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本文([职业资格类试卷]四川省教师公开招聘考试(小学英语)模拟试卷7(无答案).doc)为本站会员(周芸)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、四川省教师公开招聘考试(小学英语)模拟试卷 7(无答案)单项选择题1 “桃李不言,下自成蹊 ”这句话所体现的德育方法是 ( )。(A)说服教育法(B)锻炼法(C)陶冶法(D)榜样法2 师生关系在人格上是( )的关系。(A)授受(B)民主平等(C)相互促进(D)依附3 把课程分为必修课与选修课的依据是( )。(A)课程任务(B)课程制定者(C)课程设置的要求(D)课程管理层次4 形式教育论和实质教育论的争论其实质是关于( )的争论。(A)直接经验与间接经验(B)知识与能力(C)分科与综合(D)知识与思想5 学生的思想品德是由知、情、意、行四个基本要素构成的,所以在教育过程中( )。(A)严格按照

2、知、情、意、行的顺序对学生进行教育(B)以情为开端,动之以情,对学生进行教育(C)以行为开端,从培养学生行为习惯人手,对学生进行教育(D)根据实际情况选择最需要、最易生效的因素为开端,对学生进行教育多项选择题6 为了体现课程改革的指导思想,英语课程采取_和_相结合的设置模式。(A)必修课(B)选修课(C)任务课(D)活动课(E)体育课7 下列说法符合英语新课程标准基本理念的是_。(A)面向全体学生,注重素质教育(B)整体设计目标,体现灵活开放(C)突出学生主体,尊重个体差异(D)注重过程评价,促进学生发展(E)注重教学模式,体现因材施教8 课堂教学中有交流传递可分为_。(A)提问方式(B)程序

3、学习方式(C)小组学习方式(D)研究方式(E)讨论方式9 根据知识本身的存在形式和复杂程度,知识学习可以分为_。(A)符号学习(B)上位学习(C)概念学习(D)下位学习(E)命题学习10 心智技能与操作技能相比,具有_特点。(A)对象的观念性(B)动作的外显性(C)执行的内潜性(D)运用的闭合性(E)结构的简缩性填空题11 英语课程改革的主要目的是:建立新的外语教育教学理念,使课程设置和课程内容具有_。12 新课标体现了全新的教育观念,全新的课程体系和结构,全新的教学方式的学习方法,新课标的核心是_。13 外语学习有助于促进学生_的发展和综合人文素养的提高。14 基础教育阶段英语课程的目标是_

4、。15 在英语教学中,我们多年来采用的评价方式是单一的鉴别型评价方式。根据国家基础教育课程改革指导纲要的精神,在中小学英语教学中建立新型的评价体系应体现一包括评价目标多元性、评价主体多元性、评价工具多元性。简答题16 如何对小学生进行英语单词教学?谈谈你的看法。论述题17 结合实例说明如何通过系统脱敏法训练人的行为。Vocabulary and Structure18 There_a football match next Wednesday.(A)will have(B) will be(C) is having(D)will give19 Can you tell me why_? Bec

5、ause I want to help the people there.(A)do you go to Tibet(B) did you goto Tibet(C) are you going to Tibet(D)you are going to Tibet20 _David swim_than Mike?(A)Do;slower(B) Does;slower(C) Do; slow(D)Does; slow21 Do you mind my asking you a personal question? _, any questions are welcome.(A)Never(B) S

6、ure(C) Of course(D)Yes22 _bad weather we are having! Weve never had_rainy days.(A)What a;such(B) How;so(C) What;such(D)What;so23 Mr. Green has little time today, _?(A)have he(B) hasht he(C) does he(D)doesnt he24 What was he doing at this time yesterday? He_to sing a song in English.(A)was trying(B)

7、is tried(C) is tring(D)was tried25 Would you like_more tea? Thank you. Ive had_.(A)any, much(B) some, enough(C) some, much(D)any, enough26 I think basketball is_. I like to watch it.(A)boring(B) bored(C) exciting(D)excited27 More and more people have lost their jobs and become_.(A)rich(B) strong(C)

8、fragile(D)lazy28 How often do you phone your family?(A)sometime(B) sometimes(C) some time(D)some times29 How happy we are_each other here away from home!(A)seeing(B) to see(C) seen(D)meeting30 _the window. Whats happening there?(A)Look off(B) Look over(C) Look out of(D)Look for31 He is so fat that t

9、he chair is not large enough for him to_.(A)sit(B) sit on(C) sit down(D)take a seat32 _of the twins passed the exam because they worked hard at their lessons.(A)Every(B) Neither(C) None(D)BothReading Comprehension32 Waste can be seen everywhere in the school. Some students ask for more food than the

10、y can eat and others often forget to turn off the lights when they leave the classroom. They say they can afford these things. But I dont agree with them.Waste can bring a lot of problems. Although China is rich in some resources(资源), we are short of(缺乏) others, for example, fresh water(淡水). It is r

11、eported that we will have no coal(煤)or oil to use in 100 years. So if we go on wasting our resources, what can we use in the future and where call we move? Think about it. I think we should say no to the students who waste things every day. Everybody should stop wasting as soon as possible.In our ev

12、eryday life, we can do many things to prevent waste from happening, for example, turn off the water taps(水龙头) when we finish washing, turn off the lights when we leave the classroom, try not to order more food than we need, and so on. Little by little, everything will be changed. Waste can be stoppe

13、d one day, if we do our best.33 From the passage we know that some students often_in the school.(A)eat too much(B) dont work hard(C) waste things(D)throw rubbish everywhere34 Which is not mentioned in this passage?(A)Fresh water(B) Forest(C) Oil(D)Coal35 What may happen in 100 years?(A)We may still

14、have enough oil.(B) We may still have enough coal.(C) We may have a little oil.(D)We may have no coal or oil to use.36 Which of the following is right?(A)Waste brings problems.(B) Waste can bring no problem.(C) China is rich in fresh water.(D)Students never waste things.37 Which is the best title of

15、 this passage?(A)Stop Wasting(B) School Life(C) Waste in the School(D)Rich Resources in China37 I will always remember my mothers last few days in this world.On February 14th, 2000, my class went on a field trip to the beach. I had so much fun. When we returned to school, my teacher told me to go to

16、 the headmasters office. When I got into the office, I saw a police officer. Suddenly I realized something was wrong. The police officer told me what had happened and we went to pick my sister up. After that, we went to the hospital and waited. Time went slowly. Finally, we got to see our mother. It

17、 was terrible.On the next day, the headmaster came and told my two teachers what had happened. I was taking a rest that day. I knew it had something to do with my mother. I kept thinking that she either died or had gotten better. How 1 wished that she had gotten better. When my teacher took me outsi

18、de, my sister ran up to me. She started crying, Shes gone. Teresa, mommys gone. Shes dead. “ I couldnt believe it. We jumped into the car and drove straight to the hospital. Most of my family were there. The silence was terrible. I knew I had to say goodbye.Today when I look back, I still miss my mo

19、ther very much, but I know that 1 will live. My mother was a strong mother, who had the biggest heart. My mother was an angel walking on the earth. I will always remember her as living. When someone is asked who their hero(英雄)is, they usually say someone famous, like Michael Jordan or Britney Spears

20、. When someone asks me who my hero is, 1 tell them, my mother. My mother lives every day. That is what makes her a true hero.38 Where was the writer when she learned her mother was very ill?(A)On the beach.(B) At the hospital.(C) At school.(D)At home.39 Who brought the writer the bad news that her m

21、other was ill?(A)Her sister.(B) The headmaster.(C) Her teacher.(D)The police officer.40 What did the headmaster tell the two teachers on the next day?(A)Her mother had been very ill.(B) Her mother had been dead.(C) Her mother had gotten better.(D)Her sister came to see her.41 From the last paragraph

22、 of the passage we know that_.(A)the writer is afraid of her mother(B) the writer is proud of her mother(C) the writer feels sad about her mother(D)the writer feels sorry for her mother42 The writer must think her mother is a_woman.(A)famous(B) free(C) rich(D)great42 Dear Lin Tao, How are you? Right

23、 now Im watching the weather report on TV. It says its snowing in Beijing. But here, in Australia is summer! Our summer is in December, January and February. Its really hot now. I like summer because my favorite sports are swimming, beach volleyball and surfing.Our autumn is from March to May. Some

24、trees turn yellow and orange, but many trees are green all year round. The weather is warm and sunny. We often drive to the Blue Mountains to enjoy the fresh air!Winter in Sydney starts in June and ends in August. The weather is not very cold. It never snows, but it rains a lot. Helen and 1 like to

25、watch football games, even in the rain. Sometimes we go to a beach and watch whales swimming in the sea.Spring here is from September to November. I like spring best. The weather gets wanner and everything begins to grow. Trees turn green and flowers come out. My family often have a barbecue at a pa

26、rk or on a beach.What about the seasons in Beijing? I know they are really different! What do you usually do in different seasons?Please write back soon!Best wishes, David.43 Whats the season now in Australia?(A)Spring.(B) Summer.(C) Autumn.(D)Winter.44 Whats the weather like in autumn in Australia?

27、(A)Its really hot.(B) It rains a lot.(C) Its warm and sunny.(D)It gets cold.45 What do they often do in winter in Sydney?(A)Go surfing.(B) Climb the mountains.(C) Watch football games.(D)Have barbecued.46 When is spring in Australia?(A)From December to February.(B) From March to May.(C) From June to

28、 August.(D)From September to November.47 What does David want to tell Lin Tao about Australia in his letter?(A)The time of different seasons.(B) The weather of four seasons.(C) Different activities in different seasons.(D)All of the above.47 When I Was twelve years old, my family were the first blac

29、k people to move into an all white part of Grand Rapids, Michigan . Many of our new neighbors werent very welcoming. Some of them said angrily that we should return to where we came from. The children sometimes threw stones at me or drove me home from school.Most of my teachers simply took no notice

30、 of me, but not Dorothy Bean, my history teacher. Miss Bean was angry at how badly I was being treated, but she didnt say this to me. Miss Bean showed her respect for me by teaching me just like anyone else. Instead of being unnoticed, I was given a chance to show that I was clever. Miss Bean was th

31、e first teacher who ever made me think for myself. She always wanted to know what I thought about difficult questions. Was Thomas Jefferson right to buy Louisiana from France? Why? She expected me to have my own idea. Miss Bean was teaching me that thinking for oneself was the real key to education.

32、One day, when I was not paying attention in class, Miss Bean suddenly threw an eraser at me. The eraser hit me right on the hand and sent my pencil flying. The whole class were very surprised at first, then started laughing. This event became famous in the school and, because it happened to me, the

33、students wanted to get to know me. So thats the story of how Dorothy Bean made me her target (靶子), and how I became just another kid in school.48 The author and his family were not welcomed by the local people because_.(A)they returned from another country(B) they had different skin color(C) they sp

34、oke a different language(D)They moved to a wrong place49 From the end of the first paragraph we know that_.(A)children are more friendly to strangers(B) American schools are not safe for kids(C) children often follow their parents behavior(D)fighting each other is one part of childrens nature50 At s

35、chool most of his teachers_the author.(A)were cold to(B) didnt notice(C) threw things at(D)got angry with51 Miss Bean respected the author by_.(A)giving him chances to answer questions(B) hitting him with an eraser(C) giving him extra lessons(D)treating him as one of her students52 To Miss Bean the

36、most important thing for a student is to_.(A)pay close attention to what the teacher says(B) learn to think and have ones own idea(C) keep silent and unnoticed in class(D)get special attention from the teacherClose52 Believe it or not, there are good reasons for wearing a school uniform. It makes yo

37、u【C1 】_proud of your school. It builds a common spirit of unity(整体) among students and【C2】_them of the values and history of their school. But for most students, school uniforms are not something to be proud of【C3】_Why【C4】_the school uniform just one day a week? Always wearing the same clothes makes

38、 me feel boring, a senior student from a high school complained (抱怨). I dont like the big English letters of the name of our school on the back , said a junior student, They could be【C5】_. The main students complaints about school uniforms are: simple colors, boring designs and bad【 C6】_. And a teac

39、her at a middle school in Guangzhou said that【C7】_a teacher and a mother, she eagerly【C8 】_the quality of school uniforms will be improved soon.What has caused all these problems? Chen Hong, a uniform designer in Shenzhen, pointed out that problems【C9】_because the whole society doesnt see the【C10】_o

40、f the school uniform.Most designers are【C11】_to stick to the same old fashion, 【C12 】_there are no professionals【C13 】_work for students, Chen said.His company【C14 】_most of the awards in the first national competition for school uniforms last month in Nanning, Guangxi.Besides, high quality calls fo

41、r a high price, said Chen. But in some schools, the annual expense for each students uniform is only 50 to 60 Yuan. How can we produce high quality clothes with so【C15】_money?Even with these problems, efforts have been made【C16】_the situation, according to Zhai Shiliang. 【C17 】_of the School Uniform

42、 Administration and Service Center in Beijing. A school clothes competition was held in April in Beijing. Thirty -seven uniforms, 【C18】_in schools next spring, were selected from 570. We will offer the samples(样品) for school to choose. Zhai said.The perfect uniform should remind the students of the

43、schools honor and cause them to be proud of it【C19】_they are. Chen said. Zhai added, During the 2008 Olympic Games, the whole world will see the new appearance of our【C20】_century young generation with new school uniforms.53 【C1 】(A)take(B) feel(C) to take(D)to feel54 【C2 】(A)remains(B) remember(C)

44、reminds(D)recalls55 【C3 】(A)at all(B) in all(C) for all(D)after all56 【C4 】(A)not to wear(B) to wear(C) not wear(D)wear57 【C5 】(A)large(B) larger(C) small(D)smaller58 【C6 】(A)quantity(B) amount(C) quality(D)unit59 【C7 】(A)as(B) like(C) for(D)with60 【C8 】(A)wishes(B) needs(C) wants(D)hopes61 【C9 】(A)

45、come through(B) come up(C) come in(D)come on62 【C10 】(A)importance(B) important(C) design(D)possibility63 【C11 】(A)like(B) possibly(C) unlikely(D)likely64 【C12 】(A)if(B) although(C) because(D)because of65 【C13 】(A)what(B) which(C) that(D)不填66 【C14 】(A)won(B) has won(C) wins(D)had won67 【C15 】(A)few(

46、B) little(C) much(D)many68 【C16 】(A)improve(B) develop(C) change(D)to change69 【C17 】(A)ahead(B) the head(C) no head(D)head70 【C18 】(A)being seen(B) to be seen(C) to see(D)will be seen71 【C19 】(A)whenever and wherever(B) when and where(C) what and who(D)whatever and whoever72 【C20 】(A)19th(B) 20th(C

47、) 21st(D)22nd单词拼写73 Please look up the new words in a d_.74 Im very h_. Please give me something to eat.75 Its e_for him to fly a kite. He can fly it well.76 The children are all Y_Pioneers.77 There are sixty m_in an hour.短文改错77 The problem is my weight. Im just 1. 57 meters high, but 【M1】_my weight

48、 is 75 kilos. Many students often make a fun 【M2 】_of me. Some boys were unfriendly for methey call 【M3 】_me meat ball . That makes me to feel unhappy. 【M4】_Although Im a bit too fat, yet I feel very well. I 【M5】_enjoy my meal. I love eating meat very much. And I like 【M6】_sweet food, though. I often have sugar with tea, milk. In 【M7】_the past two months I had put on 5 kilos. So Im becoming 【M8 】_more and more worried this problem, but I dont 【M9】_know to lose weight quickly. Could you help me, dear doctor? 【M10 】_78 【M1】7

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