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1、安徽专升本(英语)模拟试卷 2 及答案与解析一、Vocabulary and Structure1 The problem has_simply because you didn t follow my instruction.(A)raised(B) risen(C) arisen(D)aroused2 It is generally thought to be of importance to a man that he_himself.(A)knew(B) know(C) knows(D)must know3 Mrs. Smith, together with her friends,

2、r to visit the new museum.(A)are going(B) are(C) is going(D)will be4 _before we leave the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party.(A)Had they arrived(B) Were they to arrive(C) Were they arriving(D)Would they arrive5 You_read that article if you dont want to.(A)havent(B) cant(C) m

3、ustnt(D)neednt6 The building_mostly undamaged after the earthquake, and only minor repairs were necessary.(A)discovered(B) lasted(C) consisted(D)remained7 It was when we were returning home_I realized what a good feeling it was to have helped someone in trouble.(A)which(B) that(C) where(D)how8 He st

4、ood waving until the train was out of_.(A)sight(B) glimpse(C) scene(D)reach9 _ she had a solid background in mathematics, her lab skills were relatively undeveloped.(A)As(B) Since(C) That(D)While10 The preparations for the trip will be_till next week.(A)put out(B) put away(C) put off(D)put up11 Such

5、 a reliable person as him won t make_promises.(A)bare(B) empty(C) blank(D)vacant12 We enjoyed ourselves very much last night at the party. You_with us.(A)should have come(B) must come(C) must have come(D)should come13 One new_to learning a foreign language is to study the language in its cultural co

6、ntext.(A)approach(B) solution(C) manner(D)road14 Staring at the ruins of his house, he couldnt_how the fire had broken out.(A)bring out(B) turn out(C) figure out(D)pick out15 I didnt know what to do, but then an idea_to me suddenly.(A)happened(B) entered(C) hit(D)occurred16 The government has lost a

7、 great deal of_ because of the large increase in food price.(A)strength(B) support(C) agreement(D)vote17 I continued to study_the discouragement I had received.(A)despite of(B) despite(C) in spite(D)in spite that18 They said I had given_the whistle was worth.(A)twice as many as(B) as twice many as(C

8、) as twice much as(D)twice as much as19 Only under special circumstances_to take make-up tests.(A)freshmen are permitted(B) are freshmen permitted(C) permitted are freshmen(D)are permitted freshmen20 There is not much news in today s paper, _?(A)is it(B) isnt it(C) isnt there(D)is there21 The old la

9、dy was_to the young man who helped her find her lost grandson.(A)touched(B) grateful(C) cheerful(D)generous22 Silver is the best conductor of electricity, copper_it closely.(A)followed(B) to follow(C) following(D)being followed23 It wasn t such a good dinner_she had promised us.(A)as(B) which(C) tha

10、t(D)what24 Many newspapers printed the governor s statement_he would resign his position.(A)was that(B) which(C) that(D)it25 We will never forget the days_we spent together, singing and dancing.(A)that(B) in which(C) on which(D)when26 You ve already missed too many classes this term. You_four classe

11、s just last week.(A)had missed(B) miss(C) missed(D)have missed27 Not only I but also Ellis and Jane _fond of playing basketball.(A)am(B) is(C) was(D)are28 Teachers have no right to force their own opinions_the students.(A)upon(B) at(C) in(D)to29 The express train_and many people thronged to the stat

12、ion.(A)pulled in(B) pulled up(C) pulled on(D)pulled at30 Do you know what she is majoring_at college now?(A)on(B) at(C) with(D)in30 In its early history, Chicago had floods frequently, especially in the spring, making the streets so muddy that people, horses, and carts got stuck. An old joke that wa

13、s popular at the time went something like this: A man is stuck up to his waist in a muddy Chicago street. Asked if he needs help, he replies, “No, thanks. Ive got a good horse under me. “The city planner decided to build an underground drainage(排水)system, but there simply wasnt enough difference bet

14、ween the height of the ground level and the water level. The only two options were to lower the Chicago Riyer or raise the city.An engineer named Ellis Chesbrougn convinced the city that it had no choice but to build the pipes above ground and then cover them with dirt. This raised the level of the

15、city s streets by as much as 12 feet.This of course created a new problem: dirt practically buried the first floors of every building in Chicago. Building owners were faced with a choice: either change the first floors of their buildings into basements, and the second stories into main floors, of ho

16、ist the entire buildings to meet the new street level. Small wood-frame buildings could be lifted fairly easily. But what about large, heavy structures like the Tremont Hotel, which was a six-story brick building?That s where George Pullman came in. He had developed some house-moving skills successf

17、ully. To lift a big structure like the Tremont Hotel, Pullman would place thousands of jackscrews(螺旋千斤顶)beneath the building s foundation. One man was assigned to operate each section of roughly 10 jackscrews. At Pullman s signal each man turned his jackscrew the same amount at the same time, thereb

18、y raising the building slowly and evenly. Astonishingly, the Tremont Hotel stayed open during the entire operation, and many of its guests didn t even notice anything was happening.Some people like to say that every problem has a solution. But in Chicago s early history, every engineering solution s

19、eemed to create a new problem. Now that Chicago s waste water was draining efficiently into the Chicago River, the city s next step was to clean the polluted river.31 The author mentions the joke to show_.(A)horses were fairly useful in Chicago(B) Chicagos streets were extremely muddy(C) Chicago was

20、 very dangerous in the spring(D)the Chicago people were particularly humorous32 The city planners were convinced by Ellis Chesbrough to_.(A)get rid of the street dirt(B) lower the Chicago River(C) fight against heavy floods(D)build the pipes above ground33 The underlined word “hoist“ in Paragraph 4

21、means “_“.(A)change(B) lift(C) repair(D)decorate34 What can we conclude about the moving operation of the Tremont Hotel?(A)It went on smoothly as intended.(B) It interrupted the business of the hotel.(C) It involved Pullman turning ten jackscrews.(D)It separated the building from its foundation.35 T

22、he passage is mainly about the early Chicago s_.(A)popular life styles and their influences(B) environmental disasters and their causes(C) engineering problems and their solutions(D)successful businessmen and their achievements35 Most personnel managers agree that job interviews are one of the least

23、 objective recruitment methods. But the advantages of testing are not going to change the attraction of the interview to employers. The appeal of the interview has everything to do with the human factor.Most people believe that they are a reasonable judge of character and trust their instinctive fee

24、lings. We might use some kind of test to aid the selection process, but we usually pick a candidate who interviews well, has good qualifications and an impressive work record.But suppose the candidate lies or is less than completely honest, “ This can be a serious problem of employers,“ explains Ala

25、n Conrad, Chief Executive at Optimus Recruitment. “The most difficult liars to find are those who tell half-truths rather than complete lies. “ Research shows that up to 75 percent of resumes are inaccurate on purpose. The most common practice is omission.Interviewer should therefore concentrate on

26、areas of uncertainty such as gaps between periods of employment and job descriptions that seem strange. “Focusing on these areas will force candidates to tell the truth or become increasingly dishonest. This is usually when people signal their anxiety by their body language. Sweat on the upper lip,

27、false smiles and nervous hand movements all indicate discomfort. “Conrad does not suggest an aggressive policy-style interview technique, but insists that close inspection of a resume is absolutely essential. Only by asking the right questions can you confirm the suitability of the candidate or put

28、pressure on those who are being less than completely honest.36 The best tide of this passage can be_.(A)How to Catch Out the Dishonest Candidate(B) How to Find a Job by Tricks(C) Disadvantages of Job Interviews(D)Advantages of Job Interviews37 The liars hard to recognize are those who tell _.(A)comp

29、lete truths(B) complete lies(C) partial truths(D)mainly truths38 How were the job applicants able to lie without being detected?(A)By leaving out some necessary information.(B) By providing more information than needed.(C) By using their body language.(D)By telling some unbelievable lies.39 In order

30、 to pick up a qualified and an honest candidate, Conrad suggests that we_.(A)examine the resumes carefully(B) inspect the candidates aggressively(C) correct the resumes intentionally(D)compare one s resume with others40 What is the author s attitude towards job interviews?(A)Most objective.(B) Too s

31、ubjective.(C) Suspicious.(D)Credulous.40 In the United States 84 colleges now accept just women. Most of them were established in the 19th century: they were designed to offer women the education they could not receive anywhere else. At that time major universities and colleges accept only men. In t

32、he past 20 years many young women have chosen to study at colleges that accept both men and women. As a result, some womens colleges decided to accept men students too. Others, however, refused to change. Now these schools are popular again.The president of Trinity College in Washington, D. C. said

33、that by the end of the 1980s women began to recognize that studying at the same school with men did not mean women were having an equal chance to learn. The president of Smith College in Massachusetts says a women s college permits women to choose classes and activities freely. For example, she says

34、 that in a women * s college a higher percentage of students studied mathematics than in a college with both men and women.Educational experts say men students in the United States usually speak in class more than women students do. In a women s college, women feel free to say what they think. Women

35、 s schools also bring out leadership capabilities in many women. Women are represented everywhere.For example, at a womens college a woman holds every governing office. Recent studies reportedly show that this leadership continues after college. The studies show American women who went to women s co

36、lleges are more likely to hold successful jobs later in life.41 Why were women s schools started?(A)Women have more initiative in their own schools.(B) To separate men and women students.(C) To bring out women students full potentials.(D)At that time, women were not accepted by major colleges and un

37、iversities.42 How did the early women s schools develop?(A)As time went on, they began to receive men students.(B) They became obsolete once upon a time, but now popular again.(C) They insisted on accepting only women students.(D)Those who remain only women s schools become popular now.43 What can w

38、e infer from the comments of the president of Smith College?(A)Women have far more freedom in colleges for women only.(B) The courses in women s schools are easier than in other schools.(C) Women feel free to study what they are interested in a women s college.(D)Women can hardly compete with men in

39、 mathematics.44 What are the advantages of women s schools?(A)Womens schools can ensure that women can gain formal education.(B) Womens schools can guarantee that students have less competition.(C) Women s schools can offer more chances for women to bring out their potentials.(D)Womens schools can m

40、ake students concentrate on their studies.45 What was the attitude of the author towards women s schools?(A)Neutral.(B) Negative.(C) Positive.(D)Derogatory.45 In Britain there is a National Health Service(NHS)which is paid for by taxes and National Insurance, and in general people do not have to pay

41、 for medical treatment. Every person is registered with a doctor in his or her local area, known as a general practitioner(全科医生)or GP. This means that their names are on the GP s list, and they may make an appointment to see the doctor or may call the doctor out to visit them if they are ill. People

42、 sometimes do have to pay part of the cost of drugs that the doctor prescribes. GPs are trained in general medicine but are not specialists in any particular subject. If a patient needs to see a specialist doctor, they must first go to their GP and then the GP will make an appointment for the patien

43、t to see a specialist at a hospital or clinic.Although everyone in Britain can have free treatment under the NHS, it is also possible for him to have treatment done privately, for which he has to pay. Some people have private health insurance to help them pay for private treatment. Under the NHS, pe

44、ople who need to go to hospital may have to wait for a long time on a waiting list for their treatment. Anyone who is very ill can call an ambulance(救护车)and get taken to hospital for free urgent medical treatment. Ambulances are a free service in Britain.46 In Britain, the National Health Service re

45、fers to_.(A)a local hospital(B) a medicine supplier(C) a medical care system(D)an insurance company47 Under the National Health Service, British citizens_.(A)are all registered with a general practitioner(B) do not need insurance(C) can only go to see a general practitioner(D)cannot call in a genera

46、l practitioner48 People buy private health insurance in order to_.(A)pay for the ambulance service(B) receive free urgent treatment(C) see a general practitioner(D)have private treatment49 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?(A)People in Britain do not have to pay for any kind of

47、 medical care.(B) People in Britain may wait long for their free medical treatment.(C) In Britain you have to pay for ambulance service.(D)Britain private medical insurance is free.50 What is this passage mainly about?(A)Private medical care in Britain.(B) Roles of general practitioners.(C) Taxes an

48、d free medical care.(D)Health services in Britain.50 Dear Sirs,Today we have received your bill for 150 name-bearing(刻有名字的)crystal vases which you sent us on the other day.We had ordered these vases on condition that they should reach us by the end of June. But they arrived here 15 days behind the s

49、chedule.The customers refused to accept the goods because they arrived too late. Since the vases bear their names, we cannot sell them to other customers. So we asked the customers again and again to take the vases, and finally they agreed to accept them, but at a price cut of 30%.You may understand how we have lost the customer s confidence in

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