining(C) to complain(D)complained70 【C10 】(A)in fact(B) as usual(C) though(D)however70 There are two factors which

26、 determine an individuals intelligence. The first is the sort of brain he is born with. Human brains differ considerably, some being more capable than others. But no matter how good a brain he has to begin with, an individual will have a low order of intelligence unless he has opportunities to learn

27、. So the second factor is what happens to the individual in the sort of environment in which he is reared (养育). If an individual is handicapped (残疾的) environmentally, it is likely that his brain will fail to develop and he will never attain the level of intelligence of which he is capable.The import

28、ance of environment in determining an individuals intelligence can be demonstrated by the case in history of the identical twins, Peter and Mark. Being identical, the twins had identical brains at birth, and their growth processes were the same. When the twins were three months old, their parents di

29、ed, and they were placed in separate foster (收养的) homes. Peter was reared by parents of low intelligence in an isolated community with poor educational opportunities. Mark was reared in the home of well - to - do parents who had been to college. He was reared as a child, sent to good schools, and gi

30、ven every opportunity to be stimulated intelligently. This environmental difference continued until the twins were in their late teens, when they were given tests to measure their intelligence. Marks IQ was 125, twenty - five points higher than the average and fully forty points higher than his iden

31、tical brother; Given equal opportunities, the twins, having identical brains, would have tested roughly the same level.71 The best tide of the passage could be_.(A)Measuring Your Intelligence(B) Intelligence and Environment(C) The Case of Peter and Mark(D)How the Brain Influences Intelligence72 Whic

32、h of the following can sum up the main idea of the passage?(A)Environment is important in determining a persons intelligence.(B) Human brains differ considerably.(C) The brain a person is born with is important in determining his intelligence.(D)Persons having identical brains will have roughly the

33、same intelligence.73 According to the passage, the average I. Q. is_.(A)85(B) 125(C) 110(D)10074 The case in history of the twins appears to support the conclusion that_.(A)individuals with identical brains seldom test at the same level(B) an individuals intelligence is determined only by his enviro

34、nment(C) lack of opportunity blocks the growth of intelligence(D)changes of environment produce changes in the structure of the brain75 This passage suggests that an individuals I. Q._.(A)can be increased by education(B) stays the same throughout his life(C) can be predicted at birth(D)is determined

35、 by his childhood75 The fact that blind people can “see“ things using other parts of their bodies apart from their eyes may help us to understand our feelings about color. If they can sense color differences then perhaps we too, are affected by color unconsciously.Manufacturers have discovered by tr

36、ial and error that sugar sells badly in green wrappings, that blue foods are considered unpleasant, and the cosmetics (化妆品) should never be packaged in brown. These discoveries have grown into a whole discipline of color psychology that now finds application in everything from fashion to interior de

37、coration. Some of our preferences are clearly psychological. Dark blue is the color of the night sky and therefore associated with passivity and calm, while yellow is a day color with associations of energy and incentive (刺激). For primitive man, activity during the day meant hunting and attacking, w

38、hile he soon saw as red, the color of blood and rage and the heat that came with effort. And green is associated with passive defense and self - preservation. Experiments have shown that colors, partly because of their physiological associations, also have a direct psychological effect. People expos

39、ed to bright red show an increase in heartbeat, and blood pressure. Red is exciting. Similar exposure to pure blue has exactly the opposite effect. It is a calming color. Because of its exciting connotations(涵义), red was chosen as the signal for danger, but closer analysis shows that a vivid yellow

40、can produce a more basic state of alertness and alarm, so fire engines and ambulances in some advanced communities are now rushing around in bright yellow colors that stop the traffic dead.76 Manufacturers found out that color affects sales .(A)by training over a long period of time(B) by experiment

41、ing with different colors(C) by trying out color on blind people(D)by developing the discipline of color psychology77 Our preferences for certain colors are .(A)associated with the time of day(B) dependent on our character(C) linked with our primitive ancestors(D)partly due to psychological factors7

42、8 If people are exposed to bright red, which of the following things does NOT happen?(A)They breathe faster.(B) They feel afraid.(C) Their blood pressure rises.(D)Their hearts beat faster.79 Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?(A)Color probably has an effect on us

43、which we are not conscious of.(B) Yellow fire engines have caused many bad accidents in some advanced communities.(C) People exposed to pure blue start to breathe more slowly.(D)The psychology of color is of some practical use.80 Which of the following could be the most suitable tide?(A)The Discipli

44、ne of Color Psychology.(B) Color and Its Connotations.(C) The Practical Use of Color.(D)Color and Feelings.80 Charles Steinmets, at the age of twenty - seven, was already famous as an electrical genius and was becoming known as a warm - hearted, unusual character. One bitter winter day, an electrica

45、l engineer entered Charles small laboratory to discuss a problem. He found the youthful scientist working in an overcoat, fur cap and boots, his hands blue with cold. The engineer could not resist asking Charles why he hadnt built a fire. Charles replied that a mouse had babies in his stove and they

46、 were not old enough to move.Born in Germany over a century ago, Charles specialized in mathematics, chemistry, and electrical engineering. In 1889 he emigrated to the United States and found work in a factory located in Yonkers, New York. Although he was offered an important job by the General Elec

47、tric Company he decided not to accept it. Soon however, the General Electric Company purchased the company in Yonkers where Charles worked. He then moved to Schenectady, New York, and continued his experiments. Out of his laboratory came many experimental discoveries and over two hundred patents. A-

48、round that time electricity was used only as direct currents, flowing in one direction. It could not be sent more than several miles from the generator that supplied the power. The experiments that Charles conducted helped the electrical industry move forward in giant strides. One of his major contributions was the simplification of alternating current. In addition to his books on the theory of alternating current , he was also known for studies of lighting.81 This passage is mostly about_.(A)the growth of the General Electric Company ,(B) the character of the famous scientist(C) working c

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